Chapter 762

Jierhalang is obviously a man of knowledge and knows how to be an imperial servant.

He first said some harsh words to let these Mongolians, especially these Mongolian nobles, know that they have been forced into a dead end by the Ming Dynasty, and there is no way out, and dogs can't jump over the wall if they don't rush!
Later, he told these Mongolian nobles that this wall is not high, and they can definitely jump over it. As long as you jump desperately, you gave these Mongolian dogs another hope!
Sure enough, after hearing his words, the nobles of the eastern Mongolian tribes all had serious expressions, and some of their faces were even full of fighting spirit;
But, no matter what, they all knew the pressure that the Ming Dynasty put on them, and many people's faces were still quite heavy.

Jierhalang saw all these in his eyes, so he softened his tone a little, pretending to be relaxed and said: "The Ming army in Guihua City is about [-] people; and we have nearly [-] people; In the next battle, we don’t need to fight head-on with them, not to mention, they may have been attracted by the Wacha and Tsarist Russian troops in the west, then our enemies will be fewer, and God bless us, the victory will belong to us!”

"Longevity bless you!" Hearing his words, these eastern Mongolian nobles, especially the younger ones, cheered up and shouted together, "Victory will surely belong to us!"

Their personal guards will also come, or in other words, they also need a bloodbath, so they shouted together: "Longevity God bless, victory will belong to us!"

When they shouted, their voices became a little louder.

The Jianlu and Mongolian cavalry soldiers who gathered there not far away heard this, no matter what, they naturally followed suit. Anyway, they can’t be wrong: God bless you, victory will belong to us...

Nearly [-] people shouted in unison, and the momentum was huge!

The eastern Mongolian nobles who shouted at the beginning became more energetic after hearing such a loud shout, which made them more convinced: victory will belong to them!

Jierhalang is also quite satisfied with this!Feeling that the morale of the army has been raised, he stopped talking and ordered the expedition immediately!
The mighty cavalry, not to mention colorful, but they can definitely be regarded as patched clothes, slowly moved westward on the yellowing grassland.

On the grassland, there is no such thing as a road or a road. The tribes are united, and many of them go hand in hand with a wide width and rush westward.

Looking at their side, the crowds of people also gave them more confidence, strengthened their courage, and became agitated a lot.Talking with familiar accomplices along the way, it was as if they were back in the past, when they entered the customs together to plunder, instead of fighting a big battle that would determine the fate of the Mongolian tribes in the east.

What gave them such courage?

There are just too many people!

On this day, the fifth day of August in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, the weather was clear and cloudless, and it was still a fine day, and one could see very far.

Estimated that there is still half the distance to Guihua City, Ji Erhalang, the coach in the position of the central army, put away his relaxed mood and began to think about the upcoming battle in Guihua City.

He knew exactly how powerful this army was; no matter how big the war between Wacha and the Tsarist Russian army was in the west, there must still be Ming troops stationed in Guihua City.

When we turn around to attack Guihua City, we must take the lead and suppress the Ming army in terms of momentum. If they can hide in Guihua City and dare not come out, that is the best, and they can loot the outside of the city and destroy the Ming Dynasty. The layout on the Guihua City side.

If it is said that the Ming army is going to fight, the Ming army cannot be allowed to defeat the tribal army on its own side. It must defeat the Ming army as soon as possible, so as to give confidence to the troops of all tribes.

In this way, the most powerful cavalry army in the coalition army is naturally the Mongolian Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty.At this time, you can't hide it.Of course, Daqing cannot be allowed to bear the fight with the Ming army alone.You can use pack wolves tactics to order the elites of the various tribes to attack together...

Thinking of this, the battle plan for Guihua City matured in Jierhalang's heart.

At least in his mind, if he fights like this, he will be more sure!
No, after thinking about it, Jierhalang turned his head and looked in the direction of Jinzhou. After calculating the time, the war should start there too. After the news that the Ming army was defeated here and the Guihua City was destroyed , It will definitely have a good impact on the battle in Jinzhou!
While he was thinking this way, he suddenly saw some cavalry galloping towards him in the distance ahead.

Seeing this movement, Jierharang immediately came back to his senses, and after looking carefully, he immediately recognized that those were all scouts he sent out as outposts.

Chasing back at such a fast speed, it seems that there are wolves chasing behind, this is very abnormal!

As Jierhalang, who was used to leading soldiers and fought many wars, he could tell at a glance what state Tan Ma was in when he rushed back quickly?
At this moment, his heart suddenly "thumped", and a bad thought immediately flashed in his mind.

