Chapter 815 Despair
In the blink of an eye, it is New Year's Eve again.

Bidding farewell to the [-]th year of Chongzhen and welcoming the [-]st year of Chongzhen is bound to be a better and more anticipated year for the people of Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, for some people, although a difficult year has passed, the upcoming year will only be an even more difficult year!
For example, Nobuzuna Matsudaira, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Japanese army in North Korea and the veteran of the Tokugawa shogunate in the Japanese country, known as "Wisdom Izu".

If Tokugawa Iemitsu could see him, he probably wouldn't recognize him.

At this time, Matsudaira Nobutsuna not only had all gray hair, but also aged a lot, as if he had aged ten years.

At this time, he was closing the door of the palace. In the palace where the king of Korea used to live, while drinking wine, he watched a few Japanese women dancing. The whole person gave people the feeling of being completely decadent.

He is like this, let alone ordinary Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese army in southern Korea basically barely maintained an army discipline.Patrols, shifts, etc. are still there, but the effect can only be said to be the kind that fools people.

Drunkards in the army, looting in various cities, plundering of folk property, women, etc., emerge in endlessly, but the upper officials in the Japanese army basically don't care.

The reason for this is that they have one thing in common: despair!
When the [-] troops marched to Liaodong and wanted to unite with the troops of the Qing Empire to deal a heavy blow to the Ming Dynasty, the Dongjiang Army of the Ming Dynasty suddenly launched an attack on North Korea, and their troops far exceeded what they thought by about [-]. Reached more than [-].

In just a short period of time, cities in northern North Korea fell one after another.And the speed of the fall was far beyond the imagination of the Japanese army.

This situation can only show that there is a huge difference in combat power between the Japanese army staying in North Korea and the Ming army attacking North Korea.

In desperation, Nobuzuna Matsudaira hurriedly organized troops to defend southern Korea with all his strength, and at the same time encouraged the army, saying that the troops of Japan and the Qing Dynasty in Liaodong would surely come to aid in large numbers when they heard the news. The Ming army will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Needless to say, this statement is reasonable, at least in the eyes of the Japanese, and morale has been revived.

However, the remnants of the Japanese army in North Korea waited and waited for several months, but they did not see the Ming army panicking opposite them at all, but their strength continued to increase.

This time, the Japanese army began to be disappointed, and then despaired.

The Ming army in Korea, if reinforced, was unlikely to have come by sea.

Because the sea depends on the face of God, throughout the year, there are some months that are not suitable for large-scale sailing across the sea.

Moreover, if the reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty can continue to reinforce North Korea through the sea, it means that their pressure on the front line of Shanhaiguan is not heavy.

What is more likely than this is that the Ming army in northern North Korea transferred most of its troops to the southern line. This is the most likely.

Why is this so?
It must be that northern North Korea no longer needs to have enough troops to defend against the enemies in Liaodong!That's why we dispatched all the troops to the south!
If this is the case, it can also explain another problem, that is, even if the strength of the Ming army in northern North Korea is reduced, Liaodong will not be able to put pressure on it!

The [-] Japanese army and the Qing army were on the Liaodong side. What a huge force, but the Ming army didn't care. There is only one possibility: the Japanese army and the Qing army were defeated, so the Ming army on the Yalu River line The military pressure is not great.

And the reason why the large-scale Ming army did not reach the south of Korea must be still clearing up the remnants of the Qing and Japanese troops in Liaodong. At least theoretically speaking, this is the most likely.

With such a conclusion, these Japanese pirates in southern Korea are naturally desperate.

The army of the entire Qing Empire, together with the [-] Japanese troops, were defeated. The [-] Japanese troops in the southern part of Korea are still alone, and there is no possibility of reinforcements. How can they withstand the attack of the Ming army?

As time passed, Matsudaira Nobutsuna had fewer and fewer ways to boost morale, and the increase of the Ming army on the opposite side, especially the appearance of the Ming army with more numbers, made the Japanese army even more desperate.

Later, the Ming army launched a public opinion offensive, indicating that the country had defeated the coalition forces, even wiped out the Jianlu, and recovered the entire Liaodong.They don't accept them at night, and they will bring some flags of the Japanese army to show before the battle.

Those flags, recognized by the Japanese here, belonged to the [-] Japanese troops who went to Liaodong.In the end, some heads were even lost.

The Japanese here naturally recognize that these heads are all those famous names who went to Liaodong.

If it is said that flags can be faked, how can this head be faked?

From this moment on, the period of the Japanese army collapsed completely.Even their coach, Nobuzuna Matsudaira, known as the wise Izu, also collapsed.

Everyone knows that the Korean Japanese army at this time is not as powerful as the Ming army, and it is impossible to have reinforcements. It is a hopeless army in a desperate situation.

Why the Ming army didn't come over, probably because Liaodong didn't clean up the remnants, or the weather was very cold, the Ming army must prepare for the New Year!

