Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 785 Soul Comes, Comes Back

Chapter 785 Soul Comes, Comes Back
Bumbutai regretted it, felt that he should not listen to Duoduo's words, and ran to this so-called "Blessed Land of Great Qing Dynasty"!

However, at this moment, even if she regretted it, it was useless.The Ming army is all under the mountain, and there is no way to run away!

What made Bumbutai even more disturbed was that the weather, which had always been sunny, suddenly turned cloudy when it was almost evening, and then it started to rain.

This autumn rain is definitely not coming at the right time.

When the prisoners on Salhu Mountain fled up the mountain, they wished they could run faster. They didn't even bring food or anything, let alone rain gear!

Except for a few people such as Bumbutai and Little Emperor Fulin, everyone else was drowned.

As soon as night fell, although the rain stopped, everyone was shivering when they were blown by the autumn wind!
Bumbutai is really about to cry, even she, a woman who doesn't understand military affairs, knows that if things go on like this, she won't last long at all.

So, she no longer went to Doduo for advice, but asked the person in charge of protecting the yellow jacket, what should I do?

"Your Highness, there is the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty at the foot of the mountain. It is impossible to break through! Unless you enter the mountain, there may be a glimmer of hope!"

After hearing this, Bumbutai looked at the rolling mountains and was very afraid again.After entering the mountains, let alone the road, there is not even a place to step down. Not to mention, they don't have much dry food yet. The biggest possibility is that they will not be able to get out.

Besides, there are fierce beasts and poisonous snakes in the deep mountains and old forests!
Thinking about it this way, after hesitating, Bumbutai still thought, wait and see, maybe Shengjing's reinforcements will rush over!

Under the night, many Jianlu were cold and hungry, and couldn't sleep at all, all crying.No matter how suppressed the voice was, there were so many people, it was a bit scary when they gathered together, it was dark and rumbled!
This also exacerbated the fear and worry of the prisoners on the mountain. In the middle of the night, some people couldn't stand it and chose to commit suicide.

"Ah...boom!" This is suicide by jumping off a cliff.

"Ah..." There was also a scream when he wiped his neck with a weapon and was discovered by people around him.

When it was dawn the next morning, some Jianlu couldn't take it anymore, and went down the mountain to surrender regardless of the situation.

The so-called ants are still alive, how many Jianlu have the backbone to choose to commit suicide!
This situation of surrendering down the mountain became more and more after Li Guo led [-] cavalry to kill the hope of Jianlu.

Once Liu Wenxiu, Li Guo and others discussed it, they began to shout to the mountain.

Surrender without killing!And only half a day was given to Jianlu on the mountain to think about it.

By noon, about half of the Jianlu surrendered down the mountain, and then the Ming army also began to attack the mountain.

It has to be said that some Jiankui still resisted stubbornly, causing casualties to the Ming army who attacked the mountain.However, no matter how hard they struggle, the final outcome is already doomed, and the mantis is just a car!

Jianlu's so-called going up the mountain to stand firm and wait for reinforcements is nothing more than a joke!From the moment they were overtaken by the Ming army, their fate was actually doomed.

Except for those who committed suicide and were killed, basically all the Jian captives failed to escape.

When Bumbutai saw that the Ming army had already attacked the mountain, he changed his mind and wanted to go deep into the mountain, but it was too late.The traces of people walking in the mountains and forests were too obvious, and the Ming army followed and chased them, and they easily caught Bumbutai and Little Emperor Fulin.

As for Dodo, if he was sober, he would probably choose to commit suicide, but helplessly, he has been in a coma until he was captured by the Ming army. At this time, life and death are beyond his control.

During the attack on the mountain, the soldiers of the Ming army also found those wreckages, so they naturally understood who would belong to so many wreckages in the famous Saerhu Mountain!

The news was reported to Liu Wenxiu and Li Guo. After discussing with each other, they specially allocated some soldiers to collect the wreckage.

After the elimination of the Jianlu on the mountain was basically completed the next day, more troops were invested to collect the remains of the soldiers who died in the battle.

On the third day, Du Yinxi personally led the army to Sarhu.

In fact, when he led the troops to Fushun, he had already received an urgent report from Kuaima, saying that the false emperor and queen mother of Jianlu had been captured, but in the end, he led the infantry to Saar marsh.

In the Battle of Saerhu during the Wanli period, the [-] soldiers led by Jun Jun basically all died here; The captives were encircled and wiped out, with a force of about [-];

After Du Yinxi checked the prisoners of war, he specially dispatched an army of [-] cavalry to the place where Marin's troops were defeated to collect the remains of the soldiers of the Ming army.

On Saerhu's side, it was impossible to distinguish who was who from the sorted out wreckage, so they were all cremated and a large tomb was built. Du Yinxi personally inscribed on the tombstone: Heroes of the Ming Dynasty.

Then there is an inscription, which records the deeds of the imperial soldiers who died in battle in a foreign land in order to suppress the rebellion.

After the wreckage of Marin's department was also transported, it was buried next to it.

