Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 814 Worshiping the Taizu is the Right Way

Chapter 814 Worshiping the Taizu is the Right Way

There are only a few days left in the [-]th year of Chongzhen. With such great things as the recovery of Liaodong and the extermination of Jianlu, everyone is in a good mood and welcomes the new year happily.

However, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty, such as the Six Departments and the Nine Ministers, received the order of Emperor Chongzhen and immediately rushed to the Wenhua Palace to discuss matters.

What is it like to have a diligent emperor?
Absolutely not to say that the work of the courtiers will be reduced, but doubled!
It was no surprise to these senior Ming officials that there would be a meeting just a few days before the Chinese New Year.

Therefore, they were also familiar with the way, checked the work in hand, lest the emperor would not be able to answer the question, and then hurried to the Wenhua Palace.

At this time, it was snowing heavily, and even the Forbidden City was covered with a layer of white snow, a good sign of auspicious snow for a good year!

After arriving in the Wenhua Palace, before the emperor arrived, these civil servants naturally whispered to themselves.

Or they are discussing the affairs at hand, those who need to be linked with other yamen, and some officials who do not have these affairs are just chatting.

"Eliminating Jianlu is like getting rid of a heart disease. Master Ni, you look refreshed!"

"Of course, the Ministry of Households doesn't need to prepare a large sum of money in Liaodong. I'm naturally in a good mood."

"Speaking of it, once the Jianlu is eliminated, other things will be easy! From next year, we will choose our opponents step by step. We will destroy those who should be eliminated, and those who should be fought. Everything is in the planning."


Hearing the topic of Hubu Shangshu and others, other people are also interested in participating in and saying a few words. In summary, in one word, the pressure in the coming year will be much less.

While they were chatting leisurely, Emperor Chongzhen arrived.Needless to say, they naturally ended their chat and greeted the emperor.

To their surprise, besides the eunuch who was in charge of ceremonies, there was also a general following the emperor.

Moreover, this military general is a bit special. He is the leader of the former Wacha tribe who surrendered to the imperial court, and the great Khan of the Heshuote tribe, Oqiertu Chechen Khan. Now he has changed his name to Zhu Chechen.

Seeing him, these civil servants from the six ministries and nine ministers and the cabinet knew that Emperor Chongzhen's summoning of them probably had something to do with this person.

However, this person has just returned from Liaodong, so what can happen?
Sun Chuanting thought about it for a while, remembering that Emperor Chongzhen had talked with him once. In the north of Liaodong, there were also Tsarist Russian colonists, that is, the Tsarist Russians who came all the way to plunder. It seemed that they were in the Arctic Circle. But that's what Emperor Chongzhen said, there was a stronghold over there, and a city was built, and Emperor Chongzhen did not allow them to exist.

Thinking about this, Sun Chuanting thought, maybe it is necessary to discuss sending troops to go north to such a desolate place?Is it the general who sent this Wacha to join him?
Thinking this way, they completed the customary etiquette.

Then, I saw Emperor Chongzhen's serious expression, glanced at them, and said to them: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Even if our Ming Dynasty doesn't want to expand the territory and guard the foundation passed down from our ancestors, there will still be people who care about it. Those who are closer are the Western Yi, and those who are closer are the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions. If you lag behind, you will be beaten, and you must bear this in mind!"

The civil servants in the palace and the eunuchs who were in charge of ceremonies were a little puzzled by what they heard, but they could probably hear the meaning, that is, the emperor had received news again, and it seemed that all ethnic groups in the Western Regions wanted to fight against Ming Dynasty.

But now that Daming is so powerful, why should he be afraid?Why does the emperor have such great emotion?
They naturally didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen knew the history that they didn't know through chatting with Liu Weichao.

Not to mention the later generations, let’s just say that during the Ming Dynasty, the original Spanish governor of Luzon asked his king for an expeditionary force of [-] to conquer and colonize the Ming Dynasty!

And the Dutch, relying on their strong ships and guns, ran wild along the coast of Daming at the beginning, and made various demands.

On the southwest side, since the Wanli period, the Toungoo Dynasty in Dongwu has continuously invaded the border and annexed the Mupang and other places in the Ming Dynasty.

The Wa country in the east had invaded North Korea before, and used it as a stepping stone to attack Daming. After decades, it refused to give up and joined the Liaodong rebellion to try to attack Daming again.

Today, the Tsarist Russian army has joined forces with the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Wacha in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, and is preparing to attack Daming.

If Daming is not strong enough, he will really be divided and eaten by these wolves.

All these things made Emperor Chongzhen very emotional, so he had this opening remark.

At this time, without waiting for the lower official to ask, he pointed at Zhu Chechen, and then said solemnly: "Zhu Qing news, the Gush Khan of Wacha has occupied both Qinghai and Tibet, and has joined forces with other tribes who have not belonged to Wacha. , and the joint army of the Tsarist Russian Empire will attack our Ming Dynasty next year."

