Chapter 763
Hearing this, Jierharang felt a little bad in his heart.Anyway, in the past few years, when I heard this beginning, I knew it was not good news.

Sure enough, he heard the Tanma hurriedly report, "...the army of the Ming Dynasty, at least [-] to [-], is here!"

He didn't have a chance to find out, so he was chased away by the Ming army at night. However, the grassland was not covered by anything, and he knew it after a rough look.When reporting to Heshuo Prince Zheng, report to Duoli, anyway, it is better than reporting less and misestimating the enemy's situation and suffering losses!
Hearing this report, Ji Erhalang's heart was indeed a little heavy.This means that the Wacha tribe in the west and the Tsarist Russian army either did not attack the west of the Ming Dynasty, or they did not have enough pressure at all to let Guihua City rescue them; Come.

With about [-] cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty, the pressure is really a bit heavy!

Thinking this way in his heart, when he looked up, sure enough, he saw red dots appearing one after another in the far west, not just the vanguard of the Ming cavalry army who had stopped to prepare for the battle.

It's really all here, fifty thousand cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty!

Jierhalang's expression was stern, and the leaders of other Mongolian tribes were no exception.

Seeing more and more cavalrymen of the Ming Dynasty appearing in front of them, they were all excited, as if they had been splashed with cold water, and each one of them reined in with stern faces.

With so many Ming troops, whoever rushes over first will be unlucky!Only a fool can do it!
At this time, suddenly, from the side of the central army, a messenger galloped to both sides of the front line, shouting while running, and conveyed Jierhalang's latest military order.

"His Royal Highness has an order. The Ming army only has [-] troops. We have [-] troops. All of us will attack and attack Guihua City directly to disrupt the situation quickly. Anyone who disobeys the military order will be killed!"

Because of the elongated front line, the messengers in a tribe can repeat the military order at least twice, so that the people at the front of the line, including the leaders of the Mongolian nobles, can all hear the military order clearly.

The meaning is actually very clear, the coalition army has more troops than the Ming army, don't stay after the hedge, and directly attack Guihua City, relying on the number of people, the enemy must be rescued, and in a chaotic battle, the more people will have the advantage.

Wu Keshan and the others also understood in their hearts that they really had to follow the conventional tactics. Don't look at the strength of the coalition forces, but many of the coalition forces are actually made up of numbers, not to mention armor, but arrows. Some people are made of bones. of.The only iron utensil on his body is just a waist knife that has been passed down for countless generations!

As for the Ming army, they are already a big dog now, and the equipment they have equipped is definitely the kind that makes them very jealous.

This chaotic battle in Jierhalang can be regarded as the most able to take advantage of the large number of people, disrupt the battle situation, and fight chaotically!
Thinking of this, Wu Keshan and the others sent orders to their respective insufficiencies, preparing to act in accordance with the military orders.

This is not to say that they are really afraid of "those who disobey the order will be beheaded", but they clearly remember what Jierhalang said before the expedition: They have no way out, and only by winning this battle can the Ming Dynasty be relieved. Pressure on them!


The horns of the Mongols sounded one after another, spreading far across the grassland.

The horse under the Mongol's crotch snorted and pawed its front hooves uneasily.

The Mongols on horseback, as well as those Jian captives, all looked stern. They checked their bows and arrows and watched more and more Ming troops ahead, ready to charge!
On the side of the Chinese army, Nikan was ordered to arrive in front of Jierhalang, and he listened to Jierharang giving orders to him: "You lead me five thousand elites of the Qing Dynasty to fight against the Ming army commander. It would be best if you can kill the Ming army commander." , even if you can’t kill them, you still need to kill the main force of the Ming army, so as to ensure the success rate of the chaos in the future!”

Jierhalang thought very clearly that the main force of the Ming army was definitely the elite Han army. If those Mongolian tribes were allowed to fight, they would be defeated at the first touch, and it would have a great impact on the coalition forces.

At this time, there is no way to hide anything.The main force of the Qing Dynasty was to resist the main force of the Han army of the Ming Dynasty, so that there would not be too many losses. Even if the entire army was wiped out, the main force of the Ming army would die.

Although this method of warfare caused heavy losses to the Qing Dynasty, at that time, it played a vital role in the victory of the entire battle.

The victory of the Guihua City Battle will affect the victory of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Regarding these, Nikan was obviously also very clear, so he immediately took orders: "Don't worry, Your Highness, I will kill the commander of the Ming army!"

He wanted to use this battle to prove that he, Nikan, was the leader of the younger generation in the Qing Dynasty, and that he was an independent existence, instead of being distrusted by the regent and sending Jierhalang to replace him as before.

It is impossible for the two armies to talk nonsense.After Nikan took the order, he immediately turned around and made preparations before attacking.

At this time, all the Mongols, as well as the Jianlu, were almost ready. They watched the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty gather in front of them, and they gathered more and more, but their expressions did not change much.

