Chapter 735

After hearing this, Oziertuhan said urgently: "In that case, when will you come back? I will go with you. I want to hear what they have to say?"

When Durbert Khan heard this, he couldn't help showing a trace of hesitation on his face, as if he was a little bit entangled.

When Oqiertuhan saw it, he was a little puzzled, so he said to him: "Why, is it convenient to meet? Or, is there any problem?"

Durbert Khan was actually fighting in his heart just now, with two thoughts, one was to tell the truth, and the other was to abduct another one as a gift.

However, after weighing the balance, he finally had a choice, and immediately replied to Oqier Tuhan and said: "The Ming army has arrived in my tribe, and Zasak Tuhan and Tuxie Tuhan have been dedicated to the Ming army by me. How about you?" Do you need to go?"

"..." Oziltu Khan was a little shocked when he heard it, and just looked at Duerbert Khan. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

It was Durbert Khan himself, after a slight smile, he took the initiative to say to him: "Tell me the truth, the reason why I ran to see you at the risk of persuading you to submit to Daming is because if you submit to Daming, you will have A piece of credit for me. When the Emperor of Ming Dynasty rewards me for my meritorious deeds, it will also make me more comfortable in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Otherwise, why should I bother?"

Hearing his words, Ozirtuhan was speechless again, isn't this too straightforward?

Thinking of this, he came back to his senses, his face darkened and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will catch you and not let you go back?"

Hearing this, Duerbert Khan didn't panic at all, looked at Oziertu Khan, his eyes seemed to be able to see through his heart, and said to him at the same time: "I persuade you to surrender to Ming Dynasty, I have credit, you There are also advantages; now that the sky has changed, and even Emperor Hongwu has appeared, who else do you think can stop Daming from expanding? No matter what angle you look at, apart from clinging to the name of Heshuo Special Department, you can still what is the benefit?"

After a pause, before he could speak, Durbert Khan continued: "Besides, even if the Heshuo Special Department does not have your branch, will there still be on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? I believe you are a smart person, I've made it so clear that you should be able to make a decision that's in your best interest."

After hearing this, Oziertuhan lowered his head and did not answer right away.

When Durbert Khan saw him, he didn't rush him, and went to drink his horse milk tea again.Judging by his expression, he looked leisurely, as if he was very sure of what the Heshuo Special Department would choose in the end.

After a while, Oziertu Khan raised his head, looked at him, and asked hesitantly, "What about the Zhungeer Ministry?"

The Torghut Department was too far away, so of course it would not be considered; but the Zhungeer Department is not far from the Heshuo Special Department, just to the southwest of it.

After hearing this, Duerbert Khan put away his smile, his face became serious, he shook his head and said: "The strength of the Jungar tribe is the strongest among our Wacha tribe, and it is on the rise, I guess it is hard to accept The way of surrendering to Daming; if you don’t get hit, you won’t change your mind.”

Hearing this, Oziltu Khan couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The implication of Durbert Khan's words is that Heshuo is weak!

Back then, the Heshuo Special Division was the most powerful of all the tribes in Wacha!
Oziltu Khan's face was a little ugly, he lowered his head and fell silent again, obviously, a little sad.

When Durbert Khan saw it, he comforted him: "It's nothing to surrender to Ming Dynasty. You can choose to be rich and powerful, or you can choose civil servants and generals. They all have a future anyway. Although the Heshuo Special Department will no longer exist, your But the family can continue. Even with the strength of Ming Dynasty, your family might be even more glorious than before!"

Hearing this, Oziertu Khan couldn't help but smiled wryly, then took a deep breath, his attitude became a little more decisive, and he said to Durbert Khan: "That's all right, I'll send someone to go back with you to have a look first, If it is really what you said, then I will submit to Daming... then I will submit to Daming!"

He had to admit that Durbert Khan was right, and that was the only way to go.

Hearing this, Durbert Khan laughed, feeling that it was worth the risk to persuade him.

However, after thinking about it for a while, he reminded Oqiertuhan and said: "The Zhungeer tribe definitely does not want you to submit to the Ming Dynasty. If I am not wrong, they will probably unite as many tribes as possible to fight the Ming army. Yes. Therefore, you must not disclose the fact that you want to submit to Daming to the Zhungeer Ministry. By the way, you must be very careful about the people in your tribe and report to the Zhungeer Ministry!"

After hearing this, Oziertu Khan felt a bit harsh for some reason, and immediately said unhappily, "I haven't finally decided to submit to Ming Dynasty yet!"

After finishing speaking, he saw the speechless smile on Duerbert Khan's face, so he had no choice but to continue: "Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention."

Afterwards, Oziertu Khan ordered, summoned his confidants, explained the situation, and left with Durbert Khan the next day.

