Chapter 798
The show begins!
This thought popped into everyone's mind when they saw that Dingguo's book was about to be played.

Therefore, although the expressions of the civil and military officials remained the same, in their hearts, they had entered the state of watching a play.

I saw Xu Yunzhen, Duke of Dingguo, took out a memorial from his sleeve and presented it, and at the same time said: "The key criminals in the Nanjing Xungui case are those who have forgotten their ancestors. They have completely forgotten their ancestors' loyalty to the emperor and serving the country. I am deeply ashamed. However, Why are there so many people who have forgotten their ancestors, I have been thinking about it for the past few days, and I have gained something, and I will play it in front of the emperor, so as not to do this again!"

Upon hearing this, except for a few who knew in advance, everyone else was shocked.

They never expected that Duke Ding would come up with a countermeasure to prevent this kind of thing from happening again. If he could really do what he said, it would definitely be considered a great achievement!

This is a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. Do you want to pay off your merits and avoid being implicated?

Thinking of this, everyone was curious, wondering what method he came up with?
Emperor Chongzhen cooperated quite well and even started a performance.Seeing him showing a slightly "surprised" expression, he immediately asked lightly: "Say!"

In speech and demeanor, it seems that he dislikes Ding Guogong a little.

Just listen to Xu Yunzhen's respectful play: "Nowadays, the civil servants of the imperial court and the Ministry of Officials have set a rule, first to be a low-ranking official and then to be promoted. The humble minister has gained inspiration from it..."

In the past few years, the imperial court has started large-scale land reforms and needs a lot of local officials. Therefore, the promotion strategy for civil officials is to advance to the official academy for further study. After graduation, you can become an official. There will be bonuses.

At this time, those civil and military officials heard Ding Guogong start with this, and they were a little puzzled for a while. Honors and honors are hereditary wealth. What does this have to do with the promotion of civil officials?
Unable to understand, they focused their attention on Xu Yunzhen's continuation.

"...The sages have said that they were born in sorrow and died in peace. The ancestors of the nobles, made great contributions to the heavens, and left a legacy for their descendants to enjoy glory and wealth. But in this way, they actually harmed their descendants. Youth emerges from blue and wins The matter of Yu Lan is really rare. On the contrary, under the legacy of the ancestors, there is no pressure, and there is little ambition. He does nothing but talk about it, and even forgets his ancestors. Therefore, the humble minister thinks that the hereditary inheritance of honor and nobility should be cancelled. The system is the so-called children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Sitting and enjoying their achievements is harming them. I am willing to start from myself, and I hope Your Majesty will allow it!"

After listening to his words, the Golden Luan Hall immediately exploded.

No one expected that Duke Ding, after talking about it, actually said that he would abolish the hereditary system of honor and nobility!

This is definitely a heartless bomb that exploded on the Golden Luan Hall.

For civil servants, the hereditary system has nothing to do with them. Even if there were civil servants who were knighted, there was no hereditary title at that time.

Therefore, when they heard Ding Guogong mention this statement, they naturally booed.

However, military commanders don't do it.

Hereditary system is the ultimate goal of generals.

In fact, the hereditary system of the Ming Dynasty existed in all generals.Not only Gonghou Bo, but also commanders from all over the country, thousands of households and other guard officers, are actually hereditary.

There is a very famous person, Qi Jiguang, who also came from a hereditary military service.

However, apart from Gonghou Bo, the imperial court actually had requirements for the hereditary inheritance of other generals.That is, the person who requests to take over the position must pass the assessment of the Ministry of War.

This regulation more or less guaranteed that the descendants of generals would not be too unreliable; however, this was only limited to the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Later, this assessment system became a means for the Ministry of War to collect money, similar to another system of selling officials.

As for Gonghou Bo, there was no assessment at all, as long as he asked the emperor for an order, and the emperor agreed.

Ding Guogong proposed to abolish the hereditary system of nobles, thanks to the fact that the hereditary nobles in the capital all said they were sick, otherwise it would have been possible to fight on the spot.

You Ding Guogong was implicated by Wei Guogong, and there was a disaster of annihilation, but no one else did!
In order to please the emperor and to avoid being involved, you throw out the abolition of the hereditary system. Once the emperor approves it, you will make a profit, but won’t the others suffer a lot?

If such important interests are damaged, there will definitely be a fight.

Now, even if those hereditary nobles are not here in the Golden Temple, there are many generals, and they are unwilling!
So, just like that, as Xu Yunzhen's bomb exploded, civil and military officials became arguing.

The most important point is that civil servants are good at talking, and military generals can argue better than civil servants in debates.Especially the Nanjing Xungui case, which almost included the entire Nanjing Xungui; and Ding Guogong himself brought it up, and it was not the civil servant who first mentioned it.

Therefore, the fighting power of the civil servants was beyond the charts, and all the generals present were speechless, and they didn't know how to refute!

