Chapter 803
"What? The Prince Regent has arrived at Ninggu Tower?"

Xia Chengde was very surprised when he heard it, and then he had a guess, and said to Zu Kefa: "Could it be that the regent knew about Ninggu Pagoda, so he put aside the front-line battle and came here?"

If the frontline battle is not tense, there is really such a possibility.After all, Ning Guta granary is related to how the Qing Dynasty survived the winter.Now it has been burned down by Zu Dashou and other rebels. This is definitely a big event for the Qing Dynasty!
Thinking of this, Xia Chengde became a little worried, and immediately walked up to a group of North Koreans, and demanded them severely: "The regent is alarmed, you can figure it out yourself, if you don't give the regent a satisfactory explanation, probably You, the king, have come to an end!"

The person in front of him was none other than the king of North Korea, Li Ji, who had been born in a meager way until now, not only was he no longer rich and well-clothed, but he was also much older.

Hearing Xia Chengde's threat at this time, he threw away all dignity, and quickly nodded and bowed in response.

Other Koreans watched their king behave like this without any surprise at all.

Anyone with a little bit of backbone will not live until now.After seeing too many things about their king's destruction of the Three Views, they have become numb.

Afterwards, Xia Chengde and his party immediately led their men to Ninggu Pagoda.


When traitors such as Xia Chengde, who were not from the direct descendants of Jianlu, chased Zu Dashou and others rushed back to Ningguta, they were shocked to find that the regent of the Qing Dynasty was tied up at the gate of the yamen.On the notice next to it, there are only four big characters: Sinners of the Qing Dynasty!

This time, they were all stunned.

They really wanted to ask what was going on, but all the elders of Zhenglan Banner's clan stood beside them, so they didn't dare to make any changes, so they could only obediently report to the yamen.

But the yamen is also full of people from Zhenglanqi, so these two devils dare not even discuss it, and can only wait for Hauge to appear.

After almost the expiration date, Hauge finally appeared in the lobby in full body armor.There was actually a sachet hanging on his chest.

When these two devils saw each other, they hurriedly saluted together, more respectful than usual.

Hauge didn't sit down, looked at the generals kneeling on the ground, and immediately shouted in a cold voice: "Do you know why that guy Dorgon was tied up at the gate of the yamen by the king, and why did he become a sinner of the Qing Dynasty?"

Xia Chengde and the others lowered their heads, looked at each other, and answered "I don't know" together.In fact, they really don't know, wonder.

The one at the door is really the Regent of the Qing Dynasty. Not only is he tied up at the gate of the Yamen, but he is also a sinner of the Qing Dynasty!

what is happening?
I only heard Hauge say to them again: "When the Great Sage Emperor came, he entrusted the Qing Dynasty to this king. His original intention was to let this king turn the tide and save the Qing Dynasty from the fire and water. As a result, it was Dorgon who actually He didn't follow the will of the Great Sage Emperor and insisted on going his own way, but the result was good. The [-] Qing army, plus the [-] Japanese army, were defeated by the Ming army. This king takes action. You guys said, is he a sinner of the Qing Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Xia Chengde and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded: What's going on?The Qing Dynasty was defeated?Five hundred thousand troops, how is this possible?

It's not like they don't know about Dorgon's ability, so they can be defeated?

how can that be!

Seeing their expressions, Hauge guessed what they were thinking, so he sneered and said, "This guy, Dorgon, even made an excuse that the army's iron bullets would explode, and the Ming army's muskets could kill people three hundred feet away." Hehe, it’s okay for me to command incompetently, but I still make such a poor excuse! If this king was in command, he would have already entered the pass, with an army of [-]!"

The Ming army's iron bullets will explode, and the Ming army's muskets can kill people three hundred feet away?
Xia Chengde and the others were speechless when they heard this important point.How could the iron bomb in this world explode?Moreover, no matter how far the range of the musket is, it cannot be so far!
They were all very surprised. The Prince Regent, who usually thought he was wise and mighty, actually had such a side?
Seeing the shock on their faces, Hauge clapped the desk and announced loudly: "This king has the guidance of the Great Sage Emperor, and he has the ability to turn the tide. You go back immediately to pack up the soldiers and horses, and recruit North Koreans to replenish the troops, follow the king Go to the rescue of Shengjing!"

"Cha!" After hearing this, Xia Chengde and the others hurriedly agreed, while thinking in their minds, Prince Su still believed in them and was willing to send them south.Unlike the Regent, who put both the Han and Koreans in the north for defense.

My loyalty to the Qing Dynasty is a lesson from heaven and earth!This time, I can finally prove myself again!
So, they followed the order one after another, preparing to rectify their troops and horses to follow Hauge to the king.

However, when they reached the gate of the yamen, Dorgon, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted loudly: "Stop, what are you going to do?"

Before that, Dorgon didn't come back to his senses.

He had always underestimated Hauge, and originally thought that with his status, it would be an easy task to seize power from Hauge.

