Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 809 Friends of Women

Chapter 809 Friends of Women
The next day, the imperial meeting in Wenhua Palace was held again, continuing yesterday's discussion.

The civil servants headed by Chief Assistant He Fengsheng all had stern expressions. It was obvious that they should be thinking.

After the civil servants saw the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen asked: "Masters, do you have any ideas on how to increase the population of our Ming Dynasty?"

He Fengsheng hesitated for a moment, and went out to play: "Your Majesty, it's not a good thing to say that the seedlings are encouraged, let alone people? The old minister thought that this matter can only be done naturally. As long as the country is strong, the people are healthy, and there is no fear of war, the population of our Ming Dynasty will naturally increase!"

At this time in ancient times, many children and many blessings were originally valued, and there was no contraception except in the land of Fengyue.Therefore, He Fengsheng and others couldn't figure out what else could be improved.

In other words, there was no precedent for this matter before this time.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

The discussion with Liu Weichao is not wrong. Confucianism actually has many shortcomings, at least in the practical aspects of managing the world. Thanks to my contact with Liu Weichao, and thus obtaining Gewuxue, I can make up for the shortcomings of Confucianism.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen said with a serious expression: "Since Zhuqing can't say one, two, three, then I can tell Zhuqing that there is actually another branch of Gephysics, which is demography. Qing, etc. And listen up!"

demography?When everyone in the Wenhua Palace heard this word, they were immediately stunned. This Gewu, and everything in the world, even includes Geren?

All of a sudden, they were a little curious and wanted to know, what is the so-called demography like?

Even the eunuchs headed by Wang Chengen had a whim, could it be possible for the emperor to let them grow that baby again?This is also a good way to boost the population!
Although it is a bit unbelievable, but the Emperor Taizu can manifest spirits, so it may not be impossible to re-grow babies, isn't it!

Therefore, these civil officials, including those eunuchs, all listened respectfully.

Emperor Chongzhen said to them with a serious expression: "Qing and others are high in the temple, and they probably don't know much about the birth situation of the people, so I will tell you. There are two main factors that plague the population growth of Ming Dynasty!"

Having said this, he paused, then stretched out a finger and continued: "One, it is for a woman to give birth. For a woman, this is the gate of hell! One careless, it is the time when a woman dies." , or the woman dies or the child dies, or neither the woman nor the baby.”

Dystocia has always been a problem that plagued ancient people.Everyone in Wenhua Hall has also experienced or heard of it.At this time, when Emperor Chongzhen mentioned this, they all nodded subconsciously.

But even though they knew about this problem, they really didn't do much research on the birth of the baby. At most, they would find a better stable woman, but this couldn't guarantee a smooth delivery.Not to mention, experienced stable women are actually very limited.

Is it to add more experienced stable women?But this Wen Po's craftsmanship is the foundation of Wen Po's food, and it is impossible for them to teach others and lose their jobs!
Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Household Department, even knew that there was a steady woman in the capital who went to the patent office. It seemed that she wanted to apply for a patent on her ancestral skills, so that the imperial court could protect her ancestral skills!

In short, there are various things going on at the Patent Office at present, and it is very chaotic.

While these civil servants and eunuchs were thinking about it, Emperor Chongzhen stretched out his second finger and continued: "Secondly, many infants and young children die young, which is also a key factor affecting the population growth of our Ming Dynasty. Do you think so?"

Even if it is the royal family that is the most expensive in the world, it is still not easy to ensure that the infants born can grow up smoothly.Even before that, it is safe to say that the mortality rate was high.The so-called more children, more blessings, one of the factors, in fact, is to have more children to ensure a sufficient survival rate of offspring.

At this time, upon hearing Emperor Chongzhen's words, Wang Chengen immediately played up and said: "Thanks to Lord Long Live for discovering the method of inoculating vaccinia to prevent smallpox, I don't know how many people in Ming Dynasty were saved from death. This is really a blessing for all people in the world." !"

Although he was suspected of flattering, what he said was an undeniable fact.

When the other civil servants heard this, they all agreed sincerely. This is definitely a good thing for Wanjia to be born Buddha, and it has nothing to do with the identity of the emperor.

If Emperor Chongzhen hadn't proposed vaccinating smallpox to solve the terminal disease of smallpox, then once a person got it, it would really depend on fate.The most critical issue is that this smallpox is also easily contagious.As long as you don't get it, there will be danger.

