Chapter 804 Killed

Hauge came back to his senses, and immediately shouted and asked: "How many Ming troops have come, are they rangers of the Ming army, sentry?"

Upon hearing this, the people around came to their senses and felt that this made sense.

In such a remote place as Ninggu Pagoda, how could the Ming army come over? Maybe it was just a ranger of the Ming army, who came here by mistake!
In the end, the Jianlu who reported the letter replied in a hurry: "No, the Ming cavalry in the brigade has at least tens of thousands of cavalry!"

Hearing this, everyone panicked!
At least tens of thousands of riders, the strength is not comparable at all, there is no way to fight!
How could there be tens of thousands of riders appearing in Ninggu Tower so quickly?

Thinking about this question in his heart, Hauge suddenly thought of a possibility, turned around to look at Dorgon, pointed at Dorgon's nose, and shouted sharply: "You brought the Ming army here?"

Dorgon arrived at the front, and the Ming army arrived at the back. There was no difference of one day before and after, so he couldn't tolerate him thinking otherwise!
When Dorgon heard this, he immediately sneered. He didn't even bother to answer such bullshit questions!
Seeing that Dorgon didn't answer, Hauge raised his voice and shouted again: "It was you who brought the Ming army here?"

"Are you stupid?" Seeing him still asking, Dorgon said disdainfully, "Gu is the regent of the Qing Dynasty, how could Gu join the Ming army?"

After hearing this, Xia Chengde and the others felt that although the timing was indeed a coincidence, they did not believe that Dorgon would surrender to the Ming army!

When Hauge heard that Dorgon had reached this point, he even dared to call him stupid, and immediately became even angrier.

In this life, he hated others calling him stupid the most!
Otherwise, as the eldest son of the Qing Dynasty, he should take over the position of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty!

So, Hauge pulled out his waist knife with a "swish", pointed at Dorgon with the tip of the knife, and shouted angrily: "How dare you deny it? Otherwise, why did the main force of the Ming army arrive at Ninggu Tower so quickly?" ?”

"How does Gu know why the main force of the Ming army arrived at Ningguta so quickly!" Dorgon said with a sneer, ignoring the point of the knife in front of him, staring at Hauge.

He didn't believe it, at least he was the regent of the Qing Dynasty, so Hauge really dared to kill him?

Unexpectedly, when Hauge heard his words, he suddenly exerted force in his hand, raised the knife in his hand slightly, and actually slashed it down.

It has to be said that the knife used by Hauge is indeed in line with his identity, a treasured knife.

With the knife in his hand and down, Dorgon's head left his body.

It can be clearly seen that Dorgon's face is full of shock, it must be when he is about to die, but he never imagined that Hauge would really dare to kill him, the regent of the Qing Dynasty!
The others around were also stunned, Hauge actually had to kill Dorgon!

All of a sudden, the sound of horseshoes came from outside the city, but there was no sound at the gate of the yamen.

Hauge didn't care about other things, he stepped forward and grabbed Dorgon's money rat tail, and immediately raised it up and shouted loudly, regardless of the blood, "This is a traitor of the Ming army, and now he has been beheaded by this king, listen to me!" This king, if we fight against the Ming army together, we will surely win!"

If Dorgon never imagined in this life, he was slandered by his own people as a traitor of the Ming army and died!

Seeing Hauge holding Dorgon's bloody head, Xia Chengde and others came to their senses, knelt down and expressed their loyalty to Hauge.

Is Hauge stupid?

In fact, Hauge is not stupid at all sometimes!

The existence of Dorgon will not bring him any benefits, not to mention, it may even divide his power!His own Zhenglanqi subordinates might not seek refuge with Dorgon, but people like Xia Chengde and others might not.

That being the case, just use this excuse to chop him off, then Ning Guta still has the final say!

Of course, Hauge also has his own self-confidence.

He felt that if he were replaced by Dorgon, it would be impossible for him to lose to the Ming army with so many troops, and he would lose so quickly!
Now that Dorgon is killed, Ningguta's forces will be commanded by him, so it may not be impossible to win, at least breaking through is no problem!
No, after seeing the loyalty of Xia Chengde and others, he immediately rode to the top of the city to observe the enemy's situation.

Sure enough, in the distance outside the city, many Ming cavalry troops had arrived, and the dazzling red was all over the field.

Hauge was also used to leading troops in battles, but he could see that this Ming cavalry army was definitely elite!
After seeing this, the expression on his face became involuntarily serious.

Because there is still dust flying in the distance, how many Ming cavalry troops are coming?

And what about Ning Guta?
It is not so much a city as it is a village.

The Qing Dynasty was short of manpower, and it was still in such a remote north. No matter in terms of manpower or necessity, it was impossible to build a strong city.

This time, facing so many Ming troops, Hauge knew very well that he would definitely not be able to defend Ninggu Tower.

