Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 746 This is Science

Chapter 746 This is Science
As a leader, Sun Chuanting has led soldiers for so many years. Of course, he knows what the effective range and shooting accuracy of a musket will be.

Now, judging by the distance of the target, it is far more than the musket, he would be surprised if he was not surprised!

At this time, he, to be honest, was actually a little unbelievable.After recovering, he stood aside and watched silently.

Seeing his appearance, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly, guessing what was going on in his mind.

Then Fang Zhenghua stepped forward to ask for an order, and the test began.

The person in charge of shooting is still a craftsman of the Military Bureau.A total of three people, three Shenwei rifles, fired ten lead bullets in a row.

"Blah blah blah..."

Gunshots kept ringing, and without binoculars, the target couldn't be seen clearly at a distance of 550 meters.

However, Sun Chuanting didn't use binoculars, not because he didn't want to see, but because he paid more attention to the shooter's movement and speed.

As for the hit or not, there will be a target later, so he can naturally know.

Sun Chuanting looked carefully and found that the reloading of this Shenwei rifle was similar to that of ordinary flintlock guns, and there was not much difference in speed.

After the "bah bah bah" shot, someone sent the target over to the gun target.

Before it was delivered, Sun Chuanting already had an idea in his mind.

It stands to reason that at such a long distance, if you want to hit the target, you basically rely on luck.However, the emperor named this flintlock the Shenwei Rifle, and seemed to be very sure that it should be possible to hit the target.

He estimated that out of ten shots, if he could hit three shots, then this shot would be worth re-equipping the army.

You know, the rate of fire of this gun is similar to that of the previous ordinary flintlock guns, but the shooting distance has more than doubled, which means that the enemy will be defeated before the enemy can hit you. , as you can imagine!

However, to Sun Chuanting's surprise, three craftsmen of this Shenwei rifle hit seven, eight, and nine bullets out of ten rounds respectively.

When he watched it for the first time, he still didn't believe it, so he opened his eyes wide again and looked at the three gun targets carefully.

Emperor Chongzhen saw him like this, and said lightly: "Actually, when Fang Daban reported to me before, he had a record of hitting all ten rounds; this time, I'm afraid he didn't hit it well. But it doesn't matter, anyway. There is no shortage of this hit rate. What does Sun Qing think?"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he turned to look at him, and said in shock, "Your Majesty, what's going on? Is it because of the rifling in the barrel?"

After asking, he knew that Emperor Chongzhen would say again, this is science, no, it should be Gewuxue now!
But fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen seems to have passed the time of promoting Gewuxue, and he didn't want to pretend any more, so he just answered him lightly: "In addition to the spiral rifling in the barrel, the more important thing is actually the power of the gods." bomb."

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he immediately remembered the different appearance of lead bullets, so he immediately went to get another Shenwei lead bullet and looked at it.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at him, and then explained lightly: "Ordinary lead bullets, because there are rifling lines in the barrel, if the lead bullets are smaller than the barrel, they are easy to vent fire and have a short range; If the chamber is larger, it will be troublesome to reload, and the reloading speed may even be about half slower. Although this kind of divine power bullet is a little smaller than the chamber, it can solve the problem of purging fire..."

Of course, Sun Chuanting is most concerned about the improvement of ordnance.At this time, when Emperor Chongzhen gave him a detailed explanation, he listened carefully.

What Emperor Chongzhen said was absolutely right, the power of the rifled gun, the most critical, is actually the lead bullet.

In fact, rifled guns appeared very early in Europe.However, as Emperor Chongzhen explained to Sun Chuanting just now, because they are ordinary lead bullets, there are problems that cannot be solved. In the end, smoothbore guns have always been the world on the European battlefield.

According to the original historical development, it was in 1849 that Captain Claude Edirne Meigne and Captain Henri-Gustav de Vickinet of the French Orleans Jagers invented the dart based on the principle of the indigenous blowing arrow. This kind of divine lead ammunition is finally the rifled guns that began to replace the smoothbore guns on a large scale.

This thing is actually not difficult at all. After knowing how to do it, it is easy to make it at this time in the late Ming Dynasty.The only troublesome thing is actually the problem of mass production.

At this time, Sun Chuanting was still listening to Emperor Chongzhen explaining to him about the stability of the spiral, the pointed tip to reduce resistance, and the expansion and sealing of the barrel.

And these learnings cannot be realized from the Four Books and Five Classics!
Originally, Sun Chuanting supported Emperor Chongzhen's Gewuxue. Now, listening to Emperor Chongzhen's explanation and looking at the powerful Shenwei rifle in his hand, he felt that Emperor Chongzhen's special examination of Gewuxue every year was far more important than ordinary imperial examinations. , is indeed right.

