Chapter 738

When Oziertu Khan and Durbert Khan entered the customs, an important meeting was being held in the governor's office of Fujian in the south of Ming Dynasty.

The attendees were quite mixed at first glance, because many of them were blond and blue-eyed Xiyi.

Wu Zhiping, the governor of Fujian Province, is sitting at the main seat. On his left is Frangji of Haojingao, also known as the head of the Portuguese army, commonly known as the Governor-General Du Huan; on his right is the Dutch embassy in Bada. Antony, governor of Via.

The real power figures of these two countries in the Far East received invitations from Daming to attend this meeting.

After hearing Wu Zhiping clasped his fists in the direction of the capital, he said to the two people below: "This official is ordered to hold today's meeting. First, based on the previous performance of your two countries, the emperor has allowed you to open some sea trade; generally speaking, It is to allow you to trade in the three ports of Fujian. After you really become a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, you will be able to trade in Tianjin, Zhejiang and Guangdong."

Upon hearing this, both Du Zun and Anthony couldn't help being very happy.

Although Portugal sent warships to attack the Spaniards of Luzon with the Ming Expeditionary Army, and followed the Ryukyu Expeditionary Army to attack the Japanese Kingdom; It played a decisive role and did not cause them much loss.

Subsequently, the Ming Empire officially opened Fujian to Portugal as a sea trade destination, which was a good harvest.

Because Daming had previously opened a port on the Fujian side, they were familiar with coming and going here.Of course, if the Ming Empire can open Guangdong, it will be more convenient for Portugal.And if Tianjin Port can be opened, then there will be more types of trade and more profitable.

These things are worth looking forward to.

For the Dutch, it is even more difficult.

Originally, they thought they were strong enough to forcefully knock on the door of the Ming Empire with guns, but they were taught a lesson instead, so that the trade with Daming has never progressed.

Later, the Dutch wanted to increase the pressure on Ming Dynasty and mobilize more warships to force the Ming Empire to submit, but the result was even worse.Not only was he expelled to Dongfan, but he also had to pay protection fees to Zheng Zhilong.

Later, the transit base built in Dongfan was wiped out by the Ming army, and the sea trade with the Ming Empire became even more out of reach.

But unexpectedly, things ushered in a turning point again.

On Anthony's side, he sent a fleet to respond to the call of the Ming Empire to fight against the Wa Kingdom. There was also no loss, but it was like going through a cutscene and gaining a real opportunity to trade with the Ming Empire. There is no way, and there is another village with dark willows and flowers!
At this time, no matter whether it was Du Zun or Anthony, they were very happy to hear the news announced by the governor of Fujian in the Ming Dynasty.

However, before they were happy, Wu Zhiping continued to say to them: "However, according to His Majesty's previous order, there are still things that need to be done before your home country becomes a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. , which has not yet been done.”

Hearing this, Du Zhen couldn't remember anymore, and his mind was full of real maritime trade with Daming, so he quickly responded: "Lord Zhongcheng, if there is anything else you need to do, please feel free to speak up!"

Anthony is more active than him. After all, he has gained the most. It is impossible to get the same treatment as Portugal in one step, so he quickly said: "Master Zhongcheng, we Dutch people are the most trustworthy in doing things. If there is anything, just tell me!"

After Wu Zhiping heard the words passed by the interpreter, seeing their positive attitude, he calmed down and said, "Annan is the territory of Ming Dynasty, and now the north and south rebels are poisoning the place. And you two just happened to help one of the rebels, According to the imperial court's order, Annan's side, your two families will depend on the situation, cooperate with the imperial court to dispatch troops, and put down the two rebels!"

Annan is the Vietnam of the later generations, and it is now the period of the Zheng-Ruan dispute; that is, the Zheng family is the official of the Northern Dynasty, and the Ruan family is self-reliant in the south.

But starting from the Jiajing period, Mo Dengyong and dozens of ministers knelt down and worshiped themselves, and entered Zhennanguan to ask the officials of the Ming Dynasty to surrender. The Thirteen Ways are the Thirteen Xuanfu Divisions, each with Xuanfu, Tongzhi, Deputy Envoy, and Qianshi, and they are all deposed.At the same time, he ordered Mo Shi to be the commander of the Annan capital, ranked second rank, hereditary, and a tribute every three years.

In other words, in name, Annan is already a part of Daming.

Wu Zhiping's speech is based on this background.

Today, not to mention Liu Weichao's factors, but without Liu Weichao's factors, since Emperor Chongzhen's ambition is to grow on the earth and look overseas, Annan has become very important, and of course he has to get it.