After Wang Chengen mentioned this matter, He Fengsheng was unwilling to be left behind, and immediately continued to play: "There is also the method of preventing and treating pimple disease proposed by His Majesty, which also minimizes the harm of pimple disease in the world, and saves countless lives!"

Pimple disease, also known as the Black Death, although the Emperor Chongzhen could not cure it, he spread the formation of the Black Death and the key transmission route to the whole country, so that the people of the Ming Dynasty no longer feared the unknown of the Black Death, and could target it Taking measures is another matter of great merit.

Listening to them talking about these things, Sun Chuanting suddenly realized that besides military affairs and people's livelihood, the emperor also had such profound attainments in the field of doctors!
At this moment, he was very emotional, and felt that he had already attached great importance to Gewuxue, but unexpectedly, he still underestimated Gewuxue!
Emperor Chongzhen listened to their words, and he actually benefited from them in his heart. Although these knowledge came from Liu Weichao in another world, in this world, he, Emperor Chongzhen, is a preacher who receives karma and solves doubts!
But at this time, he was concerned about the population issue of Ming Dynasty, so before they all came to praise him and flatter him, he just said lightly: "The past is nothing to worry about, so please listen to me first about the population." study!"

He said this, as if solving the smallpox problem and preventing and treating pimples were just a trivial matter to him, which made Liu Zongzhou and others very envious.

This is a great deed, which can save countless people and benefit future generations. If it were an ordinary person, they would probably wish to publicize it and let everyone be grateful.

In other words, if these things, even just one of them, were done by other emperors, it would definitely make the courtiers write a special book and sing praises.

However, Emperor Chongzhen seemed to have never done this before. After doing something, he just did it and went on to other things, as if this matter was really not worth mentioning to him!

Thinking about this impression, these courtiers suddenly realized: maybe, this is because the emperor knows too much, there are too many things that are enough to last forever, so he doesn't mind?
At this moment, they wanted to know very much, how many good things are there in Emperor Chongzhen's belly?

At this time, I saw Emperor Chongzhen pick up a book from his imperial case, and then looked at the courtiers below and said: "I wrote this book overnight last night, called Wen Po Xue. The contents of the book are all about There are also some important points of caring for infants and young children. In the future, all aunts in the Ming Dynasty must be familiar with the contents of this book before they can become aunts. It is also possible to set up a school for aunts in each state capital and recruit them in the state. Women should be stable women. In this way, the greatest safety of our mothers in Ming Dynasty can be guaranteed."

This book was copied from the phone yesterday after spending the night.Of course, it must be Liu Weichao sorting out the content sent over.There is also the patterned one, which introduces in great detail the precautions before and after childbirth, as well as some necessary tools, which can assist in normal childbirth in this era.

In addition, there is a small part of the content, which is about various problems that are prone to occur after the child is born, and some introductions are also made.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, everyone was shocked.

Since ancient times, women have given birth and men have not been allowed to enter.As a man, how could Emperor Chongzhen have managed to produce a book on Wenpo?

But they also quickly came to their senses, it must not have been created by the emperor himself, but something that existed in the fairy world in the sky and passed on to the emperor.

However, in this way, there is another problem!

Fairies in the fairy world in the sky also give birth to children?
Will a fairy give birth to a child?
They are not gods, do they have magic?Even if they can have children, can't they be blessed by immortals?
At this moment, the courtiers in the Wenhua Palace were a little confused!

what on earth is this kind of happenings?
The Wenpo book written by Emperor Chongzhen was first passed on to the first assistant He Fengsheng. He hurriedly opened it and looked through it, and found that it was not a fairy method, but some very practical measures.

Could it be that the emperor himself really came out of it?

But this is absolutely impossible!
In a daze, this Wen Po's book was passed from one courtier to another, and then one after another, the faces of the courtiers were all confused.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at their expressions and knew what they were thinking.

In fact, he also had a headache.

Originally, he wanted to use the name of Concubine Tian Gui for this book of Wen Po, but if he really wanted to do this, Queen Zhou must also want something so beneficial to the country and the people, and to benefit future generations. Concubine and so on.

Emperor Chongzhen's head is a bit big, don't look at him as if he doesn't care about women in front of Liu Weichao, but if he really wants to fight in the palace, he will also have a headache.In the end, he didn't care about it, and just published the book in his own name.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't know that his decision gave him another nickname in later generations: Friend of Women!

If he knew that he would have this nickname, I don't know if he would regret his original decision.

Anyway, if Liu Weichao knew, he would probably make fun of him about it.

(End of this chapter)

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