Chapter 783 Suicide
"You all go out, let me be quiet!"

Hearing Daishan's order, although his personal guard was very worried, he finally left the lobby and left him alone.

In fact, Daishan's personal guards were also very frustrated and a little desperate. No one expected that the Ming army became so powerful before they knew it, as if they were invincible!
At this time, they can understand Prince Heshuoli's mood very well.

After a while, one of the guards suddenly noticed that something was wrong with the movement in the lobby, so he quietly found a crack in the door and looked in. He was frightened out of his wits, pushed the door forcefully, and broke in.

Daishan was seen hanging from the beam and hanged himself.

Fortunately, the guards found out early, the body was still swaying, obviously he had just hanged himself.

No, after being rescued, Daishan came back to life and did not die!

All the guards were frightened, and knelt there begging Daishan not to seek death.

Dai Shan, who was ashen-faced and still not angry, looked at them and sighed, and seemed to be talking to himself: "What am I doing for such a long life? If I died earlier, I don't know what will happen to the Qing Dynasty." This is the point!"

"Master, the matter has come to this, Daqing cannot live without master!"

Hearing the guard's words, Daishan's eyes were fixed on his own guard, and he said without any anger: "Now that the overall situation is settled, it will be futile for me to do anything else. With this king, Without this king, there is actually not much difference. This king does not want to be humiliated by the Ming army at the end of his life after fighting for life..."

After saying this, he suddenly burst into tears.

Seeing this scene, his personal guards couldn't help being dumbfounded. For a moment, they didn't know what to do!
This is the majestic Prince He Shuoli of the Qing Dynasty. He followed the first Khan to raise troops, fought south and north, and defeated the heroes of the Qing Dynasty. He is the most prestigious person in the Qing Dynasty!
But now, he actually started to cry?
This is simply incredible!

However, when they came back to their senses, they suddenly found that Prince He Shuoli was crying, which was not incomprehensible!
After all, the Ming army, which was suppressed and beaten by the Qing Dynasty before, can now fight against the Qing Dynasty. It is so rare and unbelievable that things can happen, so why is it so strange that Prince He Shuoli cried?

It is impossible for Prince He Shuoli not to feel grief, anger and pain after spending his whole life watching the Qing dynasty about to perish!

However, their duty is to protect Daishan, so it is absolutely impossible for Daishan to commit suicide!
Therefore, a personal guard said to Dai Shan: "Master, Shengjing is at stake, and there are still so many people in the whole city who cannot do without Master, please take survive!"

Daishan is a person who has not had a good life for a few years, but these guards are still young, and there are still many people in Shengjing City, all of whom don't want to die.

Hearing what he said, Daishan remembered the continuation of the ethnic group, and finally recovered a little anger in his eyes, and began to cheer up, and ordered the guards: "Go find the remaining beauties, Baylor, and come over to discuss together. Whether to go or stay, we must hurry up." Before the Ming army arrives in Shengjing, set the rules!"

Hearing this, his personal guard quickly agreed, and immediately went to deliver the order.

At this time, Daishan had already decided in his heart that if he wanted to leave, let them go, and if he didn't want to leave, he would sacrifice himself to stick to Shengjing, attract the attention of the Ming army, cover those who wanted to leave, and let them go.

However, what he never expected was that the Ming army had apparently detected the situation in Shengjing and accelerated their march.

When Daishan first started the meeting, Ming army forwards appeared outside the city. The banner with the word "Liu" is the cavalry army under the command of Jinzhou defender Liu Wenxiu. Although there are only four thousand cavalry troops, the appearance of the Ming army outside Shengjing City immediately caused panic among the Jianlu.

Since Shenyang was changed to Shengjing and was designated as the capital by the Qing Dynasty, the Ming army had never been seen.Therefore, the appearance of the Ming army was absolutely shocking to Jianlu.

Moreover, the appearance of the Ming army also let the ordinary Jian captives know that Liaoyang might have fallen.

Not only that, Li Laiheng led more than [-] cavalry troops from the Daming Grassland, and rushed to the outside of Shengjing City, and joined forces with the Ming Army from Ning Jin's line outside Shenyang City.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


The deafening shouts of the soldiers of the Ming army, one can hear the joy in the slogans, making Jianlu even more desperate!
Here, before Liu Wenxiu had time to be happy, he learned from the captured Jianlu that the Emperor Jianlu and the Queen Mother were no longer in Shenyang and had been away for two days.

Hearing this report, he immediately interrogated Jianlu himself, and then said to Li Laiheng: "We are cavalry, fast, hurry up now, maybe we can catch up!"

Upon hearing this, Li Laiheng said in a bit of embarrassment: "The military order I received was to come to Shenyang to harass and besiege!"

That's what he said, but judging by his expression, he was actually very interested.

