Chapter 797

In ancient times, the most important cases, such as the case of treachery and sycophant, the case of responsibility with serious consequences, and the case of treason, would be tried in three sessions.Other cases are not eligible for three joint trials.

The three halls of joint trial refer to the chief officials of the three yamen, the Ministry of Criminal Justice in charge of interrogation, the Dali Temple in charge of review, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate in charge of supervision. .Of course, in the Ming Dynasty, there would be factory guards to attend.

Generally speaking, this kind of three-room joint trial can best guarantee the fairness of the trial.However, because the case was so important, the trial results of the three joint trials would eventually be reported to the emperor for judgment.

The Nanjing Xungui case not only involved a large number of nobles, but also colluded with thieves, killed Jin Yiwei, and other major cases that could be characterized as treason. Naturally, there will be three joint trials.

On the third day after the Liaodong prisoners were dealt with, the three joint trials of the Nanjing Xungui case finally began.

On this day, almost all the focus of the capital was on these three joint trials.

Restaurants, teahouses and other gossip centers have sent people to inquire about the news.Whichever news is timely, this one will have the most customers.

In the Nanjing Xungui case, Dongxichang had already tried it once in Nanjing, and the relevant criminals had already been arrested. The three joint trials just went through the process again.

Hearing from Nanjing Xungui that the governor of Fengyang, Ma Shiying, was in Fengyang to rectify the place, check the land, etc., he began to discuss countermeasures. First, he burned the account books of the fields and killed the warehouse keeper. Notifying the news, letting their old disciples in the local area cooperate with the thieves to break through, etc., one by one, the context is very clear.

In the final analysis, after many generations of land annexation, etc., these Nanjing honored nobles are already the largest landlords in the Nanjing area; if Ma Shiying is allowed to clean up the place, they will be the most damaged .For his own selfishness, he finally did more and more serious things.

To be honest, for officials and gentry, they can actually understand why Nanjing Xungui did this.However, for the officials and gentry, they were also shocked that Nanjing Xungui's methods were so fierce!

This is the constant doubt of some gentlemen!

They also quickly concluded that the reason why Nanjing Xungui was able to do such fierce and arrogant things was nothing more than relying on their identities.

Their ancestors were all founding heroes, and most of them had gold medals handed down from their ancestors to save them from death; moreover, their power was in the army, and their disciples were old, especially since Nanjing nobles were all united, and their power was even more boundless.

If Ma Shiying hadn't entered Nanjing with the elite army newly formed by the imperial court, he might not know how Ma Shiying died!In this way, the actions of the nobles in Nanjing almost killed Ma Shiying.

As the interrogation progressed, the truth was revealed to the public step by step. Although Nanjing Xungui had no intention of rebelling, his conspiracy was unanimously recognized by the capital.

In the end, under the strong suggestion of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple followed suit and sentenced these Nanjing nobles to punish the nine clans.

For civil servants, killing a large number of nobles and attacking the power of nobles is also a kind of political correctness.Since Nanjing Xungui committed suicide like this himself, why not do it!
After the judgment came out, it was submitted to the imperial court for the final decision by the emperor.

The nobles of the capital quickly inquired about this result, and immediately exploded.They couldn't accept such a result, at least for Ding Guogong, it was absolutely unacceptable.

Because Ding Guogong is also descended from Xu Da's lineage, if he punishes the Nine Clans, Ding Guogong will also be punished.

Naturally, Xu Yunzhen, the Duke of Ding, could not be arrested without a fight, waiting for the factory guards to come and ransack the house.However, for a while, he didn't know what to do?
In his own mansion, he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

At this moment, his steward hurried over and reported: "Someone came from the palace and said he wanted to see the master."

Xu Yunzhen's expression changed drastically when he heard this, but fortunately, at this time, his steward had already added: "It's not the factory guard, he came here secretly."

Upon hearing this, Xu Yunzhen embraced a glimmer of hope again, and hurried to the living room to meet the guests.He just hoped that things could turn around, otherwise, the factory guard would definitely come to the door directly, so why bother.

After arriving at the living room, when he saw the person coming, he was startled, quickly turned away from the left and right, bowed to the person and said: "Please save me, Wang Gonggong!"

Xu Yunzhen didn't expect that the person who came here turned out to be the most popular celebrity in front of the current emperor, Wang Cheng'en, the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies and the admiral of the West Factory.

Wang Chengen came to him secretly, there must be room for redemption, which made him extremely pleasantly surprised, as low as Hurriedly was, as low as he could be.

Wang Chengen didn't come secretly by himself, but came here by order.

At this time, he saw Xu Yunzhen's low profile. After all, he was the Duke of the state, and he felt good, so he said to Xu Yunzhen: "I think you also know what Nanjing Xungui sentenced?"