On the day they were all buried, Du Yinxi led [-] infantry troops and [-] cavalry troops to pay homage to the heroic souls here.

The soldiers of the Ming army lined up from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, the place where Juniper's troops died in battle.

Hundreds of thousands of people, the whole army is solemn, and each soldier has a black cloth tied on his arm.

The same is true for Du Yinxi, who led the soldiers who arrived from all walks of life, walked from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside step by step, and stood in front of the hero's grave, sweating profusely but still unconsciously.

The sacrificial oration written last night was read to the heroes who died in the war; the wind blowing and the trees moving, it seemed that the soldiers of the year responded when they heard it.

It is inevitable that the general will die in battle, but the love of loyalty to the emperor and serving the country is known in the world, and the world mourns it, and it will last forever!

The soldiers of the Ming army who were nearby were all silently listening to the voice of the governor, looking at the tombstone, feeling a little bit moved in their hearts!

The imperial court is no longer what it used to be. The rebels that you sacrificed your life and failed to put down in the past have basically been put down now. You can rest in peace!
Perhaps it was to let these heroes receive this point. After Du Yinxi finished reading the sacrificial oration, he waved his hand, and the sound of escorting the prisoners was transmitted from the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Every court officer knows that this step is the step of blood sacrifice to heroes.

The Jian prisoners who were escorted to the grave were the older ones among the prisoners, and some of them had participated in the Battle of Saerhu.

These people are already very old when they are alive, and they are all the pampered generation in Shengjing City.When the captives were built and the capital was moved, these people followed, and some of them happened to be captured.

In front of the captives were the pseudo-emperor and the pseudo-empress dowager, who were escorted to kneel in front of the grave.

After that, it was Duoduo, the puppet prince of Jian who was dragged up the mountain, and finally those prisoners who participated in the battle of Sarhu.

Among them, the pseudo-empress dowager and pseudo-emperor of Jianlu were all escorted to the capital to offer captives, so they were asked to kneel at the grave without killing them.

Duduo, a tuberculosis ghost, was also on the list of criminals, but judging by his condition, he would not be able to be escorted to the capital alive. Therefore, Du Yinxi decided to kill a worthy slave chieftain to sacrifice the heroes of the year.

A total of more than one hundred people were detained in the cleared space in front of the grave.Those who participated in the battle of Saerhu back then are still alive, and there are only such a few people.

"Blah blah blah..."

The volleys of guns sounded, one after another, reminding the heroes of the year that the gift for you will be delivered immediately.

Perhaps awakened by the gunshots, the drowsy Duduo finally woke up and looked at the scene in front of him: in front of the two large tombs, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the queen mother of the Qing Dynasty were kneeling.And he himself was placed on his knees in front of the grave.

This is Salhu, and Duoduo immediately understood what was going on in front of him.

He may have thought that one day he would die on the battlefield, or die of old age, or die of illness or something.However, he never expected that one day, he would end up being captured by the Ming army, and then used his blood to sacrifice the Ming army who was sand-sculpted by the Qing Dynasty.

This is absolutely unbearable for him, how can you let him pay homage to him like an animal!

Dodo struggled immediately, even if he died, he didn't want to die like this!
However, his dying body, even if he struggled, was actually useless. He was escorted by the soldiers of the Ming army, so he knelt firmly on the ground with his knees, kneeling in front of the grave.

Doduo's eyes were red, but his face was full of anger but there was no change. Immediately, he vented his anger on the woman in front of him and told her to commit suicide so that she would not be insulted by the Ming army. As a result, it is now healed, not only the empress dowager and the emperor of the Qing Dynasty To kneel down to the death of the Ming army, and he will also be sacrificed by blood, this is really a shame and a shame!
His roar did not attract Bumbutai's attention, nor did he dare to pay attention, but it did attract Du Yinxi to turn his head to look at him.

Struggling to death and howling as he died, it was Jianlu's unwillingness to be exposed.

now it's right!

The strength of the imperial court lies here, so what if it is unwilling?
With an order, the soldiers of the Ming army came forward and came to Duo Duo. He didn't need anything, and he directly slapped him left and right with his hands to serve him.


For this slave chieftain, the generals of the Ming army will not be soft-hearted. With just one effort, Duoduo's two cheeks were swollen, his mouth was full of donated blood, and his teeth were knocked out.

The execution of slave chiefs in front of the heroes' graves should make the heroes feel a little better, right?


Dodo could still make a little sound, but no one could hear what was muttering in his blood-stained mouth.

Du Yinxi looked up at the time and ordered the execution.

With their hands up and down with their knives, these Jian captives, including Duoduo, sacrificed their blood to the heroes of the Ming Dynasty who died in battle that year!
Come back, come back!

The Liaodong rebellion was quickly put down, and you can rest in peace!

"Blah blah blah..."

The volley of guns sounded again in the sky above Saarhu. After decades, it was the gunshots of victory, the gunshots of condolence to the heroes!

The heroes of the Ming Dynasty will live with the country and live forever!

After Du Yinxi paid homage to the heroes of Saerhu, his attention returned to the restoration of Liaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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