Chapter 775
However, before Obai cut the "iron bullet", he, with sharp eyes, suddenly discovered that the "iron bullet" was actually smoking.

What's happening here?
When this idea still popped up in Aobai's mind, he saw the "iron bullet" in front of him suddenly explode.

"Boom bang bang..."

Most of the "iron bullets" that fell exploded above Jianlu's head!

Almost at the same time, all the Jianlu within the coverage area of ​​the explosion uttered "ah" screams, and lay down on the ground, dripping with blood, looking extremely miserable.But basically there are no dead people, all injured, screaming there.

The first actual battle of the unconscionable cannon was used on the most elite unit of Jianlu, the white armored soldiers.

Even if the combat power of these white armored soldiers is indeed the peak of cold weapons, humanoid tanks, but when they encounter unconscionable cannons, they all end up in the same way: flesh and blood, they can't compete with the power of hot weapons at all!

Look, Batulu, the number one in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and Oboi, who beat Yagyu Shibingwei in the martial arts contest with the Japanese country, are no different from the others, covered in blood, lying on the ground crying!
The artillerymen of the Ming army who operate unconscionable cannons are all elites of the Ming army. They have received special training for artillerymen. With a high probability of controlling the explosion of the shell over the enemy, the power is much greater than the explosion after landing.

It was just a volley of unscrupulous guns, that is, ten unscrupulous guns, but it covered a large area.With the help of the cover of the chariot, the Jianlu white armor soldiers who rushed close to the Ming army, except for a few lucky ones who were not injured and stood there in shock, all the others lay on the ground.

They had never seen the power of the Ming army's artillery, and they didn't even know what to do to deal with such explosive shells!Especially when they saw the miserable conditions of their fellows screaming on the ground, even if they were experienced in many battles before, they were frightened.

You have to say, those people on the ground died all at once, maybe they can accept it a little bit; this half-dead lying there screaming will have a great impact on them.

Jianlu Baijia soldiers who were outside the shelling range, as well as the elite Japanese soldiers, were also dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

They are all elites. Since they charge on the battlefield, they understand that there is no way to retreat, and they have the courage to do it.

However, the scene in front of them really shocked them, so that they couldn't figure out how to defend against the explosive "iron bullet" of the Ming army?I feel that there is no way to hide, I can only die!

People are afraid of death, even though they are all elites, it's just that they have a relatively high tolerance for fear of death; once faced with a situation that must die, no, it must be miserable, they are also human beings, and they will be afraid!

At this time, the artillery of the Ming army had adjusted the elevation angle of the unconscionable cannon and fired again.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw another batch of "iron bullets" being thrown into the air, and then fell towards the sky above the white armored soldiers of Jianlu and the elite Japanese army.

Seeing this scene, these Jianlu white armored soldiers and elite Japanese soldiers turned and ran away subconsciously, without the slightest appearance that elites should have.

However, although the trajectory of the "Iron Bullet" can be seen clearly, the actual speed is not too slow.

"Boom bang bang..."

This batch of "iron bullets" exploded over the white armored soldiers of Jianlu and the elite Japanese army again, and the shrapnel shot out like rain, covering a large area.

Needless to say, this caused a large number of Jianlu Baijia soldiers and Japanese army elites to lay down again.

The movement here even stopped the fighting in other places.Everyone looked at the strange scene here, dumbfounded.

Most of the soldiers of the Ming army, as well as all the Jianlu and Japanese pirates, have never seen it before, and the shells will explode, and the power is so powerful!
Listening to those who were bombed but survived, lying on the ground covered in blood and crying, people with different positions have different feelings.

No, the soldiers of the Ming army burst into deafening cheers when they saw that the imperial court had such a powerful cannon.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"


Everyone knows that new and good things must be invented by the current emperor.With such a powerful weapon to kill the enemy, their morale climbed to the peak in an instant.

They firmly believe that Daming is invincible!
The generals of the Ming army also knew that this kind of artillery is not only more powerful in killing the enemy than the original Hongyi cannon, but most importantly, it is much lighter. It can be used as a field artillery and can be used with the army. There will be a little trouble, this is the most critical part of this artillery!

In the future, when the Ming army is fighting the enemy in the field, it will definitely be a good thing to have such a powerful artillery to help out!

Daming is invincible in field battles!

But Jianlu and Japanese pirates were full of fear. Facing the new type of artillery of the Ming army, they didn't know how to deal with it?Their ignorance of this new type of artillery also made them even more frightened.

How can we fight this battle?
Dorgon was no exception, with a pale face, like a living dead, staring at the battlefield bombarded by the new artillery of the Ming army with unbelievable eyes.

