Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 768: Heavenly Dao Wheel Chapter

Chapter 768 Heaven's Path Reincarnation
"The Portuguese said that European countries are opposed to their becoming a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, so they want to become a vassal state of Ming Dynasty secretly. Do you think I will reject their request?"

Hearing this, Liu Weichao thought for a while, and then said: "No problem, since it is their request, it means that subjectively they are willing to recognize Daming as the suzerain state, but the objective conditions do not allow it!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then continued: "The influence of Ming Dynasty has not yet affected Europe, and it is the most normal thing to be opposed by those European countries. You can support Portugal first, and wait until Ming Dynasty expands to the Middle East , When we fight with Europe and have the ability to interfere in European affairs, it will not be too late to disclose this relationship. Before that, let’s eat the colonies of those European countries around the world!"

Emperor Chongzhen heard Liu Weichao's opinion, thought for a while and found it reasonable, then nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

After hearing this, Liu Weichao asked, "Is there anything else?"

"When Li Dingguo's troops were advancing eastward on the grassland, they happened to encounter the coalition forces of Jianlu and the Eastern Mongolian tribes. Under the internal response arranged by Du Yinxi, they won a complete victory. The Jianlu's Heshuo Zheng Prince Ji Erha Ron..."

When Emperor Chongzhen said this, he thought of something, immediately laughed, and then went on to say: "There is also a king of Duoluo County, Aixinjue Ronican, who died under the flintlock of Li Dingguo himself. I remember that in the original In history, he also died under Li Dingguo, right?"

Liu Weichao laughed when he heard it, nodded and said: "Anyway, the most famous deeds of Li Dingguo are two famous kings, one of which is this Nikan. Unexpectedly, the reincarnation of heaven made him die in the hands of Li Dingguo, haha!"

Emperor Chongzhen laughed, and said after a while: "Now the Liaodong War has started. On the grassland, Li Dingguo is leading an army of about [-] cavalry to chase and kill the remnants of the enemy. They will enter Liaodong later; the battle of Jinzhou has also started. Yinxi leads the army, and about [-] troops will land at the mouth of the Liaohe River to attack Haizhou; the Dongjiang army has also started to attack Pyongyang and other northern North Korea, cutting off the connection between Liaodong and North Korea!"

When Liu Weichao heard it, he imagined it in his mind, and he couldn't help but yearn for it. This is a big war, a real big war!If there are drones and the like to go to the scene to shoot, it will definitely be a blockbuster!
It's a pity that this can only be thought of in this way, it is impossible to achieve!
Regrettably, Liu Weichao still said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Then congratulations to you for recovering Liaodong this year, occupying North Korea next year, and destroying Japan the year after!"

Of course, he is very clear about how strong the Ming army is today, and he doesn't think there will be any surprises.Especially under the blessing of technology, there is even more suppression of generational differences.

After hearing Liu Weichao's words, Emperor Chongzhen just smiled lightly and didn't say anything.But in his heart, he was thinking that there was no need to spend such a long time, and he would wait and tell Liu Weichao when the good news came. At that time, he only needed to mention a word: the kingdom of Wa has fallen!

He was thinking about it when Liu Weichao asked him, "Is there anything else?"

Hearing these words again, Emperor Chongzhen came back to his senses, and immediately replied: "I don't have anything here, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Weichao listened, held the mobile phone in his hand, pointed the camera at the room, scanned slowly, and said to Emperor Chongzhen at the same time: "See, the books on this row of bookshelves are all books of "Yongle Dadian". It has matured, directly scanned and edited into a booklet, and connected to a printer to automatically print out. Basically, I can achieve full automation here, and the speed of taking pictures of books over there, can you see if it can be speeded up?"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was immediately stressed, and at the same time very envious.

Originally, he felt that the speed of flipping through the book by shooting a video, and then sending the video content to Liu Weichao was fast enough.

At first, it seemed to be the same.Ever since Liu Weichao passed on "Yongle Dadian" by making a video flipping the book, Liu Weichao never urged him again.

Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, he was able to realize automation, not only turning the content of the video into a book, but also printing it out, which is equivalent to restoring the "Yongle Dadian" in that world. It's time to blow the dust!

This kind of technology is absolutely enviable!

Regarding Liu Weichao's request, Emperor Chongzhen certainly gave priority to it. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, how about asking the prince to record a video of "Yongle Dadian" for you when I review the memorial at night?"

Fortunately, the Forbidden City has realized the freedom of electric lights, and the brightness is no problem.

Liu Weichao also knew that he should not force Emperor Chongzhen too much. After all, he was the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he still had to put state affairs first.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's do this first!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen remembered something and asked, "Is your wife about to give birth? I need to prepare some gifts!"

