Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 786 Long-cherished wish

Chapter 786 Long-cherished wish
The war to restore Liaodong has been fought so far, and the imperial army has been victorious.

On the grassland, the imperial cavalry swept across the entire Mongolian grassland, and had already divided their troops into the western Liaoning wall.

In Liaodong, the imperial army set off from Shanhaiguan, fought a battle in Jinzhou, and then pushed into Haizhou, broke through Anshan Post Fort, and recovered Liaoyang.

On the Korean battlefield, Du Yinxi has received the news sent by Huang Degong that Wu Sangui has occupied Pyongyang and is currently consolidating the defense line, mainly to prevent the Japanese from Liaodong from entering North Korea.

In terms of the entire war, the losses of the court officials and troops were extremely small. It can even be said that under the pressure of absolute strength, such a large battle was the smallest war since the founding of the country.

However, it is now the end of September, and it will be October soon.

The weather in Liaodong has turned cold, and the movement of the army has been greatly restricted.

The first one is the transportation of grain and grass.

As the front line penetrated into the hinterland of Liaodong, more and more food was consumed on the road, and the pressure on logistics and transportation was increasing.

The second is the limitation of weather.

The weather in Liaodong is turning cold, but most of the military uniforms of the imperial court are still summer clothes. If the war continues, it will have to wait for the winter clothes brought by the imperial court to be distributed to the army.

In the logistics transportation arranged by the imperial court, military supplies such as grain, grass and gunpowder are the first, and military uniforms are in the back.At this point in time, according to the overall arrangement of the cabinet in advance, it should have just shipped from Tianjin Port.

This is also the reason why the battle went more smoothly than expected. I didn't expect to be able to fight all the way to the hinterland of Liaodong, basically without stopping.

The third is the limitation of manpower.

On the land of Liaodong, the original Han people, and later the Koreans, were all moved to the north by Jianlu, and only Jianlu remained in the south.

With the defeat of the coalition forces of Jianlu and Japanese pirates, the disbanded Japanese pirates began to wreak havoc, and basically no chickens or dogs were left behind. Therefore, the territory of Liaodong occupied by the imperial army was basically sparsely populated. .

However, in some places, such as Gaizhou, Haizhou, Liaoyang and other places, as well as post stations in the middle of these important towns, soldiers must be guarded to ensure the safety of the grain roads in the rear.These things are gradually diluting the strength of the frontline troops.

On the grassland, although there are [-] cavalry troops, there is no need to occupy any fortresses, but after sweeping the entire Mongolian grassland, it is necessary to escort the captives and herds back to Huacheng, which requires a lot of troops.

In addition, the [-] cavalry at that time basically used the strategy of fighting to support war, and it was impossible for them to carry much food and grass.Therefore, after capturing the Mongolian tribes in the east, they must also return to Guihua City.

However, some cavalry troops were still sent into Liaodong, such as Li Laiheng, Li Guo and others, who had already entered Liaodong first.

As the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Du Yinxi had to consider these big and small things besides the military.

Finally, he made a decision.

Send [-] cavalry troops and [-] infantry troops to attack Jianzhou Guard in the east of Sarhu, which is the old lair of Jianlu; You have to go back to Jianzhouwei before you arrive.

Fushun has been taken, which can guarantee the retreat of the Jianzhou Guard Army.

Kaiyuan in the northwest of Fushun is also considered an important town, and it also needs to send troops to garrison it.

In addition to these, Du Yinxi led the army back to Shenyang, took Shenyang again, and finally sent troops to sweep the remnants of Jianlu and Japanese pirates eastward, controlling the entire area bordering Liaodong and North Korea, and connecting them together.

In this way, the imperial court’s logistics materials can also be transported to North Korea through Liaodong; in other words, it is possible to land from the Liaodong Peninsula and receive supplies from the imperial court.

These are the goals that Du Yinxi planned to accomplish during Chongzhen's [-]-year career.

For the remaining battles in northeastern Liaodong and southern Korea, we need to wait until the beginning of next spring.

In addition, there is another hidden worry: the whereabouts of the regent of Jianlu are unknown.

From a practical point of view, the ruler of Jianlu is not the pseudo-emperor, but the pseudo-regent.Not knowing the life and death of this false regent is a hidden danger after all.

Afterwards, Du Yinxi wrote the latest battle report as a memorial, and sent a fast horse to the capital to report the victory. After all, the capture of the puppet emperor of Jianlu was definitely a major political event.


On the capital's side, when the Liaodong war was together, the attention of the entire capital was focused on this battle.

The streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses and other places where people like to gossip are almost all about the Liaodong War.

"This time, the court army will definitely win!"

"Win is definitely possible, but I heard that Jianlu and Japanese pirates combined have as many as [-] horses, which is also very scary! This battle is probably going to be a bloody battle!"

"That's right, I heard that Jianlu followed the example of the Battle of Songjin and surrounded Jinzhou, and asked the imperial army to rush to the rescue!"

