Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 781 Suppression

Chapter 781 Suppression
Of course, this is also related to the inability of the Ming army to grasp the overall situation of Liaodong.

If Du Yinxi could know the details of Jianlu, and knew that Jianlu in Shenyang was in a mess, he would definitely not follow the steps, but sent an army to attack Shengjing first.

In addition, this is also related to the commander's style of leading troops.

Just like in the Western Han Dynasty, they were all famous generals. Wei Qing led the army, and he paid attention to safety; while Huo Qubing led the army, he was more inclined to use strange, like to rush forward and catch the enemy by surprise.

In other words, if the commander-in-chief of the Ming army at this time was Huo Qubing's type, he would have attacked Shenyang directly.


Early the next morning, after breakfast, the army put on a siege posture, which immediately attracted Jianlu and Japanese pirates in Liaoyang City to stand in line. Even Dorgon and Liusheng Shibingwei hurried to the top of the city to watch movement.

For the earth hills built by the Ming army, the response strategy in Liaoyang City is to just wait and see.

Because the earth mountain is too far away from the city wall, even if a higher point is built in Liaoyang City, it will not be able to hit the earth mountain, so the effort is not in vain.

However, the Ming army built the earth mountain, and it couldn't be just to scare people. Whether it was Dorgon or Liusheng Shibingwei, they all wanted to know what the Ming army was going to do?
Under the protection of their personal guards, the two hid in the adjacent archery tower, and observed through the window with doubts.

"Hey, it seems that the Ming army has gone up the earth mountain!" Although Liu Sheng Shibingwei has only one eye, but he is a martial arts practitioner after all, and he can see far away, so he immediately noticed the clue.

Hearing his words, Dorgon also hurried to look, and found that there was indeed movement on the earth mountain, and it was the Ming army who had gone up.But it was not what he imagined, there was a cannon pushing up the hill.

This situation made him breathe a sigh of relief.

What Dorgon is most worried about is that the Ming army still has strange artillery, which can be suitable for the current situation.

"It seems that the Ming army on the earth mountain seems to have only musketeers!" Yagyu Shibingwei, who has good eyesight, made a new discovery, and immediately told Dorgon.

After hearing this, Dorgon said a little strangely: "Is it true that there are only Musketeers and no other moths? Musketeers are useless at such a long distance!"

"That's right, what the hell is the Ming army doing?" After hearing this, Liu Sheng Shibingwei didn't understand.

Regardless of whether it is a matchlock gun in the hands of Jianlu or Japanese pirates, the effective range is only about [-] meters; if it is well-made and has been improved in various aspects, such as wrapping lead bullets in paper, the gap between the lead bullets and the barrel should be minimized. The gunpowder ratio is the best, so the effective range of the musket is at most about [-] meters.

Jianlu and Japanese pirates had estimated the Ming army's muskets, and if there was only a difference of ten or twenty meters, they would probably be prepared.But today's earth mountain is about [-] meters away from the city wall, so it is naturally impossible for them to think of other possibilities.

They never imagined that the soldiers of the Ming army who climbed the earth mountain were soldiers equipped with Shenwei rifles.The Shenwei rifle, also known as the Mini rifle, weighs 4.8 kg and has a caliber of 17.8 mm.Each bullet weighs 32.4 grams.The killing distance can reach 918 meters, and accurate hits can be guaranteed within 550 meters.

The Ming army built the earth hill to a distance of [-] meters, not only could it shoot to the city wall, but its effective range could cover a large area of ​​the city.

Originally, the Kamui rifle actually showed its power and shot Shimadzu Mitsuhisa.

However, at that time, the Japanese army was about to feign defeat, and the battlefield was chaotic. Regarding the real battle situation on the front line, those Japanese soldiers basically died in the process of feigning defeat to real defeat. Yagyu Jubingwei and Dorgon guessed based on their own experience, thinking that It was the sharpshooter of the Ming army who lurked nearby and used beheading tactics.

At this moment, when the two of them were observing, they suddenly saw gunpowder smoke rising from the earth hill.

Immediately afterwards, there were screams from above the city.


Among these screams, the biggest leader of the Japanese pirates, Yagyu Juhei, was also included.

He saw that his one eye had turned into a bloody hole, and he fell backwards.

Almost at the same time, Jianlu on the top of the city heard gunshots.

"Blah blah blah..."

At almost the same time, the Shenwei rifles on the earth mountain aimed at the Jianlu or Japanese pirates on the top of the city and opened fire.

The soldiers of the Ming army received the military order that the first shot must be aimed at the officers of Jianlu or Japanese pirates on the top of the city.

Unfortunately, Yagyu Shibingwei had very good eyesight, and when he was observing the movement outside the city, he was discovered by the soldiers of the Ming army.And the one-eyed Japanese pirates, this is a very obvious sign, was targeted by many Ming army soldiers with divine power rifles.

In the first round of shooting, Jianlu and the leader of the Japanese pirates who were almost targeted were all shot and fell to the ground without exception.

For the first time, the power of the Shenwei Rifle was shown to the world and used in actual combat.