"No, really no need!" Liu Weichao said with a smile when he heard it, "You, it would be best to pass on the "Yongle Dadian" as soon as possible. I am already writing a paper on "Yongle Dadian" one by one. Publish it!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen was a little speechless, so he had no choice but to agree, and hung up the video communication.

Then, after pondering for a while, he turned around and walked out of the apse. After sitting down on the throne again, he looked at Wang Chengen who was waiting there and confessed: "My companion, let's go and investigate the matter of the steam engine with Dongchang. In addition , and then search for other things that are prohibited by the imperial court, and if found, they will be arrested, no matter who they are, there is no exception!"

"Slave obeys the order!" Wang Chengen didn't dare to be negligent when he heard this, and quickly agreed. This time, he finally left the hall in a hurry and went.

Afterwards, he looked at Sun Chuanting and confessed: "There may be moths on the Dutch side. You are in charge of the military affairs, and you should be ready to send troops to Nanyang. I want the Dutch colonies in Nanyang!"

After hearing this, Sun Chuanting couldn't help frowning slightly.

As far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, most of its troops are on the front line of the Liaodong War, mainly in Dongjiang Town, and the other part is in the Wa Kingdom and the Ryukyu Kingdom.In the short term, these naval forces cannot be mobilized.

Thinking of this, he played to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the strength of the Netherlands in Nanyang is stronger than that of the Spaniards in Luzon before; and the steam iron-clad warships of the imperial court are greatly affected by the waves on the ocean. If only by stationing in Luzon The Nanyang Navy is probably not enough to crush the Dutch!"

Since King Zhou became a vassal in Luzon, and Luzon became Zhou State, the fleet led by Zheng Zhibao was reorganized into the Ming Nanyang Navy, and the patrolling sea areas included Luzon sea area and Taiwan frog sea area, etc.Because of the war between Japan and North Korea, the Nanyang Navy has not expanded, and its combat power is only more than a hundred warships.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting still has concerns.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately smiled and said, "I didn't say to attack the Dutch colonies immediately!"

"So..." Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said, "In Fujian and Guangdong, we will set up another shipyard. Skilled craftsmen will be deployed from Tianjin and Nanjing shipyards to supplement the strength of the Nanyang Navy!"

At this time, apart from money, Daming also has technology, and technology means advanced productivity. It is actually not difficult to want to violent soldiers!
Sun Chuanting couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that, he didn't worry about other things, he was in charge of military affairs, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, has the ironclad ship made progress?"

He had always known that Song Yingxing was building an all-iron armored warship at the Tianjin Shipyard, and it was not a paddle wheel, but a propeller hidden in the water.

But this is the top secret of Daming, even if he is a minister of the Ming cabinet, he has no right to ask, and is directly under the emperor's side.Therefore, Sun Chuanting did not know the specific development progress.

Hearing his words, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smiled and shook his head and said: "It's not that fast, but the previous steam ironclad warship can be modified, propelled by propellers, and equipped with rifled artillery. Although there is a resonance problem, as long as it It’s not a long-term use, but it’s still no problem! Just this, I believe it’s enough to deal with the Dutch sailing warships!”

The resonance problem of the propeller will cause great damage to the hull.However, usually rely on sails, once there is a war, and then use the steam engine to drive the propeller, I believe that the impact on the iron-covered hull should not be too great!
When Sun Chuanting heard that it was not the real iron-clad ship he had imagined, he felt a little disappointed.But looking back and thinking about it, it seems that what the emperor said was right. The paddle wheels were replaced with propellers, and the artillery was replaced with rifled artillery. The range was longer and the accuracy was higher. It was also better than the Dutch warships in all aspects.

Thinking of this, he had no objection, and immediately received the order, and then he would coordinate with the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, and the Inner Palace War Bureau on this matter later.

Sun Chuanting was busy, and Emperor Chongzhen was also busy.He wants to consider Liu Weichao's suggestion to set up a worldwide patent office.

According to the usual practice, Liu Weichao will sort out the background information involved in his conversation with Liu Weichao later, and then pass it on to him.

At that time, after Emperor Chongzhen referred to the patent matters of that plane, he could design the World Patent Office belonging to Ming Dynasty.

In addition, the Portuguese envoys were also on their way to Beijing, and Emperor Chongzhen had to consider the affairs of this European vassal state.

There are many things!

As for the ongoing Liaodong War, Emperor Chongzhen was not particularly worried, nor was he as concerned as before.

There is no other reason, because he has the confidence, and the imperial army will definitely win!

Compared with Emperor Chongzhen, Dorgon, the regent of the Qing Dynasty at this time, also had confidence in his heart, and felt that this battle could be won!

(End of this chapter)

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