So, he quickly ordered that the army stop advancing.

In fact, there was no shelter on the grassland, and everyone saw the Tanma rushing back quickly. Seeing the movement, they couldn't help being a little puzzled for a while, wondering what happened?
But it didn't take long for this kind of doubt, and I saw a lot of red dots behind the group of exploring horses that were rushing back, and they were also moving this way quickly.

Ji Erhalang just observed for a while, and immediately understood that those red dots, that is, the Ming army who had about one or two times more horses than the coalition army would not accept them at night!

It's no wonder, if you can't beat them, you will naturally run back!

It is quite normal to encounter enemy scouts on the grassland.

Even at this point in time, at a place so far away from Guihua City, he encountered the Ming army's Ye Bu Shou, which made him feel a little relieved.

At this time, the patriarchs of the various tribes came to ask for a fight. Anyway, the Ming army only took about a hundred people at night. They just took advantage of them, and saw a smile on Jierhalang's face.

This made them a little puzzled. Among them, the patriarch of the Horqin tribe had the best relationship with the Qing Dynasty, so he asked Jierhalang, "Did your Highness see something?"

There is still half a sentence left behind, which is "so happy?"

Hearing his question, Jierhalang saw that they were paying attention to him, so he asked with a smile: "The Ming army in Guihua City sent Yebu so far away, what does that mean?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Keshan obviously didn't want to use his brain, so he immediately responded.

After hearing this, Ji Erhalang pointed forward with his hand and said, "It means that Guihua City's troops are empty. In order to guard against us, Ye Bushuo was sent so far away to guard against us!"

When Wu Keshan heard it, he felt that it made sense, and when he was about to speak, he heard Ji Erhalang immediately add: "There is another reason, that is, the Ming Dynasty sent troops to the east to harass us, and we happened to bump into them." !"

Upon hearing this, Wu Keshan felt that the previous speculation was more reasonable, but before he could say anything, he heard Jierhalang shout loudly: "Everyone, prepare to fight and eat up this Ming army!"

"???" When Wu Keshan heard this, he didn't know why, so he turned his head and looked forward, only to find that many red dots had appeared on the horizon in the distance.

This time, he suddenly realized.Ganqing Heshuo Prince Zheng made up his second guess when he saw the Ming army appearing.

Judging by the number of those red dots, it might be the same as before. Tens of thousands of Ming cavalry came to harass the eastern Mongolian tribes again.

In the past, they were harassed by such a large number of cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty, which finally forced the eastern Mongolian tribes to move eastward and united.

After all, relying on the strength of their tribe alone, it is difficult to deal with the tens of thousands of cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty.

For these nobles of the Mongolian tribes in the east, seeing the Ming cavalry marching eastward at this time, it can be said that the enemy meets each other, and they are extremely jealous!
At this time, it was different from before, the coalition army had [-] people, and they were full of confidence!
All of them started to pat their chests and talk to Ji Erhalang.

"Your Highness, just let my tribe fight, and kill these bright dogs!"

"Your Highness, let me lead the tribe to fight, and I promise to kill Minggou and escape!"


If you think about it with your toes, you know that the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty would never dare to confront the large army here, they could only turn around and run away;
But they were all disappointed, and they only listened to Jierhalang's order: "No, what I mean is that the whole army should attack together, goshawks and rabbits, and this Ming cavalry army cannot escape without damage!"

Hearing his words, many people were a little disappointed, but they could also understand that more people bully fewer people, and if they win a big battle, the morale of the army will be higher, and it will be easier when they go back to Guihua City.

So, they took the order and turned back to their respective tribes one after another, ready to attack one by one.

After such a period of time, the distance between the two sides has become closer.

Yebushou, the Ming army in the distance, first stopped chasing and killing, but they did not return, and then stopped to rest, looking provocative.

And behind them, there were indeed about [-] cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty, and they also slowed down their progress, but they did not retreat, but instead prepared for war.

Seeing this scene, Jierhalang couldn't help feeling a little emotional: When the Ming army saw the Qing army, they would have fled after hearing the news, not to mention the fact that the strength of the two sides was still so disparate.

It can be seen from this that today's Ming army is not very afraid when facing the Qing army!

Just as he was feeling emotional, those scouts had already fled back, all of them were out of breath, and their faces were full of panic.

Seeing the person in the lead, running in front of Jierhalang, hastily turned over and fell off his horse, he panted and told him: "Your Highness, it's not good..."

(End of this chapter)

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