Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 799 Nightmare again and again

Chapter 799 Nightmare again and again
Emperor Chongzhen, who just went to the back hall and shot a false shot, returned to the front hall, looked at the civil and military officials in front of him, and said solemnly: "The hereditary system is changed to the method of descending from generation to generation, and the Nanjing Xungui case punishes the three clans!"

Hearing this, the civil and military officials in the palace knew that Emperor Taizu had listened to the current emperor's persuasion.

The civil servants were slightly disappointed, but the military commanders were extremely grateful to Emperor Chongzhen. At least the highest award of Ming Dynasty could still benefit the children and grandchildren.

However, before the civil and military officials had time to speak, Emperor Chongzhen went on to say: "In addition, the official abolition of the system of guards in various places and the opening of the Wubei Hall are the yamen under the jurisdiction of the Royal Military Academy of the Ming Dynasty, and it is a place for middle and lower-level officers in the army to study. .”

In fact, since the reform of the guard system in the past few years, the selection of elites into the field army, and the rest changed to railway soldiers, the guard system has basically ceased to exist.Emperor Chongzhen now proposes that it will be officially abolished.

This time, he took this opportunity to speak out, making the civil and military officials below think that this was also approved by the Emperor Taizu who established this system.

Therefore, the civil and military officials below have no objection.

This time, the Great Court Conference is almost over.

The result of the court meeting naturally caused a sensation.Especially among the nobles, it was a catastrophe.

They never thought that they would lose their iron rice bowl, no, the golden rice bowl as a result of their absence from a court meeting.

On the side of the emperor, they dare not say it. After all, this is the decision of the emperor Taizu, and it is the current emperor who thinks of their ancestors' credit. Otherwise, according to Ding Guogong's words, the hereditary system will be completely abolished, and it will really be a catastrophe. .

It was also because of this that all the nobles pointed their finger at Ding Guogong Xu Yunzhen.But after the court meeting, he will stay behind closed doors, even if you scold him, you won't be able to hear him.

The Nanjing Xungui case has also come to a conclusion.

One duke, Duke of Wei, four marquises, Marquis of Anyuan, Marquis of Funing, Marquis of Linhuai, Marquis of Lingbi, and four earls, namely Bo Xincheng, Bo Cheng, Bo Dongning, Bo Ning Jin, these hereditary honors You were punished by the three clans.

In addition, those local officials at the time who listened to the nobles and cooperated with the thieves were also conspiratorial criminals, and they also punished the three clans.

In the end, the number of murderers in the Nanjing Xungui case reached more than [-]. It was the largest case of the Chongzhen Dynasty and the largest case of the Ming Dynasty.

Then the imperial court also issued an imperial edict to all states and counties in the world, reporting the Nanjing Xungui case in detail to warn future generations.

First, if you are proud of your meritorious deeds and break the law, the imperial court will definitely punish you severely and will never protect you;

Second, killing an official is a rebellion, and it is a serious crime of treason!
Third, colluding with rebels and foreign barbarians is treason, and it is also a great crime of treason!
Fourth, betraying national interests, just like selling steam engine blueprints to Xiyi in this case, is also treason and treason!
Among them, the first and second items are very clear to the ancients, and now they are just emphasized.

The third, especially the fourth, in the late Ming Dynasty, many people did not have this concept.In other words, although they feel that it is wrong to do so, they do not realize what the serious consequences of doing so are.

Therefore, the Department of Political Affairs and Communications under Chen Yuanyuan began to focus on publicity by taking advantage of the Nanjing Xungui case.

One of the most typical examples is the Shanxi merchants at the beginning. They thought it was just doing business with Liaodong Jianlu.

This matter is most unforgettable to the people of Daming in the north.

But now, Nanjing Xungui's collusion with thieves is intolerable to the people in the south.

But what surprised the common people of Ming Dynasty, including some officials and gentry, is that the imperial court has now also defined the relationship with Xiyi.

The steam engine is the national treasure of Ming Dynasty, and selling the blueprint of the national treasure to the Dutch is tantamount to selling the national treasure to Xiyi, which will allow Xiyi to have the ability to change the world.Xiyi massacred Lu Song Ming people several times before, and then colluded with Annan to rebel and killed more than [-] imperial court officers and soldiers.

This kind of behavior is similar to that of the Shanxi merchants back then, and the court cannot tolerate it. Now it is clearly defined as treason and treason, which is a serious crime!

With the Nanjing Xungui case ahead, whoever dares to do similar things in the future will have to weigh the consequences of punishing the three clans!

As for which commodities can be bought and sold and which ones cannot, the Department of Political Communications also made a publicity to Daming.

Things that are registered in the Ouchi Patent Office, whether it is a method or a technique, are kept secret according to the level, and are divided into A, B, C, and D levels. Among them, the steam engine belongs to the A level. At present, the highest level of confidentiality, no one is allowed to be the inventor, that is, the emperor agrees. , shall not be sold, imitated, sold, etc.

People believe that unique inventions, ancestral skills, etc. can also go to the patent office to apply. Once approved, they will be protected by the imperial court. If others want to counterfeit, at least they must be authorized by the owner to share the profits.

