Chapter 810
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen saw that the courtiers below had probably looked at them, and asked them again: "What do you think, what do you think?"

Sun Chuanting and others listened, but did not answer for a while.It feels a bit unbelievable that a big man is involved in this stable woman's matter, and he has to come forward as an imperial court, and the emperor endorses it!

They had concerns, but Wang Cheng'en didn't have any concerns, he only wanted to see if Emperor Chongzhen was willing to do so.At this time, under his observation, he felt the attitude of Emperor Chongzhen, and immediately went out and said: "Long live God's move is really for the benefit of thousands of households in Ming Dynasty, just like the reborn parents of infants and young children in the future! King father, king father, is really worthy of the name." also!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he was very happy.But before he had time to speak, Wang Chengen shook his head over there and said with emotion: "Originally, it would be a happy event if it was difficult to give birth. But if there is an accident due to dystocia, the happy event will become a funeral. Such an event will hit every household. , It’s not a big deal. Long live God’s move, abandoning the world’s concept, is only to save the people from the fire and water, slaves and servants think about it, it’s really ashamed, it’s not as good as the long live god for the country and the people!”

Needless to say, what he said was indeed well-founded.In addition, his expression was also in place, which immediately made all the civil servants in the Wenhua Palace feel ashamed.

On weekdays, I always shout for the country and the people, but when things really happen, I have this scruple, that scruple, and being pointed out by an eunuch, I really feel a little ashamed!

The left and right censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate took the lead, bowed to Emperor Chongzhen, seconded the proposal with admiration, and bluntly said that this is a benevolent government, and whoever opposes it, they will criticize who!

And I also said that from princes and ministers to ordinary people, everyone will encounter production problems, and who can guarantee that everything will go smoothly?

This approach of Emperor Chongzhen can ensure the safety of mother and child to the greatest extent. If such good governance and benevolent governance are not vigorously promoted, then what else is worth promoting by the court?
Standing on the moral high ground, you can definitely look down on any other excuses.

There is no one who is ignorant and dares to oppose the court's seriousness in doing this at this time.Otherwise, even if the emperor doesn't care, after the news gets out, he will be sprayed to death by his wife and daughter when he goes back!

Emperor Chongzhen was very happy to see that everyone in the Wenhua Hall had reached a consensus and supported him, and immediately ordered: "In this case, I will hand over this matter to the Ministry of Rites, and I will ask for details later. On the other side, the money that should be allocated must also be allocated."

After hearing this, Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, did not object.In the second half of this year, Nanjing has so many nobles, and they were punished by the three clans. Even if Emperor Chongzhen only allocated half of the wealth from the family, it was already a lot of extra money.How much does it cost to promote and cultivate stable women?definitely no problem!
The reason why Emperor Chongzhen entrusted the Ministry of Rites to do it was to make this Wenpo school a kind of Vocational and Technical College in Daming for vocational and technical training.Right now it's just a stable woman, but there will be more in the future.When the Ministry of Rites puts up the memorial of the plan, if he is not satisfied, he will wake up the Minister of Rites.

Then, when everyone in the Wenhua Hall looked relaxed, and felt that they had reaped a good thing, they saw Emperor Chongzhen's expression suddenly became serious, and he even said in a harsher voice: "I still know, folks There has always been a custom of favoring sons over daughters, and even in many places, once it is discovered that a baby girl has been born, they are often abandoned and raised, and some even drown. I will never allow such things to happen again!"

He didn't know about this matter.After all, he has lived in the palace since he was a child, so he has seen the suffering of the people, let alone care about such things.

However, when he was communicating with Liu Weichao, Liu Weichao told him that the drowning of the baby girl still existed in some places in Liu Weichao's world decades ago.

For this reason, Liu Weichao specifically reminded Emperor Chongzhen that measures must be strengthened in this regard, and he also made many suggestions to Emperor Chongzhen.

After hearing this situation, Emperor Chongzhen was still skeptical, saying that tiger poison does not eat children, isn't the baby girl a human being, isn't it the meat that fell from her body, and she drowned directly?Can this be done?
For this reason, he specifically asked Concubine Tian Gui, Queen Zhou, and the factory guard.

The empresses and concubines of the Ming Dynasty were all from small families. Don’t tell me, knowing such a thing, plus the information provided by the factory guards, the Emperor Chongzhen understood that in his plane, This kind of thing is very common among poor people.

No matter from the perspective of human nature or national strategy, Emperor Chongzhen would not allow such a thing to happen again.

Therefore, when Concubine Tian Guifei and others were copying Wen Poxue, he was thinking about this matter on the sidelines.

