Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 767 This Chicken Must Be Killed

Chapter 767 This Chicken Must Be Killed
This kind of box, people in the hall can tell at a glance that it is a box for storing secret music.

Generally speaking, if there is no special event, they will not use the form of secret music to reach the imperial court.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he stopped talking. After receiving the forwarded box from Wang Chengen, he first checked the box to make sure that no one had touched it. Then he opened the box himself and read the secret music first.

After only a while, the smile on Emperor Chongzhen's face disappeared, and then he slammed the table and said angrily, "What a guts!"

Wang Chengen had been serving Emperor Chongzhen all along, and had basically never been out of Beijing. At this moment, he was surprised to see Emperor Chongzhen so furious.

It's not that he hasn't seen Emperor Chongzhen get angry like this, but he hasn't seen him for a long time!After many years, it was a surprise to see Emperor Chongzhen so furious again.

Before he had time to react, he saw Emperor Chongzhen turn his head to look at him, and said sternly: "Ban, you immediately send the elite of the West Factory to go south to investigate the case thoroughly with Wang Dehua of the East Factory. No matter who is involved, once If there is any evidence, I will arrest them all!"

"Slave complies with the order!" Wang Chengen responded without hesitation when he heard this, and then asked cautiously, "Long Live Lord, what is the case?"

At least at this moment, he could hear that this secret memorial must have come from Wang Dehua who was in the south of the Yangtze River, and it was probably very serious in nature, which is why Emperor Chongzhen made this decree.

Sun Chuanting, who was standing with his hands down, heard this and felt that the situation was a bit serious.But it was about secret music, and it was not easy for him to inquire about it, so he could only wait and see if the emperor would say it himself.

Obviously, Emperor Chongzhen still trusted them very much, so he said directly to Wang Cheng'en: "The Portuguese in Haojingao said that someone from Ming sold them the blueprint of a steam engine for one million taels; and the Portuguese estimated that the Dutch should There will also be this, so I filed a complaint with Dongchang, Wang Dehua initially verified that the Dutchman was a little sneaky when he left Fuzhou, and suspected that there was such a thing..."

Hearing this, both Wang Chengen and Sun Chuanting were shocked.

The steam engine is Daming's treasure, and it has a wide range of uses, which is obvious to all.This thing, not to mention selling it to foreigners, even in the Ming Dynasty, it cannot be bought or sold!

They were in shock when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say with gritted teeth: "Wang Dehua estimates that those who are capable of selling steam engine blueprints must be rich and powerful, and not ordinary businessmen or ordinary people can do this!"

Think about it too, ordinary people simply can't get the blueprint of the steam engine.

It is also because of this speculation that Wang Dehua came to this secret concert, wanting to seize the power first and then play it later.

This is also how Wang Dehua behaved with his tail between his legs. Otherwise, if he had been favored like before, he would not have needed to perform this secret performance at all, and would have just grasped it first and played it later.

But after Emperor Chongzhen watched the secret performance, he asked Wang Chengen to bring the Xichang elites to the south in person. It can also be seen from this that Wang Dehua is still not trustworthy enough in the eyes of Emperor Chongzhen.

At this time, Wang Chengen heard this, and immediately responded: "Long live Lord, don't worry, the servant will definitely investigate this matter to the bottom, and find out this kind of dog who eats inside and outside!"

One million taels, really makes many people take risks!

Afterwards, Wang Cheng'en didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately prepared to leave the hall and dispatch the elite of the West Factory to go south.

However, Wang Chengen had just arrived at the gate of the hall and hadn't left yet, when he suddenly heard Emperor Chongzhen say, "Wait a minute!"

Wang Chengen was a little surprised when he heard this, but he listened to Emperor Chongzhen the most, so he stopped immediately.

Sun Chuanting next to him, at this time, couldn't help but worry and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you send troops to Nanyang, seal that Batavia, and search him once?"

The steam engine was so important that he felt compelled to do so.Unless the Dutch want to rebel, otherwise they must be searched by the court to prove their innocence!

However, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head when he heard this, and said with a serious face: "Those Dutch people have ulterior motives, and they may resist. According to the Portuguese, the countries on the Western Yi side put pressure on the Dutch and Portuguese. They have become a vassal state of Ming Dynasty!"

Having said that, before Sun Chuanting could open his mouth, he stood up and said, "Please wait for a while, sir!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Chongzhen turned into the apse while taking out his mobile phone from his chest sachet.

When Sun Chuanting saw him, he knew that he was going to contact Emperor Taizu, so he had to wait patiently.He also wanted to know, what would Emperor Taizu's opinion be when he knew about this kind of thing?
Wang Chengen watched the back of Emperor Chongzhen turning into the apse, and he had the same opinion as Sun Chuanting, so he waited patiently.

