Chapter 734 Explained
At this time, after hearing Oqiertu Khan's answer, Durbert Khan was not discouraged, and asked him directly: "Then do you think, is the Heshuo Te Troop able to block the attack of the Ming army, or is it the Wacha that can block the attack?" Ming army's attack?"

Hearing this, Oziertu Khan couldn't help but immediately remembered the new attack method of the Ming army. He wanted to say something that could be resisted, but he couldn't say it immediately.

He felt unable to cope with the methods of the Ming army targeting the herdsmen at the bottom.It is impossible for him to improve the lives of the herdsmen at the bottom just to deal with the situation of the Ming army.Because for the tribe, there are only so many benefits, and if more benefits are given to the herdsmen at the bottom, then the benefits of others will be less.And his position as the Great Khan is only possible because of the support of other tribe leaders.

Unless the Heshuo Special Department can obtain great benefits from the outside, then when he distributes these benefits, he can distribute a little more to the bottom herdsmen, so as not to cause great dissatisfaction and affect his position.

However, how can Pegatron's special department obtain great benefits from the outside?
If it can be like this, the Heshuo Special Department will not be weak!
When he was thinking this way, he heard Durbert Khan say to him again: "We Wacha, a total of four major tribes, have always been led by you and the Shuote tribe. However, since Gushi Khan led After the soldiers went to Qinghai-Tibet, now we have two leaders in Wacha. And to put it bluntly, when you face Zhun Erhan Baturhun, do you have the confidence to challenge him? And this , originally belonged to the power of the Heshuo Special Department!"

After Gushi Khan left, the Zhungeer Department showed a ferocious look and began to dominate Wacha's affairs strongly.The code of law with the Khalkha tribe was signed under the leadership of Baturhui.And his order has almost become the order of the leader of Wacha. Whoever dares to disobey, he will force Ozier Tuhan to go crusade together.

The previous crusade against the leader of the Heshuo Special Department, Kundu Lun Ubash, was an example of this.This battle is called the Battle of Uharrik.It was also this battle that made Ozier Tuhan realize that he could not compete against the Zhungeer Department at all.

However, no matter what, at least the Zhungeer department is powerful, but he is still the sweat of the Heshuote department.Therefore, Oqiertu Khan answered Durbert Khan with a little helplessness, "Baturhun and I are good friends, don't provoke discord!"

In fact, he had actually thought about handling the relationship with the Zhungeer tribe, that is, he planned to marry his daughter to Baturhun's son Sengge, so as to avoid making enemies with the powerful Zhungeer tribe for the sake of his in-laws.

Hearing his words, Duerbert Khan immediately sneered and said: "When Gushi Khan led the [-] Heshuote elite troops to leave, it was already doomed that Wacha must be dominated by the Zhungeer tribe. And The Shuo Te Department was originally the head of our Wacha. The rise of the Zhungeer Department must suppress the He Shuo Te Department. Today he uses this as an excuse to suppress your He Shuo Te Department. Tomorrow, he can use other excuses to occupy a piece of the original The ranch belongs to the Heshuo Special Department. Do you want to endure it until the day you are eaten away?"

After hearing this, Oziltu Khan subconsciously wanted to refute, but Durbert Khan was faster than him, and continued to rush in front of him and asked: "As much strength as there is, you can occupy as many pastures. On the grassland, there is always It is to follow this principle, right? The Heshuo Special Department is already weak, do you think the stronger Zhungeer Department will change this principle? Even if you have a good relationship with Baturhun, the patriarchs under him will not care about it? Will he not care about the thoughts of those patriarchs under him? On our grassland, being weak is the original sin!"

After hearing this, Oziertu Khan couldn't say what he originally wanted to defend.Because he knew that Durbert Khan's words were right.

On this grassland, weak strength is the original sin!
"The rise of the Zhungeer Department is irresistible!" Dulbert Khan continued to say to him, "Whether it is your Heshuote Department or my Duerbert Department, we must face the Zhuanger Department. Rise up, listen to his orders, and work for him. At the same time, we have to face the attack of the Ming country."

"I can tell you that the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty has already announced that he wants to reproduce the Western Regions of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and even has greater ambitions! At that time, let alone the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, the places further west will suffer from the Ming Dynasty. We What should the two tribes do under internal and external troubles?"

Hearing his words, Oziertu Khan suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked a little strangely: "There is a problem! The emperor of the Ming Dynasty should not have changed, right? Why did I hear that the pass is in chaos?" , the tribes on the prairie all surrendered to the Qing Dynasty in Liaodong; but according to what you said, the Ming army was extremely powerful, not only captured Guihua City, but also swept Mobei. It has only been a few years, how is it possible? "

At this moment, he has reason to doubt whether Durbert Khan is lying to him!

