Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 806 Liaodong Restoration

Chapter 806 Liaodong Restoration
On the side of the Ming army camp, Li Guo was of course preventing the Jianlu from Ninggu Pagoda from breaking out. Therefore, apart from the main battalion being exposed to the Jianlu's field of vision, there were actually ambushed troops in the distance in the other three directions. People and horses.

As a result, he has fewer troops in his hands.But it doesn't matter much, anyway, according to the news provided by Zu Dashou, Gao Yigong will probably be able to bring the Koreans to Ninggu Tower tomorrow.At that time, if the North Koreans are driven to attack the city, the city defense of Ninggu Tower will definitely be within reach.

All that needs to be done now is to watch out for the escape of Jianlu from Ninggu Pagoda.

Under the night, the Ming army hiding in the dark noticed the movement, and all of them became nervous immediately.

In fact, the movement in Ninggu Tower was a bit loud, not to mention that Ye Ye, who was ambushing in the wild, was not closed, even the main camp was alarmed.

Li Guo and the others hurriedly got up to check, and they saw torches shaking in the distance in Ninggu Pagoda City, and there was a faint sound of shouting and killing.In the end, it seems that there are still houses that have been burned.

"???" Li Guo looked puzzled: what does this mean?Fight yourself?Shouldn't it?
Thinking of this, he asked Zu Dashou who just rushed over, "Do you still have anyone in the city?"

Although he was asking this question, Li Guo felt that there should be no one, otherwise, it is impossible for Zu Dashou not to say it!

However, if there is no one of his own in the Ninggu Tower, why would the Jianlu have internal strife?

If it wasn't for internal strife, but just acting, wouldn't this be too realistic?

"No!" Zu Dashou also had a puzzled expression on his face, looking at the commotion inside Ninggu Pagoda, he couldn't figure it out for a moment.

After Li Guo heard this, he ordered: "Send the order down, be on strict guard, no matter what happens, don't move, everything will be discussed after tomorrow morning!"

Respond to all changes with the same, even if there are flowers in Ninggu Pagoda, don't be afraid!
So, on the Ming army side, those who should be on duty and those who should sleep should sleep, and everything will be as usual.

In Ninggu Pagoda, the commotion became more and more intense. Slowly, the shouts of killing became louder and louder, and more and more houses were on fire!
A few times, the generals on duty almost couldn't help it, and wanted to report to Li Guo again.But in the end, I held back and continued to respond to changes.

Finally, after midnight, the lively noise inside Ninggu Pagoda became quieter.Or maybe the fire was too big. Judging by the posture, almost the entire Ninggu Tower was burned, and it was unrealistic to continue to fight on a large scale.

However, the sound is quieter, which does not mean that there is no sound. The sound of small-scale fighting can still be heard.

Time passed slowly, and finally, the sky in the east was pale, and a new day came.

On the side of the Ming army, there was movement. While washing and taking care of the horses, they looked forward to looking at Ninggu Tower, just wanting to see what they were doing after all the fuss last night.
Li Guo, on the other hand, was settling accounts.

There is no way, his cavalry army just came to harass, and the supplies carried with the army are limited. Now it has been three days since they arrived at the field. According to the restrictions on food and grass supplies, he will have to stay for another three days at most before returning.

Seeing the amount of supplies left, Li Guo walked out of the camp and observed the side of Ninggu Pagoda with a telescope, wanting to see what happened last night, can he be allowed to return to Jianzhou Guard as planned?

With the help of binoculars, Li Guo saw that there were no guards on the top of Ninggu Tower.

That's not right, there are indeed no guards who are alive and ready to fight, but there seem to be some guards lying on the ground.

"Is that fake death, or real death?" Li Guo looked at it, with such a doubt in his heart.

At this moment, a group of Ye Bu returned to the camp and came to him and said: "Commander, I found two groups of people fighting and killing each other outside the city! It should have happened last night!"

"???" Li Guo was puzzled again after hearing this, and looked down at the two corpses thrown on the ground by Xia Yebushou. It turned out that you stabbed me and I stabbed you in the same way. all together.

What kind of hatred is this?
Also, could the fight in Ningguta City last night be real?

"Hey, aren't these two the sons of the traitors Xia Chengde and Zu Kefa?" Zu Dashou just came to look for Li Guo at this time, and he couldn't help saying in surprise when he saw the two corpses on the ground.

When Li Guo heard it, he didn't care, he just said: "Then Xia Chengde was personally called by His Majesty to be arrested, forget about these few, just throw it aside!"

Afterwards, he asked Zu Dashou and his sons to bring some people over to see what was going on in Ninggu Pagoda.
At least for Zu Dashou and others, they are familiar with Ninggu Pagoda.

Zu Dashou himself wanted to show something, so he immediately agreed, and he didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so he hurried to Ninggu Pagoda.

Li Guo discovered through the binoculars that after Zu Dashou and his party arrived at the Ninggu Tower, they waited for a while, as if they were discussing something, and then went up to the top of the city by falling into the wall.

