Chapter 784

Don't even think about it!Bumbutai directly filtered the proposal, and said to Duoduo angrily, "If the emperor is gone, will there still be Qing Dynasty?"

After saying this, she suddenly thought of something again, pointed at Duo Duo, and turned to shout angrily: "Okay, I understand it, let my son commit suicide, and then make Dorgon the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, that's all." Fair enough, right?"

This Dodo is Dorgon's staunchest supporter.He actually proposed to let the queen mother and the emperor commit suicide. This is absolutely ulterior motives. He wants to pave the way for the regent to become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty!
Duoduo didn't expect Bumbutai to say this, and after the accident, he became angry: This woman is really unreasonable, she has reached such a point, and she is still thinking about fighting for power and profit!

"What? You became angry after being exposed by me?" Bumbutai looked at his expression, but he misunderstood, and said in a cold voice, "My son is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. This is my bottom line, and it is absolutely not negotiable. Yes. Don’t mention the suicide thing, if you think you are still Prince Heshuo of the Qing Dynasty, you should think about how to help the Qing Emperor overcome this difficulty!”

Duoduo almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, opened his mouth, and fainted immediately.

Seeing this situation, the little Emperor Fulin who was beside him said to his mother, "Queen Mother, he won't be mad at you to death, will he?"

Hearing this, Bumbutai glared at him and said, "Hugh is talking nonsense, he is ashamed."

After finishing speaking, she stepped forward to pinch Duoduo's people.The others looked at it and wanted to say something, but they didn't dare. After all, this is the Empress Dowager, and it was obvious that she was in a very bad mood at this time.

After being tormented by Bumbutai, Duoduo woke up again.

"Hurry up, is there any other way to solve the immediate danger?"

Doduo saw the woman staring at him, as if she wanted to eat him.Suddenly, he didn't bother to say anything anymore, so he just replied: "Sarhu is the blessed land of my Qing Dynasty. When my father Khan wiped out the Ming army, the sudden fog at noon was a clear proof. You are here to stand by and wait for help. Maybe there will be a turning point!"

Jianlu's famous battle is the battle of Saarhu.

At that time, when the commander-in-chief Du Song led the troops to Sarhu, they encountered Nurhachi's army. Jun Jun retreated to the mountain and waited for the rescue of other troops who conquered Jianlu.

As a result, at noon that day, there was heavy fog on Saerhu's side, and he couldn't see far away. It also made the artillery and guns of the Ming army useless. Jianlu used the cover of the fog to fight close to him, and finally defeated Saarhu. , Jianlu is out of control from now on!

As the Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty, Bumbutai certainly knew about this past.At this time, when she heard what Dodo said, she felt it made sense, but she still didn't give Dodo a good look, but she just said, "Look, help the Emperor of Qing Dynasty with your heart, you'll feel better now, and you won't stutter anymore." , how wonderful!"

"I..." Hearing this, Doduo was furious, and before he could say a single word, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

Bumbutai was sprayed on the face by him suddenly, flustered for a while, and very annoyed at the same time, when he was about to get angry, he found that Duoduo had passed out.

"Hmph!" Bumubutai snorted heavily when he saw it, and then told those who served Duoduo, "Keep an eye on him, don't let him die, or you won't even want to live!"

This Doduo, as long as he doesn't have any wrong thoughts, his suggestions are still very useful.

Afterwards, she passed down the decree in the name of Fulin, and everyone hid on the mountain, defended from a high position, and waited for King Qin who built prisoners around him.


What Liu Wenxiu was most worried about was that these Jianlu would flee in all directions. In that case, his strength would be limited, and he would probably be escaped by the Emperor Jianlu and other important figures.

Unexpectedly, Jianlu did not escape, but retreated to the mountain.

In this situation, Liu Wenxiu was very relieved.

"Marshal, although these Jian captives look like [-] to [-] people, they seem to be able to kill only three or four thousand people. Let's fight?" After surrounding the Jian captives, Li Laiheng rushed to Liu Wenxiu's side to ask for a fight. up.

Liu Wenxiu listened, but smiled lightly and said: "No need, these Jian captives fled Shenyang in a hurry, and we caught up with us halfway and had to flee to the mountains. They are short of food and water, and there are still many of them. We just need to guard them for a day. When they understand their situation, they will mess themselves up. At that time, it will be much easier to deal with them!"

Hearing this, Li Laiheng felt that it made sense, so he obeyed the order.By the way, the cavalry officers and soldiers can also take a rest.

As for whether Jianlu will have reinforcements, at least Liu Wenxiu, Li Laiheng and others are not worried at all.

After Liaoyang, Shenyang is estimated to have been besieged by the army.Liu Wenxiu didn't even bother to fetch Fushun, so where did Jianlu get reinforcements?

If we wait, there will be more and more imperial court troops!

