Chapter 811

Subsequently, Emperor Chongzhen announced several major decisions:

First, the local government must fully control births in the Ming Dynasty, including the infant mortality rate after birth, which has become an assessment indicator for local officials.

Second, for some common people who really had difficulty in raising infants and young children, the imperial court allocated special funds to subsidize the monthly money; the subsidy standard was confirmed by the Ministry of Households together with the local authorities, and reported to Emperor Chongzhen for approval.After the implementation of this system, the factory guards and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will conduct irregular return visits to the people on the list. Once they find that the place has been embezzled and falsely reported, they will be severely punished;
Third, reiterate that all Ming children, regardless of gender, must go to local public schools when they reach the age. Parents and clans, etc., must not prevent Daming children from going to school for any reason. Violators will be punished by clans and local officials.

Fourth, reaffirm the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", which states that officials are not allowed to enter and leave the Fengyue place; in addition, students who have a reputation for physical science and Confucianism are also not allowed to enter the Fengyue place; after three years, the Fengyue place will be canceled in Daming;

Fifth, set up a health school. In the future, we will systematically train in pediatrics, gynecology, and gynecology, and set up government-run clinics in various states and counties.As for the textbooks, they were compiled intensively by imperial physicians and famous doctors from all over the country. In addition to their own experience, there are also textbooks on the combination of Chinese and Western medicine provided by Liu Weichao. It is necessary to integrate a set of first edition textbooks suitable for the actual situation of Ming Dynasty.The imperial court will reward these famous doctors who participated in the compilation with the title of Gewuxue.

Among the five measures, the second, third, and fifth require financial support.But it just so happened that Emperor Chongzhen received a lot of support from the Nanjing Xungui case, and part of it was enough.

As for the future, the imperial court also has the financial resources to support these three measures.

As for the taxation issue in Article [-], it seems to be an important source of taxation in ancient times, which is actually nonsense.

As far as the Ming Dynasty is concerned, the money from the Fengyue place basically went into the pockets of the owners behind it, and it had nothing to do with the court at all.

The largest source of fiscal revenue in the Ming Dynasty was land tax, followed by salt monopoly, and the rest was miscellaneous income.

According to the classification of later generations, this miscellaneous income can be roughly divided into industrial and commercial income, management income, and cash income from labor and tribute.

Among the nearly 1570 years of miscellaneous income from 1590 to [-] in the Ming Dynasty, the income from industry and commerce was [-] taels, the most of which was [-] taels of banknote tariffs;
The income from management is [-] million taels, of which [-] taels from the case of accepting cash and [-] taels of stolen silver are the most, followed by [-] taels from monks and priests;

The income from self-service and local tribute Zhese is [-] taels, the most of which is [-] taels of light money, [-] taels of materials for the fourth division, and [-] taels of horse difference. Guanglu Temple has [-] cooking materials.

Among all these taxes, there is no tax on Fengyue places.

These measures announced by Emperor Chongzhen were announced, not discussed. What needs to be done by the courtiers is how to implement them.

Therefore, no matter what the officials in the Wenhua Palace were thinking, under the watchful eyes of Emperor Chongzhen, they all led the order in unison.

Soon, the results of the discussion in the Wenhua Palace spread to the people, which immediately caused a sensation.

Of course, the focus of discussion is different for different classes of people.

For the people at the bottom, what they care most about is the subsidy for having children.This is something that has never happened before, and you can still get money after having a child!
"If this is really the case, that would be great, the family is almost starved to death by those mouths!"

"Nonsense, it's because you're lazy, otherwise, with the current situation, you can make a lot of money if you find any job!"

"Then you don't know, there are five children in my family, and the eldest is only six years old. He is still just a foodie and can't do much work. How can I support so much by myself?"

"Then your family is very fertile, and it's also good luck! To raise one to support the other, in this case, maybe you can get the imperial salary, haha!"

"It is said that there is still a possibility of exempting from hard labor, so that's fine!"

"I don't know what's going on, so I'll wait to quarrel with him and post the notice earlier, but no matter what, there is hope for this day!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are truly a benevolent monarch, and there is no one in the ages, so we and the poor people are blessed!"

"Isn't that right, whoever dares to say that the emperor is not good in the future, I will beat you up even if I try my best!"


Undoubtedly, if it is said that expanding the territory and suppressing the rebellion did not have much impact on the poor people, then this policy will benefit this group of people, and the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen will be greatly improved.

Among the group of scholars, officials, especially young scholars, many people are somewhat disapproving of the imperial court's policies.

Especially at this time in the late Ming Dynasty, if you want to say that the most lively place is definitely the Fengyue place.

