Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 764 Daming's Grassland

Chapter 764 Daming's Grassland

Suddenly there was chaos in the coalition forces of Jianlu and Mongolia.

In the beginning, I didn't know which tribe it was, or in other words, several tribes started together.

"The Ming army has more troops than us, how do we fight?"

"The Ming army is well equipped, what should we fight with?"

"The Ming army is too powerful, if you can't beat it, you will die!"

"Run away, there is no chance if you don't run away!"

"If the Ming army didn't kill the poor herdsmen, there would be no point in sending them to death!"


There were shouts one after another, and the people who shouted, to be precise, were ordinary herdsmen in gray robes, who turned their horses first, or ran north, east, or south, anyway. Not West Chong.

The Mongolian tribal army, which had been tense at the sight of the powerful Ming cavalry army, suddenly became chaotic after being messed up like this.

If there are only one or two people who affect the morale of the army, or if there are only people in a certain tribe, then it will have no effect on the army that is about to start a decisive battle at this time!
But the problem is that there are more than one or two herdsmen who are shouting and disturbing the morale of the army, and it is not a certain tribe, but there are such people in the ordinary herdsmen in almost every tribe.

At this time, the army had just started riding and hadn't even started to run. There was such a sudden chaos, and those other people who had finally breathed a sigh of relief were discouraged all at once.

Seeing this situation, the patriarchs of the various tribes didn't want to stop it, but it was impossible to suppress this sudden situation in a short while.

As those people began to flee in all directions, they immediately led the people around them to flee together.

If it is a general war, there is a supervising team behind the army, and the nobles are also behind.

But this time, facing the mighty Ming army, it was a last stand for the coalition forces. Jierhalang and others rushed to the front to boost the morale of the army, and the nobles of all tribes also went all out. Rushing to the front also boosts the morale of the clan.

Otherwise, facing the Ming army with such an advantage, who would dare to directly hedge against the ordinary herdsmen?

However, it is really unthinkable that these ordinary herdsmen suddenly made trouble at such a critical moment!

It's like a dam that stops a flood, only a hole is slightly opened, and finally there is a "crash", the hole gets bigger and bigger, and then it bursts.

The coalition forces that were about to counterattack, because of the disturbance of those herdsmen, led the ordinary herdsmen to collapse and fled in all directions.

On this grassland, the sound of rumbling horseshoes is still ringing.

On the side of the Daming Cavalry, they are like red waves, rushing forward wave after wave, and the speed is getting faster and faster!

On the side of the Jianlu and Mongolian coalition forces, it is no longer a front, but a very exaggerated jagged shape;

Those resolute Jianlu or Mongols rushed to the front, then looked back in amazement, and found that the cavalry behind them were all running for their lives, leaving them alone in front.

It's good for Jianlu, there is no such situation.However, on both sides of the Jianlu army formation, the fronts of those Mongolian tribes have long been in chaos.

If one looks at the ground from the sky at this time, one can see the side of the Ming cavalry, like a piece of red cloth covering the grassland, rolling forward.

On the side of Jianlu and the Mongolian coalition forces, it was indeed like a piece of cloth was cut off one piece after another, leaving holes one after another.

Just as the two armies were starting to confront each other, such a thing happened suddenly, and it had a huge impact, as one can imagine!

Ji Erhalang charged resolutely at first, but when he saw this sudden situation, his face turned ashen!
Originally, the hope of victory in the desperate battle was very slim, but being messed up by the pig teammate like this, even that slim hope was completely wiped out!
In this battle, the coalition forces were defeated without a fight; in the end, it will inevitably affect the battle in Jinzhou!
Even if the battle in Jinzhou is won and the grassland becomes the sphere of influence of the Ming army, the Ming cavalry can attack the Qing from the flanks of the Qing at any time, and the Qing will lose even if it is undefeated!

At this time, Jierhalang had originally accumulated all his strength and planned to fight to the death, but before the battle started, he found that he was vomiting and diarrhea, and lost before fighting!
Thinking of the inevitable consequences, and thinking of how foolishly he lost this battle, Ji Erhalang couldn't help sighing, his face was ashen, turned the long sword in his hand, and wanted to commit suicide to apologize!

His personal guard saw it and hurried forward to stop him.

Nikan, who was following behind him, shouted even louder: "Your Highness, if you leave the green hills there, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood! Don't die!"

If you die, who will take the blame for this battle?
Being called by Nikan, Jierhalang raised his head and looked at the Ming army whose horse speed was getting higher and higher. He suddenly shouted: "Batulu of the Qing Dynasty, follow the king!"

Before he finished shouting, he clamped the horse's belly heavily, drove the horse out, and rushed towards the Ming army frantically.