Because they all knew that in front of them would be [-] Ming cavalry troops!

However, after looking at it, someone finally noticed something was wrong!

Why are there more and more Ming troops, so many are a bit outrageous?
Not only is the front line about to be as wide as theirs, but it also feels that the thickness of the Ming army lineup seems to be thicker than theirs!

This is impossible!
Didn't it mean that the Ming army only had [-] troops?

However, the Ming army in front of us must be more than [-], right?It's just a visual inspection, it seems that they are almost the same as the coalition forces, right?

At that time, the most important thing was that there was still a steady stream of Ming troops emerging, as if it was endless, what was the situation?

Jierhalang was also a little dumbfounded!
Based on his experience, he has estimated that there are probably [-] Ming cavalry troops. Where are there so many Ming cavalry troops?

Jierhalang once suspected that the Ming cavalry army was using a bluffing strategy, but after a closer look, there was no evidence that the Ming cavalry army was fake, and there was no sign that they were pretending to be heads.

At this moment, Ji Erhalang's heart sank slowly, and his face became more and more ugly.

The facts are right in front of our eyes. Obviously, from the very beginning, the information about the Ming army in Guihua City was wrong. There are more than [-] Ming troops in Guihua City, and it is very likely that the Ming Kingdom sent other places All the cavalry troops have also been dispatched. Judging from this posture, it is the Ming Dynasty who just hit the idea of ​​​​Eastern Mongolia. It wants to sweep the tribes in the Eastern Mongolian grassland and the allies of the Qing Dynasty in one fell swoop!
With such a huge cavalry force, the equipment is much better than that of our own side. At a glance, it is full of red seas. Just the uniform appearance of the military uniforms suppresses this side!

Thinking of this, he looked to the left and right.

Sure enough, Jierhalang found that, let alone those tribal armies in the distance, the morale of the cavalry directly under the Qing Dynasty was not as high as it was just now!
Needless to say, the loss of superiority in strength has dealt a heavy blow to the morale of the coalition forces!

But why, why is the number of the Ming army still increasing?

At this moment, seeing more and more Ming cavalry in the distance, even Jierhalang couldn't hold back anymore!
Your country is big and your population is large, can you be powerful?Relying on the large number of people, what kind of hero is he?
On the opposite side, more and more troops of the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty appeared in front of them continuously, which really overwhelmed them a bit.

It's like a pig and an elephant are about to start a tug-of-war, that very powerless sense of despair!

They all knew that Ming's army was well-equipped, so they assembled as many troops as possible, trying to give themselves a comfort and an advantage in terms of strength;
But now, even in terms of strength, they are no match for the Ming army on the opposite side.

Then how can we fight this battle?
How to fight!

I don't know when, the Ming army on the opposite side finally stopped adding new ones.However, judging by the number, the strength of the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty definitely exceeded one hundred thousand.In short, there must be more than the coalition forces!
I really don't know how to fight this battle!

Jierhalang, who came back to his senses, suppressed the despair that surged in his heart, showed a resolute expression, drew his sword in his hand, pinched his legs slightly, drove the horse, walked out of the front of the battle slowly, and then Turning around the pier, looking at the soldiers in front of him, he said loudly: "The Qing Dynasty has no way out. This battle is a battle of ruin and death. For the sake of the Qing Dynasty and the tribe, kill!"

Nikan then drew his sword, raised his arms and shouted: "For the Qing Dynasty, kill!"

The Jianlu army saw that the princes and kings had all come to the front of the team. In desperation, they all became hideous. They immediately drew out their weapons and shouted: "Kill...kill...kill..."

The sound of killing from Jianlu's side spread, which naturally attracted the attention of other Mongolian tribal troops.The leaders of the Mongolian nobles knew very well that they had no way out. Seeing the morale of the Qing Dynasty, they also encouraged their subordinates to boost their morale.

Compared with the noise from the Jianlu and Mongolian allied forces, there was no sound at all from the Daming cavalry.However, if there is a third-party person present, the momentum displayed by this kind of silence can be felt at once, completely suppressing the noise of the Jianlu coalition forces.

With a wave of his sword, Jierhalang was the first to drive the horse, and began to advance slowly, attacking the Ming army.

Behind him was Nikan, the second-ranked general of the coalition forces.

Looking at their backs, Jianlu's entire army began to keep up, advancing slowly, and slowly increasing their horse speed.

This battle is a decisive battle for the Qing Dynasty!

The narrow road meets the brave to win!


The army of the Mongolian tribe in the east saw that the Jianlu cavalry army moved, so they also started to move.

The Daming cavalry also started to move.All drove the horses and slowly started to speed up.

A large-scale war that has not been seen for decades on the grassland is about to take place!
But at this moment, the mutation happened!
(End of this chapter)

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