Chapter 747
First, there is the test of the propellant.

Sun Chuanting noticed that the amount of propellant used was less than that of ordinary black powder used as propellant before.

Afterwards, continuous shooting began, but there was not much difference in terms of rate of fire and accuracy.

Don't underestimate this difference. As Sun Chuanting, who was born as a soldier, he can see it at a glance. This will reduce a lot of logistical burdens for the army.

Ordinary generals who lead troops only care about fighting on the front line; however, real commanders who lead troops have to consider logistics.

Therefore, after Sun Chuanting discovered this difference, he was overjoyed.But the degree of joy is not as great as imagined!

He paid more attention to what Emperor Chongzhen said when he introduced this gunpowder.

No, after the craftsman fired nearly twenty rounds, he was about to pass the flintlock and check the condition of the barrel.

As a result, Sun Chuanting really discovered that this kind of propellant really has no residue left in the barrel of the gun!
This time, he was very happy!
For black powder, no matter how it is mixed, there will always be residues, which will affect the service life of the gun, and even affect the firing speed of the musket, because the residue must be cleaned.Once the war is anxious, this kind of influence is a bit big.

After checking, he happily said to Emperor Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, this white gunpowder is really powerful!"

Emperor Chongzhen heard it, but he just said to him lightly: "Sun Qing, don't worry, and then look down!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Chuanting knew that Emperor Chongzhen meant that good things were yet to come?

Thinking of this, he looked forward to it even more.

The white gunpowder is used for explosion. On the side of Bingzhanju, it is made into the appearance of a large grenade in later generations. The powerful one is ignited and thrown out with force.


After a loud noise, Emperor Chongzhen signaled Sun Chuanting to go over to see the explosion site.

Regarding this, Sun Chuanting did not hesitate, and accompanied by Fang Zhenghua, he immediately walked over to check the situation.

I saw a bunch of human-shaped targets on the side of the explosion point. The human-shaped targets near the center were swaying here and there, and there were holes in the surrounding human-shaped targets, which were obviously caused by lasing such as gravel and iron slag. of.

"Hey, why is this explosion so powerful?" Sun Chuanting was shocked when he saw it, and quickly looked at the human-shaped targets one by one.

The explosive power of black powder is definitely not as powerful as in later generations of film and television dramas; if it is just made into grenades or the like, it will not have much lethality to many people wearing armor, at most it will scare people.

The same is true, in the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty, some clever people came up with a way to use it, which was "the enemy of ten thousand people".

Ten Thousand Enemy is a bit like a large grenade, no, it should be a very big one, a bit like a basketball, with a frame sandwiched outside to prevent it from being smashed when thrown out.

The main function of ten thousand enemies is to drop ten thousand enemies from the top of the city in the city defense battle, and then ten thousand enemies spray out flames, poisonous smoke and other things to kill the enemy, and because of the protection of the city wall, it can avoid affecting the enemy. himself, causing chaos to the siege enemy.In the end, it was the guards on the top of the city who really killed the enemy.

If black powder was used to make explosives to blow up city walls, it was also available at this time in the late Ming Dynasty.However, this requires a lot of explosive packs to be piled in the dug out city wall holes, so as to have an explosive effect.

All in all, using black powder to make a grenade that can be thrown by a single person will definitely not be powerful.

However, the explosion power of this white powder is about three times that of black powder, which makes this kind of grenade for individual soldiers possible.

As far as this is concerned, it still needs a strong person to throw it, because the grenade made of this kind of white powder is much larger than the grenade of later generations.

Under the baptism of cruel war, people in the late Ming Dynasty would not know how to use firearms more effectively. The previous "ten thousand enemies" is an example.It is conceivable that they must have experimented and knew that the explosion was not powerful, so they switched to this method of spraying flames and poisonous smoke to attack the enemy.

At this moment, after Sun Chuanting saw the explosion scene of Baigunpowder, he was pleasantly surprised.

What surprised him was that he had never seen gunpowder with such explosive power in his life; what pleased him was that this kind of gunpowder was invented by the imperial court.And this, let alone destroying the Liaodong Jianlu and the Korean Japanese army, even when the Ming Dynasty is fighting for global hegemony, the advantage will be very great!

Fang Zhenghua saw how happy he was, and said to him with a smile: "Bingzhan Bureau is still trying to use this kind of gunpowder to make explosive bullets for artillery. Your Majesty has given instructions, and Master Sun will soon I can see it!"

When Sun Chuanting heard this, he suddenly realized, and quickly said happily: "Yes, yes, this gunpowder has such a powerful explosive force, it can be fired with artillery to blow up enemies at a distance, not necessarily only thrown by strong men!"

