Chapter 801 Shock
However, at this moment, they heard cheers from outside.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"The imperial court is mighty!"


Hearing this movement, Zu Dashou and others couldn't help but look at each other, what's wrong?
They don't think that those subordinates outside shouted such slogans and went to die with the chasing soldiers of the Qing Dynasty!
Moreover, it can be heard from this voice that it is the sound of cheers, not the slogans shouted by the dead.

However, it is a bit unbelievable for Zu Dashou and others to think that the cavalry from outside will be the imperial court army!
This is Ninggu Pagoda, far away from Pidao and Ningjin. How could there be imperial cavalry?
All of a sudden, Zu Dashou and the others were dumbfounded, a little confused about the situation.

But just at this moment, one of his subordinates ran over almost scrambling, shouting excitedly while running: "Marshal, Marshal, the imperial court... the imperial court army is here!"

As soon as Zu Zerun heard this, he rushed over, stopped the man, and asked in a very surprised tone: "I'm sure it's the imperial army, not the Qing army pretending to lure us out?"

It is said that the imperial army is here, but it is a bit unbelievable!
Because if the court officials and soldiers really appear here, it means that many, many things have changed a lot!

"Really, it must be true!" The person who reported the letter nodded excitedly, "It's definitely the imperial court army. It can't be wrong. They are all wearing red mandarin duck battle robes. They are very mighty. At least tens of thousands of horses. The Qing army can't pretend at all." from."

Now the Jianlu in Ninggu Pagoda are all poor and poor, and their material conditions are very bad. It is impossible to find so many Ming army uniforms.Not to mention, on Ningguta's side, there are only a thousand cavalry troops, and the main force has long been transferred to the south.

When Zu Dashou in the back heard this, he couldn't sit still any longer, he stood up immediately, waved his big hand and said: "Go, go and see, no, go to meet the imperial army!"

At this moment, he realized that he wanted to see the imperial army very much, and at the same time, he also had many doubts. He wanted to know what happened in the south. Did the imperial army win?
The court officials and troops all appeared in such a north place. Does that mean that most of Liaodong was recovered by the court officials and troops?

Thinking about this, he always felt that it was impossible.

He has been fighting against Jianlu all his life, and he is the most clear about Jianlu's strength.It has only been a few years, and it is possible for the imperial court and the army to win a battle, but it is still a bit incredible to recover Liaodong so quickly!

When the others heard what he said, they stood up one after another and wanted to go out together to see the situation.

Even the ancestral women and children hiding in the cave are the same!

By the time they hurried to the periphery, the cavalry had already arrived nearby.Zu Dashou's subordinates were all cheering, just as happy as the New Year!
Zu Dashou hurriedly looked up, and saw a long cavalry dragon, really like a giant red dragon, the dragon's head had come close, with flags flying, embroidered with Chinese characters such as "Li", "Gao", and "Zhu".When I saw this, it was definitely an official army of the imperial court. It was impossible for Jianlu to pretend to be like this!
Not to mention, at the position of the faucet, there are a few people dressed in rags, who are very conspicuous at a glance.At this time, they were getting close, and Zu Dashou immediately recognized that it was Kong Youde and the others who went out to explore the way.

Can this be wrong?
This is definitely the official army of the imperial court!
When Zu Dashou looked at the scene in front of him in shock, Kong Youde said flatteringly to the general of the Ming army beside him: "Commander, the older one is the commander-in-chief of Jinzhou! All of them are his sons."

This cavalry army, after assisting the infantry to easily capture the Jianzhou Guard, followed Du Yinxi's military order, went north to raid the cavalry of Jianlu's granary, and left [-] people to assist the infantry to stabilize the Jianzhou Guard. The strength of the cavalry that came over reached about [-] cavalry.

The leader is Li Guo, Li Laiheng and Gao Yigong, the general surnamed Zhu, is actually Oqier Tuhan, who was given the national surname by Emperor Chongzhen, and now he has changed his name to Zhu Chechen.Chechen comes from his previous title, that is, Oziltu Chechen Khan, which means wisdom in Wacha.

Du Yinxi mainly asked Zhao'an's generals to go north to raid Jianlu's granary. Originally, he wanted them to use their mobile power when they were thieves, and destroy Jianlu's granary.

Unexpectedly, before the army reached its destination, it unexpectedly encountered Kong Youde.

After Kong Youde took out his identity certificate and explained from the beginning to the end that he was captured, surrendered, joined the Dongjiang Army, and sneaked into Ninggu Pagoda, Li Guo believed him and led the army to find Zu Dashou.

He didn't expect that the imperial court would even deploy Kong Youde's game, and had already taken action in Jianlu Granary. Although it was not completely successful, he led the troops here. If Kong Youde and Zu Dashou, who were familiar with the situation in the north, were in the army, This mission can definitely get twice the result with half the effort, so Li Guo is naturally happy.

At this time, when Li Guo and his party dismounted in front of Zu Dashou and others, Zu Dashou hadn't recovered yet.