Liu Wenxiu heard this, and immediately said: "The infantry has arrived at the Tiger Skin Station, only one day's journey away, we will leave a thousand cavalry here to watch, and pass the news back, the infantry will naturally speed up their march, nothing."

After finishing speaking, he paused and added: "My military rank is higher than yours. When you are in battle, listen to me and execute the military order!"

He had only [-] cavalry under his command, and he had to keep [-] to guard the Jianlu in Shenyang to pursue the emperor of Jianlu. Three thousand troops must be too few, so he set his sights on Li Laiheng's [-] cavalry.

When Li Laiheng heard Liu Wenxiu's words, he had no objection and immediately agreed.

So, after Liu Wenxiu made some arrangements for this side, he led an army of [-] cavalry and immediately chased north along the pipeline.

Along the way, traces of the large-scale migration of Jianlu can be seen everywhere.In order to ensure that the direction of the pursuit is correct, Liu Wenxiu checked through these traces and captured laggards while chasing.

When we arrived in Fushun, it was already getting dark.

The Jian prisoners in the city were in a state of panic, if Liu Wenxiu wanted to fight, it might not be impossible for him to fight.At that time, Liu Wenxiu ignored it, walked around the city, and drove in the dark, and didn't send an order to rest until late at night.

Whether it is Liu Wenxiu's subordinates or Li Laiheng's cavalry army, they have been fighting continuously for many days.If this kind of high-intensity rush is replaced by an ordinary army, it is estimated that there will be problems.

This is not just a question of willingness or not, but also high-intensity marches, the need to maintain the organization and combat effectiveness, all of which are particular.

However, whether it is Liu Wenxiu's subordinates or Li Laiheng's army, the backbone of them are the exiles who were recruited by the court at the beginning; and the exiles are best at mobile warfare.

Things like this kind of continuous marching on the road are commonplace for them who are born as thieves, and they have long been used to it, so it is not a problem at all.

Moreover, because all the soldiers knew that they were chasing the emperor Jianlu, their morale was even higher, so they looked forward to making great achievements, and it was nothing if they were tired!
After taking care of the horses, the soldiers knew how to rest and conserve their strength without Liu Wenxiu telling them one by one. For the comrades in the team who had not experienced such things, they would naturally have veterans to take care of them. Basically, everything was in order.

When the next day's day was bright, the military order was passed down again, and the cavalry officers and soldiers got used to eating and traveling on horseback.

Either it was God's will, or it was Liu Wenxiu's decisiveness, hard work paid off, Liu Wenxiu's cavalry army caught up with the fleeing Jianlu army on the third morning.And the place I caught up with was also a very famous place: Salhu!
In fact, the speed of Jianlu's relocation of the capital cannot be fast.Not only big and small bags of luggage, but also a large number of maids and servants, old and weak women and children accompanying the army. It is not a pure army march at all, and it is almost enough to walk thirty miles a day.

After Liu Wenxiu discovered the large army of Jianlu, he immediately ordered Li Laiheng to attack and advance, bypassing the front, blocking the way of Jianlu.

Jianlu Empress Dowager Bumbutai and Little Emperor Fulin were all in this large army, and when they suddenly saw the Ming cavalry chasing them, they all panicked.

In their large army, there must be an army of guards.However, when Dorgon launched the Jinzhou War, he transferred the elite guards, including their commander Oboi, to the front line.

Today's guard army can only maintain order on the way.Most of the soldiers are either too old or young among the nobles, and most of them have not participated in the war.

Bumbutai fled in such a hurry that she didn't even have anyone to talk to and rely on. In desperation, she had no choice but to go to Duduo, who was dying of illness.At least Doduo used to lead the army to fight, and he was also Prince Heshuo, so he could be regarded as a person who could call the shots.

However, when Bumbutai saw Duduo, he found that Duduo was already dying due to the bumpy road, so he could only hang in one breath.

In the past, as Dorgon's same father and mother, Duoduo, who was a staunch supporter of Dorgon, Bumbutai wished that Duduo would die sooner.

But at this time, when she saw that Dodo was about to die, she became anxious. Regardless of the queen mother's etiquette, she got into Dodo's car directly, woke up Dodo, and hurriedly asked for countermeasures.

Doduo spat out a mouthful of blood first, and finally regained his senses. After asking about the situation, he said weakly: "Break...break out, don't worry...don't worry about other people!"

If Bumbutai and the little emperor ran away on horseback immediately after discovering that the Ming cavalry had just arrived, it might still be possible.

But he is only good at intrigue, and when encountering such a military event, he still has an idea. Now that Li Laiheng has blocked his way by detour, unless he has an army capable of fighting, it is impossible to break out of the encirclement.

After listening to Bumbutai's narration, Duoduo stared at Bumbutai, and said with difficulty: "The empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty...the emperor, can't fall...into the hands of the Ming army, commit...suicide!"

(End of this chapter)

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