After the quarrel, everyone looked at Emperor Chongzhen to see what kind of opinion he had.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at all the civil and military officials looking at him, and when he made up his mind, he seemed to be thinking seriously on the surface, but in his heart, he was already smiling.

From the matter of promoting Chen Yuanyuan to an official back then, he figured out a way to deal with his officials: first throw out a conclusion that they cannot accept, and then take a step back, and they will accept it.

But this time, Liu Weichao's advice to him was to decrease the title gradually.

After Emperor Chongzhen thought about it for himself, he asked Wang Chengen to go to Dingguo's mansion, threatened and lured Xu Yunzhen, and asked him to throw out the abolition of the hereditary system instead of decreasing it generation by generation.

According to his script, directly abolishing the hereditary system would definitely not be accepted by nobles or military generals. Therefore, there would definitely be a shocking debate, and he would end it in the end.

Unexpectedly, the nobles of the capital were frightened, and they didn't even come to the morning court.

These hereditary nobles are the main force in the battle. If they don't come, the military generals whose interests are even lower, how can they be the opponents of civil servants.

It was obvious that the final decision in the court was that the civil servants had the upper hand and agreed to abolish the hereditary system.

At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen had actually been tempted, otherwise, he would just follow the trend and directly abolish the hereditary system.

But in the end, Emperor Chongzhen decided to follow the scheduled plan.

It was not his original intention to let the civil servants get what they wanted.These civil servants put their noses on their faces, and they cannot be used to them.

No matter what, the imperial power actually still needs the support of nobles, and it is not a good thing for the court to suddenly unbalance civil and military affairs.Especially in the next period of time, if the Ming Dynasty wants to expand its territory outward, it will require the contribution of warriors.

Or, take this opportunity to learn from Liu Weichao's world, and change the hereditary status of the middle and lower military officers to the military school model!

Speaking of it, the Ming Dynasty has changed from hereditary military households to compulsory military service for the whole people, which has provided the basis for the reform of the middle and lower military officers.

Emperor Chongzhen was thinking, and all the civil and military ministers were staring at him, waiting for him to speak.Emperor Chongzhen didn't speak, but they thought that the emperor was a little uncertain about this matter.

After a while, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly made a movement. He raised his head and glanced at the officials. Both the civil and military columns looked over, and finally looked at Xu Yunzhen, the Duke of Ding who stood in the middle, and said: "On this matter, I listen to you." Now, what you said is all reasonable! Under the hereditary system, most of the heroic officials are unwilling to make progress, do nothing but talk about it, and even do such treasonous things!"

Speaking of this, when the faces of those generals turned pale, Emperor Chongzhen then changed the subject and said: "However, the hero has served the country loyally, risked his life and made great military exploits, and I can't let the hero be chilled. The hero will worry about it later. Therefore, I decided to..."

When Emperor Chongzhen said this, he dragged his voice for a long time, glanced at the officials below, and was not in a hurry to announce his decision.

He could see that many of the civil and military officials below were a little puzzled after hearing his words, probably unable to guess what his conclusion was, and all of them were curious and looking forward to it.

After whetting their appetites, Emperor Chongzhen announced: "...In the future, the hereditary system will be changed to a method of decreasing from generation to generation. This will not only chill the hearts of heroes, but also urge them to work hard in the future, so as not to lose the shadow of our ancestors." !"

When the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Hall heard this, they didn't expect the emperor to adopt a compromise strategy. When they were still thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen said again: "The disaster of the nobles in Nanjing, I think there is indeed a hereditary system. It is inappropriate, so I think it is enough to punish the three clans, please wait a moment for this matter!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Chongzhen stood up, took out the mobile phone in the sachet on his chest, and turned into the apse.

Seeing Emperor Chongzhen like this, everyone knew why he was going.

Moreover, based on the words just now, many smart civil servants and generals have guessed a lot of things hidden in the dark.

For example, regarding Nanjing Xungui, it is estimated that Emperor Taizu had spoken, and it should be the same as the three courts, to punish the nine clans.Therefore, when the emperor said this time, he was not making a conclusion, but just thinking.

Who can deny the emperor's opinion, then only Emperor Taizu!

Thinking about Emperor Taizu's killing of the nine clans, it was indeed possible.

Now that Emperor Chongzhen wanted to ask Emperor Taizu for instructions, he must also explain the reason.Then change the hereditary system to a descending system from generation to generation, and I probably have to tell Emperor Taizu.In the end, the decision on these matters was all in the hands of Emperor Taizu.

Thinking of this, the civil and military officials stopped talking and just waited for Emperor Taizu's thoughts.Because it's useless to say what they said, no one can change the decision of Emperor Taizu.

Relatively speaking, the civil servants felt that it was better for Emperor Taizu to disagree, kill all the nobles, and abolish the hereditary system.

As for generals, they hope that the current emperor can persuade Emperor Taizu.

Anyway, no matter what they thought, when Emperor Chongzhen turned back to the main hall, they all stared at Emperor Chongzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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