They were right, but what Emperor Chongzhen contacted was not the real Emperor Taizu, but Liu Weichao from another plane.

As soon as Liu Weichao got through the video connection, Emperor Chongzhen said eagerly, "Is it convenient to talk?"

When Liu Weichao saw this, he knew that Emperor Chongzhen was in a hurry, so he was a little curious. Logically speaking, Daming is now on the right track and everything is going well. Even the upcoming battle to restore Liaodong is well prepared. Nothing to worry about?

It's impossible to lose the Liaodong War when you have an advantage, right?

Thinking of this, he quickly asked: "What is it, tell me!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said to Liu Weichao: "I got the news that the steam engine is likely to be taken by the Western Yi, and it is the Dutch who got it!"

As the Emperor Chongzhen who understood the deepest in the Ming Dynasty, he couldn't be more clear about the role of the steam engine.Because of this, he didn't even let go of the folks, but it was specially produced by the Bingzhan Bureau and its subordinate steam engine factory, and it was used for transportation and other applications controlled by the imperial court.

Now, for such a useful thing to be obtained by Xi Yi, he is of course anxious.

But who knows, when Liu Weichao heard about it, he immediately said with a smile: "I thought it was something, but it turned out to be this! This kind of thing will happen, I have thought of it a long time ago!"

"..." Seeing that he seemed a little indifferent, Emperor Chongzhen was a little speechless.

It stands to reason that Liu Weichao shouldn't be unaware of the importance of the steam engine?But why, he doesn't seem to care?
Thinking of this, he was a little anxious, and suddenly he calmed down a lot. Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Weichao for advice: "Then how do you think about this?"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao said with a smile: "The principle of the steam engine is actually very simple. Although there are a few key points in improving the steam engine, it is still difficult for smart people! It is impossible to monopolize this thing all the time. After all, you have more and more finished steam engines, and they are available in all walks of life, so it is easy for others to figure out and imitate them.”

Speaking of this, after he paused, he saw that Emperor Chongzhen was a bit unwilling, and continued: "In addition, the popularization of Gewuxue in Ming Dynasty will inevitably spread to other countries. Improving the level of gewu in other countries will correspondingly drive the development of science and technology in the entire world!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought it was true, and couldn't help feeling a little helpless, so he asked Liu Weichao, "Then how should I deal with it?"

"It's very simple!" Liu Weichao listened, and said without hesitation: "Public knowledge should be popularized, and you can't prevent it. However, high-end knowledge, such as the knowledge in the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, must have Only qualified people can learn, no matter how high-end, you need to review the qualifications. Moreover, your technology tree must continue to develop. If others catch up, they will be left far behind by Da Ming, and then Da Ming will always be guaranteed. Its technology is the most advanced, and Daming's strength is the strongest!"

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen listening intently, but frowning slightly, he further explained: "For example, this steam engine, I believe that the best steam engine, different models of steam engines for different scenarios, are all ahead of Ming Dynasty. Even if other countries get the steam engine, they will not be able to catch up with Ming Dynasty. Because of this, technical reserves are needed."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, his eyes widened a little, as if his expression relaxed a little, and Liu Weichao said again: "Not to mention, Daming is already developing an internal combustion engine, which is not comparable to a steam engine. Also, the internal combustion engine is equipped with In petrochemical industry, it is even more difficult for others to steal their masters. Therefore, as long as Daming is always ahead in technology, there is no need to worry about being suppressed by Xi Yi after stealing his masters!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen finally showed a smile, and said: "That's right, just like the white gunpowder. As long as I keep it secret in the military battle bureau, others will not be able to steal it. This is the gap in technology!"

The granulation of black powder, etc., after others see the finished product, they can learn from it after all.However, with the advancement of technology, some things cannot be stolen.

Seeing that Emperor Chongzhen had understood what he meant, Liu Weichao smiled, and then said to him seriously: "I think it's time for you to set up a worldwide patent office. Anyway, Daming's fist is hard enough. Let me declare, who If you dare to steal something from Daming and use it without Daming’s permission, you will be beaten! Anyone who wants to use something from Daming has to pay Daming money, which is the patent fee! In short, as long as you register with the Daming Patent Office and declare Patents, everything is handled like this!"

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen nodded immediately, and immediately thought in his heart that those who secretly sold the blueprint of the steam engine must be severely punished; however, the Dutch who dared to buy the blueprint of the steam engine without their own consent must also be severely punished!

This chicken must be killed!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen thought of another thing, so he also asked Liu Weichao for advice.

(End of this chapter)

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