Chapter 761
The special envoy listened, thought about it carefully, and immediately agreed with a little admiration: "Not bad, not bad, your idea is good!"

Hearing this compliment, Du Huan hurriedly said modestly: "Actually, as long as you have been in contact with these Ming people for a long time and really understand these Ming people in the Far East, you will come to such a conclusion!"

Unknowingly, even the humble attitude of the orientals has affected him!Others may not feel it, but the special envoy who just came from his home country in Europe feels it.

When he was about to say something, he saw Du Zhe showing a playful smile again, and said with a hint of schadenfreude: "Also, I think that since the Ming man wanted to sell us the blueprint, then the same, he guessed They also want to sell the blueprints to the Dutch. Because they probably only want to sell us and the Dutch!"

"Then?" For a moment, the special envoy didn't know what he wanted to say, so he asked suspiciously.

Du Zhe sneered again, "hehe", and then continued: "In my estimation, if the Ming people sold the blueprint of the steam engine to the Dutch, as greedy as they are, hehe, they would definitely not miss it. "

"So...?" After hearing this, the special envoy still couldn't grasp his intention, so he asked again.

Du Zhen looked at him and replied: "As long as there is a steam engine in a place other than Daming, no matter whether he claims to have invented it or not, Daming will definitely not be happy. And Daming's fist is hard enough, and he will teach the Dutch how to be a man." Yes! Among other things, at least around Daming, there will be no Dutch influence in the future!"

Hearing this result, the Dutch who often rob Portugal will be cleaned up, and the special envoy also smiled gloatingly: Let you rob us, you deserve it!

At this moment, I heard Du Zun say to him again: "I guess the Dutch will build the steam engine in their native land. As long as you hear the news, let His Royal Highness pass the news to the Ming Emperor, not only to show that we are friendly to Ming, but also It can make the Dutch sick, this matter, you must not forget it when you go back!"

"Haha, I will never forget it!" The special envoy burst out laughing immediately after hearing this!

When Du Zhen saw it, he also laughed and said, "So even if the Dutch have the same idea as us, it will be our Portuguese family who will eventually do sea trade with Daming!"

This is a monopoly business!
Hearing this, the special envoy's eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately, obviously agreeing with this approach.

So, the two discussed the details in a low voice, just like the two in Batavia.


At the end of July in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Li Dingguo, the Marquis of Ningyuan who was far away in Guihua City, received the emperor's decree. Of course, it was an imperial decree officially issued by the cabinet, ordering the cavalry troops that had assembled on the grasslands to send troops to the eastern Mongolian states. The Ministry launched an autumn offensive to completely defeat the enemies who tried to fight in groups.

Finally, the assembled troops reached as many as [-] cavalry troops. The cavalry generals were Li Dingguo, Ma Shouying, He Renlong, Li Guo, Gao Yigong, He Yilong, Bai Guangen, He Jin, Liu Xiyao, and Lin Chengcheng. , Eqiertu, the supervisor of the army is Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei who went to the grassland to deliver the order.

Among these people, except for He Renlong and Bai Guangen who were originally from the imperial court, the other generals were all recruited by thieves, but they were from Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and Ge Zuo's Fifth Battalion respectively.The only exception is Oziltu, who is from Wacha, but his subordinates are not from his original Heshuote tribe.

In fact, all the subordinates of these generals were mixed. They were related to the Inner Han people, some from the Tumed tribe, some from the Khalkha Mongolian tribe in Mobei, and of course some from the Wacha tribe.

After several months of rotation training, at least these cavalry soldiers, no matter which tribe they came from, had already understood the rules of the Ming army, including combat discipline, combat methods, rewards and punishments, and so on.

With Daming's current productivity, all of their equipment has also been replaced.Of course, for Daming, it is basically equivalent to equipping the same number of infantry.Among them, the most important war horse is brought with it, which saves an unknown amount of money.

Of course, the military pay of the cavalry army must be more expensive than that of the infantry army.But if you can't even afford the military salary, don't talk about the grand plan of the whole army!
At this time, the Daming Royal Textile Factory, which belonged to the harem, had even set up a factory in Guihua City. They selected those Mongolian women who were more ingenious and handy to work. The raw materials were wool on the grassland, and the wool products produced were shipped to the capital for sale. , It's a huge profit.However, the money was also used by Emperor Chongzhen for official business, that is, for the development of the grassland on the Guihua City side.

On the side of Guihua City, generals such as Tian Jianxiu, Yuan Zongdi, and Li Fuming stayed behind.

All the cavalry, on the first day of August, assembled and set off eastward in mighty force.


At the same time, far away on the Horqin Grassland, a cavalry team was also gathering.