Otherwise, it would be hard for him to imagine. If Daming's enemies invented all kinds of advanced weapons first, then Da Ming would have lost a lot when facing the enemy!

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Sun Chuanting and said to him: "...These are the reasons why this Shenwei rifle has such a long range and high accuracy!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting said with great admiration: "Your Majesty named these firearms Shenwei Rifles, which is indeed appropriate. I admire you!"

Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly after hearing this, but did not speak.

"Your Majesty, the mighty cannon must be very powerful?" Sun Chuanting immediately remembered another matter, and asked immediately.

Firearms are important, and so are artillery!From the test of the Shenwei rifle, it can be seen that the Shenwei artillery is probably not too bad!

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, but this place is not suitable for artillery testing. You can go with your companions to the special testing ground for the Military Battle Bureau outside the city to see the situation."

"The humble minister leads the decree!" Sun Chuanting was very willing when he heard it, and quickly responded.

Emperor Chongzhen then turned to look at Fang Zhenghua and said, "The next step is to think about how to increase the output of this Shenwei rifle and Shenwei lead bullet. I will give you five years. By then, at least half of the Ming army will have to change their equipment. Is it?"

Needless to say, the Ming Dynasty had a million-strong army.And this Shenwei rifle and Shenwei lead bullets are obviously more complicated than ordinary smoothbore flintlock guns.Thanks to the past few years, the Bingzhan Bureau has been doing things to improve industrialization, so it has more experience in this area.

In five years, [-] Shenwei rifles were produced. Of course, this is only an approximate number, that is, about [-] guns are produced a month, and the difficulty is not small.

However, with Daming's manpower and material resources, especially the increasing number of skilled craftsmen, many parts have been produced on assembly lines, and the steam engine is still the stable power...

Thinking of this, Fang Zhenghua responded to Emperor Chongzhen and said, "Your maidservant leads the order!"

Sun Chuanting next to him was very happy when he heard this.With the elite of today's court officers and soldiers, coupled with the most sophisticated firearms in the world, not only have we eliminated archers, but they can also kill enemies beyond the effective range of the enemy. It is really conceivable that the court officers and troops are invincible in the world. !

In this regard, he felt that it was really worth it to follow Emperor Chongzhen to the military battle!

When Sun Chuanting thought he could go back, he did not expect that Emperor Chongzhen said to Fang Zhenghua again: "Then let's test the power of white gunpowder again!"

"Servants lead the order!" Fang Zhenghua listened, and quickly agreed, and then went to give orders to his craftsmen.

Sun Chuanting, who was at the side, was very curious when he heard this conversation, and quickly asked, "Your Majesty, what is white gunpowder?"

He knew, isn't gunpowder black powder?Why is it white gunpowder again?What is this white gunpowder?
"It's a kind of smokeless gunpowder!" After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen explained to him, "To be precise, this kind of gunpowder not only burns without residue, but also has about three times the power of black gunpowder."

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting was shocked again.

Firearms, firearms, all firearms are based on gunpowder; now His Majesty has invented another gunpowder called white powder, which is about three times more powerful than black powder. What a rise!
For a while, he was a little unimaginable.

But this time, Emperor Chongzhen sighed and said: "However, it is too difficult to make this kind of white gunpowder. At least in a short period of time, it is impossible to supply it to the imperial court on a large scale, only a small amount."

White gunpowder is actually fire cotton, also known as gunpowder cotton, and its scientific name is nitrocellulose, which belongs to the earliest smokeless gunpowder.

After opening the three-acid and two-alkali technology tree before, Emperor Chongzhen immediately arranged for people to make this smokeless gunpowder.

However, the court's foundation in chemistry is too weak, and gunpowder is not only dangerous in the production process, but also some steps are harmful to the human body. The research and development of this simplest smokeless gunpowder has always been relatively slow.

In addition, although Liu Weichao provided the ratio of various materials in the production process, it still needs the craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty to experiment and experience it. This is also the reason why the progress of research and development of smokeless gunpowder has slowed down. one.

As for the more powerful nitroglycerin, the current environment in the capital is not suitable for research and development. Besides, the current technology of Ming Dynasty is far ahead. .

Soon, the craftsmen of the Bingzhan Bureau sent two kinds of things, both of which were white gunpowder; one was used as a propellant, and the other was used for explosions.The difference between these two types of gunpowder is the degree of nitration.

Sun Chuanting used the greatest expectation to see the next experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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