Chapter 800

Dorgon and his party set off after dawn, and not long after, there was a sudden movement in front of them.

They are all veterans for many years, and Dorgon's personal guards immediately reported to Dorgon: "Master, the striker seems to be meeting the enemy, and the front is dangerous, please avoid it, master!"

"What's going on? The Ming army rushed ahead of us?" Dorgon felt a little inconceivable about this.

Even if he needs to hide in Tibet and come to Ninggu Pagoda by detour, the Ming army's next target is definitely Shengjing. They can't rush to Ninggu Pagoda first, right?
To be honest, Dorgon was a little confused.

However, he also did hear the striker being attacked and approaching the enemy.

If it was really the Ming army, Dorgon was a little desperate.That means that he doesn't even have the last hope.

But at this moment, another subordinate came over and reported: "Master, the striker was ambushed by Tanma from Ning Guta's side. The misunderstanding has been resolved, but three of us died and eight were injured!"

"..." Dorgon was stunned when he heard this.

After finally escaping here, he ended up dying at the hands of his own people, so what's going on?

Are the people on Ning Guta crazy?Or is that Hauge going crazy again, wanting to be the emperor?
Under the circumstances, this is not the time for civil strife!
Thinking of this, Dorgon was really bored, and everything was not going well, endlessly!

While he was thinking, he saw his personal guards coming with a spy leader.

When the leader of the scouting horse saw Dorgon, he recognized it naturally. He was shocked, and rushed to meet him, saying "Damn it"!
With a cold face, Dorgon asked immediately, "What's going on? Why did you ambush your own people?"

The head of the scouting horse heard this, and quickly explained: "Your Highness, this is a misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding! The servant thought it was those thieves who made trouble,"

"A rebellious bandit?" Dorgon couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "What kind of rebellious bandit?"

The northern part of the Qing Dynasty was the place where the Saurons were active, that is, the place where the Qing Dynasty often sent troops to plunder, the so-called raw Jurchen and wild Jurchen.

However, with the defeat of the Qing Dynasty against the Ming Dynasty and the loss of too many troops, more troops were invested in looting these Nuzhens to supplement the population.

No matter what, at least near the Ninggu Pagoda, or even hundreds of miles away, it is impossible to have a Jurchen.Where did this thief come from?
To be honest, Dorgon was a little confused for a while.

The leader of the scouting horse quickly explained and told the truth, which made Dorgon's face even more ugly.

The so-called thieves are not Jurchen, but those who originally belonged to the Qing Dynasty. Isn't this even more killing the Qing Dynasty!

When did that Kong Youde sneak into such a northern place, and even colluded with Zu Dashou?

Fortunately, there was still Han Chen who informed him, so Zu Dashou and Kong Youde's scheme did not succeed.

However, Kong Youde is obviously an old and cunning guy, and he was even prepared to escape from Ninggu Tower.Then, not only burned a large part of the grain fields that were about to be harvested, but also incited the Koreans to fight against the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, Hauge sent troops to block the road going south, and was doing his best to wipe out these rebels.

It just so happened that Dorgon and his group were in such a mess that they even wore clothes stolen from Japanese pirates, so that they were misunderstood by Ningguta Tanma as those rebels.

After all, those rebels originally belonged to the Qing Dynasty, and they also had the same money rat tails, so it was difficult to distinguish them unless they were close.

Who would have thought that such a discomfited group of people turned out to be the real Qing army, and they were also subordinates of the regent king!

After saying this, the leader of Tanma's expression was very aggrieved. It's really no wonder he, at least he thinks so!

Dorgon understood the cause and effect, and didn't care about dealing with the killing of his own people by the leader of the scout horse. He was a little worried about the situation in Ningguta, so he hurriedly asked about the specific situation.

At the beginning, it was he who ordered all the Han Chinese and Koreans to be relocated to the north. Therefore, there are a lot of Han Chinese and Koreans in the north. Once there is chaos, he is really worried about the situation.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the situation is under control and there is no chaos!" The leader of Tanma knew what Dorgon was worried about, so Lian Mai comforted him and then said specific things.

Under Hauge's fury, he went on a killing spree. Those who are related to Zu Dashou, even if they did not participate in Zu Dashou's rebellion, as long as they did not submit a certificate to prove that they really did not participate in Zu Dashou's rebellion, they would all be killed. Hauge was killed.

The same is true for those North Koreans. As long as Hauge feels that the North Koreans tend to follow suit, he immediately raises his butcher knife.Even North Korean monarchs and ministers killed a large number of them.

The turmoil caused by Zu Dashou and Kong Youde was basically brought under control.Now the road to the south has been blocked, and all efforts are being made to arrest Kong Youde, Zu Dashou and others who are still fleeing.