Needless to say, it is the various ethnic groups of Mongolia in the east.Of course, it is the Eight Banners of Jianlu Mongolia led by Jierhalang;

At this time, there were about [-] people in the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and [-] riders were sent to the grassland. From this point of view, Jianlu paid a lot of money.

Although there are many cavalry troops assembled, they reached nearly [-].However, at a glance, there is a clear distinction.

The most well-equipped, uniform military uniform at first glance, is the Eight Banners of Mongolia;

Later, the cavalry of each tribe had different clothes and armor; even among the armies of each tribe, the clothes of the troops of their own tribes were also different.

Those who have a little understanding of the Mongols will know that those who can wear armor, whether it is leather armor or iron armor, must be the confidants of the patriarch and the elite of the tribe; while those cavalry wearing robes are simply herdsmen of the tribe .

Jierhalang glanced at the assembled cavalry in front of him, with a serious expression on his face, without saying a word.

The front-line commander who has been in the war against the Ming Dynasty, especially he has also experienced the Jinzhou withdrawal after the Ningyuan fiasco, and he knows very well in his heart that the Ming army at this time is definitely not the previous Ming army.

The powerful background of the Ming country's behemoth is being reflected in the Ming country's army.According to the news obtained by the Ming army captured in the scout battle, the rewards and punishments of the Ming army have been clearly defined, and the armaments, ordnance, etc., are all very sophisticated.Not to mention, their military pay situation.

It can be said that the Ming army is the real army!
Ji Erhalang, who was more aware of this than any other Jian captive, actually had a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart when facing the Ming army.

In his opinion, the strength of the Ming country, which has become stronger, is really unmatched by the Qing Dynasty!
In the past, it was Ming who was sick, everyone was sick, and Daqing was able to take this opportunity to live a nourishing life and lie on Ming's body to suck blood!

But in today's Ming Dynasty, the disease seems to be cured, and a slap, not to mention killing Da Qing, will make Da Qing difficult to parry!
But no matter what, the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty are already deadly enemies, even if they can't hold on, they still have to hold on!

Ji Erhalang, who was thinking so in his heart, looked at the cavalry in front of him. Although there were so many in number, in his eyes, it was really hard to describe!

Such a huge cavalry army, if it is fighting against the wind, for example, fighting against the Ming army like before, then there should be no problem!
But now, if he had to fight a tough battle, he might collapse into a mess!
How to fight the battle of Guihua City, you still have to think about it!

While he was thinking, Aixinjue Luonikan led a group of tribal chiefs to come to him, excitedly, and shouted to him: "His Royal Highness Prince Zheng, all the tribes have assembled!"

This is the largest cavalry force that the Qing Dynasty can muster. It can also be said that it is the most powerful cavalry army in the Qing Dynasty. This makes him very excited, and he feels that with this strongest cavalry army in the Qing Dynasty, The glory of the Qing Dynasty can be reproduced!
Of course, if this cavalry army cannot be reproduced, then there is no other possibility!

At this time, Jierhalang heard his words, came back to his senses, glanced at the patriarchs of these eastern Mongolian tribes gathered in front of him, and then said with a serious face: "We have no way out. A total of [-] troops will attack the Ming country, if you win, you can say anything, if you lose, you will have no troops to fight against the Ming country!"

Listening to what he said, it seemed a little unlucky; the tribal chiefs, who were in a good mood when they saw such a huge cavalry army, felt as if they had been poured cold water on them, and they all looked at him with complicated expressions. Heshuo Prince Zheng of the Qing Dynasty.

Nikan didn't expect Jierharang to speak like this, and for a moment, his face was a little shocked, as if he couldn't understand why Prince Zheng said that.

Jierhalang didn't care what they thought, but continued to say to them with a serious expression: "Ming's strategy on the grasslands, I think you all already know that the herdsmen below may have a chance to survive, people like you The tribal leader, who has followed Daqing into customs many times, will definitely not end well. Therefore, you can only survive if you work hard with Daqing!"

Saying this, without waiting for them to respond, he pointed forward with his hand, which is the direction to the west, and then said solemnly again: "Taking Guihua City of the Ming Dynasty is our goal, and only then can we win the battle." The initiative of the war is to attack Ming's power on the grassland; but if we lose, the women, herds, etc. behind us will no longer be able to retreat, and they will all belong to Ming. Think clearly!"

When he said this, he pointed his finger at the back again, which meant that they had no intention of retreating.

Then, seeing the ugly faces of these people in front of him, he suddenly changed the subject: "But this king believes that with the cooperation of Wacha and the Tsarist Russian army in the west, we will win the battle of Guihua City!"

(End of this chapter)

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