With the deepening of the propaganda of the Department of Political Affairs and Communications, the spread of the patent office became wider and wider. Soon, the focus of public opinion in Ming Dynasty shifted from the Nanjing Xungui case to the patent office involving thousands of households.

As for the Nanjing Xungui case, everyone is exterminated, so who cares about it except for a few people?
On the contrary, it is the patent office, even ordinary people may be related, so naturally everyone is willing to discuss it.

Many people see the benefits of patents, and many people see the benefits of patent offices.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry was the first to stand up, saying that it was inappropriate for the Patent Office to belong to the inner palace, and the name change under the Ministry of Industry was justified.

Then, the household department also stood up, saying that it was related to money and should belong to the household department.

In this way, although the Nanjing Xungui case is widely involved, under the influence of the Novelty Patent Office, not to mention the influence of the Liaodong Great Victory, it is like a big stone being thrown into a pond. After a wave of waves, there is no follow-up. It was so quiet.

Twenty years of Chongzhen, just like that, will soon pass.

For most of the people of Ming Dynasty, life is getting better and better every day, even Jianlu will be wiped out, and Liaodong will be restored, everyone is very happy.

At the same time, for Jianlu, it was naturally a sad year.

Here in Liaodong, the weather has turned cold, and the howling cold wind has already made people feel the harshness of winter.

Dorgon, who fled in embarrassment, had only about [-] people left around him, and finally rushed to Ninggu Tower.

"Master, we will arrive at Ninggu Pagoda in one more day's journey!" Dorgon's personal guard told Dorgon.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many defeated troops and the Ming army who had to avoid the pursuit, Dorgon would have rushed to Ningguta a long time ago.But, in fact, it was impossible to do so, and he had to take a detour, and even hid, not to mention the hardships, but it was indeed not easy, and finally he was going to Ninggu Pagoda.

When we arrived at Ninggu Tower, we could finally take a breather!

Thinking of this in Dorgon's heart, his heart, like a bereaved dog, finally stabilized a little.

The north of Ninggu Pagoda is the granary of the Qing Dynasty.In this day and age, as long as there is food, there are people, and people have soldiers, it's as simple as that.

But after arriving at Ninggu Tower, there is one more thing to do, which is to seize power.

The guard at Ninggu Tower is Hauge. At first, Dorgon didn't want him to cause more troubles, but even arranged for the Great Sage Emperor to possess him. I really don't know what to think, so he threw him to Ninggu Tower.

With Hauge's IQ and skills, Dorgon is confident that even though he only brought five hundred people, he can still win the control of Ningguta from Hauge.

After all, he still has the status of a regent, and he can overwhelm Hauge.

At night, the guards delivered food, wrapped them in blankets, and fell asleep hastily in a sheltered place.

Speaking of it, it is also ironic.

When Dorgon and others escaped from Liaoyang, what food would they bring, and they didn't care about bringing more clothes.

Originally, they could get supplies from other places that had not been breached by the Ming army. At that time, all they saw along the way were harmed by Japanese pirates.

So, they took food and warm clothes from the Japanese pirates.And these things originally belonged to the people of the Qing Dynasty.

The night was getting darker and darker. Suddenly, Dorgon heard a burst of clear gunshots while he was half asleep.

"Blah blah blah..."

Dorgon was so frightened that he immediately turned over and sat up, looked around, and asked nervously, "Where is the gunshot, the Ming army is chasing you?"

When the guard on duty heard the movement, he immediately came over, and when he heard Dorgon's words, he quickly comforted him: "Master, you are having nightmares again!"

After hearing this, Dorgon listened carefully to the movement around him, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, looking a little lonely.

He hasn't had a good night's sleep all this way.I often fall asleep and have nightmares.

Originally, I thought that I would be going to Ninggu Tower soon, and I should be able to sleep peacefully, but I still had a nightmare.

Thinking of these, Dorgon felt a little sad.

He is not a boy who has not experienced the world. He has been in war since he was a child.Just like facing Huang Taiji's struggle for power back then, he didn't hide the constant nightmare.

Dorgon thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized: the Ming Kingdom is really too powerful, which made him feel powerless in the face of a giant.It was this kind of feeling that made him so unconfident that he had nightmares again and again.

What will the future of the Qing Dynasty be like?

What will happen to her own ending?

Thinking about these two questions, Dorgon no longer felt sleepy, and began to suffer from insomnia again!

The artillery of the Ming army, and the muskets that can hit so far, are really too difficult to deal with.

In the future, even if Ninggu Pagoda is used as the foundation, it may be difficult for the Ming army to encircle and suppress.Perhaps, we still have to go north, to a place that is even more bitter and cold, where the Ming army is unwilling to go, and then develop slowly?
Thinking this way, he finally got confused in the second half of the night. Afterwards, Dorgon became energetic instead, and said to his subordinates: "Ningu Pagoda is right in front of us, let's take a rest once we arrive!"

However, unsatisfactory things in life are really very common!
(End of this chapter)

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