Unexpectedly, Hauge's control over Ninggu Tower exceeded his imagination, and he ignored his authority at all. He directly tied up his subordinates in private to ask what happened, and then used the excuse of the Great Sage Emperor The apparition made Zhenglan Banner believe in their banner owner so much that he was directly arrested as the regent of the Qing Dynasty.

Being a prisoner was a blow to Dorgon.However, after being tied up at the gate of the yamen for so long, he finally came back to his senses, and he could see at a glance what these generals of the Qing Dynasty seemed to be doing, so he hurriedly shouted and asked.

Although he doesn't know what's going on in Shengjing now, he basically has an estimate, nine out of ten it's more ominous than good!

The army of Ningguta, including these Han army flags and Koreans, is less than [-]. How can they fight the Ming army?

If this army loses again, the Qing Dynasty will really have nothing!

Facing Dorgon's questioning, even if he is tied up now, he is still a sinner of the Qing Dynasty, Xia Chengde and others did not dare to neglect, and quickly answered Dorgon's question respectfully.

"No, you can't go!" Dorgon immediately shouted to stop when he heard this, "The Ming army is now stronger than you imagined, and you must not take the initiative to fight!"

Xia Chengde and the others looked at him, but did not respond.

At this time, they obviously didn't trust Dorgon a little bit.

A defeated general can make up random reasons for his defeat, so why should he be trusted?
How could Dorgon fail to see that these people were not willing to listen to him anymore.

He also understood that all the crux of the matter was Hauge, so he loudly ordered the Zhenglan Banners who were guarding him to call Hauge out quickly: "This matter is about the life and death of the Qing Dynasty. If you don't do it, you will be the sinners of the Qing Dynasty." !"

In fact, the signboard with the four characters "Sinners of the Qing Dynasty" stood beside him.

But maybe he had been the regent for many years, and he still had some prestige among the Jianlu. He yelled hysterically, and finally, someone invited Hauge over.

Hauge was quite dissatisfied with this.But those Han generals were all waiting at the door, so he finally came out, looked at Dorgon and shouted coldly: "Don't you shirk your responsibility, and even deceive the public, which angered me, believe it or not, I killed you!" ?”

Dorgon was taken aback when he heard that, and immediately asked: "Where did Gu come from to deceive the crowd?"

After hearing this, Haoge sneered immediately, then turned his head to look at Xia Chengde and the others, and finally turned his head to Dorgon and said, "Even if you can't beat the Ming army, there is no need to praise the Ming army to the sky! What iron? The bomb exploded, causing a lot of casualties; how can a Ming army's musket be shot at a few hundred feet? With these words, you can lie to a three-year-old child, but you dare to lie to this king. Isn't this a lie and what is it?"

When Dorgon heard this, he immediately responded: "Is Gu a person who opens his eyes and tells lies? This is the truth, and it is definitely not made up by Gu!"

After saying this, he saw that everyone, including Xia Chengde, was full of disbelief, and immediately became anxious, and quickly argued: "Although I don't know how the Ming army did it, facts are facts, and I dare to swear! "

After Dorgon's words were finished, Hauge was ridiculed again, and this time, he asked Xia Chengde and others to express their opinions on the spot.

This is not only attacking Dorgon face to face, but also asking Xia Chengde and others to stand in line again.

Xia Chengde and others actually didn't want to offend anyone, but with Hauge and Dorgon watching together, they had no choice but to express their own thoughts.

Needless to say, each of them agreed that it was impossible for the Ming army to have such powerful weapons.After all, they were cast from there, and they had never heard of such powerful weapons in the imperial court!

Zu Kefa even said: "If there is such a powerful firearm, it must only be found in the sky! Or in other words, it is blessed with immortal magic!"

But is this possible?
Although Hauge also yelled that the Great Sage Emperor had appeared, Zu Kefa, Xia Chengde and others didn't believe it at all, it was just a farce.

Seeing this, Dorgon finally understood what was wrong with him!

The key is that he told the truth that no one else could believe!Therefore, I don't even trust him anymore.

In desperation, he shouted loudly at Hauge: "Shengjing is estimated to have fallen, and the soldiers and horses of Ningguta are the last seeds of the Qing Dynasty. If this is still lost, the Qing Dynasty will be completely over, and you will be defeated." He is the real sinner of Qing Dynasty!"

After hearing this, Haug didn't care, and said with a sneer: "Are you afraid that this king will have the merits of saving Shengjing, so that you will obstruct the possibility of being enthroned as emperor?"

Just when he thought he had spoken what Dorgon said from the bottom of his heart, he saw a horse galloping towards the city gate, shouting while running: "It's not good, the Ming army is here, it's not good, Ming The army is coming..."

This shout stunned everyone at the gate of the yamen, including Dorgon, they all turned their heads and looked in disbelief.

This is where?

This is Ninggu Pagoda. At this time, the Ming army can still kill here?
(End of this chapter)

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