Chapter 812 Confused

Zhu Chechen, the original Oqiertu Chechen Khan, also returned to the capital along with the escorted prisoners.

Every time he saw the prosperity of the capital, the rumbling steam trains, and the tall buildings, at least in his opinion, they were definitely tall buildings, and he was shocked again and again.

He was not surprised by the traitors who were escorted back, and the execution of Ling Chi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Hauge.

Most of these things, when he went to drink with Durbert Khan who lived in the capital, became their talk.

No, it has started to snow outside, and the sound of firecrackers in the capital city can be heard from time to time, the sound of children playing in the snow, and the sound of reading books in nearby schools can all be heard.

Hearing this, Durbert Khan smiled and said to Zhu Chechen: "How about it? I persuaded you to join Daming for your own good, right?"

Although it is said that he persuaded the Heshuo Special Department to belong to Daming, in fact, it was for himself to get more credit, but it cannot be denied that this indeed changed Zhu Chechen's life.

Therefore, Zhu Chechen heard this, and said gratefully: "Of course, otherwise, I would be a frog in a well in the northwest, and I didn't even know that Daming had undergone such a big change!"

Speaking of this, he was a little emotional, and then continued: "It is so easy for the Ming army to destroy the once powerful Qing Dynasty. And this does not mean that the combat power of the Qing army is not as good as before, nor is it that the Qing army is not as powerful as before. The Qing court is already corrupt and incompetent, and it is entirely because the Ming army has become extremely powerful that this result will happen!"

Hearing this, Durbert Khan couldn't help correcting with a smile: "Don't be Ming and Qing, it's the imperial court, and also, it's Jianlu! You have to remember your identity, and now you are a member of the Ming army. Fighters!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Chechen quickly nodded and responded: "Yes, yes, you reminded me correctly, I made a slip of the tongue!"

Afterwards, he talked unabated, and continued to say with emotion: "I followed Ning Yuanhou and swept across the grassland, and then entered Liaodong, watching the imperial court easily take down the false capital Shengjing, no, Shenyang, and saw the false emperor and the false queen mother Became a prisoner, and followed the army to destroy Ninggu Tower, the last stronghold of Jianlu. You don’t know, at the end, when the general situation was gone, they themselves were in a mess. The feeling of the end of the road is really very emotional! At that time, I was really glad that I was on the side of the imperial court."

Listening to his description, Durbert Khan was actually very emotional.Although he had already thought of Daming's strength, he decided to submit to Daming, but after living in the capital for a period of time, he discovered that Daming's strength was actually far beyond his expectations.

Regarding the imperial court's restoration of Liaodong and the elimination of Jianlu, although he did not participate in this process, he was really not surprised by the result at all.

Ozirtu Khan said that he was fortunate to be on the side of the court, and Durbert Khan was not glad that he was also on the side of the court.

He was thinking, Zhu Chechen was still there and said: "You don't know, there are [-] Japanese who participated in the Liaodong war this time, and they are also vulnerable to the imperial court. Although I did not participate in the Jinzhou war , but later I heard from my colleagues that it was the crushing type. I reckon that if we use troops against North Korea in the next year, we will be able to take down the whole of North Korea very quickly."

"Of course!" Duerbert Khan nodded immediately after hearing this, "I reckon next year, not only will North Korea be fully included in the territory of Ming Dynasty, but even the mainland of Japan will not be able to escape."

Speaking of this, he took a sip of wine, but did not pick up vegetables to eat, but said with great emotion: "I think back then, Meng Yuan was so powerful, and he didn't conquer the Wa Kingdom, but the Ming Dynasty destroyed the Wa Kingdom!"

Hearing this, Zhu Chechen was also shocked.

The strength of the Mongolian Yuan is the pride engraved in the bones of these Mongolians.Even though he now uses the Han surname, the tribe no longer exists, and has been included in the Ming Dynasty, but in his heart, he is still proud of Meng Yuan.

However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the current Daming had achieved something that Meng Yuan had not done. At this moment, he immediately compared the Meng Yuan of that year with the current Daming.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that if the Meng Yuan of the past, even the most powerful Meng Yuan, faced the current Daming, he would be defeated miserably!

The brilliance of Meng Yuan in the past, the Ming Dynasty will definitely be able to achieve it!

At least the current grassland has become a part of the territory of Ming Dynasty; after that, Wa Kingdom was soon conquered by Ming Dynasty, and part of Nanyang, which Meng Yuan had never been to, had already been destroyed by Ming Dynasty.

Meng Yuan's only advantage is that he has fought far to the west, while Daming has not yet.

However, Zhu Chechen was certain in his heart that Daming would also fight west, and he would be invincible.

The territory of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties in the past can also be achieved by the Ming Dynasty, or even surpassed.

Thinking of this, Zhu Chechen suddenly realized something: Daming could be Meng Yuan's nemesis!
Back then, it was Daming who drove Meng Yuan out of the Central Plains; but now, Daming has a tendency to surpass the most powerful Meng Yuan.