During the questioning process, Dorgon also knew about Ningguta's side, but he didn't know the news that the South had been defeated at all.

The reason for this may be that Ninggu Pagoda is too north, and the Qing Dynasty was defeated too quickly.

Thinking of this, Dorgon's heart ached again.

But, no matter what, he had to admit that he lost too quickly!
Among other things, Anshan Post Fort and Liaoyang Town fell in just one day. Who would have thought that they would fall so soon?

But this is the truth!

Dorgon shook his head, shook off the reality in his mind that he didn't want to face, and immediately ordered: "You lead the way and rush back to Ninggu Tower immediately!"

Although the scout leader didn't know what was going on in the south, he actually had a bad premonition in his heart when he saw the regent suddenly appearing here, and he was still in such a mess. Go back to Ninggu Pagoda.


In a forest in the northwest of Ninggu Pagoda, there is a group of people hiding here.

Many of these people were wounded, their expressions were still sluggish, and their morale was obviously low.

In a cave, or just a sunken pothole, there are a few people here, who can be seen as the heads of the team at this moment, talking there.

"Father, you are so stupid, why did you believe what Kong Youde said?" One of the young people said to the oldest man with an obvious complaining expression, "Look, we have fallen to such a state now, Maybe sooner or later he will be arrested by the Qing army!"

The older person, needless to say, is Zu Dashou. Hearing his son's words, he shook his head and said, "It's because I mistrusted that traitor. Otherwise, I would have planned well and wouldn't be in such a mess!"

The rebellious son he was referring to was actually his adopted son Zu Kefa. When Zu Dashou surrendered to Jianlu for the first time, Zu Kefa also surrendered, and he followed Jianlu to fight in the south and north, and made a lot of contributions. .

If in the original history, he would follow Jianlu to enter the pass, continue to conquer the north and south, and finally be promoted to the third class.

When Zu Dashou decided to follow Kong Youde's actions, the adopted son betrayed him and reported to Hauge. Fortunately, Zu Dashou was scheming and left a way out, so he was not caught by Hauge.

Zu Dashou's youngest son, Zu Zeqing, couldn't stand the current situation, and felt that Kong Youde was the culprit, so he complained to his father: "Father, why don't I surrender and go back, let's see the attitude of the Qing Dynasty. , maybe he will forgive us!"

His father's previous experience gave him some confidence, so he said this.

After hearing this, Zu Dashou shook his head and said, "Hugh is childish. Today is different from the past. Our ancestors no longer have the heritage of the past. If we surrender again, we will definitely be chopped down with a knife, maybe Ling Chi, so as to deter others from not wanting to fight." Dare to betray Qing Dynasty!"

When his other sons heard this, they all nodded in agreement, persuading the younger brother not to have illusions.

They naturally didn't know that in the original history, this Zu Zeqing responded to Wu Sangui's rebellion. After the rebellion failed, he felt that the Manchu Qing would still give preferential treatment to surrender. and die.

At this time, his suggestion was rejected, so he began to scold Zu Kefa again, and then Kong Youde, anyway, they were the ones who made him suffer.

Zu Dashou's other sons didn't speak, but it could be seen from their expressions that they were actually dissatisfied with Zu Dashou's decision.

In Ninggu Pagoda, he made such a moth that he is now being chased by the Qing army like a dog in the water.

"Father, did Kong Youde run away by himself?" Suddenly, the eldest son Zu Zerun asked Zu Dashou, "If you haven't come back after so long, there must be something wrong?"

Upon hearing this, his third son, Zu Zehong, also echoed worriedly: "There must be something wrong, either he was caught by the Qing army, or he ran away by himself!"

As soon as Zu Zeqing heard what the two elder brothers said, he immediately shouted again: "Father, if Kong Youde is captured by the Qing army, he will definitely confess to us; if he escapes, we will wait longer." It's useless! How about we change places quickly?"

Hearing this, Zu Dashou turned his head to look at the women and children in the cave, and didn't speak immediately, as if he was thinking whether to listen or not.

At this moment, several of them faintly felt something moving.As a general in the army for many years, except for Zu Zeqing, the expressions of the others, including Zu Dashou, changed: "No, there are cavalry troops coming, and there are quite a few of them!"

In such corners and corners, if there are cavalry troops, then there are only cavalry troops of the Qing Dynasty, and they are still chasing and killing them.

After reaching this conclusion, Zu Zeqing began to cry: "It's over, it's over, we're over!"

The women and children in the cave also cried when they heard this.

Almost everyone looked at Zu Dashou with complaints in their eyes.

Look, it's all right now, it's time to exterminate the genocide!

(End of this chapter)

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