After sending them away, Oziertuhan sat in his king's tent, thinking about the past two days, feeling a little worried.

That old and cunning Duerbert Khan, he is good, not only dedicated Zasaktu Khan and Tuxietu Khan to Daming, but also persuaded himself to Daming, this credit to Daming is really...

Then why didn't Zasaktu Khan and Tuxietu Khan come to him first?

If I really have to surrender to Da Ming, without making more credits, my status with Da Ming will be a bit low in the future!

Thinking of this, Oziertuhan couldn't help but turn his mind to the Zhungeer Ministry.However, in the end he remembered Durbert Khan's warning, thought about it, and gave up the idea.


About a month later, the cronies sent by Oziertuhan returned and truthfully reported to him what they had seen.He also reminded Oqiertu Khan: "Khan, those Ming troops are indeed elite. Whether it is equipment or ordnance, they are much better than Tsarist Russia."

"The generals who lead the troops are called Gao Yigong and Tian Jianxiu. They were originally rebels in the pass and were recruited. They all said that after the emperor Taizu appeared, great changes took place in Ming Dynasty."

"In the Ming army, there are also some Mongols from the three ethnic groups in Mobei. I asked them, and all their clansmen were arranged in Guihua City and Pass, and according to the contribution of the Battle of Mobei..."

Listening to his confidantes' reports, Oqiertu Khan combined with what Durbert Khan said, and decided in his heart that he should surrender to Ming before the Ming army marched westward, so as to gain a certain status at least.

It's a pity that Durbert Khan has extra credit, but Oziltu Khan himself has no credit!
Regrettably, he began to prepare secretly.Make sure that when he returns to Daming with the Heshuo Special Department, he will not be discovered by the Zhungeer Department.

In the blink of an eye, it was March of the [-]th year of Chongzhen.On the grassland, everything is recovering, and it is time to travel.

Oziltu Khan prepared carefully, everything was packed, and he planned to go east on the pretext of transferring the pasture.

Just as he was about to set off, his subordinates suddenly came forward and said, "Great Khan, an envoy from the Qing Dynasty has come to see him."

When Ozier Tuhan heard this, he was a little surprised, because he remembered that the envoys of the Qing Dynasty had been coordinating the joint dispatch of troops from the Wacha, Khalkha tribes and Tsarist Russia to the Ming Dynasty.Before it snowed last year, he should have left Wacha and went to Tsarist Russia again.

Return at this time?This seems a little impossible!
Perhaps seeing his doubts, his subordinates quickly reported: "It's not the former envoy of the Qing Dynasty, but the new envoy of the Qing Dynasty from Liaodong!"

Hearing this, Oziertu Khan couldn't help but suddenly realized, that's right!

However, he immediately thought that when he arrived at the Heshuo Special Department, these envoys from the Qing Dynasty must have set off in the snowy weather. It seems that this journey must be quite hard!

Thinking of this, Oqiertuhan was very happy, and immediately asked his subordinates to invite the envoys of the Qing Dynasty to meet him.

In the king's tent, the envoy of the Qing Dynasty who had just entered introduced himself. The envoy was Ying Erdai, Jianlu's diplomat and financial expert; his deputy was Fan Wencheng.

After the two of them explained their identities, Ying Erdai immediately said seriously: "Khan, when we came over, we found traces of the Ming army at the side of Duerbert's department. But we dare not approach, we don't know what happened. What's the matter. Please take a look here, Khan, what's going on?"

After hearing this, Oziertuhan immediately said with a smile: "It's okay, I know everything about the situation over there, so don't worry."

Yingerdai and Fan Wencheng were a little surprised when they heard this, so they glanced at each other, and then Yingerdai asked suspiciously: "So, Great Khan is prepared. We looked, it seems Duerbert's department has been captured by the Ming army, and the Great Khan and Zhungeer's department need to be careful."

Fan Wencheng was on the side, and he also reminded: "It's better for Khan to be careful. The combat power of the Ming army is not what it used to be. If you are careless, you may be in danger."

After hearing this, Oziertuhan still smiled and said, "There will be absolutely no problem with the Ming army. However, I still need the help of the two of you!"

"What can I help you with?" Ying Erdai heard, and immediately remembered the regent's advice before, and quickly said, "As long as I can do it, you can say it, and I have nothing to say!"

Fan Wencheng at the side heard that, and also showed the expression of "no hesitation", and then said: "Daqing and Wacha are one family, so there is no need for Dahan, even if it is said!"

Hearing this, Oqiertuhan couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in his heart: You are obviously a Han, but you look like a dogleg, which is just right, let Daming take care of you later.

With that in mind, he spoke to them.

(End of this chapter)

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