Chapter 759
Back then, the Spanish governor in Luzon was even so arrogant that he thought that he could dedicate the Ming Kingdom to the Spanish king if he asked the Spanish king for [-] troops.

It can be seen that Orientals, of course including Ming people, are despised by Europeans.In this situation, even if some people feel that making money is more enjoyable, most of them will not tolerate having a Ming emperor on top of them!
Therefore, this matter should be done secretly at the beginning. If it can be kept secret, maybe this matter can be done!
At this time, Kui Yi said very annoyedly: "Those people are still thinking about the Ming Kingdom with old ideas, thinking that the people of the Ming Kingdom are nothing at all, but they never thought about it. If they don't agree to be a vassal state of the Ming Kingdom, we are the Ming Kingdom The enemy, once the Ming Dynasty comes to Xingshi to question the crime, how can we fight it?"

Speaking of this, after a pause, he complained again: "I have been to the Ming country, and I know what kind of changes have taken place in the Ming country. I told them that the Ming country has steam trains, and even steam iron-clad warships. In the end, they didn't believe it at all..."

Hearing this, Anthony suddenly said, "This is nothing!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Kui looked at him with some doubts, not knowing what it meant?
I saw Anthony's serious expression, and said to him seriously: "Perhaps, it's okay not to be a vassal state of the Ming Kingdom. You don't know, the Ming Kingdom is actually a bit greedy. It's not good if we blindly accommodate!"

"Why do you say that?" When Kui heard this, he couldn't understand, so he asked quickly.

When he returned from the Netherlands, he arrived in Batavia one step ahead of Anthony, and he still didn't know what was going on in the Far East.

Hearing what he said, Anthony sat back in his seat, then motioned for Kui Yi to sit down too, and then said to him: "I just came back from Ming Kingdom to participate in the meeting held by the Ming Kingdom Governor of Fujian, you know what they do to us Do you want it?"

"What request?" As soon as Kui heard this, he immediately asked. At the same time, he guessed in his heart, what request did Ming Guo make?

Only to hear Anthony answering him: "We want us to withdraw from Annan, and assist the Ming Kingdom to capture all the leaders of Annan, and help the Ming Kingdom suppress the rebellion!"

"This..." When Kui heard this, he was a little speechless for a while.

The terrain of Annan is an important transit point from the Ming Dynasty to Nanyang. Therefore, they have invested a lot in Annan and have been operating it for a long time. They hope that after helping the leader they choose to defeat the enemy, they will have a good return.

If you agree to the Ming Dynasty, at least the previous investment will be in vain!
But having said that, after the Ming Kingdom occupied Annan, if the relationship with the Ming Kingdom was good, they might be able to use Annan as a transit point for traveling from south to north.

Thinking of this, he replied to Anthony: "It's not impossible, if we really count it, it won't be a big loss to us, right?"

"If it's just this, then it's nothing!" After hearing this, Anthony continued to say to Kui Yi, "But the key issue is that the Ming Dynasty also proposed that the Strait of Malacca must be surrendered to them!"

Hearing this, Kui Yi was also speechless.

As a sea power country, we know the importance of the Strait of Malacca!As long as the Strait of Malacca is occupied, even if there are no local specialties, just by blocking roads and tolls, there will be a steady stream of income, which is equivalent to a long-lasting source of wealth!
At the beginning, they also valued the importance of this position, so they sent troops to seize the Strait of Malacca from the Portuguese!
It's too overbearing for such a good place to be visited by people from the Ming Dynasty!
Your Excellency Governor is right, he is indeed greedy!
At this time, seeing Kui Yi's face, Anthony knew what he was thinking, and continued: "Also, the Ming Kingdom is plotting against Dongwu, and we want us to fight Dongwu from the southern coast to assist the Ming Kingdom." Beat Dongwu!"

"What?" Kui was a little stunned when he heard it, and couldn't help but sigh, "Ming is really greedy!"

Having said that, he looked at Anthony, shook his head and said, "Isn't the Ming Kingdom afraid of holding on?"

After hearing this, Anthony sneered and said, "You don't know, the Ming Kingdom has already sent troops to defeat Ryukyu, and now it is sending troops to attack the Wa Kingdom, and has wiped out the Wa Kingdom's navy, and is now attacking Kyushu Island!"

"..." As soon as Kui heard this, he no longer knew what to say!
After being stunned for a while, when he came back to his senses, he had no choice but to say with emotion: "Who made the Ming country have more people, more money, and stronger combat power!"

After hearing this, Anthony suddenly changed the topic: "Actually, you can't say that!"

