Chapter 737
When Oziertuhan heard this, he couldn't help being very happy.

Although he was just a nomination certificate, he couldn't bear the weight of this nomination certificate!Hehe, Durbert Khan, even if you are scheming, you can't hold back my luck!
No, Oziltu Khan has been in a good mood.

Around the end of March in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the He Renlong and Li Guo troops of the Ming army arrived with more than [-] cavalry troops. Burt's department moved to the east and arrived at Baotou, where later generations lived.

The imperial court's new decree has come down, and a city outside the Great Wall will also be built here in Baotou, just in time for the population of Duerbert's department and Heshuote's department to enrich this place.

Of course, the Han population in Gansu and Shanxi Guan are also migrating here one after another.

When Ozier Tuhan and the others arrived here, several large buildings had already been built.The tall chimneys are also smoking.

Newcomers, seeing these buildings, have never seen them before, and they are all curious.

Those who have arrived first will have the opportunity to show off.

"This is a cement factory, do you know cement? It's a treasure, invented by the emperor."

"Some people say in private that cement is actually something from the fairy world. It was bestowed by the emperor Taizu, so it naturally belongs to the name of the current emperor."

"And that one is the steel factory, which is the former workshop, which is much larger than the workshop. It is prepared for the steam train. I don't know what a steam train is? Then you must open your eyes!"


Looking at this place, it suddenly became a lively place, and it seemed that it could become a big city in the near future.The newcomers from the Heshuote and Duerbert tribes couldn't help but be full of hope for the future.

The chiefs of tribes such as Oziltu Khan and Durbert Khan, no matter which surrender plan they finally chose, had to go to see them first.The route is to continue to the east, first to Guihua City, then to the east, to Zhangjiakou and then to the capital.

All the way to the east, Duerbert Khan was much more familiar than Ozil Tuhan because he had been here once, and he was more like a Ming Dynasty than Ozil Tuhan.

This made Oziltu Khan a little upset, but there was nothing he could do about it. There were indeed a lot of changes along the way, all of which were unexpected to him, so he could only listen to the old guy Duerbert Khan nagging there.

As they went east, they encountered more and more people.Most of them are herds, and those herdsmen are grazing, and they look very leisurely.The mental outlook of a person looks different from before.

Of course, I also saw teams of court cavalry in red jackets passing by on patrol from time to time.

Ozirtu Khan also noticed a situation, those court officers and soldiers seemed to have a good relationship with the herdsmen.

The court officials showed no signs of harassing the herdsmen, but those herdsmen even greeted the court officers and soldiers as if they were acquaintances.

This made Oqiertu Khan feel a little bit emotional: "The strategy of the court is to protect the cavalry of each ethnic group, so that there will be no unnecessary conflicts, which is convenient for management!"

When Duerbert Khan heard this, he despised him for a while, and then responded: "You can pull it down, the imperial court officers and soldiers are all mixed with various ethnic groups, how can each ethnic group guard their own ethnic groups, then why does the imperial court bother to rectify like that?" ?”

He knew why Oqiertuhan said that, so he added: "The imperial court officers and soldiers have three major disciplines and seven points of attention, and they have compiled a tune that every soldier must be able to sing. In a word, In a word, the military discipline is strict and will never disturb the people!"

"Ah..." Oqiertuhan couldn't help being a little surprised when he heard this.But after he came back to his senses, thinking about the court cavalry he had come into contact with before, it seemed that this was really the case.

Thinking about it this way, he had a very high understanding of the combat power of the Ming army, even if he had never seen a battle.

After all, he is a great Khan of a tribe, so of course he knows how important military discipline is to the army.

But even though he knew it, he couldn't make his subordinates do it.The reason is also very simple. Behind the strict military discipline, there is a lot of dedication, but he can't pay so much.

In other words, it was only because of the strong financial resources of the imperial court that this was the case.

Oqiertu Khan didn't know, in fact, it didn't have to be rich in financial resources, but it could also be at the level of spiritual concepts, and strict military discipline could also be achieved.

Walking along the way, watching along the way, these newly attached people are actually quite emotional, and they almost don't realize that this is the Hetao Plain occupied by the original Mott tribe.

On this day, when they were about to arrive at Guihua City, the group of them suddenly saw a lot of people watching in the distance, as if something big happened there.

This time, their curiosity was also raised.Just in the direction they were going, they all wanted to go and have a look.