Nikan, who originally wanted to withdraw, was surprised when he saw Jierhalang's lonely back, and saw Jierhalang's personal guards following up, covering up Jierhalang's back, and suddenly, he followed He raised his arms and shouted: "Batulu Daqing, go!"

In this battle, even though they lost, at least they had to pull a few Ming troops to back them up!
Most of the Jianlu, seeing their Heshuo Prince Zheng leading the charge towards an enemy several times their own, many people's brains became hot, and they rushed up.


The two armies were about to engage in battle soon, and the shouts of killing sounded.

Looking at the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty that was becoming more and more clear in front of him, Jierhalang, who was rushing to the front, had already been overtaken by his personal guards.

At this time, he looked back, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

On the side of the coalition army, even if he was the Prince Heshuo of the Qing Dynasty who took the lead in the charge, that alone would not be able to move those pig teammates. On the side of the tribal army, basically few people followed.

Of the [-] allied forces, at most less than [-] troops charged, and most of them were from the Qing army and the Horqin clan!

Jierhalang, who has always been wise, suddenly felt resentment in his heart. He had never been so resentful in his life. He looked up at the blue sky, shouted silently, or complained: pig teammate, pig teammate, pig teammate what!

In the next life, there will never be any pig teammates again!

The charge of the cavalry was getting closer and closer.

The situation on the side of the Jianlu and the Mongolian coalition forces was as if they had beaten the Ming cavalry army to the brim.At this time, no one is afraid of death. In their eyes, they only have military achievements!


Closer, closer.

Suddenly, on the battlefield, intensive gunfire sounded.

"Blah blah blah..."

This is the sound of the cavalry's short flintlock muskets issued by the Han cavalry army firing. No matter whether they fired or not, they all raised their sabers and started a hedge hand-to-hand fight.


The fronts of Jianlu and the Mongolian coalition forces are sparse and have no thickness at all.

The soldiers of the Ming army completely rushed out of their line after just one round of hedging;
On the contrary, Jianlu and the Mongolian coalition forces confronted each other, only to find that what greeted them was wave after wave of monstrous waves.Even if they survived the first wave by luck, they didn't have time to catch their breath, and the second wave of huge waves ushered in again!

In short, one monstrous wave after another monstrous wave, they were all photographed quickly.

Li Dingguo, who charged past, reined in his horse and stopped, then turned around and looked, and he found that his enemy had been completely wiped out.

At this time, his personal guard said to him excitedly: "Just now, Lord Hou seems to have killed a slave chieftain who built a prisoner!"

Another guard listened, and quickly echoed: "Look at that, it seems to be King Doro of Jianlu!"

Li Dingguo listened, but he didn't care at all, as if the Jianlu he killed was just an ordinary Jianlu when he hedged just now. Said: "Send the order again, the one with the white cloth strips tied on his arm is our own!"

This battle was won far more easily than expected, thanks to the Mongolian soldiers sent to the grassland by Mr. Du before.Although the order had been sent before the battle, Li Dingguo was afraid that his subordinates would be jealous and accidentally kill these soldiers who had made great achievements, so he emphasized the army again.

His personal guards heard it and immediately obeyed the order.

On the grassland at this time, it was completely a chase.

Under the banners of Chinese characters, the cavalry troops of the Ming Dynasty are chasing the fleeing Mongols; it's like a pack of wolves chasing a flock of sheep, and there are more wolves than sheep!
It wasn't until evening, when the sunset glow dyed the western sky red, that the soldiers of the Ming army who pursued them returned with the captives in groups.

Every soldier of the Ming army is all smiling!

I really didn't expect that this battle would be so easy!

The battlefield of the battle has also been cleaned up, and all the results of the battle have finally been gathered under the handsome flag and into the hands of Li Dingguo and Li Ruolian.

The soldiers of the Ming army killed more than [-] people and injured more than [-] people; they mainly died in the confrontation with Jianlu.

As for the harvest, it is big.

The entire army of Jianlu was wiped out, including their Heshuo Prince Zheng Jierhalang and Duoluo County King Nikan, and the people of the Eastern Mongolian tribe captured more than [-] people; killed less than [-] people; the rest were still Being escaped, they just fled in all directions, not in a group.

If there is a group fleeing, they will definitely be chased by the Ming cavalry, and it is impossible to run away!

Seeing the results of this battle, Li Ruolian immediately laughed and said, "The construction of the railway to Guihua City will be much faster now!"

In this regard, Li Dingguo just smiled, and then ordered to send [-] cavalry to escort the captives back outside Guihua City, and the remaining about [-] cavalry continued to advance eastward, sweeping across eastern Mongolia, and flanking the Jian captives. Support the Liaodong War!
From then on, the grassland is the grassland of Daming!
(End of this chapter)

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