Chapter 731 Gifts
I only heard Durbert Khan report to Li Dingguo: "The Zhasake Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan in Mobei spent the winter with my tribe. Send someone to pick it up!"

"What?" Li Dingguo was a little surprised when he heard it, and immediately confirmed, "You said that Zasak Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan in Mobei are both in your Duerbert department?"

After thinking about it, it doesn't seem surprising.

In such a severe winter, they lost their herds, and they would definitely not be able to survive the winter in Mobei. Then they would go west or east, seek refuge with other tribes, or rob other tribes' herds to survive.When we arrived at Duerbert's department, it was a normal thing.

Thinking of this, Li Dingguo couldn't help being very happy. For these people on the grassland, there is really nowhere to find them even if they have broken through their iron shoes. Unexpectedly, they were treated as a meeting gift by Durbert Khan. In this way, the three tribes of Mobei It's almost solved.

After Durbert Khan reconfirmed, Li Dingguo was obviously much happier than before, and immediately said to Durbert Khan: "I will send troops to your tribe immediately. As long as you can really capture them, you will definitely have a great contribution. I believe the emperor will be very happy too!"

Durbert Khan was very happy when he heard this, but he still hadn't finished his sentence, so he continued to say to Li Dingguo: "Master Hou, I can also persuade the Heshuo Special Division who stayed in the west to join the Ming Dynasty. But the Zhungeer Department may not be able to."

Gushi Khan was the great Khan of the Heshuote tribe, and also the great Khan of the four Wacha tribes.However, he was keen on religious wars and led the elite Heshuo Special Forces to the front line of Qinghai-Tibet.Therefore, the strength of Heshuo's special department has plummeted, and it can't keep up with Duerbert's department.

After Gushi Khan led the troops away, Wacha had the strongest strength in the Zhungeer tribe.

Durbert Khan has long seen that the Zhungeer tribe took the lead, reconciled with the Khalkha tribe in Mobei, signed a code of law, and advanced and retreated together. All these are actually quite ambitious.It is not so easy to make the Zhungeer department also surrender to Ming Dynasty.

And he is sure to persuade the Heshuo Special Department whose strength has been greatly reduced, which is equivalent to another credit for him. Coupled with the meeting ceremony, this is the confidence for him to choose to go to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth.

As for the Turhut tribe of Oach, it is too far away from Guihua City, and they are all in the Volga River Basin, so he didn't mention it at all.

At this time, upon hearing his words, Li Dingguo couldn't help being even more happy and said: "Your Majesty has always wanted to reproduce the Western Regions of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and even surpass the Han and Tang Dynasties. All of your contributions will help His Majesty's wish come true as soon as possible." I believe His Majesty will be very happy after receiving the report!"

In the Northwest Army, a few generals who had been in the capital before, as well as officials in frontiers, such as the governors of the three sides, the governors of Gansu and the governors of Yansui, etc., all knew that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to rebuild the Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty, and even went further. .All current strategies are actually planning for this goal.

These things of Durbert Khan have enabled this goal to be achieved a lot ahead of schedule.As the commander-in-chief, he is definitely happy.

As for Gao Yigong and the others who were eager to make military achievements, they were equally happy after hearing Li Dingguo's words.Although Duerbert's and Heshuo's troops may not be able to fight, since the emperor wants to conquer the entire Western Region or even more, they don't have to worry about having no battles to fight.

All of a sudden, everyone in the lobby was very happy.

Afterwards, Li Dingguo ordered Tian Jianxiu and Gao Yigong's two troops, a total of [-] cavalrymen rushed back with Durbert Khan to pick up the gifts.

Among these two troops, Li Dingguo made some adjustments after consideration. In addition to the Han army, the cavalry officers and soldiers of the three tribes in Mobei were mainly those who made meritorious service in the battle of Mobei.

Soon, Durbert Khan led [-] Ming cavalry troops and rushed back to his tribe through the snow.


Besides, Zasaktuhan and Tuxietuhan, after spending the winter here in Duerbert's department, they gradually felt something was wrong.

Although it is said that Durbert Khan shied away from the heavy snow to block the road and did not want to send people to contact the other Wacha tribes, which made them both very dissatisfied, but after all, they had no way to continue to urge them under the eaves of others, so they had to wait until the snow was small. If it is, or the spring of the coming year, then Durbert Khan will definitely have no excuses.

At the beginning, Durbert Khan still met with them every now and then to chat with them; therefore, although they restricted their movements, they didn't think much about it.

However, after a while, Durbert Khan gradually stopped seeing them.After a long time, they became a little depressed.No matter how unhospitality Durbert Khan is, he won't stay away for a long time!
After all, there are two of them, one is Tuxietu Khan, the most populous Khan among the three tribes in Mobei; But it shouldn't be so neglected, right?