In short, the Japanese people in southern Korea are already living their lives numbly, the kind of day-to-day.There is no longer the kind of high-spiritedness that they thought of being the masters of the land of North Korea when they first came to North Korea.

At this time, in the main hall, several Japanese leaders sitting at the head of Matsudaira Nobuzuna were drunk, and they didn't know who stood up first, threw a Japanese woman down there, and everyone else stepped forward one by one. , each threw down a Japanese woman, completely ignoring the commander of the Japanese army sitting in the main seat.

If this kind of thing happened in the past, it would be unimaginable.After all, Nobuzuna Matsudaira is known as Wisdom Izu, so how can he not care about military discipline, let alone in front of him.

However, at this time, Matsudaira Nobuzuna seemed to have not seen it, and was drinking one cup after another.

Suddenly, he stood up, and instead of caring about the troubles in front of him, he stumbled towards the apse.

The Korean unruly people refused to accept it, and cooperated with the Ming army to block the Japanese army, making the supplies of the Japanese army less and less, and even the lamp oil used in the palace had to be saved.

In the apse, the light was dim due to the lack of oil lamps.But it's okay, basically I can see clearly, so it's not likely that Nobuzuna Matsudaira will hit anything?
On the front of the lobby of the apse, there is a portrait of Tokugawa Iemitsu, which is very large, and it is not very clear under the dim light.

However, Nobuzuna Matsudaira didn't care. He just looked up at the portrait after coming to the portrait.Just watched quietly, without saying a word.

After an unknown amount of time, Matsudaira Nobutsuna's legs suddenly softened, and he knelt down in front of Tokugawa Iemitsu's portrait, and then kowtowed.

If the trusted servant who followed behind him walked in front of him to watch, he would probably be able to see the endless remorse on Matsudaira Nobutsuna's face at this time.

Needless to say, one of the decision makers who thought that joining forces with the Qing Empire would be able to create the greatest glory in the history of the Great Japanese Kingdom regretted that daydream.

Today, not only did the daydream not come true, but hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops were lost in Liaodong, not to mention North Korea, and even Kyushu Island fell.

Moreover, it can also be expected that the Ming army will definitely not give up, and will continue to attack other territories of the Wa country. At that time, let alone whether the Tokugawa shogunate can still exist, even the emperor who has been passed down for thousands of years may become a prisoner of the Ming country , Killing or cutting, everything depends on how the emperor of Ming Dynasty handles it!
This is really a burden that the Japanese cannot bear!

However, the Ming country is too powerful today, and since they wiped out the navy of the Wa country, this has actually happened.

However, if it is said that the Wa Kingdom did not agree to form an alliance with the Qing Dynasty, and the army was not sent to the Koreans, then maybe it could still fight the Ming Kingdom.

After all, if all the Japanese troops are in the mainland, even if there is no navy, as long as the Ming army dares to go deep into the land, it will definitely be able to fight by virtue of the favorable location.

However, the Wa Kingdom formed an alliance with the Qing Dynasty. In order to occupy North Korea, it dispatched at least [-] troops, and they were still elite, and there were millions of farmers, which equated to weakening the strength of the Wa Kingdom itself.

Thinking of this situation, Matsudaira Nobutsuna's "dong dong dong" kowtow became louder.As if knocking his head out, or making him feel better.

At some point, he finally stopped kowtowing, and slowly raised his head to look at Tokugawa Iemitsu's portrait again.At this time, a large lump had swelled on his forehead, as if a horn had grown on his head.

After a while, Matsudaira Nobutsuna slowly stretched out his hand and straightened his appearance.His movements were slow but serious, and the previous decadent mood seemed to recede immediately.

Afterwards, he stepped forward slowly, and took down the knife hanging under the portrait of Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Seeing him like this, the Japanese man behind him suddenly said with a mournful face: "Master, North Korea can't live without you!"

Matsudaira Nobutsuna didn't seem to hear it, and began to wipe the blade seriously with a piece of cloth on the side.

After hearing this, the Japanese man continued to persuade with a sad face, "Master, if you..."

Before he finished speaking, Matsudaira Nobutsuna held Fu's hand and suddenly motioned to stop him from speaking.

After a while, it seemed that the knife had been wiped to his satisfaction, and then he looked at the edge of the knife and said in a low voice: "In this situation, what difference does it make if there is me or not? Once the Ming army launches an attack, everything will be It's all over!"

After a pause, he held the knife in his hand upside down and tried it, and then continued to speak slowly: "Rather than being humiliated by the Ming army alive, it is better to apologize to the general before the Ming army launches an attack!"

After hearing this, the Japanese stopped talking.

On the [-]th of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Nobutsuna Matsudaira, the commander of the Japanese Expeditionary Force, committed suicide in Seoul!

(End of this chapter)

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