The Ming army general who accompanied them back to Guihua City was Li Guo. He was also curious, so he took them there to watch the fun first.

Seeing their group, a troop of cavalry galloped over from the crowd, and the leader was Li Laiheng.

After seeing Li Guo, he was very happy, and Dang even shouted loudly: "The adoptive father came just in time, just in time to see Tieniu!"

"What iron bull?" Li Guo was very surprised when he heard it, and asked subconsciously.

Oziltu Khan and Durbert Khan were also surprised, and they all listened with pricked ears.

Li Laiheng replied excitedly: "The iron ox brought by the capital just now, the iron is well made, and it is being assembled! It is said that it is too laborious to open up wasteland by manpower, so His Majesty decreed to send the latest iron ox here. Open up wasteland."

"Iron can be good?" Li Guo heard it strangely, "What's the advantage of this? It's also the kind that boils water? Is it stronger? Does it stop eating grass..."

He has at least been to the capital, so he has some knowledge and can ask some questions.

However, Oziltu Khan and Durbert Khan were dumbfounded. Listening to their conversation, what did they think it was?What is the situation?

For a moment, the Wacha people headed by the two of them were stunned.

Li Laiheng listened to a series of questions, and he didn't know, so he just replied: "It is said that iron oxen have been used in the capital, but the first-generation iron ox is too heavy. Cows will save a lot of manpower, but I don’t know what it is like!”

When he was talking here, he suddenly heard a burst of cheers from the crowd watching in the distance.

Li Laiheng heard it, turned his head to look, then immediately turned back, looked at Li Guo, and said excitedly: "Father, it seems that it has been assembled over there, let's go over and have a look?"

After hearing this, Li Guo turned his head to look at Oziltu Khan and Durbert Khan and said, "Come on, let's go and have a look!"

Needless to say, of course these Oach people wanted to see what happened, and a group of people rushed over immediately.

When he arrived, Oziertuhan saw three things made of iron, which had already made a sound.Take a closer look and find that this thing is not like a cow at all.If you really want to compare it, it's about the same as a crab with multiple claws, right?Anyway, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a monster.

He looked depressed, so he turned his head and asked Durbert in a low voice, "Have you seen this thing before? Is it really useful?"

When Duerbert Khan came to Guihua City, when it was still covered with heavy snow, he would see Iron Bull, but in front of Oziertu Khan, he pretended to be innocent, nodded immediately and said: " Of course I’ve seen it before, this iron ox has great strength, much stronger than ordinary oxen, and if you hang a plow back on it, it will definitely be able to plow deep furrows..."

After hearing this, Oziertu Khan said a little strangely: "Then why didn't I see the plow? The claws on the back look sharp. What are they for?"

When Durbert Khan heard this question, to be honest, he really didn't know, at least he had never seen such a thing before. When he was thinking about it, suddenly, the three iron bulls started to move.

I saw that the iron bull not only moved forward, but also drove the row of iron claws behind him, grabbed the ground and turned it out again, driving the soil and turning it over.It's as if a group of people behind them used a hoe to renovate the soil; it's also like there are many plows hanging behind, plowing the ground together.

Anyway, the iron bull is moving forward, and the soil behind it is refurbished.And the speed of this iron bull is about the speed of a person walking.This speed is not fast, but if it is slow, it is definitely not slow!Because when the iron ox advances, the row of land behind it will be refurbished.

One iron bull is about one foot wide, and three iron bulls are about three feet wide.Just renovating the land at this speed, how much labor will it take?

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

If these three iron oxen can go on like this, then the boundless land here will probably be turned into a grain field in just a few days!This definitely saves countless hours of labor!
Can this iron ox support ten or twenty working men?No, if the time is longer, definitely more, one hundred is not too much!

Everyone watched this scene, just watching it motionless.

After a while, one iron ox broke down.

The technician from the capital immediately ran over to solve it. It took about a quarter of an hour. After replacing a part, it continued to move.

In addition, there is insufficient gas, which needs to be replaced, and it will take a lot of time.

But, no matter what, in the eyes of these onlookers, this is definitely a miracle.

No, when Li Guo yelled for them to go back on the road, Oqiertu Khan said to Durbert Khan in a very emotional tone: "I don't need to go to the pass, I already believe what you said right now." It's true!"

The iron bull can move by itself. If Durbert Khan hadn't said in advance that this is Gephysics, I would have thought it was a miracle!

Or, I should write to Uncle Khan now and tell him how powerful Daming is!
(End of this chapter)

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