Chapter 782 Despair
Jianlu and Japanese soldiers on the top of the city saw something and threw it on the city wall from outside the city.Subconsciously, they turned their heads to look.

I saw that it was a bit like a hammer. The big head seemed to be wrapped in iron sheet, and there seemed to be wrinkles on it, and there was a hammer handle.The weirdest thing is that the handle of this hammer is still smoking.

what is this?
Immediately, a series of question marks popped up in the minds of Jianlu and Japanese soldiers.

And more than one hammer-like thing was thrown onto the top of the city like a stone, and some even went over the top of the city and fell to the bottom of the city.

If Jianlu of Anshan Yibao is still alive, he will probably tell them what it is!
But unfortunately, those Jianlu are all finished!
Just when Jianlu and Japanese soldiers were suspicious, these large grenades exploded suddenly.

"Boom bang bang..."

Amidst the sound of the explosion, shrapnel shot out, and it was difficult to escape the coverage of shrapnel everywhere on the city.

Those who hid under the parapet escaped the fire of Shenwei rifles, but failed to escape the explosion of large grenades.

For these Jianlu or Japanese soldiers, the power of a large grenade cannot kill them at once, but it can definitely injure them.

All of a sudden, on the top of the city, amidst the sound of explosions, the wails of Jianlu and Japanese soldiers accompanies them.

The city leaders who were "taken care of" by the grenade later, those Jianlu and Japanese soldiers saw the scene of the explosion, knowing that hiding there would not survive, and some lost their minds, seeing that they were also thrown with hammers, so they No matter what, he rushed out of the parapet immediately, trying to escape down the city wall.

As a result, these people received the double "care" of large grenades and Shenwei rifles.

In short, after only a short while, no one can stand on this section of the city wall anymore.

The soldiers of the Ming army on the hill sent a signal to the generals below that the field had been cleared. Only then did the siege battle begin.

And the sharpshooters on the dirt hill continued to monitor the top of the city and the inside of the city, and when they saw any movement, they would immediately call names with their Shenwei rifles.

From the time when the Ming army soldiers set up the ladders and began to attack, there was only one prisoner in the archery tower on the top of the city, who fled under the city holding a shield, and there was no other movement.

Originally, there were still some Jianlu archers under the city, or hiding on the side of the horse wall trying to shoot and kill the soldiers of the Ming army, but these Jianlu archers were all within the effective range of the sharpshooters of the Ming army. Will be suppressed by sharpshooters.

The soldiers of the Ming army with the three-eyed and five-eyed guns climbed to the top of the city first, followed by the shield soldiers and grenadiers. Yes, they were the soldiers of the Ming army who specialized in throwing grenades.

After the first wave of soldiers reached the top of the city, they did not attack the top of the city immediately, but defended on the top of the city. They waited until the ordinary fusiliers began to attack the city on a large scale, and then began to expand the battle line.

In the distance below the city, Du Yinxi couldn't help laughing as he watched more and more soldiers of the Ming army climb to the top of Liaoyang City.

His personal guard followed suit and joked, "Your Excellency has planned a strategy, and he fell to the fortified city of Liaoyang after only one battle. Congratulations!"

Du Yinxi heard this, although he was happy in his heart, he didn't take credit for it, but explained: "The new defeat of the defenders in the city is a frightened bird with low morale, and our army's Shenwei rifles, grenades, etc. They have never seen it before, and they are so powerful, so it is reasonable to conquer Liaoyang in one fell swoop!"

Although his words were suspected of being an afterthought, they were not wrongly analyzed.

If these new weapons had been known to the world, then this battle would not have been so smooth.After all, no matter how powerful a weapon is, it also has its own shortcomings. As long as people are not stupid, they can always find a way to deal with it.

In any case, now that the Ming army has captured the head of Liaoyang City, the next step is to fight for Liaoyang City. If there is a street fight, it is estimated that there will be relatively large losses.

For these, Du Yinxi has already delegated power to the generals, and they will take their own troops to finally occupy the entire Liaoyang.

Du Yinxi estimated that under the dying struggle of Jianlu and Japanese pirates, it would take two days for the imperial army to take down the entire Liaoyang City.

However, what he never expected was that soon the Ming army came to report at night, saying that the Japanese pirates had fled from the north gate first.

Because the Shenwei rifles were limited, the Ming army's offensive was mainly concentrated in the south gate; the east gate and west gate also had troops deployed to contain and cover the siege of the south gate.As for the north gate, no army was arranged to encircle it. This strategy was to encircle the three and lack one, so as to prevent the defenders in the city from dying and being destroyed.

However, in fact, most people know that the north gate without soldiers is actually not a way of life. If you escape through the north gate, the Ming army will definitely chase after you, and there may even be an ambush in the distance.

However, sometimes people are irrational.Knowing that staying in the city has no way out, even if they know that the north gate is a trap, some people will inevitably escape from the north gate, which will drive more people to escape from the north gate!

Under the defeat, everything may exist.

The defenders in Liaoyang City were originally composed of defeated troops. Under the attack of the Ming army, they found that they had no power to fight back.In particular, the commander of the Japanese army, Yagyu Jubei, was directly killed by the Kamui rifle, lost his restraint, and became the first defender to open the north gate to escape.