That emperor of the Ming Dynasty must be a fool, right? How could he change so much in just a few years? It's absolutely impossible!

Hearing his question, Durbert Khan didn't panic at all, he just answered him seriously: "It's very simple, the reason why the Ming Dynasty has such a big change is because the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, that is, Emperor Hongwu It has appeared! With him here, what is so strange about the changes that have taken place in the Ming Kingdom?"

Emperor Hongwu rose from the south and fought all the way from the south to the north, beating the mighty Mongol and Yuan empires to flee and collapse.His prestige, it can be said that in the hearts of the Mongols, it is definitely the first among the foreign races.

At this time, Oziertu Khan was dumbfounded when he heard what Durbert Khan said, the one who was really dumbfounded, with an unbelievable expression on his face, as if saying, how is this possible!

Durbert Khan sighed and said: "At first, I also wondered why the Ming Kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few years, and what I saw with my own eyes is true, it is even more unimaginable. But, if it is If Emperor Hongwu appeared, then everything can be explained."

Speaking of this, seeing that Oqiertuhan seemed to want to speak, he first said: "Don't say it's impossible! The sudden re-empowerment of the Ming Kingdom is the best proof. In addition, sweeping the three tribes in Mobei Do you know who the Ming Dynasty generals are? Those generals were originally traitors in the pass, and they were recruited by the court. If Emperor Hongwu hadn’t appeared, how could these rebels have been recruited and worked so hard for the Ming court?”

"Also, there is a very useful thing in the Ming Dynasty called cement. It is this kind of thing that has built countless houses in Guihua City, and this kind of thing is also very good for building water conservancy. It is also very powerful. steam train..."

Durbert Khan described all the incredible things he heard in Guihua City to Oziltu Khan.

It was impossible for people to believe such inconceivable things in the first place, but if they were added with the fact that Hongwu Emperor appeared, which was also unbelievable in the first place, it seems that they can be explained in series.

At the end of Durbert Khan's speech, he said to Oqiertu Khan with a very serious expression: "It is said that Emperor Hongwu showed his spirit in the Golden Temple and in front of all civil and military officials. This kind of thing is in full view. Under the circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to have fakes, right?"

Oqiertuhan is not a fool. He knows that if something is false, the less people know about it, the better.

If there were so many civil and military officials who all saw Emperor Hongwu appearing, then there was only one possibility, and that was the real apparition!

While he was thinking about it, he heard Durbert Khan mention another point: "A sachet is hung on the chest of the current emperor of Ming Dynasty. Inside the sachet is a treasure given by Emperor Hongwu, which can be connected to Emperor Hongwu in the sky. Many people have seen this magical treasure, there is absolutely no fake!"

After listening to his words, Oqiertuhan thought about all kinds of unimaginable things in the Ming Dynasty, but they could be connected, so he couldn't help but confirm: "What you said is all true?"

"The Ming army captured Guihua City and swept away the three tribes in Mobei. This is a fact. I also went to Guihua City and saw the cement and so on with my own eyes. Although I only heard about some others, I believe , must be true. Because I chose to surrender to Ming Dynasty, I want to go to the capital to see, I want to see if I have any blessings, and can I worship Emperor Hongwu!" After Duerbert Khan said, his face couldn't help A look of anticipation was revealed.

After hearing his words, Oziertuhan fell silent after being shocked.After thinking about it, he felt that Durbert Khan's words could at least be justified, that is to say, there was a high probability that it was true.

If this is the case, where does the Heshuo Special Department go?Where do I go by myself?

This is a problem!

He didn't have this ambition yet, and felt that he could be an enemy of the Ming Empire, which was manifested by Emperor Hongwu!

Thinking of Durbert Khan's choice, he sighed in his heart, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that there was still something wrong, so he asked Durbert Khan, "There is still something wrong, even if the Ming army swept Mobei three Clan, Zhasake Tuhan or Tuxie Tuhan, they must have escaped? How could they be wiped out by the Ming army?"

The topography of the grassland determines that if you want to destroy them, you will not be able to escape, it is basically impossible.

At least in this matter, he didn't trust Durbert Khan much.Because of this, and with it, I was a little skeptical about other things.

After hearing this, Durbert Khan immediately smiled and said, "That's right, they escaped."

"Where are the people? Where are they?" Oziertuhan asked quickly after hearing this, "I want to hear what they have to say?"

Durbert Khan didn't hesitate when he heard his words, and immediately replied: "They fled to my tribe years ago, so I can know these things."

(End of this chapter)

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