Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 802 What Wind Brought A Regent

Chapter 802 What Wind Brought A Regent

"Jianlu is finished, what else is there to weaken!"

When Li Laiheng said this, he thought of something, and added, "We should take advantage of his illness to kill him? No, it should be sweeping the garbage? Anyway, it has the same meaning. Only the Ninggu Tower is here for Jianlu. Pretty much the same everywhere else!"

He was talking, feeling a little regretful in his heart. He didn't learn well enough that he wanted to bite the bullet, but he still couldn't express it.

When Zu Dashou and others heard it, they didn't care about his words at all, but were shocked by what he said.

"What? Only Ningguta is here? What about Haizhou, Liaoyang, and Shengjing?"

The people on Ning Guta's side still have the impression of before the war.

At any rate, he is a person of some status, and he also knows that the Qing Dynasty is uniting with the Japanese army to launch a war.It can almost be said that all the elites of the Qing Dynasty were mobilized. I heard that the Japanese army also sent out all the elites. In this war, there will definitely be some.

However, how many days have passed before the imperial court recovered the entire Liaodong?
This is simply incredible!

The Battle of Songjin that year lasted for nearly a year!
Now that there are more troops, it's only been less than two months. How is this possible!

They were a little dumbfounded, but Kong Youde said excitedly there: "That's right, the imperial army caught up with the escaped Qing emperor and queen mother, and they caught up with Saerhu. Not only did they capture them alive, the imperial court He also sacrificed the blood of Aixinjueluo Duoduo, the Prince of Heshuoyu, to pay homage to the heroes who died in the battle of Saarhu..."

He already knew the news when he met Li Guo and the others.

At this moment, when he heard this topic being mentioned, he was still very excited, chattering like a cannonball, wishing to share the joy in his heart with Zu Dashou!
Kong Youde is a true Liaodong Han. His parents and brothers were all killed by Jianlu, so he defected to Mao Wenlong to kill Jianlu. As a result, Mao Wenlong was killed by Yuan Chonghuan, and Dongjiang Town fell apart without its core.

Later, Kong Youde served under Sun Yuanhua's command. As a result, Jianlu attacked the Liaoxi Corridor. The imperial court transferred Kong Youde's troops to Liaodong for reinforcements and did not pay them. Halfway there, he clashed with the local gentry and turned against him. Finally, he crossed the sea under the encirclement and suppression of the imperial court. He voted for Jianlu.

Originally, he thought that the events of his first half of his life could only be buried in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the imperial court suddenly became stronger again, and the emperor also became wiser. Fighting, he would actually see the mighty Qing Empire destroyed by the imperial court in his lifetime!
Anyway, about this matter, he would never believe what someone told him five years ago.Don't even say five years earlier, even half a year earlier, he wouldn't think that the Qing Dynasty would end so quickly!
Zu Dashou's side, although he has been shocked and shocked since seeing the court cavalry, but at this time, Kong Youde's words still shocked him.

Did the Qing Dynasty perish?
This opponent who had fought with him all his life, the powerful opponent who forced him to surrender and surrender, was wiped out by the court?
To be honest, if it was just Kong Youde who told him about this at this time, he wouldn't believe it at all.

However, now the court cavalry is right in front of his eyes, the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong, elite cavalry!

If it hadn't been for the imperial army to conquer most of the Liaodong area, it would be impossible to appear in such a remote northeastern area of ​​Liaodong!
Facts speak louder than words, no matter how ridiculous Zu Dashou thinks this is, facts are facts!
After confirming that the Qing Dynasty should indeed perish, to be honest, Zu Dashou felt a sense of loss at this time.

This feeling of loss is not only because he thinks the destruction of a powerful opponent; it is also because the matter of destroying such a powerful opponent has nothing to do with him at all!
He is like this, and his sons are similar. They are a little unbelievable. In their opinion, the very powerful Qing Dynasty has perished!

After they came to their senses, just before that, they complained that their father had obeyed Kong Youde's words, but at this moment, they looked at their father with incomparable admiration.

If it wasn't for their father's wiseness, they would probably be wiped out under the court's iron cavalry!

Afterwards, they became very enthusiastic one by one, expressing that they were familiar with the situation in Ninggu Tower, and asked to be guides..., like this kind of blah blah blah blah, they showed their loyalty.


At the same time, Dorgon had just arrived at Ningguta.

The martial law guards at the gate of the city looked from a distance and thought that the army who went out to search had caught those rebellious Han generals. After all, the messy outfits they wore were similar to those of the fleeing Han generals.

As a result, after getting closer, they discovered that this group of embarrassed knights turned out to be their regent, the actual ruler of the Qing Dynasty.

Immediately shocked, he quickly stepped forward to salute and knelt down.