The first time he saw so many Ming troops, the idea of ​​breaking out of the siege popped up in his heart.

And Xia Chengde and others, since they surrendered to Jianlu, have been sent to Ningguta to serve as Jianlu's minions and help suppress the Korean farmers.

At this time, they suddenly saw the elite court cavalry appearing in Ninggu Tower, there were still so many of them, and all of them turned pale.

The large-scale appearance of court officials and troops in Ninggu Tower shows that other places must also be occupied by court officials and troops. In other words, the Qing Dynasty is over!

Thinking about it, even the famous regent of the Qing Dynasty died in front of them, so how could the Qing Dynasty not die yet!

Thinking of what they had done before, Xia Chengde and the others knew very well that it was impossible for them to be forgiven by the court. Thinking of the possible end, their faces were really ugly!
At this time, a word came to their minds: the end of the road!
Outside the city, Zu Dashou and others were beside Li Guo, introducing everything about Ninggu Pagoda in detail.With them here, the court officers and soldiers have a very detailed understanding of the reality of Ninggu Pagoda.

But Kong Youde was not here, but led Gao Yigong's [-] cavalry to the north of Ninggu Pagoda.

Haug and the others saw the continuous arrival of troops, but that was just a ploy. In Ninggu Tower, there are actually only tens of thousands of horses.However, this force is enough to deal with the Jianlu of Ninggu Tower.

The only reason to use the strategy of empty soldiers is to scare the Jianlu of Ningguta so that they dare not break out of the siege. Afterwards, when Gao Yigong brings those North Koreans and let the North Koreans attack the city, it can effectively reduce Ming Army's own casualties.

Under the leadership of Kong Youde, Gao Yigong's cavalry went straight to the destination, and soon appeared at the Jianlu granary.

At this time, the grain has been harvested, most of it is in Ninggu Tower, and a small part is in the gathering place of Koreans. After all, it is hard work to keep them alive.

On the endless fields, you can see that there are cement buildings everywhere, and rivers and canals are distributed among the fields.It can be seen that Jianlu really worked very hard for this field.

But at this time, Gao Yigong didn't pay attention to these, but led his soldiers and horses to the gathering place of the Koreans.

For the arrival of the Ming cavalry, all the Koreans were dumbfounded.

Their news is even more closed. As serfs, they don't know the surrounding situation at all.It's just that under Kong Youde's original propaganda, some people got a little backward news.

However, following the failure of Kong Youde and Zu Dashou, they were chased and killed by Jianlu, and a group of Koreans were also killed. These Korean serfs returned to their previous cognition, Qing Dynasty is invincible!
Under such a background, when the Ming cavalry in red mandarin duck battle robe suddenly appeared in front of them mightily, how could they accept it at once?
Most of the North Koreans stared blankly. A small number of North Koreans who were afraid of the Ming army, those who knew that the Ming army would not let them go, and some traitors, as well as the Manchu uncle stationed here, all started to run for their lives.

However, the imperial cavalry easily separated some soldiers and horses, chased them back, or simply killed them.

When Kong Youde accompanied Gao Yigong into the North Korean camp, he also found a lot of corpses in the square, among which the Korean king Li Ji and his officials were whipping some North Koreans.

They also couldn't accept the arrival of the Ming army, so they froze there.

It happened that Kong Youde recognized the few Koreans who were whipped, and they responded to his call to burn Jianlu's food together.So, he immediately stepped forward to save the person, and at the same time asked about the situation, and told Gao Yigong by the way.

If other generals of the imperial court were changed, such as Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, etc., who were of serious background, based on the status of the Korean king and others, they might still treat each other with courtesy, at least they would be escorted back and sent by Emperor Chongzhen.

However, Gao Yigong was not a general with such a serious background, but a thief.

What do thieves care about?
The loyalty of the rivers and lakes!

Even though they are now generals of the imperial court, they still cannot change their habits immediately.

At this time, hearing that the North Korean king and his subjects not only did not protect their subjects, but abused them in various ways to curry favor with the prisoners, without any appearance of being a king or an official, isn't this the most embarrassing thing about them? Hateful corrupt officials!
So, he directly gave those North Koreans weapons, and then went to inspect other places by himself.

The meaning is also very obvious, the time has come for revenge and revenge!
When he returned again, there were only piles of meat paste on the square!

The Koreans who killed the King of Korea and his courtiers, without exception, had no intention of disobedience to what the Ming army said.

Therefore, Gao Yigong didn't let them rest, but told them to pack up their things immediately, return to the Ancient Pagoda of Shining, and destroy the last Jianlu!
Originally, Du Yinxi didn't know much about Ningguta's side, so the main purpose of sending this cavalry army was just to harass. The real preparation to annihilate Ningguta Jianlu will have to wait until next year.

(End of this chapter)

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