On the official road, there are still supplies lost by these Jianlu in a panic.

Liu Wenxiu asked people to collect them, and found that most of them were belongings, and some were grain and grass materials.

Just at the foot of the mountain, the army started to cook and have a good meal and a good rest.

On Jianlu's side, even if Bumbutai was the Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty, he had to walk on his own on the way up the mountain.

However, here in Saerhu, countless soldiers of the Ming army died in the battle, and there were unburied corpses everywhere, so no one dared to come here. After decades, it has become very desolate.

Bumbutai, who is used to being pampered, walked very hard even if there was a yellow jacket to open the way.

But this Bumbutai was indeed a strong woman, she didn't complain of suffering or tiredness, and she was stronger than the eunuchs and maids in the same company.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Fulin screamed.

This movement immediately startled everyone.Bumbutai quickly turned his head to look, but saw Fulin pointing at his feet, and said with a little panic: "Skull... skull!"

When Bumbutai heard this, he looked in the direction of Fulin's finger, and he saw a skull, he was relieved, and said nonchalantly, "What's all the fuss about. We wiped out this place a few times back then." One hundred thousand Ming troops, of course there are skeletons!"

Speaking of this, she saw that Fulin was still a little frightened, so she said to him again: "So, this is the blessed land of the Qing Dynasty, and we will be fine!"

Fulin listened to his mother's words the most, so he was no longer afraid, and continued to climb up with a yellow jacket on his back.

Afterwards, many skeletons were discovered one after another. Obviously, they belonged to soldiers of the Ming army.

When they climbed to the middle of the mountain, the place was leveled a bit, and they found that there were still some artificial traces. It looked like this, the Ming army was stationed here, and it was finally broken by the Dajin army.

The terrain here is more suitable for Jianlu to rest, and Bumbutai is really tired, so he ordered to rest in this original camp of the Ming army and build fortifications.

Jianlu's high-level executives definitely don't need to do anything.Others had to create an open land on this barren hill.

During this process, I found many regrets of the Ming soldiers who died in battle, all of which were gathered in a corner by these Jian captives, and piled up a lot.

When the work was over, all the Jianlu were tired and hungry. At this time, they found that most of them seemed to have nothing to eat or drink.

When I was still at the foot of the mountain, I saw the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty chasing up. At that time, I wished I could throw everything away so that I could run faster.

Now it's all right, those who run fast and throw diligently are a little dumbfounded.

Of course, Bumbutai, Fulin and the others definitely couldn't go hungry.

But when most of the Jianlu were starving, their morale plummeted.What kind of blessed land in the Qing Dynasty, even without food and drink, how can you stick to it?

Looking at the foot of the mountain, I saw the Ming army cooking over there, which made Jianlu even more hungry!

Thinking of how they were pampered before, but now hiding in this barren mountain, with nothing to eat or drink, some people couldn't help it, and wept softly.

This crying is contagious.

Thinking of their uncertain future, life and death, more people began to cry.

Fortunately, some people sighed and their morale was very low!

Seeing this scene, Bumbutai immediately became angry.This is the burial place of the Ming army, what are you crying for? Do you cry for the Ming army?
So, she immediately scolded and passed on the decree, whoever dares to cry again and disturb the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!

Under her strong repression, the mountainside finally became quiet.However, it can still be clearly seen that morale has not changed at all.

Think about it too, without the defense of an elite army, and without water and food, even if you share a little with each other, it won't last long.I don't know when Shengjing's reinforcements will arrive, and I am really a little desperate.

It was quiet on the mountain, but at this moment, there was movement down the mountain.

"Soldiers should go to the battlefield..."

More than [-] soldiers of the Ming army, full of wine and food, watched the prey on the mountain, and even sang the favorite song of the soldiers of the imperial court in unison.

The sound was so loud that it spread far away.

Jianlu on the mountainside could barely hear what the Ming army at the foot of the mountain was singing, but they all knew that the Ming army at the foot of the mountain was very happy!
Realizing this, it hit Jianlu's morale even more.

I don't know if it's psychological. When the Ming army sang loudly at the foot of the mountain, there was a wind blowing, and the movement of the forest on the mountain became a little louder, as if they were responding to this song, accompaniment for them.

Hearing this movement, the little emperor Fulin panicked a little, and said to Bumbutai: "Queen, is there a ghost here?"

Is it the heroic soul of the Ming army who died in battle?
Bumbutai is from the Horqin tribe, a native of the grassland, who believes in Buddhism, and when she heard her son's words, she immediately turned her head and looked in the direction where the bones of the Ming army were piled up. Suddenly, she felt that this place was not a big place at all. Qing's blessed land, or rather, it was not their team's blessed land.

By accident, they came here. Could it be that there is something in the dark that wants to use them to pay homage to those Ming soldiers who died here?

(End of this chapter)

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