"Well, the imperial army is no longer what it used to be. They have defeated Jianlu twice in a row. It's still the kind of big victory. It's impossible to lose, right?"

"So, it is estimated that there will be a bloody battle!"


Basically, public opinion among the people, based on the combat power of the former Jianlu, the rumors of the Japanese pirates, and the superiority in military strength, most believe that the imperial army should win, but there will be a life-and-death fight!

Even some casinos have opened some odds for this war, and generally speaking, it is similar to the estimates of public opinion.

If it hadn't been for seeing that the court had prepared for such a long time to transport troops and food to Shanhaiguan, they might have worried about failure!
However, a good news soon spread to the capital, and the speed far exceeded the expectations of the ancient "keyboard man".

"What, the great victory in Jinzhou, the coalition forces of Jianlu and Japanese pirates have collapsed across the board, and the imperial army is chasing and killing them?"

"How about the casualties? Is there a bloody battle? It must have been fierce and there were a lot of casualties, right?"

"Ah? How is it possible that less than [-] imperial soldiers were killed and injured, and most of them were just wounded, so they defeated [-] enemies?"

"If you want to calculate it like this, then the court officers and soldiers are afraid that one is worth one hundred? How is it possible!"

"You don't know this. The victory in the grassland battle must have affected the morale of the Jianlu and Japanese pirates' coalition forces!"

"The internal news came from the yamen. The imperial court has new artillery, which is very powerful. It was used at the key point and defeated the coalition forces of Jianlu and Japanese pirates in one fell swoop. Master Du commanded it properly and even sent the navy to attack Gaizhou, North Korea, this completely collapsed the enemy!"

"Really? That's great, Daming mighty!"


Although many people lost money by gambling, they were all very happy to hear the news of such a great victory for the imperial court.

After all, as far as the people of the capital are concerned, they still have an impression of the place where Jianlu ravaged the capital, that is, those born fifteen years after Chongzhen were not affected.And this group of people is only five years old.

The imperial army once again defeated Jianlu, and the Japanese pirates' coalition forces proved that the imperial army is getting stronger and stronger, and the land of Gyeonggi is becoming more and more secure. Such things are worthwhile for the people who have experienced wars. Things to celebrate!
Afterwards, the people in the capital began to discuss how much victory the imperial army could gain this time.

Thus, the "Keyboard Warriors" of the capital began to discuss the battle situation again.

"The court officers and soldiers are invincible. I think they can directly kill Shenyang and destroy Jianlu!"

"No, no, how can a war be so simple? Do you think that if you win, you will be invincible? The old man tells you, Haizhou, this is the territory that Jianlu has been operating for many years, and it is absolutely difficult to fight!"

"Don't believe me? Let me analyze it for you. Once Haizhou is breached by the imperial army, how passive will Jianlu be..."

"No matter how bad it is, there is Anshan Post Fort. You don't know about it. The old man tells you that this Anshan Post Fort is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is a must-fight for military strategists..."


What these people said was clear and logical, and they explained it in terms of politics, military affairs, terrain, etc., so that everyone believed it. They felt that if the bloody battle they thought before did not exist in Jinzhou, it would be in Haizhou or Anshan Yibao. There will definitely be.

As a result, they were still discussing, and within a few days, the good news came back.

"What? Haizhou won?"

"So fast? Didn't you say that Jianlu would stick to Haizhou?"

"This is simply incredible, it's only been a few days!"


Before they were overwhelmed with surprise, another victory report arrived the next day.

"Isn't the Anshan post castle steep and easy to defend but difficult to attack? Why was it knocked down in just one day?"

"That's right, didn't so-and-so say that it is impenetrable?"

"My mother, in front of my imperial court army, what else can the imperial court army not defeat?"

"This is too awesome!"

"Don't you know, the imperial court officers and soldiers used the artillery newly invented by His Majesty, which happened to restrain the Anshan Post Fort, so they took it easily!"


People in the capital who got the news of Anshan Yibao later heard it together with Liaoyang being restored by the imperial army.

"How is this possible? The important town of Liaoyang was taken down by the imperial army in one day?"

"Your Majesty also invented the Shenwei Rifle? Hearing the name, he thought it was very powerful, so it's no wonder!"

"If the important town of Liaoyang is taken down, won't Shenyang be restored soon?"

"Liaoyang can win, so what's the fuss if Shenyang wins again?"


All of a sudden, the court officers and troops won successive victories, which made the capital's firecrackers out of stock, and even caused a fire.However, the joyful atmosphere of the people in the capital has not changed at all.

The Jianlu Rebellion, which has plagued Ming Dynasty for so long, will finally be suppressed by the imperial court!
This should be the long-cherished wish of several generations of Ming Dynasty, will it finally come true?
The people were happy, and Emperor Chongzhen was equally happy, but there would still be troubles, perhaps this is life!
(End of this chapter)

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