Chapter 805 Farce
On Ningguta's side, after a day's time, it has been calculated that there are only [-] soldiers capable of fighting, including the surrendered Han Chinese; there are [-] more troops that can be used to defend the city.This includes those strong women.

The entire population of Ningguta is just over ten thousand.The rest are really worthless.

After counting, Hauge looked at the Ming army in the distance from the top of the city, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

He has already seen through Ming's false strategy.If there is such a steady stream of troops, it is absolutely impossible for the Ming army not to attack.

Only the Ming army actually had more than [-] troops, and they were all cavalry, not good at attacking the city. Therefore, the Ming army did not attack the city while watching the simple defense of Ninggu Tower.

However, the Ming army will definitely send a message back to the rear. When more troops come, or the infantry, the siege of the city will be inevitable.

In other words, there is not much time left for him to break through.Moreover, they had to break through under the siege of the cavalry, which meant that a large part of the people could not escape.

Thinking this way, Hauge decided to do the one thing he longed for first.

After getting off the city, Hauge immediately ordered all the generals, including the head of Min Zhuang, to go to the yamen to discuss matters.

But when Xia Chengde and others rushed to the Yamen, they found that they were all panda eyes.Obviously, they all didn't sleep well all night.

Although Prince He Shuoyu has given orders to discuss matters, they really don't have confidence in the city defense of Ninggu Tower, how can they defend against it?
There are only so few people left in the Qing Dynasty, and they are just grasshoppers after autumn!

Thinking of this, they all entered the lobby with heavy hearts, waiting for the discussion.

However, what they never expected was that Hauge's appearance made them a little dumbfounded.

It was seen that Hauge did not wear armor, but appeared in the lobby wearing a dragon robe.

"..." At this moment, everyone was a little dumbfounded, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Hauge's gourd?

Hauge ignored them, and after sitting on the main seat, he said to them: "I reckon that Shengjing has already been defeated by the Ming army, and the little emperor Fulin must be finished. The so-called country cannot live without a king, so , this king has decided that he will ascend the throne immediately and become the third emperor of the Qing Dynasty."

I don't know how long I've been thinking about being the emperor!
Even if you are going to die, you have to become the emperor before you die!
At least on Ningguta's side, Hauge is going to be the emperor, and no one can stop him.The only regent, Dorgon, who had some weight and was qualified to make irresponsible remarks about it, was all clicked by him.

However, after he finished speaking, all these people stood there in a daze without any reaction, which made Hauge very unhappy!
So, he slammed the table in front of him with his hand and made a loud "snap".

Called back to their senses by this voice, Zu Kefa and others saw Hauge's gloomy face, and seemed to be going crazy.

This guy even dared to kill the regent, if he dared to say "no" now, he would draw his sword again.

Thinking this way, Zu Kefa and the others didn't care, and immediately shouted long live.

On the contrary, an old man among Jianlu, who was in the yellow flag, did not want to follow the public, and questioned: "The situation in Shengjing is unknown now, maybe it hasn't fallen yet, and the Qing emperor is still there. Your Highness wants to ascend the throne independently at this time. It's a bit inappropriate!"

Sure enough, as expected by Zu Kefa and others, Hauge is the arrogant and unreasonable type. Seeing that the old man disagreed, he directly pointed at him and shouted: "Push him out and chop him up!"

When his personal guard heard this, without saying a word, he rushed over like a wolf and dragged the old man out.

After a while, a bloody head was brought in by Hauge's personal guards.

This time, no one dared to oppose Hauge's proclaiming himself king and emperor.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Hearing this dream voice, Hauge's mood obviously improved, and he immediately said to them: "This is an extraordinary period, and everything in my enthronement ceremony will be kept simple. From now on, I hope that you will join me in laying a good foundation for peace." Battle of the Ancient Tower."

After a pause, he comforted again: "Emperor Taizu raised his troops with thirteen sets of armor and conquered a huge country. Now our conditions are much better than that of those years. Moreover, we have rich experience in fighting south and north, and we are by no means Ming Dynasty. The kind of emperor who has never been out of the Forbidden City is comparable. We will definitely win this battle!"

"..." Xia Chengde and the others were speechless after hearing this.

On the surface, it seemed that what Hauge said was indeed reasonable, but in fact, if the person present was as optimistic as Hauge, he would have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Even if Nurhachi was reborn and faced the more than [-] Ming cavalry outside the city, not to mention [-] sets of armor, even [-] sets, or [-] sets of armor, it would be impossible to win!
But even though they thought so in their hearts, on the surface, no one dared to go against Hauge's intention, and all of them praised Hauge one after another, flattering Hauge.