Afterwards, he quickly returned to Emperor Chongzhen, unable to restrain his joy, and said with great emotion: "Your Majesty, I really did not expect that there is such a powerful gunpowder in the world. It is really too powerful!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips slightly.

If Liu Weichao heard this, wouldn't he laugh out loud.

Thinking of this in his heart, Emperor Chongzhen said lightly: "The mystery of Gewu is actually far more than what Sun Qing realizes. If you don't say anything else, just talk about this gunpowder. I can tell you clearly that there is nothing better than this." Better gunpowder, the power of the explosion is much more powerful than this. It’s just that the size of a human fist can knock off the roof of the house!”

"..." Sun Chuanting was dumbfounded when he heard this.

How can this be?

Just as big as a human fist, can it overturn the roof of a house?
If that's the case, isn't the power too great?
Seeing Sun Chuanting's shocked face, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly felt like playing tricks, and said to Sun Chuanting lightly: "I can tell you that there is another kind of bomb, which is only as big as a child. If you throw a bomb at the capital If we lose one, the entire capital will cease to exist!"

"..." Sun Chuanting was not dumbfounded when he heard this, and immediately responded, "This is impossible!"

After subconsciously saying this, he suddenly realized that the speaker was the Emperor Ming, and quickly added: "What I mean is that this kind of gunpowder... bombs are simply unimaginable. Can there really be in the world?"

He didn't dare to suspect that the emperor was bragging, but thought that what the emperor said probably only happened in the fairy world, right?

Emperor Chongzhen shook his head when he heard this. In fact, he was very envious of having it in his heart, and said to Sun Chuanting: "As long as you have learned a lot about Gewu, you will be able to make such bombs, and it has nothing to do with immortals!"

Liu Weichao had shown him the video introduction of the Yankees throwing the Japanese pirates' atomic bombs. He would be envious. An atomic bomb would be fine.

But when Liu Weichao said that after the atomic bombing, the land would be polluted, he hesitated again.Because after destroying the Wa Kingdom, he would still entrust the vassal kings in the past.No matter what this vassal king said, he was from his own family!
At this time, after hearing the words of Emperor Chongzhen, Sun Chuanting was startled immediately, and then quickly turned his expression serious, and played seriously to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, Gewuxue has such knowledge. I beg you, but I still ban it." Gewuxue, at least not let Gewuxue spread to the common people, or even spread to the enemy countries of Ming Dynasty!"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect him to say such a thing, and he was suddenly speechless.

After recovering, seeing that Sun Chuanting was still waiting for his reply very seriously, Emperor Chongzhen showed a helpless smile, smiled and shook his head immediately and said: "Sun Qing is overthinking, this is the nuclear physics in Gephysics. Knowledge, even if I announce it now, I don’t think anyone can create it; I estimate that it will take at least a few hundred years to be possible! Moreover, the raw materials required for this are very rare and will only be in the hands of the court. Your Excellency Don't worry about it, the reason I said it is just to give Qing a lot of insight!"

Hearing this, Sun Chuanting breathed a sigh of relief. He was really scared just now.

It was hard for him to imagine that such a powerful bomb could flatten the capital with only one bomb!

Compared with such a powerful bomb, what overturned the roof, and this bomb made of white gunpowder, is really nothing worth mentioning. No wonder the emperor's attitude when speaking is so flat!
Thinking about it this way, with a comparison, suddenly, Sun Chuanting himself seemed to feel that this white gunpowder seemed to be like this!

However, as soon as this idea came up, he was taken aback for a moment: Is he drifting away?At least the power of this white gunpowder is invincible in the world!Can it be like this?

Thinking of this, Sun Chuanting immediately remembered what Emperor Chongzhen said just now, and quickly confirmed: "Your Majesty, this white gunpowder is difficult to make, can't it be produced in large quantities?"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said, "That's right, in order to make this white gunpowder, several people were injured. Therefore, I think it's better to be safe, let them all get familiar with the process slowly, and wait until they are proficient; It is said that the talents of Gewuxue are more precious than others."

The detonation velocity of white gunpowder is too high, and it belongs to explosive combustion. If it is ignited in the barrel of a gun, it is easy to explode, and it is not easy to store. It often explodes during storage, so it needs to be added with stabilizers and the like.But in the process, even if there were reminders, accidents still happened and some people were injured.

The reason is that Daming's foundation in chemistry is too weak.

When Emperor Chongzhen said this, he said with a little emotion: "In fact, I still have a lot of good things waiting to be made, so the more talents of this physiology, the better, the more the better!"

(End of this chapter)

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