As soon as the Japanese pirates escaped, Jianlu also collapsed, and what kind of street fighting was still going on, as long as he could escape, he would escape!

When Du Yinxi heard the report, he immediately mobilized the reserve team to go after it, together with the troops ambushing at the north gate, they encircled and suppressed the defeated soldiers in Liaoyang City.

The battle in Liaoyang was far smoother than expected.

By evening, except for a few areas in the city that had not been cleared of remnants of the enemy, the entire Liaoyang was already under the control of the Ming army.

And outside Liaoyang City, besides the corpses in one place, there were teams of Jian captives, and more Japanese pirates were escorted by Ming army soldiers and concentrated outside the city for guarding.

Du Yinxi was not used to the smoothness of the war to restore Liaodong.Originally, I thought that Jianlu was still very powerful after all, at least there would be a bloody battle, but in the end, that's it?

However, when Du Yinxi thought about it carefully, he found that all this seemed to be a matter of course!
From the beginning of the Jinzhou war, the imperial court had already grasped the strategic initiative.

The application of Gephysics enriched all kinds of materials in Ming Dynasty, and even more powerful weapons were invented. Whether it is Jianlu or Japanese pirates, they are still old-fashioned weapons, and even most people are still old-fashioned weapons. Cold weapon.

This battle is a battle of disparity in national power, and with the addition of qualified physics, isn't it natural that it is so easy?

Thinking of this, Du Yinxi couldn't help admiring Emperor Chongzhen very much. Gewuxue is really an important weapon in the country, and it really should be promoted so vigorously!
While Du Yinxi was thinking about it, some of his subordinates came to report that they had found the body of the commander of the Japanese kingdom, Yagyu Jubingwei, but the regent of Jianlu had not found any trace.

In this regard, Du Yinxi felt a little regretful.

This Yagyu Shibingwei is also a key criminal hand-picked, and it would be best if he could be captured alive.However, when he saw the corpse brought by his subordinates, his face was completely destroyed, and he was still dead, so he couldn't take it to the capital.

As for Dorgon, he was also a prisoner, but it's normal that he couldn't find it.Du Yinxi was not in a hurry, but instead of ordering to continue the search, the main attention had already turned to Shenyang.


On the Shenyang side, Daishan did not leave immediately, but arranged for Empress Dowager Bumbutai and Emperor Fulin of the Qing Dynasty to take Gongzhong Xiruan to the north first, pass Fushun and Sarhu, and then transfer to Jianzhouwei to Ningguta .

In Shenyang at this time, it is better to say that Jianlu is fleeing than moving the capital!

There is no order at all, and the timid ones can run faster than the little emperor Fulin; those who are reluctant to part with their family property are thinking of moving the toilets; Dig and bury first.

In short, Shenyang at this time is in chaos.

In the imperial palace, the eunuchs and court ladies also have private possessions, and things like theft and robbery happen from time to time.

Bumubutai was scared by Daishan, so he just packed up the most valuable belongings in a hurry and set off quickly.

Duoduo didn't want to leave, and clamored to defend Shengjing to the death, and fought to the death with the Ming army, but was finally dragged away.

After Dai Shan made his decision, he still had a lot of things to deal with, and he was busy when he suddenly received an urgent report.

"What?" Dai Shan showed an incredulous expression, and reconfirmed, "The Ming army has captured Liaoyang, and the soldiers have crossed the tiger skin post?"

The Tiger Skin Station is between Liaoyang and Shengjing, with a distance of [-] miles from both places, so it can be regarded as a halfway point.

But what shocked Daishan the most was that the city defense of Liaoyang was stronger than that of Shengjing, which was the foundation laid by the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years; the most important thing is that Liaoyang city is also heavily guarded, and it is also the regent Dole Dagon himself sits in town.

Just this, or was it captured by the Ming army in a day?

How can this be?

At this moment, Daishan, who was confirmed, became numb.

Even Liaoyang fell in a day, so what else can the Qing Dynasty hold?
I can't hold on to anything!
At least half of the people in Shengjing City have not had time to move the capital. The Ming army will come to Shengjing City in at most one day. What should we do?
Daishan, who came back to his senses, wanted to stick to Shengjing and attract the attention of the Ming army, but Liaoyang was gone for a day, so why did he still defend Shengjing?
However, if they don't defend Shengjing and attract the attention of the Ming army, they will go after the Qing emperor!If they catch up, wouldn't there be no hope at all!

If you guard Shengjing, what do you do?These people in Shengjing City are all the seeds of the Qing Dynasty, they cannot die in Shengjing, otherwise, they would be worse than even a Mongolian tribe!

After much deliberation, the possibility of national subjugation and genocide is very high!

This made him fight since he was a child, and he founded the Dajin Kingdom together, and then he was Daishan of the Qing Dynasty. Thinking about it, he saw that the Qing Dynasty was about to perish, and it might be an extermination of the clan. At this moment, Daishan, who was desperate, was already old At first glance, it looks like the kind that will die if the wind blows.

(End of this chapter)

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