"Huh?" When Kui heard this, he didn't understand for a while, so he had to look at him suspiciously, wondering what it meant?
When Anthony saw him, he said to him: "When the Ming Kingdom attacked Ryukyu and Wa, they asked me to send troops to assist them. Therefore, our fleet fought with the Ming Kingdom's fleet. According to their assessment after returning, in fact, the Ming Kingdom's war The combat power of the ship is just like that. Under the same conditions, the Fuchuan of the Ming Dynasty are not suitable for naval warfare, and they cannot beat our fleet!"

"No, Governor, have you forgotten the steam iron-clad battleships of the Ming Dynasty?" Kui immediately reminded after hearing this, "Although the firepower of the Ming Dynasty warships is not as strong as our sail warships, they may surpass ours in speed. Ah! Even if those steam ironclad warships have no advantage when the waves are big, what if there is a war when the sea is calm?"

When Anthony heard his words, he suddenly had a strange smile on his face, and then said with a proud expression: "Then, what if we also have steam warships? Or, in other words, steam trains?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Kui was a little puzzled. Hearing what the Governor said, the Netherlands also has steam engines?But, this is impossible, the steam engine is the most important thing in the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely not sell it!

As soon as he thought of this, he looked at Anthony's expression, and suddenly Fu Ling's heart came to him. He immediately became ecstatic when he thought of something, and immediately asked: "What does the Governor mean, that you got the steam engine?"

"That's right!" Anthony said with a proud smile, "I spent a lot of money to buy the blueprint of the steam engine from the people of the Ming Dynasty. I can guarantee that as long as we follow this blueprint, we will be able to build a steam engine!"

"Really?" Hearing this one by one, Kui Yi was overjoyed and said with great joy, "This is really great!"

With the steam engine, the Netherlands will also have warships powered by steam engines, and the navy of the Ming Dynasty will not have a slight advantage; in addition, it can also build steam trains, and the capacity of that thing is drooling...

Thinking of this, he suddenly understood why he just said that he was not a vassal state of the Ming Kingdom, but it was actually nothing.You can make a lot of money with just a steam engine!

That being the case, why bother to bow down to the Ming Kingdom?
Anthony listened, nodded, and said proudly: "I have thought about it. For our East India Company, the main purpose is to make money, and other things are actually not important. However, if there are other ways to make money , of course you have to care about some things. In the end, it’s still a matter of which earns more!”

His words are a bit convoluted, and ordinary people may not be able to understand what he means.

At that time, Kui Yi understood it, and immediately nodded with a smile on his face, and echoed: "Your Excellency is very powerful, he is the best at doing business!"

Doing business is nothing more than cost and profit. As long as the profit exceeds the cost, it is making money, otherwise it is losing money.

And the cost, in fact, there are many kinds.In addition to the cost in the ordinary sense, for Anthony in the position of governor of Batavia, his cost also includes his political and military costs, related to his future costs.

When European countries and the pope all opposed the Ming emperor riding on the heads of Europeans, the cost was very high.

Not to mention, the Ming Dynasty actually used the Netherlands as a cow and horse, wanting this and that, greedy insatiably.Forget about Annan's affairs, even the Straits of Malacca, and help to fight Dongwu;
If this continues, when the power of the Ming Dynasty expands to the west, it will definitely need more territory. Even if it does not grab it from the Netherlands, it will definitely grab it from the colonies of other European countries!
Anthony can foresee that if the Ming Kingdom does not collapse halfway, it will definitely become the public enemy of Europe!
The Netherlands is just a small country, and it is impossible to face the joint crusade of other European countries.It is simply impossible to count on the Ming Kingdom, it is too far away!

That being the case, even if we cooperate with Ming Kingdom now, the future trend is very clear.

On the Ming side, in fact, it relied more on the strength of its numbers.Their firearms are not much different from European firearms; it is this steam engine that gives them some advantages.But now, he has obtained the blueprint of the steam engine, and the advantages of the Ming people no longer exist.

Of course, it will take time for the Netherlands to build so many steam engines for various purposes; however, it is impossible for the Ming Dynasty to expand outward so quickly.

At least they are still dragged there by the Qing Empire and the Japanese Kingdom, and Annan has to solve it, there are many things to do!
Without the advantage of the steam engine, if you are far away from the mainland of the Ming country, you still need to be afraid of the Ming country!
By the way, the Ming Dynasty still wants to punch me, hehe...

Thinking of this, Anthony felt that he already had a comprehensive understanding of the future.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and immediately asked Kui Yi who had been watching, "You're back, and the people sent back to China by Portugal should have almost returned too? Do you know the answer from Portugal? "

Although he was asking this question, Anthony knew what would happen in Portugal!

Kui heard this, thought for a while, and then answered him: "The news that Portugal wants to become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty has already spread. Although I don't know what the Portuguese king thinks, but the countries and the Pope Wait, they are all condemning and pressuring, but it is the same as ours in the Netherlands."

(End of this chapter)

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