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and he will definitely win!"

"Your Majesty is blessed by the presence of the Great Sage Emperor. Killing the Ming army is like slaughtering a cow and a sheep!"


Hauge laughed out loud, feeling very happy.

After listening for a while, he ordered: "Okay, Zhu Qing, go back and prepare for the battle. If you stick to it, you can freeze those Ming dogs to death!"

Afterwards, watching these people in the hall led the order to retreat, Hauge turned his head and told his personal guards: "Pack up your things quietly at once, and prepare to break out tonight!"

Obviously, he had other plans.It was to make others feel that he wanted to stick to Ninggu Tower, but he ran away suddenly, at least allowing them to hold back the Ming army for a while and give him a chance.

Silly?Hehe, I, Hauge, am not stupid!
However, he didn't know that those generals who retired did not boost their morale just because there was a Qing emperor now.

No, when Xia Chengde returned to his own mansion, his son Xia Shu said with a worried face: "Father, although winter is approaching, but the walls of our Ninggu Pagoda are so short, if the court officials really want to attack, I'm afraid I can't keep it!"

Who can't see this?

The only problem is to see how much the imperial army wants to pay to attack the city!

But at this time, Xia Chengde didn't answer his son's words, he just stroked his beard and thought about the problem.

Seeing him like this, Xia Shu asked curiously: "Father, it's this kind of time, what else can you think about?"

Hearing his question, Xia Chengde looked at him and said, "Well, if you go hostage again, maybe our Xia family can be saved!"

"???" A question mark appeared on Xia Shu's forehead, and he immediately asked suspiciously, "What kind of hostage?"

I only heard Xia Chengde explain to him: "Wait until it gets dark, then you go quietly to the Ming army barracks, and say that I am willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, open the city and let the imperial army enter the city, and I am even willing to personally capture the Qing emperor and present it to the imperial court." !"

If it was before, considering that he had donated Songshan City back then, he probably would not have let him go.But now, that Hauge who is going to die has declared himself the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.If it is said that capturing the Qing emperor alive, is it enough to atone for his crime?

In this regard, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, so he thought about giving it a try.Otherwise, there is only one word of death waiting for him.

When Xia Shu heard this, he finally realized that it was the reason to take him as a hostage again.

Back then, during the Battle of Songjin, the defeated army of the imperial court retreated into Songshan City, the food and grass were exhausted and no new reinforcements from the imperial court came, so his father Xia Chengde asked him to secretly go to the Qing Dynasty as a hostage, and then cooperated internally and externally to offer He captured Songshan City, and personally captured Hong Chengchou, the governor of Jiliao at that time, and others to Qing Dynasty.

Thinking of this past event, Xia Shu also felt happy, thinking that this was also a way out.

His father and son immediately began to discuss the specific details of this matter.

On the other side, in Zu Kefa's mansion, he was also conspiring with his son Zu Yonglie.

"This Hauge's brain doesn't know what to think, but he declared himself emperor at this time, which is a good thing for us!" Zu Kefa said to his son, "After dark, you secretly go to the Ming army The camp said that we are willing to offer the emperor of the Qing Dynasty for the internal response, and pay off the crime!"

Speaking of this, he paused and said again: "A Qing emperor, the weight is heavy enough, no matter what, it should be able to make up for the past!"

After hearing this, his son was still a little worried about Zu Dashou.

As soon as Zu Kefa heard this, he immediately taught a lesson: "Is there anyone so stupid? Just say that Hauge knew about it at the time. Your father and I told you that you first saved yourself, and then pretended to hunt them down to save you." They, otherwise, they would have been caught long ago. That's all for this matter, with the great gift of the Qing emperor, what else can they do?"

"..." Zu Kelie was dumbfounded when he heard that, so it can still be said like this?Isn't this not only innocent, but also meritorious?

At this moment, he couldn't help but admire his father very much.

Similar things are still happening in other traitor mansions.

It was already afternoon, and with the shorter days in winter, the sky darkened quickly.

Xia Chengde, Zu Kefa and others on each section of the Ninggu Pagoda were all pretending to guard the city with all their heart and soul.But when it got dark, they quietly released their son and went to contact the Ming army.

And they themselves, with their cronies, aimed at Hauge, and they all wanted to capture the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty alive.

As for the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he was secretly preparing, taking advantage of the cover of night, to escape first with thirty-six strategies.

In the last stronghold of Jianlu, the last few people thought that they were plotting against others, and the farce was quietly unfolding.

(End of this chapter)

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