Chapter 733

Seeing Durbert Khan drinking horse milk tea, Oziertu Khan couldn't help it, and immediately asked: "Are you exaggerating, at most, you will be captured by the Ming army, and when the Ming army leaves , isn’t Mobei still from the Khalkha tribe?”

After hearing this, Duerbert Khan put down the horse milk tea and replied with a serious expression: "If that's the case, I wouldn't have come here in such a heavy snow! The Khalkha tribe is really gone!"

"..." Oqiertuhan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

This can be regarded as a matter of repeated confirmation, or is it true that such an answer is true?

After thinking about this, he came to his senses and couldn't help asking: "How many troops did the Ming army go? It's incredible that they were able to wipe out the Khalkha tribe in Mobei!"

Speaking of this, Oziertuhan said to himself again: "One hundred thousand, no, two hundred thousand? Or three hundred thousand? But this is impossible!"

As soon as Durbert Khan heard it, he knew that he was thinking about this matter with old ideas, so he reminded: "It's not two hundred thousand, let alone three hundred thousand, there are only less than twenty thousand cavalry!"

"What?" Oziltu Khan stood up immediately when he heard it, pointed at Durbert Khan, and said in a very dissatisfied tone, "You took such a big risk to come here to make this joke? What's the matter? Talk about something!"

"It's true!" Durbert Khan reaffirmed with a very serious expression after hearing this.

Seeing this, Oziertu Khan became even more unhappy, with an angry look on his face and said, "Do you really think I'm young so you can fool me? You..."

Before he finished speaking, he found that Durbert Khan's expression had not changed, and he was still very serious, so he couldn't continue with this follow-up.

He is indeed young, and in the past, he was still under the wing of his uncle Khan.However, no matter what, the basic thinking is still there.

Although at this time, he still didn't believe that the Ming army could destroy the Khalkha tribe with only less than [-] people, but it was impossible for Durbert Khan to be full and take such a big risk. It's dangerous, it's fun to come here to trick him.

In other words, although he couldn't believe it, it was probably true.Therefore, after being dazed for a while, Ozirtu Khan continued to say: "How did they do it?"

Hearing this, it was considered that the initial shock had passed, and it was time to get down to business.

So Durbert Khan immediately answered him: "The Ming army first raided the wintering ground of Zasaktu Khan's tribe, defeated the defenders there, captured the people of Zasaktu Khan, and agreed Those ordinary herdsmen, let them migrate south to Guihua City for the winter, and their future life will definitely be better than Mobei. And if they join the Ming army, they can have their own herds and land based on their military exploits; in the end, those herdsmen will Joined the Ming army, and then using this method, every time a battle was fought, the Ming army grew stronger. In the end, it swept the entire Mobei. From then on, there was no Khalkha tribe, only those who returned to the Ming kingdom Mongols."

Although there are still many details to achieve such an effect, in general, he did tell the general process.

"..." Oqiertuhan was stunned when he heard this.Such a style of play was something he never expected!It seems that he has never heard of such a thing since he became aware of it!

If you really want to say it, perhaps in the era of Genghis Khan, the most glorious era of Mongolia, annexing a tribe can immediately strengthen its strength to attack other tribes until the unification of the grassland.

But at that time, it was the war of the grassland tribes, and Genghis Khan usually used the way of recovering the tribe leaders to use it for him. It wasn't like the Ming army who even bought those ordinary herdsmen for their use!
Oqiertu Khan was not stupid at all, so he quickly thought of a key point, and immediately asked Duerbert Khan, "If the promise of the Ming army is not fulfilled, there will be chaos in Guihua City." ? Or, the Ming army also has heavy troops in Guihua City, so we are not afraid of their rebellion?"

After hearing this, Durbert Khan shook his head and said, "As far as I know, the Ming Kingdom already has the strength to resettle the three tribes of Mobei, and even in the future, they will have even greater strength to resettle more grassland herdsmen. !"

"..." Oziertuhan was once again speechless when he heard this.If this is the case, it is indeed possible.Those ordinary herdsmen who couldn't survive, or could live better, would definitely return to Shunming Kingdom.

He was thinking about it, when Durbert Khan asked him: "If the Ming army uses this method to deal with you and me, do you think our two tribes can handle it?"

Hearing this, Ozirtu Khan fell silent.

This is tantamount to beating people with wealth. It will definitely divide and attract many people to return to Shunming Kingdom!

No, at the same time, you must have combat power.Wealth without combat power will only attract wolves to snatch food.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately looked at Durbert Khan and said, "It's not right, it's not right!"