It's really amazing!

After being shocked for a while, Zhu Chechen was very grateful, and immediately raised his glass to Durbert Khan and said, "Come on, cheers for us standing on the strongest side!"

Duerbert Khan also smiled when he heard this, raised his glass and clinked it, and then drank it all in one gulp.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed in from outside the private room. After seeing Zhu Chechen, he hurriedly reported: "There is something urgent in the house, Madam, please come back quickly!"

Zhu Chechen was feeling emotional at this time, and he was thinking that the teacher had just returned to the court, and he had just come from the mansion to meet his old friends for a drink, so what's the rush?

So, he waved his hand and said, "Understood, I'll come back later!"

Seeing this, the servant seemed to be in a hurry, so he immediately moved over and bit his ear.

Duerbert Khan noticed that Oziltu Khan's complexion suddenly changed, and he was a little curious in his heart. He didn't know what made him look so ugly all of a sudden?
But the other party spoke in a low voice, apparently not wanting outsiders to know the situation, and it was not easy for him to ask questions, so he could only say to Oziertuhan: "We can drink at any time, if there is something in the house, go back first!"

When Zhu Chechen heard this, he immediately stood up, imitating the etiquette of the Han people, clasped his fists and replied, "Okay, next time I'll treat you to a good drink, and you won't rest until you're drunk!"

After speaking, he hurried away.

Looking at his back, Durbert Khan stroked his long beard under his forehead, feeling really curious: What was it that made him so anxious and flustered?


Zhu Chechen hurried back to his mansion on horseback. As soon as he entered the door, he found his wife waiting at the concierge.

He was not surprised by this, and quickly asked, "Where is the person?"

When his wife saw him, she had already stood up, and when she heard him speak, she immediately said to him: "Wait in the study, no one can come near."

After hearing this, Zhu Chechen turned around and left without saying a word, rushing to the study.

When his wife saw her, she also followed closely, with a worried expression on her face.

After a while, Zhu Chechen hurried to the study. There were a few trusted servants standing at the door, guarding with knives. When they saw him arriving, they saluted together.

Seeing them, Zhu Chechen ignored them, pushed open the door of the study, and closed the door casually as he walked in.

It wasn't until this time that his wife rushed to the door and ordered the servants at the door to retreat, and she herself stood guard at the door to prevent others from approaching.

In the room, Zhu Chechen couldn't wait for the person waiting inside to greet him, so he immediately waved his hand and asked, "Where's the letter?"

After hearing this, the man didn't dare to neglect, and immediately took out a letter from his pocket, and presented it to him with both hands.

As soon as Zhu Chechen saw the letter, he snatched it up, first checked the mud print, and after confirming that it was correct, he immediately opened the letter and read it hastily.

The content of the letter was still a bit long, Zhu Chechen read it for a while before he finally read the whole letter, after that, his face was as ugly as it was.

After re-reading some key passages in the letter, he asked the person waiting in front of him, "Please tell me in detail what you have seen, every detail!"

"Yes, master!" After hearing this, the man immediately agreed, and then explained it to Zhu Chechen in detail.

Outside the door, Zhu Chechen's wife was walking around like an ant on a hot pot, stopping several times to look inside the study.

But the conversation in the study was very quiet, and she couldn't hear clearly.In the end, she didn't hold back, and when she stopped for the last time, she opened the door and went in.

Just at this time, Zhu Chechen's conversation ended, and when he saw his wife entered, he waved for people to leave.

The man was very self-conscious. When he left the study, he closed the door before leaving.

As soon as the door of the study was closed, Zhu Chechen's wife couldn't wait to ask him: "What on earth is Uncle Khan thinking that he doesn't listen to your advice and wants to be an enemy of Daming?"

That's right, that person just now was the servant Zhu Chechen sent to Qinghai-Tibet to look for Gush Khan and try to persuade Gush Khan to join Daming.

After rushing back, she only revealed a little news to Mrs. Zhu Chechen, which frightened Mrs. Zhu Chechen, and told her to quickly find Zhu Chechen back.

When Zhu Chechen heard his wife's words, he hammered the desk angrily and said, "Uncle Khan is so confused!"

Originally speaking, it can be said that Gushi Khan's previous deeds revitalized Wacha, and he came from Zhu Chechen's idol.

Not to mention the worship of Gush Khan since he was a child, when Gush Khan left Wacha, he returned the Khan position to him, which made him very grateful.

Therefore, after coming to the capital, he thought that Gushi Khan could also go on the right path, so he sent someone to persuade Gushi Khan.

Unexpectedly, Gushi Khan said in the letter that he had decided to fight against the Ming Dynasty together with the Zhungeer tribe, Tsarist Russia, and Turghut tribe, and asked Zhu Chechen not to forget his own origin, and also contribute to the fight against the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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