Afterwards, he saw Zu Dashou and his party waving to this side, signaling to go this way.

So, Li Guo sent Li Laiheng to lead two thousand troops, abandoned his horses to use as infantry, and rushed over first.

"What's the situation?" Li Laiheng went up to the top of the city, looked at the scene in the city, was a little stunned, and immediately asked Zu Dashou who was in the past.

He saw corpses all over the city, but they were all money rat tails, and he couldn't tell them apart.

Guessing from what he saw, Jianlu should have killed each other by killing each other.

"My lord, these are from Xia Chengde, these are from Zhenglanqi, those over there belong to Zu Kefa, and there..."

Although Zu Dashou couldn't recognize who these corpses were, he was still able to distinguish them from each other, so he pointed them out to Li Laiheng one by one. At the end, he was puzzled and said to Li Laiheng: "It's really unclear. Xia Chengde's people killed Zhenglan Banner, Zhenglan Banner killed Zu Kefa, Zu Kefa killed Xia Chengde... I feel like they are all out of their minds. You kill me, I kill you, what about random killing?"

Li Laiheng doesn't care if they are insane or not!Immediately ordered to search the whole city to see if there were any survivors?
When it was almost noon, the entire Ninggu Pagoda was turned over. Those who survived had no strength after a night of tossing. What's more, it should be the despair in their hearts, which made them be escorted by the Ming army like dead bodies. place.

Among them, there are many Han Chinese who surrendered to Jianlu before, or their descendants. After all, the main population here is these Han people who surrendered to Jianlu.

Xia Chengde, Zu Kefa, Shang Kexi, etc. are still alive, and they are on guard against each other in the yamen.

After the imperial army arrived, they put down their weapons one by one, and at the same time showed their loyalty, saying that they had made meritorious deeds in front of the battle, and had already turned their backs on the dark side.

At the same time, they also contended that they surrounded the Qing emperor Hauge in the yamen, saying that if it weren't for them, Hauge would have run away.

Li Laiheng didn't care about this, and directly tied them together and threw them together, and then sent troops to attack the yamen.

Not to mention, I really caught a guy wearing a dragon robe.

Needless to say, this is Hauge.

Originally, he wanted to sneak away last night, but he happened to bump into those traitors who wanted to use him as a signature.Needless to say, the two sides fought.

On the one hand, they want to escape, and on the other hand, they want to use Hauge as a pledge to survive, and there is only one Hauge, so the fight under the night is completely chaotic.

There are also some people who, in desperation, not only set fire to the house, but also killed everyone they saw, regardless of age, which exacerbated the chaos.

That is to say, the leaders like them have personal guards around them, so they can survive to the end.

But at this time, the soldiers of the Ming army who were profiting from the fisherman took advantage of it, and it was all over.

Geng Zhongming, who was close to Kong Youde, had killed Geng Zhongming together when Jianlu killed Kong Youde's family as a child.Therefore, Geng Zhongming was not among these people.

The first general of the Ming army who surrendered to Jianlu was Li Yongfang. This traitor dedicated his life to Jianlu and presided over the spy war against Ming. Guangning successfully instigated Sun Degong, surrendered and defended Shi Tingzhu, Qianzong Shi Tianzhu and Shi Guozhu brothers, etc., causing great harm, but unfortunately, he died of illness for many years.

Among the traitors caught alive this time was his second son Li Sutai, and the other sons had all died.

Sun Degong, the confidant general of Wang Huazhen, the former governor of Liaodong, was instigated by Li Yongfang, so that in the battle of Guangning, the Ming army suffered a disastrous defeat, which shocked the government and the public, and had a great impact.But at this time, the traitor was already dead.

However, his second son, Sun Sike, was captured alive.This Sun Sike was a so-called famous general of the Qing Dynasty, one of the four Han generals in Hexi.It's just a pity that Dorgon moved to Ningguta because he was a Han Chinese before he was given a chance to play on this plane, and then Jianlu was defeated like a mountain, and he was directly implicated. became a prisoner.


On Li Guo's side, roll call and registration were in progress, and he was going to play for the imperial court when Gao Yigong's department finally arrived with tens of thousands of Korean talents.

Seeing that Ninggu Pagoda had been taken down, Gao Yigong hurriedly asked about the battle damage, only to find out that it was Jianlu who caused internal strife.He couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, the so-called defeat was like a mountain, but it was nothing more than that!

Since then, there has been no Jianlu.

Liaodong is restored!

Regarding this situation, all the soldiers of the Ming army, especially the soldiers from Liaodong, were most moved. After sorting out the battle report, they immediately reported to Shenyang, and at the same time asked Shenyang to send some food and grass to Ninggu Pagoda. Otherwise, so many North Korean laborers will starve to death!

Du Yinxi in Shenyang was overjoyed when he received the news that Ninggu Pagoda had been taken down and that Jianlu hadn't escaped.In this way, the entire Liaodong will be restored, and after the spring of next year, it will only need to use troops against North Korea!
So, he also immediately dispatched a fast horse to report victory to the capital!
(End of this chapter)

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