Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 760 Portugal's Plan

Chapter 760 Portugal's Plan
After hearing this, Anthony immediately sneered and said, "If King Joao IV dares to recognize the emperor as his master, Spain will be able to justifiably destroy them again!"

After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes and said, "No matter what happens to Portugal, since we, the Netherlands, don't want to be a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty, then we can take advantage of the fact that the Ming Dynasty doesn't know the truth, and make them lie here a few times. The Far East is too busy, at least we must hold them back and give us more time!"

"How do you say it?" Kui heard it, a little curious, and quickly asked, "How can you add trouble to the Ming Kingdom?"

After hearing this, Anthony turned his head and looked outside, but didn't find anything, so he waved to Kui and said, "Come here with your ears!"

As soon as Kui heard what he said, he hurried over, and then the two of them began to whisper.


While they were plotting, there were Portuguese soldiers guarding the house of the Portuguese soldiers on Haojingao, Guangdong, Ming Dynasty, and two people were talking inside.

One of them was the head of the Portuguese military stationed in Haojingao, Du Que. He eagerly asked the person in front of him, "Your Excellency, Special Envoy, what does His Royal Highness mean?"

Obviously, the person in front of him was an envoy from Portugal.

At this moment, upon hearing Du Zun's words, the special envoy did not answer immediately, but only asked, "Has the Ming Kingdom really become very powerful?"

"Absolutely!" Du Zun unexpectedly asked a rhetorical question. Knowing that this answer is very important, he immediately replied seriously, "Actually, I can hardly imagine how the changes in the Ming Kingdom would be so great! Anyway, now the Ming Kingdom It is believed in the country that their founding emperor became an angel and came to the world to give advice to the Ming emperor. That is why Ming changed from a chaotic world that was about to perish to the most powerful in Asia in less than ten years. s country!"

Speaking of this, he was afraid that the special envoy would not be able to understand, so he further explained: "Let's put it this way, if the Ming country is on the edge of our Europe, then the Ming country at this time, even if all the countries in Europe unite, it may not be the Ming country. country's opponent!"

"Really?" Hearing such a clear explanation, the special envoy suddenly understood how powerful it really was, and this made him even more shocked.

Du Zhen nodded solemnly and said: "If you have stayed in this great oriental country for a long time like me and have dealt with them a lot, you will understand that I am not lying. The background of the Ming Dynasty, outsiders don't deal with them , I really don’t know how big it is!”

At this time, Anthony, who was far away in Batavia, suddenly sneezed, but he rubbed his nose, and didn't feel that someone was talking about him, and continued to conspire with Kuiyi.

Hearing Du Zun's words, the special envoy watched him remain silent for a long time, as if he was judging whether Du Zun's words should be believed or not.

After a while, he suddenly said to Du Zhen: "His Royal Highness actually wants to agree to the Emperor Ming's request and become a vassal state of the Ming Dynasty. However, such news has also spread from the Netherlands, and it has spread throughout Europe. All the kings and nobles, as well as the Pope, etc., have all declared that whoever dares to become a vassal state of the Ming Kingdom, they will unite and fight whoever!"

Hearing this, Du Zhen couldn't help being disappointed.

He knew very well in his heart that Portugal had only been independent from Spain for a few years now, and he was worried about being retaliated by Spain, so he was begging his grandpa to sue his grandma, hoping that a powerful country could support Portugal.Faced with such a great pressure all of a sudden, then this matter must be yellow.

Thinking of this, Du Zhen couldn't help but said angrily: "They don't want to give Portugal a way out! Hehe, did they think that the Ming Kingdom would not be able to get in after closing the door? Sooner or later, the Ming Kingdom will seal all the vassal kings. over!"

Hearing this, the special envoy asked: "Do you think that one day Ming will really affect us in Europe, so far away?"

Hearing this doubtful question, Du Zhen immediately sneered again and said, "Why do you think the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wanted us and the Netherlands to become the vassal state of the Ming Dynasty? It is obvious that he wants to get involved in Europe! It is not whether we want to become the vassal state of the Ming Kingdom or not. It can affect the decisive factor of whether the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wants to get involved in Europe! If there are no accidents on the Ming side, if this continues, the mere fact that the Ming Dynasty seals the vassal kings to go to sea will cause conflicts with Europe’s overseas occupation of colonies, and sooner or later they will fight of!"

After hearing this, the special envoy was silent for a long time before he looked at Du Zun and said, "Your Majesty the King means to tell the Emperor Ming about the situation in Europe, and to implore the Emperor to make Portugal a secret vassal for the time being." China, I hope the emperor of Ming can understand the difficulties of Portugal!"