At this time, when everyone in Wenhua Hall heard what Emperor Chongzhen said, a group of civil officials immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. For a moment, no one thought that the emperor would actually say such a thing.

For civil servants, it is actually a bit far away from this kind of thing.Because those who can afford to read are generally rich people, at least not the kind of poor people who can't even support their children.

It is actually rare for a poor boy like Hong Chengchou to be born.

Therefore, many of them have never heard of this matter at all.Of course, some people may have heard of it.

However, this kind of thing is generally not known to everyone with drums and gongs. A very simple excuse is that she died of dystocia.

There are only some places where the patriarchal custom is very serious, and it is believed that those who give birth to a daughter are losers, and they will not support them if they are able to live.In such a place, it is easy to cause the baby girl to be killed openly.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen brought up this matter in the Wenhua Palace, which is absolutely not allowed in terms of human ethics and morality.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is a Qingliu of the Ming Dynasty, took the lead in firing, severely condemning this utterly devoid of conscience.

"Your Majesty, the so-called tiger's venom does not eat its offspring. This man is worse than an animal. I suggest that anyone who has such a thing should be executed!"

"Your Majesty, my humble minister seconded the proposal! Although a baby is small, it is a matter of life and death. Such things should be severely punished!"


The other officials in the Wenhua Palace, including the eunuchs, were of course filled with righteous indignation, even if some of them disapproved of this, it must be so on the surface.

Standing on the moral high ground and using your mouth, at most waste some saliva, don't be too simple!

Seeing their excitement, Emperor Chongzhen didn't show much relief, and continued to look serious, and after they finished speaking, he said in a cold voice: "I want to really solve this matter, so that things like these beasts are not as good as they are in the Ming Dynasty. North Korea will never happen again. It’s just a decisive decision, how useful is it?”

Hearing this, everyone in the Wenhua Hall suddenly became vigilant. They could tell that Emperor Chongzhen really cared about this matter, not just talking about it!

In this way, they have no voice.

It's not that they don't want to say it, but that they really don't know what to say.

On the contrary, when faced with this problem, the supervisor of ceremonies opened his mouth one after another, and when he talked about the matter in detail, the civil servants couldn't help but look at it with admiration.

"Long live Lord, the reason why the common people do this is mostly because of poverty. Now that the world is peaceful and the people are in good health, slaves believe that under the prosperity created by Long Live Lord, such things will inevitably decrease by themselves!"

"Long live God Shengming, now that there are female officials and female students, they should be able to correct the thoughts of some unruly people. Having a daughter may not be useless, but it can also honor the ancestors. There will definitely not be more such shocking things!"

"Long live God is the eternal sage, who protects the world with virtue, and is the blessing of thousands of girls!"


Generally speaking, if you want to cut something so important to become an eunuch, your family background is definitely not good.Therefore, they are actually the people who have heard the most about the tragedy of baby girls.

Because of this, they were able to speak in an orderly manner one by one at this time, and by the way, flattered Emperor Chongzhen.

Their memorials are of the kind that are justified and well-founded, and Emperor Chongzhen is in a good mood to hear them!
Unknowingly, I have done great things, not only rejuvenating the Ming Dynasty, but also solved many people's sufferings, and saved countless girls. This is another great deed of merit!

When the civil servants heard the eunuch's words, they also reacted, and they all followed suit.

The atmosphere in Wenhua Hall became harmonious again.

However, after Emperor Chongzhen was happy, he waited for them to stop talking, and he still had a serious face, but his tone had already softened, and he said to the officials below: "This kind of thing, you can't just do nothing, since I already know about it. It is necessary to deal with it. Daming is strong, but after all, there are still some people who should still live in hardship. They must have problems raising children, and the court should take care of this. In addition, for paternity The custom of underestimating girls must also be corrected!"

When the civil servants in the Wenhua Palace, including the eunuchs, heard this, they knew that Emperor Chongzhen had some countermeasures, so they all listened attentively.

If this matter is replaced by the previous one, some people may have criticisms.

However, Emperor Chongzhen's prestige is getting higher and higher now, and when he is recovering Liaodong and destroying Jianlu, his prestige is naturally even higher.

The other one is that before, Emperor Chongzhen had set up female officials. No, there were even female officials of the third grade, which had already shaken the officialdom dominated by men.

Thanks to today's discussion, Chen Yuanyuan, the political envoy, was not here, or else he was responding to Emperor Chongzhen's proposal.

In addition, there is also a women's department in the Gephysics special examination, which can also be admitted to the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Ming Dynasty, which also improves the status of women.

Under such circumstances, these officials in the Wenhua Palace have some resistance to the next things that are obviously beneficial to women, and they will be the first to oppose them.

(End of this chapter)

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