Dorgon looked at them, not in a good mood, but ordered them to send people immediately to call back all the troops who went out to search, and ordered all the generals in the city to hold a meeting.

Everyone was surprised by Dorgon's arrival.Especially after they saw the distressed look of Dorgon and his party, they felt even more disturbed, wondering what happened?
However, if Dorgon and his party didn't say anything, they would have no way of knowing what happened. No matter how they thought about it, they never thought that the so-called Qing Dynasty was actually only on their Ningguta side.At this time, they could only follow Dorgon's request and hurry to work.

Hauge, who was sitting in the city, was taken aback immediately when he heard his subordinates report that the regent was coming.

Then why did Dorgon come to such a desolate place?
As soon as he had this thought, his subordinates quickly added: "Master, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent only brought about five hundred horses, and he looks very embarrassed..."

Seeing the unbelievable expression on Hauge's face, his subordinates quickly described it in detail.

When Hauge heard this, he gloated in his heart immediately: Could it be that she had never fought that Mongolian woman and was kicked to Ninggu Pagoda, or was simply hunted down?
As soon as this idea came up, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Hauge knew it, logically speaking, at this time, Dorgon should have brought the little emperor Fulin to his personal expedition, and together with hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops to attack the Ming army on the front line of Ningjin?Why did you come to Ninggu Tower and still be in such a mess?
After thinking for a while, he naturally couldn't think of an answer, he was reluctant to go to the city gate to greet him, and finally, before knowing the facts, Hauge greeted Dorgon at the gate of the Yamen.

This meeting, he was immediately happy.

Wasn't Dorgon very majestic and arrogant before?How can I conclude that Lao Tzu is not possessed by the Great Sage Emperor?He even kicked himself to such a desolate Ninggu Pagoda to suffer?

Thinking of this in his heart, he smiled and said with a laugh: "Ah, what wind has brought our Qing regent here?"

As soon as Dorgon heard his words and his tone, he knew what he was thinking.

However, the situation has reached such a point that Dorgon didn't even bother to pay attention to him. He just strode in and said to Hauge: "There is an urgent military situation, call all the generals for a meeting immediately!"

After speaking, he walked in first by himself.

Seeing him, his personal guards followed him in one after another, and then stationed at all the passages of the yamen. Judging by his posture, he took over the yamen in one fell swoop.

Hauge didn't follow in, but turned around and looked at Dorgon's back, his heart turned from ridicule to annoyance again: What is this?
This is Lao Tzu's territory!
Thinking of this, he whispered to his subordinates to summon the generals in the city and obey orders.

Hauge actually had the confidence to do so.

Because he is the banner owner of the Zhenglan Banner, when Dorgon kicked him to Ninggu Tower, he naturally brought his Zhenglan Banner with him.This point is a little different from Guannei Daming.

Afterwards, Hauge did not follow into the yamen, but took his personal guards into the gatehouse and waited.

After a while, he saw his personal guards arrested two Dorgon's personal guards and came over.

Although Hauge has a violent temper, he still has some basic brains.

Dorgon came over in such a state of embarrassment, and occupied the Yamen as soon as he came, he must have wanted to find out what happened?

More than a hundred miles north of Ningguta is the settlement of Koreans.

At this time, there were about [-] people in the Korean settlement, and they all stood obediently in the field, listening to the lectures of Jianlu in front of them.

In front of those Jianlu who lectured, there were rows of corpses on the ground, which seemed to have been executed by these Jianlu.

The leader Jianlu was yelling in a cold voice: "Who else participated in the Zu Dashou Rebellion, you'd better stand up consciously, otherwise you will be found out by the general, and these people in front of you will be your fate!"

Another Jianlu heard it and yelled, "Whoever participated in the burning of the grain fields will be rewarded with rations!"

Under their coercion and temptation, some North Koreans finally couldn't bear it anymore, and pointed at some people, and those North Koreans immediately pulled out the soldiers waiting beside them like wolves and tigers.

"You traitors are more cruel than real Jian captives, and you will surely die a bad life in the future!"

The North Koreans who were pulled out immediately cursed angrily, pointing at those North Koreans, pointing at those soldiers, and at the same time pointing at the few leaders of Jianlu.

Without exception, these are basically not real Jianlu, they are all Koreans and Han Chinese.For example, the two leading generals are the former Ming army generals Xia Chengde and Zu Kefa.

"Hehe, we did our best for Daqing, how could we end up with a bad death?" Xia Chengde said with a sneer when he heard this, and instead of interrogating him, he directly asked his subordinates to chop people up.

Afterwards, they continued to question Zu Dashou's accomplices, but at this moment, a fast horse arrived and ordered them to return to Ninggu Pagoda immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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