Seeing Liusheng Shibingwei lying on his back in the watchtower, his body twitched, not far from death, Dorgon beside him was stunned, unable to imagine how such a thing could happen.

Before he could react, the guard in charge of his safety reacted quickly and threw him to the ground immediately.

However, Dorgon still looked at Yagyu Shibingwei who fell on the ground with a look of disbelief.

The Japanese in front of him was very powerful in military force, and once arrogantly wanted to challenge the warriors of the Qing Dynasty, but in the end he was only defeated by Oboi.

Yagyu Juhei, who was still talking to him just now, was hit by a musket on the dirt hill so far away?

How unlucky is it that he was shot in the eye by a stray bullet and killed by a single shot?
As soon as he thought of this, he was suddenly awakened by the screams from outside, and suddenly, he froze again.

Many people on the top of the city were shot?
Doesn't that mean that this is not an accident, but that the Ming army's muskets can shoot so far, and from the screams heard, the Ming army's muskets have an accurate range of this far?

While he was thinking about it, he heard the gunshot of "呯呯呯..." sounded again, and in response to it, there were more screams.

You don't need to go out to see it, you can already be sure that the muskets of the Ming army have the ability to shoot and kill from such a distance!

After figuring this out, Dorgon was really a little desperate!

If the range of the musket is only a little bit different, that's fine.But the distance from the earth mountain to the city wall is so far. Doesn't that mean that the Ming army can easily shoot the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese country at will, but the reverse is not possible, and they can't fight back if they are beaten?

Then how to fight this battle?
When did the muskets of the Ming army become so powerful?
Also, the artillery of the Ming army is also so powerful!

At this moment, even if Dorgon hadn't been to the customs, he already believed that the Ming Dynasty definitely had the help of the immortal emperor Taizu, otherwise such a thing would not have happened!
That kind of artillery, this kind of musket, should only exist in the sky, how could there be in the world!
"Blah blah blah..."

The gunfire was not dense, but it was continuous and piercing.

Before Dorgon came back to his senses, Jianlu risked his life and broke into the watchtower, reporting to Dorgon: "Master, the Ming army is about to attack the city, but almost all the defenders on the top of the city have been cleared." The army shot and killed!"

Hearing this, Dorgon came back to his senses, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up, hurry up, push the cart up to the top of the city, and stop the attack of the Ming army!"

As he was talking, the bodyguard of Yagyu Jubei was already crying on the body of Yagyu Jubei, and he rushed out of the watchtower with the body of Yagyu Jubei on his back.

In this regard, Dorgon did not interfere.In the current situation, it is too busy to deal with the siege of the Ming army.

Dorgon didn't dare to stretch his head to the window to see the situation, so he went down the arrow tower to see the situation on the top of the city.

He saw a lot of corpses lying on the top of the city, and after a glance, he found that most of the corpses were officers of the Qing or Japanese army.The remaining soldiers who were still alive hid under the parapet, lying there and not daring to show their faces.

Beside them, there are also some corpses lying down. It can be seen that these corpses should have been shot out of their heads.

The accuracy of this Ming country musket surpassed Dorgon's imagination, making his forehead sweat all the time.

"Blah blah blah..."

The gunshots were still ringing, continuous but not intense, Dorgon felt a little strange again.

The defenders on the top of the city are either dead or hiding under the parapet. The Ming army should not be able to hit them. Why are they still shooting?
Thinking of this, he followed the movements.Suddenly, his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

I saw a lot of dead bodies on the streets in the city.Obviously, it was shot by the Ming army musketeers!
What the hell, how far can the Ming army's muskets hit?In other words, how far was the precise range of the Ming army's muskets?
Judging from the current situation, even the reserve team in the city was suppressed by the Ming army's muskets, so how can the city be defended?
At this time, Dorgon could not see the scene outside the city, but he could hear the movement outside the city, knowing that the Ming army had indeed begun to attack.

Dorgon became anxious, and quickly shouted orders to the soldiers lying under the female wall: "Hurry up, be on guard, the Ming army is about to attack!"

When the soldiers heard the military order, they had no choice but to show their heads a little, and they were shot by muskets, so they dared not show their faces again.

There is no way, the soldiers of the Ming army who can hold Shenwei rifles outside the city are all selected sharpshooters, their accuracy is guaranteed, and they will not waste ammunition.

Therefore, the defenders on the top of the city could not see what was going on outside the city, so they hid under the parapet and threw things around, hoping that the blind cat would meet the dead mouse.

Seeing this, Dorgon had no other choice, so he ordered the defenders on the top of the city to hide, and waited for the Ming army to rush to the top of the city. After the hand-to-hand combat, he did not believe it. The Ming army rushed to the top of the city, and the two sides began to fight After that, those musketeers could still shoot!
Hiding on the top of the city, listening to the movement below, it seems that the attacking Ming army has arrived at the bottom of the city.Jianlu and Japanese pirates gripped their swords and guns tightly, ready to fight.

But at this moment, another accident happened.

(End of this chapter)

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