His words, on the contrary, made Duerbert Khan, who was confident that he was leading Oziltu Khan by the nose, bewildered, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

I only heard Oqier Tuhan looking at him and saying: "I remembered, as far as I know, the Ming country can't even support its own people, so how can it support hundreds of thousands of people in Mobei?"

Speaking of this, he paused and added: "By the way, you just said that the Ming Dynasty has the strength to resettle the people of Mobei. Why do you say that?"

It was not bad just now, and I was almost frightened by Durbert Khan!
But who knows, after he finished asking, Durbert Khan didn't hesitate, and said to him directly: "I rushed to Guihua City and saw it with my own eyes. The people of Mobei!"

"..." Hearing this, Oqiertu Khan couldn't help being stunned again. He never expected that Durbert Khan would rush to Guihua City in person. Isn't he afraid of danger?

Seeing his expression, Durbert Khan knew what he was thinking, so he explained to him: "I was deeply disturbed when I heard about Mobei. If the Ming Kingdom also uses this method to deal with me, I will I feel that I have no ability to fight back. Therefore, in order to confirm this method, the key is whether the Ming country can really accommodate so many herdsmen, and also, to see whether the Ming army has really become stronger, so I have to go there myself. You said, do I have to take a risk to feel at ease?"

Hearing this, Oziltu Khan couldn't help but nodded in admiration, agreeing with his statement.

Then, he said a little speechlessly: "Then are you at ease or not?"

If the Ming Kingdom does not have such strength, then he should feel at ease; but, just now he has said that the Ming Kingdom has such strength and he saw it with his own eyes, so he should not feel at ease, right?
Thinking about this, Oziertuhan couldn't help but smile wryly.

However, Durbert Khan told him, "I feel at ease!"

"..." Oqiertuhan looked at him speechlessly when he heard it. What does this mean? Can he still feel at ease?Shouldn't you be able to sleep at night?
Thinking of this, after he came back to his senses, he showed a helpless smile and said, "How can I still feel at ease!"

After hearing this, Duerbert Khan stared at Oziertu Khan, and said with a very serious expression: "Why can't I feel at ease, as long as I surrender to Ming Dynasty, isn't it all right?"

"That's true!" Oziertuhan nodded immediately after hearing this.But then, he immediately came back to his senses, and immediately showed an unbelievable expression, looked at Durbert Khan, and asked in a very surprised tone: "What did you just say, you surrendered to Daming?"

"Yes!" Durbert Khan immediately nodded and said, "Since you can't defeat the Ming Kingdom, if you don't want to submit, you can either move west to a place where the Ming army can't fight, or submit to the Ming Kingdom and become a powerful part!"

"..." Oziertuhan was speechless again after hearing this.

He really couldn't refute Durbert Khan's words.

The three tribes in Mobei, which were about the same strength as the entire Wacha, were all swept away by the Ming army.Is it possible that Wacha can still defeat the Ming army?

According to what Durbert Khan said, when the Ming army was strong, and faced with the Ming army and fought in a new way, if it could not cope, it had to move westward, to a place where the Ming army would not reach.

However, the migration of tribes is definitely not an easy task.

Good pastures have long been occupied by other tribes.And it basically conforms to a rule: good pastures have powerful tribes.

When the tribe occupies the new pasture, they must fight first. Whether they can win or not is another question!
Thinking of these things, Oziertu Khan looked at Duerbert Khan in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "If you return to the Ming Kingdom, what good will it do?"

After hearing this, Durbert Khan told him about Daming's latest grassland strategy without hiding it from him.

At this point, Oqiertuhan shook his head and said, "Let me hand over the Heshuo Special Department, this cannot be done!"

Before Gushi Khan led the [-] elites away, he had told him to be soft when it was time to be soft; based on this, he professed his vassal to the Qing Dynasty, and at the same time showed his favor to the powerful Zhungeer tribe.All of these are based on the fact that he is now the Great Khan of the Heshuo Special Department.

If there is no Pegatron Special Department in the future, he cannot accept it.

Durbert Khan understood this very well in his heart. In the beginning, he had actually struggled with it.It's just that he saw the strength of the Ming Kingdom in Guihua City, and understood that if he didn't follow, the Duerbote Department would also perish with a high probability.

And he is relatively old, and it is easier to see it than the young Oqier Tuhan: From ancient times to the present, the Mongolian tribes on the grassland have changed, and I don’t know how many there are!Even the most glorious tribe will perish sometimes, let alone the tribe that was not strong in the first place!
(End of this chapter)

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