I saw him constantly scanning the court officers and generals in front of him, and looking at the long line, his face was full of disbelief.

"Old Ancestor, Grand Marshal Zu..." Kong Youde yelled several times in a hurry before calling Zu Dashou back to his senses, and introduced him: "This is Li Guo, the commander-in-chief of Guihua City of the imperial court, and this is also Marshal Li. Huacheng's general soldier Gao Yigong is a high-ranking commander..."

Zu Dashou was at a loss when he heard it, and couldn't figure out the situation at all.

When did Guihua City belong to the imperial court, and there were so many general soldiers, was it an important military town?
Besides, I haven't heard of these deputy generals before. Where did they suddenly appear?

Is this Zhu Chechen the Great Khan of the Wacha tribe?Why did he become a general of the imperial court, and changed his surname to Han?

Also, is the imperial court so rich?All of them are riding tall horses. Not only are they fully armored, but they are also well-equipped?
In Zu Dashou's mind, one question after another appeared, with an expression of disbelief.

In the Battle of Songjin at the beginning, after the reinforcements led by Hong Chengchou were wiped out, as the guard of Jinzhou, he surrendered to Jianlu again.

However, he was not reused, but was only confined to Shenyang City.However, among the ancestral army, there were those who surrendered in the Dalinghe battle and did not escape back to Daming, but they had already served in various yamen of Jianlu, so there was some news.

Later, when Jianlu's Jizhou was defeated and Ningyuan was defeated, too many dead people could not cover up the news, Zu Dashou also knew something about it.

But what they know is that the imperial court and Beijing camp are powerful and have won two battles.Later, the Qing Dynasty also formed an alliance with the Wa Kingdom, not to mention the annexation of North Korea's population and materials, and also attracted the Wa Kingdom to North Korea as a helping hand.

It's hard to say who will win and lose in the battle between the imperial court and the Qing Dynasty as well as the Japanese kingdom!
Even in the eyes of these early Ming army generals, the imperial court was rotten like that, and the two wins were probably just flashbacks. Maybe they would lose again when they faced the coalition forces of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom.

At this time, they were moved to the north by Jianlu, and they completely lost the news from the south.

Zu Dashou's side is fine, because Kong Youde came and learned about the situation in the pass, and also knew that the imperial court had rebuilt Dongjiang Town.

But the key point is that Kong Youde left the Dongjiang Army and went north to the hinterland of Liaodong early, and his news was at least two years behind.

Generally speaking, it is only two years, and there will not be much change.

However, this general law does not apply to Daming at this time.With the rapid development of science and technology, the changes in Ming Dynasty can definitely be described as rapid changes.

Even though Zu Dashou had a relatively positive understanding of the strength of the imperial court under Kong Youde's introduction, he never expected that the strength of the imperial court would still far exceed what he knew.

Not to mention anything else, in the past, the ordnance of the imperial army was shabby, and only the servants could have better equipment, but now, under the mechanized assembly line production of the imperial court, the cost has been greatly reduced, and every soldier in the army is equipped with In addition to armor ordnance, it even surpassed the excellent equipment that the servants of Zu Dashou period could have!
It's just this one, which Zu Dashou couldn't think of even if he broke his head.

Therefore, when more than [-] riders appeared in front of him, just one piece of equipment could blind his eyes!

A person who usually knows how to calculate, and is a wily man, abruptly faced with the strength of science and technology, he was shocked to deal with people and became slow.

After half a day, Zu Dashou came back to his senses, and quickly apologized to Li Guo and the others, and at the same time explained his gaffe: "I have been in the army all my life, and I have never seen such an elite army. Also, a few Commander, the old man has never seen it before. I just feel... I feel like a countryman has suddenly entered the city. Please forgive me if there is any negligence!"

Zu Dashou's qualifications are indeed old enough, and because he fled back to Daming after surrendering to Jianlu, Emperor Chongzhen gave him trust and still promoted him to be the guard of Jinzhou, and even his military rank was promoted.Although he surrendered to Jianlu again this time, he was doing trouble behind Jianlu. Therefore, Zu Dashou must not be treated the same as ordinary people who surrendered to Jianlu.

Li Guo and the others still respected Zu Dashou, and they were very polite immediately. They responded to Zu Dashou with a few words, praising him in Cao Ying and his heart in Han. The atmosphere between the two sides was very harmonious.

After exchanging a few words of pleasantries, Zu Dashou couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, seized a gap in his speech, and quickly asked Li Guo: "The imperial court knew about the construction of the barn for the captives, so it mobilized the elites of the army and sent you to make a surprise attack. Build a granary to weaken the strength of Jianlu?"

In his opinion, this guess is the closest to the truth.

Unexpectedly, when he just finished speaking, the others were fine, but Li Laiheng, the youngest, burst out laughing.

This, a bit rude, made Zu Dashou's sons very unhappy.

Li Laiheng also knew that he had lost his composure, so he quickly answered to cover up his gaffe.

(End of this chapter)

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