"Ah?" Du Zhan didn't expect such a reply.After the accident, he was overjoyed and said: "If this is the case, it may be possible, at least it shows that we in Portugal mean to submit, and take into account the Ming emperor's face. Judging from the way the Ming emperor handles things today, it is not unreasonable." people!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and he cheered up and said: "By the way, if we show our kindness to the Ming Kingdom again and let the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom understand our sincerity, there must be no problem with this matter!"

For the Portuguese, it is very aggrieved in Europe now.Although it is independent, it is still in danger of subjugation at any time, holding France's thigh, but France is dealing with Portugal like a beggar.This is because France is at war with Spain.

In short, no one puts Portugal seriously. If that is the case, then don't blame Portugal for holding another thigh!

The special envoy couldn't help being delighted when he heard Du Zun's words, and quickly asked, "How can you show your kindness to the Ming Dynasty again?"

It would be great if Portugal could be saved from being besieged by European countries, but could secretly enjoy the benefits of sea trade with the Ming Dynasty!
After hearing this, Du Zhen quickly lowered his voice, and said to the special envoy, "Not long ago, someone from Ming came to us and wanted to sell us the blueprint of the steam engine, asking for one million taels..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Te say with an exaggerated expression: "What is that, it costs one million taels, why doesn't he grab it?"

In fact, he had already heard of the steam engine, but the price of one million taels was so high that he wondered if the steam engine was made of gold!
Seeing the special envoy's expression and hearing his exclamation, Du Zhen quickly reached out his hand to make him suppress his voice, and then said to him: "If it is true, in fact, this one million taels is not expensive. You don't know , how useful is this steam engine..."

Afterwards, he explained the application of the steam engine to the special envoy in detail, which made the special envoy's eyes widen.

After Du Zhen finished his introduction, the special envoy showed a greedy look and said, "If that's the case, let's not talk about it, this one million taels is really not expensive, so hurry up and agree!"

"No!" Hearing this, Du Zhen shook his head immediately and flatly refused.

When the special envoy saw it, he couldn't figure it out immediately, and asked in puzzlement, "Why not? Although the price of one million taels is high, I believe that it should be paid back in a few years!"

"That's not the problem!" Du Zhen shook his head immediately after hearing this, and said, "Listen to my explanation!"

When the special envoy saw it, he stretched out his hand to signal for him to continue.However, it could be seen from his face that he couldn't figure out why Du Zun rejected it so resolutely.

I only heard Du Zhen sincerely explaining to him: "You know, the Ming Dynasty would never sell such a good thing, so the person who came to us to sell it could be someone from the Ming Dynasty court who deliberately It is a problem to use this matter to test whether we abide by the laws of the Ming Dynasty!"

Upon hearing this, the envoy asked, "Didn't he tell us about his background?"

"I didn't say it, but I said someone from above could get the blueprint!" After hearing this, Du Zhen replied, "But you can't be sure about this, right? Therefore, I have this worry!"

Hearing his words, the special envoy thought for a while, and finally nodded to acknowledge Du Zun's concerns.

And Du Zun obviously hadn't finished speaking, and continued: "Also, even if this blueprint is real, it was someone from Ming who secretly sold this blueprint. I don’t know how the country will react, but in Europe alone, will other countries follow the rules and come to buy from us, or will they just come to grab it?”

"..." Hearing this, the special envoy was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned ugly.

Obviously, he already knew the answer in his heart. Given Portugal's current strength, the answer is very clear.

In fact, not to mention the steam engine, it is Portugal’s overseas colonies, whether it is Colombo, the Straits of Malacca, or South America, etc., are being robbed by other countries, and even a few have been robbed!
Thinking of this, he felt a little powerless.

Seeing him like this, Du Zhen himself was a little sad, the country is weak, but he is being bullied by all kinds of things!
Of course, at this time, he had forgotten that Portugal was going to establish colonies everywhere, and it was not bullying weaker places than them.

For a moment, there was no voice in the room, and it suddenly became quiet.

After a while, it was Du Zun who spoke first: "Since we can't make an idea of ​​this steam engine, why don't we take the initiative to tell the Ming Dynasty about this matter. If it is the temptation of the Ming Dynasty court, it will prove that we are very obedient. The laws of the Ming Dynasty! If it wasn’t for the temptation of the Ming Dynasty court, it would be considered that we reported this matter, and the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty would definitely attach great importance to it and have a good impression of us as well!”

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, and then said with certainty: "In this way, I think the proposal proposed by His Royal Highness may be approved by the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom! At least this probability, I think there is a [-]% chance." More than ten. Because other than that, we have always cooperated very well with the Ming country!"

(End of this chapter)

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