Chapter 774
The weather in autumn is as usual. The so-called crisp autumn is a good weather for outings.

However, at this place less than ten miles away from Xingshanyi, Jianlu and Japanese pirates gathered, attacking from all sides, blocking the Ming army attacking along the official road towards Jinzhou.

On the side, the Japanese ambush army in Lumu Chongbao and other places have also stepped forward, trying to attack the Ming army's flank.

But obviously, although no corpse was seen on the flank, a lot of bloodstains could be seen on the ground, obviously the attempt failed.

At this time, the white armor soldiers under the command of Oboi and the elite of each banner, about [-] people, replaced the Japanese army on the flank, all of them were ready to go with serious expressions.

These Jianlu elites were all wearing three layers of armor, half of them were armed with swords, shields, maces, machetes and other weapons, and the other side was full of bows and arrows.It can be seen that not to mention the hard bows in their hands, the arrow pots are one more than ordinary archers, or even more.

Originally, there were musketeers in the Jianlu army, that is, the firearms soldiers that Kong Youde brought over when he defected to Jianlu. However, this army was wiped out in the Battle of Ningyuan that year. Therefore, the musketeers on Jianlu's side have already It was not established, only the North Koreans were there, and they were not transferred here, but they were only in charge of besieging Jinzhou City.

The reason for this is not because the Korean soldiers are unreliable, but because the firecrackers used by the Koreans are obviously not as sophisticated as the Ming army. If they use muskets to shoot each other during the attack, they will probably give away their heads in vain.Otherwise, it is impossible for Dorgon not to let the North Korean musketeers go into battle.

Behind these Japanese soldiers, Yagyu Shibingwei also mobilized the elite of the Japanese army, that is, those samurai flag books, etc., are all elite warriors of the Japanese country, divided into two parts.

Part of it is the iron artillery of the Japanese army. It sounds scary, but it is actually just a shotgun team.The other part is the banner of the samurai with superb martial arts skills, etc. Most of them hold long two-handed samurai swords.Relatively speaking, individual combat power is absolutely powerful.

As for the ordinary ashigaru, those holding long spears are all behind. Only the Qing Dynasty Batulu and Japanese warriors in the front can tear through the defense line of the Ming army, and these ashigaru will charge. The gunpowder of the Ming army, and there is no other possibility.

The Ming army still relies on the car battalion and focuses on defense.

With the help of the binoculars given to him by Yagyu Shibingwei, Dorgon found that there were indeed not many artillery pieces in the side vans of the Ming army.

Generally speaking, according to the practice of the Ming army's car battalion, if two large and two small cannons are installed in a van, the long-range cannon will be very powerful.But relatively speaking, it will also become very heavy.In this way, the van is usually pulled by a strong ox or multiple horses.

However, Dorgon found that there were no livestock such as cattle and horses in the camp of the Ming army. It can also be proved from another aspect that there is absolutely no heavy artillery in the vans of the Ming army, because they are too heavy.

After seeing this situation, he felt more confidence in his heart, and his face was no longer so serious.

You must know that the Qing Dynasty has been troubled by the Ming army's muskets since a long time ago, and finally figured out a way to deal with it, and gradually improved it in previous battles, and obtained the ultimate weapon against the Ming army's muskets, that is, Carriage.

From the time when it was still a big gold, every [-] people in every Niulu (one Niulu is [-] people) is equipped with four chariots, operated by [-] soldiers, accounting for [-]%, which shows its status.

This chariot is actually the shield on the cart, that is, at the front of a two-wheeled cart, there is a shield that can cover a large area.However, this shield is made of thick wood covered with cowhide and iron.The chariot made in this way has strong defensive power, "small bricks and stones will not move when hit, big bricks and stones will roll down when hit, and firewood will not be burned".It also has a very strong defense against muskets, basically impenetrable.

Therefore, the car is the nemesis of muskets, but at the same time, it is also afraid of the bombardment of medium-sized and above artillery.

At this time, Dorgon was basically sure that the Ming army was in a hurry to rescue Jinzhou, and did not carry many heavy artillery. In this way, Che Chen was given a place to use his skills!

This battle can be fought and won!
In order to contain the Ming army and create opportunities for the main attacking army, after Dorgon discussed with Yagyu Jubingwei, Yagyu Jubingwei was responsible for sending troops to feign an attack to contain them.

Before the sun could unleash the power of the autumn tiger, the thunderous war drums sounded in the Liaoxi Corridor.

"Dong dong dong..."

The Japanese army blocking the way was the first to attack, but they were timid, obviously afraid of the power of the Ming army's muskets.After walking for a long time, I didn't walk a few feet away.

When Dorgon saw it, he immediately lit up.This kind of attack can contain a ghost!

So, he said to Liu Sheng's ten soldiers seriously: "In this battle, you and I have sent the most elite men to flank the Ming army. If your strength to restrain the Ming army is weak, is it possible that you want to kill those elites? "

After hearing this, Yagyu Jubingwei was a little embarrassed to see the Japanese attacking coweringly, so he yelled loudly in Japanese.