Therefore, both Tuxietu Khan and Zasaktu Khan asked the people of Durbert's department who were protecting them about the situation.However, the answers he got all said that Durbert Khan was not feeling well, so he was recuperating these days.

Hearing this excuse, the two of them believed it at first.However, after a period of time, there was still no trace of Durbert Khan, so they asked again, and they also proposed that they wanted to see Durbert Khan.

Needless to say, their request was still rejected.

By this time, both Tuxietuhan and Zasaktuhan felt something was wrong.They wanted to visit each other, because they lived separately, but they were still not allowed; they were still not allowed to visit their own subordinates.

By this time, they really have to feel that there is a problem.

But for a while, they couldn't understand why Durbert Khan had put them under house arrest.
Is it because they don't see them as human beings when they don't have a tribe?

This shouldn't be the case, right?

That is to say, they have taken a fancy to Mobei and want to occupy it?
However, the barrenness of Mobei is not more suitable for grazing than the place where Duerbert's department is located?The population of their tribe has not reached the point where they need to move to the more remote Mobei?
After much deliberation, both of them couldn't figure it out. They didn't know what Durbert Khan was planning?
Based on their own experience, they never thought that Durbert Khan might go to the Ming army!

Because in their view, the Ming army could accept the surrender of ordinary herdsmen, but it would not accept the surrender of Mongolian nobles; otherwise, they would not ask or ask, and directly raided one tribe after another in Mobei.

Although Zasaktu Khan or Tuxietu Khan couldn't figure out what Durbert Khan was going to do, they knew that it would definitely not be a good thing for them.

The two of them are not fuel-efficient lamps. On the surface, they pretended to accept the reality in desperation, but in fact, they secretly planned to run away.

They first used the belongings they carried with them to try to buy the people who protected them; but these people were the confidantes of Durbert Khan, and they had repeatedly explained it before Durbert Khan left.Therefore, the bribes of Zasak Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan had no effect.

When a plan failed, they began to pretend to be sick and contact their subordinates;

With this move, the people of the Duerbert tribe who "protected" them had no choice.

As long as you persist in being sick, with the medical skills on the grassland, you will definitely not be able to confirm that you are pretending to be sick; and you are afraid that there will be an accident, and if the person is gone, Durbert Khan will not be able to explain it when he comes back;

Thus, Zasaktu Khan and Tuxietu Khan successfully met their subordinates.After avoiding the people who "protected" them, they communicated secretly, and suddenly launched an attack one evening.

In the yurt, looking at the tribe of Durbert who had been captured by his son, Zhasaktu Khan Subhadi immediately started interrogating and asked Durbert Khan the real situation.

Naturally, Durbert Khan would not be so stupid as to tell everyone his whereabouts, let alone the people who were guarding the three tribes of Mobei.In the entire tribe, the person who knew the whereabouts of Durbert Khan was the son he left behind to preside over the overall situation.

Therefore, even if Subadi interrogated him again, he only knew that Durbert Khan hadn't appeared for many days.As for whether it is sick or not, I don't know.

Subadi couldn't ask anything, although it was still white outside, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, they secretly rescued Tuxietu Khan, and then the two of them led dozens of men and headed westward in the snow, intending to seek refuge in Zhungeer's tribe.Because the relationship between Subadi and Zhungeer Khan is the best.He did not believe that he would receive such inexplicable treatment in the Zhungeer department.

The snow on the prairie is waist-deep in many places, and even in some places, it may submerge the top of a person's head, and at worst, it can reach knees.If you are not familiar with the terrain, the consequences can be very serious.

Going out into the wild in this season involves taking a lot of risks.If one is not good, it is estimated that it will be explained in the wild.

After escaping for a while, the group couldn't stand it anymore.Not to mention the exhaustion of their physical strength, the howling cold wind also made their journey even more difficult.

When the sky was getting dark, Subadi and others discovered that they had escaped for a night, and they could still faintly see the yurts of Dulbert's tribe in the distance;
In other words, they escaped all night, but they didn't escape very far at all.

"Forget it, let's go?" Tushetuhan was a little frustrated, and said to Subadhi, "We are not familiar with the terrain, and we don't have much food on us. If we go on like this, even if there are no pursuers, we may die. We're on the way! Why don't you go back, insist on seeing Durbert Khan, and ask for an explanation in person!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Subadi did not speak, and seemed to disagree, he went on to say: "Before the snow melts in spring, Durbert Khan will definitely not be able to go to other places. We strongly urge Next, I will definitely see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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