The so-called Annan Annan means to Annan.

Only when Annan is captured, will Da Ming's control over Nanyang become stronger.Even at this time, Daming can already influence Nanyang through Dongfan and Luzon, but it is not as convenient as Annan's side.

Therefore, in any case, Annan must be under the control of the court.

At this time, when Wu Zhiping mentioned this matter, Anthony and Du Zhen, who were enthusiastic just now, fell silent.

On Annan's side, whether it is the Portuguese or the Dutch, they have actually put in a lot of effort.I just thought that after helping the aborigines here to take control of the political power, they will be able to do business on a large scale.At the same time, they are also interested in Annan's location. If they set up a base in Annan, it will be very beneficial for them to travel between Nanyang and Ming Dynasty.

However, now that Daming said that all their previous efforts in Annan might be in vain, at least they thought so, and this made them a little reluctant.

In the lobby, it suddenly became quiet.

When Wu Zhiping saw it, he couldn't help frowning, and immediately asked, "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Hearing this, Du Zhen first replied: "Lord Zhongcheng, I only have some right to speak on Haojingao's side, or Daming's side, so I can make decisions. But on Annan's side, I can't do anything about it! , I’m afraid I have to discuss it with the people over there!”

When Wu Zhiping heard this, he was immediately unhappy, and immediately asked: "Why, didn't I make it clear just now that Annan is the territory of our Ming Dynasty, don't you know?"

"..." Upon hearing this, Du Zhen was speechless and forgot about it.

In fact, Daming has never had jurisdiction over Annan, and only has one name.Therefore, at this time, basically no one regards Annan as a part of Ming Dynasty.

But now that Wu Zhiping is serious, then Annan is a part of Daming.

Du Zhen knew that he had said the wrong thing. Seeing Wu Zhiping staring at him, he felt a little nervous. He was afraid that the relationship with Daming would go wrong again, and the good situation just now would be ruined.

So, he quickly changed his words and said: "Lord Zhongcheng, Annan is of course the territory of Daming. What I mean is that I am not in charge of that side, but don't worry, Lord Zhongcheng. I will definitely convey Daming's meaning and persuade those side."

As for the result of the persuasion, he did not say.

Wu Zhiping heard that he at least had an explanation, so he turned to look at the other one.The meaning is very clear, the Portuguese have already explained, what about your Dutch side?
Anthony was also a little tangled when he heard the reply from the Portuguese.

He is different from the Portuguese. He is the governor of Batavia and is in charge of the entire Far East.In other words, he can make decisions for the Dutch on Annan's side.

Considering that the relationship between Batavia and Daming is not as harmonious as the relationship between the Portuguese and Daming, there have been twists and turns in the middle, and thinking that Daming has agreed to maritime trade, and the money is rolling in is a foregone conclusion. In the end, he still replied Said: "There is no problem with our Dutch side. I will send an order to let them cooperate with the Ming army."

Wu Zhiping was very satisfied when he heard this, his face became calm again, nodded, and then said to Anthony: "Your Majesty also explained that the position of the Strait of Malacca is very important, so Ming will send troops to take the Strait of Malacca as a Overseas territories, when the time comes, please cooperate."

Regarding this point, he actually didn't pay much attention to it at all. It was just that the imperial decree said so, so he announced it.

In Wu Zhiping's view, it is not easy for the imperial court to govern overseas enclaves, right?I don't know what the emperor thinks, but he wants to go so far away.

After he finished speaking, he was about to talk about other things, but unexpectedly, the Dutchman didn't know what was going on, so he didn't reply right away.

So, he was a little dissatisfied, and dragged out a long "hmm".

Anthony could hear Wu Zhiping's urging and dissatisfaction, but he was very embarrassed.

As a sea power country and the governor of Batavia, he knows the importance of the Strait of Malacca too well.

It is precisely because of this realization that the Dutch invested manpower and material resources to seize the Strait of Malacca from the Portuguese.

Now, on the side of the Ming Empire, they want to cross the Straits of Malacca with just a word!

This is no better than Annan, which makes Anthony a bit unacceptable!
Seeing that Anthony didn't reply, Wu Zhiping became even more dissatisfied, and immediately shouted: "Why, don't you want to? Could it be that when my imperial army arrives at the Strait of Malacca, you Dutch will still be enemies of the imperial army?"

Having said this, his voice became colder again: "If you want to be an enemy of my Ming Dynasty, then you, the Netherlands, cannot be a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. Not to mention that everything before is invalid, and the imperial court is here. Don’t even think about gaining a foothold in Nanyang!”

(End of this chapter)

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