Later, I saw a Japanese army stepping forward and began to supervise the battle: kill those who retreat, and kill those who are weak in battle!

After some people were dealt with by the military law, these Japanese soldiers who were in charge of containment had no choice but to cry and start attacking the Ming army with a mournful face.

At this point in the war, it is considered a bit like a big war.

"Blah blah blah..."

On the side of the Ming army's camp, the sound of muskets rang out continuously, and they began to harvest those Japanese soldiers who rushed close.

In the rear position of the Ming army, the Japanese army also rushed out to contain the rear army of the Ming army.

All of a sudden, shouts of killing, gunshots, etc., rang out.

Dorgon is still observing and wants to wait.

Because he saw that the Japanese army that restrained the Ming army did not restrain the attention of the Ming army at this time. Based on his years of experience in the battlefield, he found that the Ming army could still deal with it calmly.

However, Liu Sheng Shibingwei watched his subordinates fall one after another on the way to the Ming army's camp, which made him very unhappy, so he began to urge Dorgon: "In this short time, it's already done!" Thousands of people have died, is it okay?"

"No order yet? You can't let all my Japanese soldiers die, can you?"

"Look, at least [-] people have died, and if you don't attack, then you Qing soldiers will stop it!"

"Could it be that I want my Japanese life to consume the gunpowder of the Guangming Army, so this is considered restraint?"


Duo ErGun couldn't stop the complaints of Liu Sheng Shibingwei, and finally issued the military order to attack Ao Bai.

Obai received the military order, but he didn't hesitate, and he didn't care that the Japanese army might not be strong enough to contain the Ming army, so he immediately ordered an attack.

Carriages were pushed out one after another, there were about thirty of them, forming an uneven shield wall, one after another, like waves, pushed by a few strong soldiers, as fast as possible The Jianlu white armor soldiers covering the back of the car began to attack.

The Jianlu who hid behind the front chariot were all selected elite archers.Holding hard bows in their hands, they adjusted the shooting angle and threw arrows obliquely upwards to cover the progress of the chariot.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

"Blah blah blah..."

The Ming army obviously also noticed this Jianlu, and the Jianlu who used the chariot must be taken care of, and the muskets followed.

Not to mention, Jianlu hid behind the chariot, and the muskets of the Ming army did not kill them much.

As the number one Batulu in the Qing Dynasty, Oboi was already the commander of the guard army and one of the most trusted people around the emperor, but he was also in the charge team.

This team is all elite, so they naturally know how to cooperate with each other, basically they don't need to be commanded by Oboi.

In the distance, seeing this situation, Hong Chengchou couldn't help admiring: "The elites of the Qing Dynasty are invincible in the world!"

When Dorgon heard this, a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, that's right, this is a white-armored soldier drawn from the Eight Banners, can he not be elite?

But this trace of color quickly disappeared, because he knew that the Ming army must have brought artillery to some extent, and the Ming army also knew that the best way to deal with Che Chen was the bombardment of artillery.Therefore, with the advancement of the car, the artillery of the Ming army will definitely fire, and the Qing elite will inevitably suffer losses.

But as long as the Qing elite can rush into the Ming army camp, it is worth losing some white armored soldiers.

When he was thinking this way, he saw that the elite Japanese army behind the elite of the Qing Dynasty had also followed, and in the dark, they rushed towards the camp of the Ming army under the cover of the front chariot.


The distance was only twenty or thirty feet away, and Dorgon was so sweaty, he also had a little doubt: Why didn't the Ming army fire their guns?If we don't fire again, it will be too late, right?

There were no soldiers of the Ming army to operate their vans. Don't they even have a cannon?
At this distance, even if the Ming army fired artillery and the chariot was destroyed, there would not be much loss. The Qing warriors would surely be able to enter the Ming army's camp, right?
For a moment, Dorgon couldn't figure it out.

Oboi, who was in the middle of the game, didn't think so much. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the camp of the Ming army, he couldn't help but feel joyful.

But at this moment, he finally heard the voice he had been thinking about for a long time.

"Boom boom boom..."

Gunpowder smoke came out, but not from the van, but from inside the van.

When Dorgon saw this scene, he was even more surprised. What the hell is the artillery of the Ming army doing?If you shoot a cannon into the sky, how many people can you kill when it falls?The power of the iron bullet depends entirely on the direct bounce!
What surprised him even more was that he could see the iron bullets of the Ming army, no, he could see the traces of the iron bullets of the Ming army thrown into the air and then fell to the ground.

"..." At this moment, he was a little speechless. With this speed, he would be a ghost if he could hit someone!
What happened to the artillery of the Ming army?

Aobai also saw the iron bullets of the Ming army falling lightly, of course, this was relative to the iron bullets.Seeing this situation, he immediately sneered, and immediately chopped off the "iron bullet" falling towards him with a single blow.

I, Oboi, Batulu, No. [-] in the Qing Dynasty, slashed shells!
(End of this chapter)

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