Many civil servants and eunuchs in the Wenhua Palace couldn't help being very surprised when they heard this.The court hasn't gone to beat them yet, but they want to come and beat the court?

No wonder the emperor said in the beginning that he would be beaten if he fell behind. Thanks to Daming being strong enough now, if they wanted to fight, they would just fight!

However, if this is the case, the plan for next year must be to divert manpower and material resources to the west of Ming Dynasty.

They were thinking about it, and Emperor Chongzhen continued there: "Originally, they launched an attack on Ming Dynasty together with Jianlu and Japan this year, but the Tianshan Heshuote and Duerbert tribes surrendered to the court, disrupting the Ming Dynasty. After following their plan, fearing that they were not strong enough, they contacted Gushi Khan, and dispatched troops to condemn the generals, so they postponed the war against Ming Dynasty until next year!"

Speaking of this, he raised his voice a little, and seriously emphasized: "Using troops in the western part of Ming Dynasty is not only to restore the prestige of the Han and Tang Dynasties, but also to protect the family and the country. Do you understand?"

If, before this, the imperial court's use of troops to the west was regarded as a manifestation of hegemony, then by this time, it was self-protection, and it became even more famous!

Don't think that this name seems to be a false name. The more famous the division is, the more it can mobilize manpower and material resources and improve the morale of the army.This is why, Huaxia has paid attention to this since ancient times.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen’s words were finished, the eunuch Wang Cheng’en, ​​who was recognized as Emperor Chongzhen’s number one confidant, came out by the eunuch Wang Cheng’en, ​​who was recognized as Emperor Chongzhen’s confidant. You really have the foresight, and the servants are all in admiration!"

The other civil servants and eunuchs came back to their senses after he had finished speaking, and they echoed one after another. With just one opinion, any forces that dared to plot against Ming Dynasty were wiped out.

The keynote of this discussion in the Wenhua Palace has been set, and the next step is to discuss specific matters.

Just like reforming the land and returning it to other places, it requires the cooperation of various yamen.

The Ministry of Household Affairs needs to re-plan the treasury expenditure for next year;
On the side of the Ministry of War, it is necessary to plan a strategy for using troops to the west, including mobilizing troops, dispatching generals, investigating the enemy's situation, and so on.

On the side of the Ministry of Officials, officials should be selected in advance for training, so that after the army occupies a place, it can manage and settle the place as soon as possible.


However, before the specific discussion, all the chief officials of the yamen, including many members of the cabinet, all looked at Emperor Chongzhen, obviously expecting something.

It was the first time for Zhu Chechen, who was standing beside him, to attend such a high-level meeting and watched silently. When he saw this scene, he was also a little puzzled. He didn't know that these ministers and cabinet ministers were What are you waiting for?
He didn't know, but Emperor Chongzhen knew what these courtiers were expecting. This was a common practice.

He is also used to this, because before making these decisions, he will discuss with Liu Weichao in advance and get what he wants from Liu Weichao.

At this time, his courtiers were obviously waiting for him to say what he got from Liu Weichao.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen said lightly: "Maps about Tibet, Qinghai and Tianshan will be sent to the cabinet and the Ministry of War tomorrow."

The map he gave was, of course, the terrain map provided by Liu Weichao. The reason why Emperor Chongzhen did not give it whenever he asked for it was because the terrain and terrain of Liu Weichao’s era and Emperor Chongzhen’s era had some changes due to human transformation and changes in the times. , Liu Weichao needs to mark and explain all these changes, and finally there is a map given by Emperor Chongzhen.

Compared with the military maps of Liu Weichao's era, this kind of map is simple and couldn't be simpler.However, the ancient map itself is very simple.The map given by Liu Weichao, even though it is very simple for later generations, is good enough for this era of Emperor Chongzhen.

The same is true. Officials like Sun Chuanting, who know the soldiers, are very much looking forward to obtaining this kind of map from Emperor Chongzhen in advance. This is very precious news for them.

Zhu Chechen next to him was a little dumbfounded. There are so many maps of places on the emperor's side?

He used to be the leader of various tribes in Oach, so of course he knows the importance of the map to the war!
This is actually tantamount to the fact that the imperial court won half of the war before it started!

After regaining his senses, he suddenly understood that it was definitely not that Daming had scouted the topography of Tibet, Qinghai and Tianshan in advance, because it would take many years to complete.

The source of this map can only be the Emperor Taizu of Ming Dynasty who has become an immortal!

Look, this is another evidence of Emperor Taizu's appearance!
Worshiping Buddha or something, worshiping the Emperor Taizu is the most correct!
As if to confirm his idea, Emperor Chongzhen said to the courtiers in the Wenhua Palace: "In addition, when the imperial soldiers go to these places, what places need attention, what precautions need to be taken, and what preparations should be made, I will prepare a pre-war battle plan. The manual will be given to the Ministry of War in a few days, and I will also give you a list of what the Ministry of Household needs to prepare."

For altitude sickness, geological disasters and the like, Liu Weichao has already said that he will sort out a copy for him, and he just changed hands.

(End of this chapter)

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