At this moment, he really wished that the Ming army still brought the old artillery, the kind that could smash chariots with iron bullets.Although some people will die, but absolutely not so many people will die.


The original kind of iron bomb bombardment, smashed the car, and basically the people encountered were torn apart and died, instead of the scene in front of you, dead and not dead, probably not alive, lying on the ground wailing, this The tragedy greatly affected other soldiers who were still alive!
This new type of artillery not only kills people, but also kills people!

This is the most unconscionable way to kill an enemy, right?
Looking at the scene in front of him, although Dorgon didn't want to think about it, he already knew in his heart that this battle, the so-called siege for reinforcements, was just a joke!

The reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty have come, but the reinforcements are too strong. The so-called reinforcements are just being beaten by the reinforcements!

Thinking of the Battle of the Grassland, the Ming army is sweeping across the Mongolian grasslands in the east, and will soon flank the Qing Dynasty; I think of the navy of the Ming Dynasty marching towards Haizhou, cutting off its retreat; I also think of the Ming Dynasty The army has even begun to counterattack North Korea...

Thinking of these, Dorgon was really desperate!
At this moment, a sudden cry of killing brought him back to his senses.

Hearing the sound, he looked up and saw the Ming army's retreat, and even more Ming troops appeared, rushing towards the battlefield where they were fighting.

The military flag of the Ming Dynasty fluttered in the wind, as if it was too dazzling.

And the red military uniform seems to be all over the mountains and plains.

And the deafening shouts of killing are so ear-piercing!
The Ming army is not only elite, but also has excellent weapons, which is unheard of, and even has so many troops, far exceeding previous estimates...

The conclusions one after another in my mind were like heavy hammers hitting Dorgon's heart one after another, giving him heavy pressure one after another...

Finally, Dorgon couldn't bear the heavy pressure anymore, his body swayed, and he fell backwards.

Seeing him, the guards beside him hurriedly supported him, and shouted in panic, "Master, master..."

Changed to a ball!
For this scene, they had a feeling of deja vu: that is, the former emperor had done this before, but the difference was that the former emperor spurted blood, but the regent did not!

Even Hong Chengchou, who claims to be resourceful and resourceful, would have suffered a disastrous defeat in the past, but was dragged down by the dog officials and the faint king in the court, at this moment, he is at a loss!
Seeing that Dorgon fainted on the spot, he was also frightened. He rushed over and shouted eagerly: "Master, master..."

Dorgon's system is good, and he was awakened, but at this time, his spirit has been extremely sluggish, as if he was squeezed dry by someone just now.

Standing up with the help of the personal guards, I saw the Ming army from behind swarming over like a tide, and the Ming army in front also moved out of the van and began to attack; while the coalition forces of the Qing Dynasty and Japan were all retreating, still panicked kind of.

Based on his experience, he knew at a glance that defeat was just around the corner.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Dorgon closed his eyes in pain, and uttered a word helplessly: "Withdraw!"

To be precise, this time is no longer withdrawing, but fleeing!
Because of this, it is not based on the will of individual people!

Accompanied by the thunderous roar of the soldiers of the Ming army, the Jianlu and Japanese pirates began to retreat in an all-round way.

Wave after wave of red waves rolled forward, sweeping away everything in front of them.

Whether it's Jian captives or Japanese pirates, they all ran away desperately. The weapons on their bodies were a bit heavy, so they threw them away; the armor on their bodies was a bit heavy, so they just took them off. All of my accomplices ran away.

Of course, there were also a few Jianlu and Japanese pirates who stood there screaming with despair on their faces, and even went upstream, wanting to die with the soldiers of the Ming army.

However, the fleeing accomplices not only blocked their way, but even knocked down those who were going upstream, trampled them to the ground, and crushed them to death.

At this time, the general trend of rout and fleeing has been established, and those who go against the current will basically be trampled!
The Jianlu and Japanese soldiers who besieged Jinzhou stared dumbfounded at the people who fled at the front. After they came to their senses, they didn't care what happened. Affected by the momentum of scrambling for their lives, they joined the fleeing group. Queue up.

Inside Jinzhou City, Liu Wenxiu was overjoyed when he saw the scene outside the city, and immediately led his men who had already prepared to rush out of the city.

About an hour later, the commander of the Ming army and the governor of Jiliao, Du Yinxi, led the army to the battlefield. He looked at the corpses on the ground, and when he was about to move on, he saw the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield, escorting the prisoners to his side.

Obviously, if it wasn't for some important captives, they probably wouldn't have come over.

(End of this chapter)

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