Those literati are the main customers of the Fengyue place, and when they gather, they often invite the women in the Fengyue place to accompany them, and even compete for the top spot.This kind of thing can still be described as an elegant thing by them.

Now, the emperor has decreed that famous scholars, including officials, are not allowed to enter the place of love and moon, which is embarrassing for them.

However, the Ming Dynasty originally required officials not to enter the Fengyue place. It used to be useless, and at most they were attacked by political opponents. Later, it was all the same.

But now not only officials are not allowed to go, even famous scholars, such as scholars, are not allowed to go.

Although most scholars complained in their hearts, they did not dare to express it. The end of fighting against the court, or against the emperor's will, there were a thousand scholars who made trouble in the Duogong Academy were beheaded, and later there were very honorable nobles. No matter how many people are punished by the three clans, who would dare to defy the law?Today's emperor can really kill people!

Scholars are so afraid, not to mention those businessmen with their tails between their legs.Three years later, the Fengyue venue will be canceled, and they are also the victimized class. In the future, there will be no Fengyue venue to spend time and drink.

However, they didn't dare to speak out. You must know that the current emperor has the nickname of the emperor who copied the house, and his favorite is copying the house.Businessmen are the most sensitive about their interests, how could they send them to the knife.

And for most women, no matter whether they are princes or ladies, or ordinary women, they are very happy about it.

For princes and ladies, their masters and sons will not go out to fool around anymore;
As for ordinary women, they are also less in danger of being sold to romantic places.

As for the income of women in the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court also announced that there will be more factories such as the Royal Textile Factory that are suitable for women to work and earn income in the future, so that women can also have an income.

In addition, if a girl is born, if the family is poor, she can still receive subsidies, go to school, and maybe become a female officer in the future. At least taking the path of physical science is also a good way out!

With these measures announced by Emperor Chongzhen, the women of the Ming Dynasty saw a bright future at once, and made the group of women who did not care about politics and military affairs feel grateful to Emperor Chongzhen.

It is said that Chen Yuanyuan, the political envoy, was overjoyed when he heard the news. He sent signatures in various parts of the capital, put on the Ten Thousand Women's Watch, and presented it to the emperor, expressing his gratitude to the emperor on behalf of women all over the world.

There was also a reaction in the palace. Not only Queen Zhou and Concubine Tian and others, but even the former queen who had been meditating in the palace expressed his gratitude to Emperor Chongzhen!
Of course, they are so grateful to the emperor, of course not only because they want to cancel the Fengyue place, but more importantly, Emperor Chongzhen attaches great importance to the pain of childbirth and the difficulty of raising women.

The establishment of the Stewardship School, Gynecology, Pediatrics, etc. not only provided a new way out for Daming women, but also solved the problem of women's difficulties.

Childbirth is really a hell for women.Even if they don't know how safe the Emperor Chongzhen's Announcement of Steady Pokémon can make them, just having this thought is enough to make them feel grateful.

There are quite a few rich families who have decided to send their women to learn this before the establishment of these schools. They don't have to go out to see a doctor, and they have a backup at home, which is also a peace of mind.

As far as the entire imperial decree is concerned, even though some people are a little dissatisfied with its terms, they are still supported by the vast majority of people.

This is good governance, virtuous governance, which can not only solve the suffering of the people at the bottom, but also improve the level of knowledge of the Ming people; not only save lives, but also save many family tragedies.

This imperial decree made the people of Daming thoroughly feel the benefits of a stronger Ming.Let them be truly proud of their identity as a Ming commoner.

Because of these policies, only the people of Ming Dynasty can enjoy them.

To Emperor Chongzhen's surprise, after the announcement of the imperial decree, the vassal kings who had been in the vassal state in various plans suddenly found that they could not recruit people, and even those who had promised to go to the vassal state before did not go.

This caused great headaches for the vassal kings. In desperation, the only way to attract the common people and scholars from Daming to follow them to the vassal state was to raise their salaries.

For these situations, the factory guards will record them in the daily summary of folk news. After Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he was still very happy.This shows that he is a good emperor, he is the real emperor of Ming Dynasty, and he is not just ruling the world with scholar-bureaucrats!

When people are united, Mount Tai will move!
As long as the Ming Dynasty is united as one, it will be smoother in the subsequent suppression of the rebellion and the subsequent overseas hegemony!
Time soon came to the end of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, and the captives from Ningguta were also escorted to the capital.

The people of the capital "welcome" the traitors one by one with their greatest enthusiasm, as well as Aixinjue Luohaoge, the "last emperor of the Qing Dynasty".

(End of this chapter)

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