When Xu Yunzhen heard this, he panicked, and when he was about to defend himself, he heard Wang Chengen say again: "If you want people to know about the affairs of the world, unless you do nothing about it! So there is no need to cry for injustice, Emperor Taizu It's crystal clear!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Yunzhen was dumbfounded.

That's right, Nanjing is really stupid!Emperor Taizu is in the sky, what can't be counted?It's just whether you want to care about it!

Such a big thing, dare to do it, what is this brain thinking?

But soon, he came back to his senses.It seems that when Nanjing received the news of Taizu's apparition, it was already difficult to ride a tiger, or thought that after so many years, Taizu would not care about it, maybe there was some reason why he couldn't manage it, so he went straight to the dark?
At this time, Wang Chengen looked at the stunned Dingguo Gong, and added fuel: "They committed such crimes, according to the law, they are punished by killing the nine clans, and the result of the three trials is like this. That's it." First of all, this case is so extensively involved, but it is unique. The Duke should also understand that once treason is involved, even the gold medal for avoiding death is useless!"

When Xu Yunzhen came to his senses when he heard this, he immediately knelt down and asked Wang Chengen for help, regardless of the Duke's face.

Wang Chengen looked down at him, did not go to help him, and said lightly: "Those civil servants have always disliked Xungui, and they wished to take this opportunity to make trouble. Our family couldn't see it, so we gave advice to Long Live Lord. Among Xungui There are good and bad, and we can't generalize. But, this time, the nobles have gone too far. If you want to change the situation of the honorables, so that they can save the worry of the long live god, then the long live god will agree, I'll be open about it!"

The truth of the matter is actually not the case.It was not Wang Chengen who went to persuade Emperor Chongzhen, but Wang Chengen was just following the orders of Emperor Chongzhen to do things.

For Ding Guogong, Emperor Chongzhen actually didn't like him at all.As the Duke of the state, he turned out to be someone who surrendered to Li Zicheng, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, just taking advantage of him!

When Xu Yunzhen heard Wang Chengen's words, he seemed to have grasped at straws, and quickly asked what was the matter.

Therefore, Wang Chengen explained to him carefully what he was going to do, and then left the mansion.

After Xu Yunzhen calmed down and thought about it, he realized that this was what the emperor himself meant, and he just wanted to use his words to change the noble system.If Xungui hates him in the future, he won't talk about going to the emperor, but hate him.

However, what can he do?

The emperor's butcher's knife has been raised, if he doesn't agree, it will be up and down.In other words, he had no choice!

So, in the early morning of the next day, which happened to be the big court meeting at the end of this month, Dingguo Gong Xu Yunzhen did not complain about illness, and appeared among the ministers of the court meeting, which surprised many civil officials and generals.

During this period of time, Jingshi Xungui also behaved with his tail between his legs, and tried not to show his face if he could.And Ding Guogong, who was most implicated in the Nanjing Xungui case, even showed up, and many people were ready to watch the show.

They are all guessing, what will the Dingguo Association do?
"See, the pampered Duke Ding is really haggard!"

"It would be weird if he didn't look haggard. Once His Majesty approves the conclusion of the Three Jurisdictions, the Duke of Ding will also be implicated!"

"Tsk tsk, a family of two countries is prominent enough, but now it is as unlucky as it is, and it deserves it!"

"It's time to treat them well, and these nobles will be much cleaner after they are clicked!"


Among the group of civil servants, those who have nothing to do with Xungui are all optimistic about the show, and under the high-sounding reasons, they hide their gloating heart!

And many generals hated these nobles, so that the status of nobles they yearned for was covered in a layer of dust!
Standing beside Duke Ding, he was alone, and no one wanted to stand with him, unlike the one who was surrounded by people before.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Yunzhen felt very difficult anyway, and time passed very slowly.

Finally, Emperor Chongzhen came to court, and after the etiquette, there were eunuchs on duty, and it happened that it was the turn of the eunuch Wang Chengen, who was in charge of the ceremony, to hold the seal and sang loudly: "If you have a book, you will go to the court, if you don't have a book, you will leave the court!"

Generally speaking, in the court meeting, unless it is a particularly important matter, it will go through a process, and then the emperor will deal with various matters when he holds a small meeting.

In fact, even if it is a big matter, it is discussed in a small private meeting, and the big court meeting is basically a process.

Unless the Emperor Qiankun is arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily, some things must be brought up in the court meeting.For example, the case of trouble in the previous Gongyuan, which triggered the appearance of the emperor Taizu and the sages and sages, was in front of all civil and military officials at the court meeting.

At this moment, as soon as Wang Chengen finished speaking, Duke Dingguo Xu Yunzhen coughed immediately, stepped out of the line, and played loudly: "The minister has a book to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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