Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 816 Change of the Great Ming's Center of Gravity

Chapter 816 Change of the Great Ming's Center of Gravity
In the middle of January in the [-]st year of Chongzhen, the land of North Korea was still a vast expanse of whiteness.Although the snow has stopped, the severe cold of the climate still allows the snow on the ground to continue to decorate the earth.

In this kind of weather, most of the Ming army huddled in the city, waiting for the winter to pass completely.

At this time, North Korea did not attack southern North Korea because of insufficient troops.

As the commander-in-chief of the front line, Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, naturally knew this clearly.What restricts his next move is the problem of food and grass.

Even if shipping can reduce the consumption of a large amount of grain and grass, it is not suitable for large-scale transportation in this severe cold season.Only when the weather gets warmer and the supply of food and grass is sufficient can we launch further wars.

However, what he never expected was that on this day, when he was thinking about the deployment plan of the Japanese army in southern Korea, he rushed to report at night.

"What?" Wu Sangui was shocked when he heard it, and immediately confirmed, "The Japanese army has become a mess, even killed a lot by the North Korean rebels, and how many cities have been taken?"

Due to weather and traffic reasons, the Ming army sent out at night, and it was only a hundred miles away from the Ming army's defense line.At most, the Japanese army in Seoul will be monitored more.

Unexpectedly, those North Korean rebels funded by the Dongjiang Army were all attacking the city!

No matter how bad the Japanese army is, it is still an army after all, isn't that the case?
After confirming the news that Yebu received, Wu Sangui couldn't sit still.

He didn't mean that he was afraid that the North Korean rebels would take credit for their achievements, and that the city they captured would not obey the orders of the Ming army.If that was the case, there would be no need for this rebel army to exist!
What Wu Sangui was worried about was that his actions were too late, and those Japanese would be killed by the North Koreans.

Even if he had ordered in advance that the Japanese people who could be captured should be captured as much as possible.However, he has been in Dongjiang town for a few years, and he is familiar with North Korea. The North Koreans have a deep hatred for the Japanese, and they are afraid that they will find various excuses to kill the Japanese.

However, the imperial court's order to Wu Sangui was that these Japanese labored for free, and if they could be captured, they should be captured as much as possible.

So, he couldn't wait for the food and grass to arrive, and immediately sent an order to the various ministries to march to southern Korea immediately.At the same time, he also sent someone to report to Du Yinxi, governor of Jiliao in Liaodong, on a fast horse.

In the first ten days of February, Du Yinxi received the second urgent report from Wu Sangui, saying that the entire North Korea had been occupied, the Ming flag had been planted in Busan, and he had contacted the naval officers on Tsushima Island.

It is estimated that there are seven or eight hundred thousand Japanese people in North Korea. Of course, this includes the people of the Japanese country.But when Wu Sangui occupied the entire southern part of Korea, there were less than [-] Japanese in total.The other Japanese were all killed by the North Koreans for various reasons.

In the urgent report, Wu Sangui still defended the Koreans, saying that the Koreans had deep-seated hatred for the Japanese and so on, and said a lot, and the reason was naturally the brutality of the Japanese in North Korea.

In addition, in Wu Sangui's urgent report, there is also a piece of news from the mainland of the Wa country.

Fu Wang has already occupied the entire Kyushu Island, but on the other side of Honshu Island, there are still elites from the Wa Kingdom, mainly belonging to the direct army of the shogun.According to the investigation by the Navy Expeditionary Force, if the imperial army is going to land on Honshu Island to fight, it is best to have sufficient preparations, otherwise there may be relatively large casualties.

After seeing this news, Du Yinxi thought of the news from the capital, and suddenly had an idea, so he immediately wrote a memorial, and sent it to the capital together with the victory report.

At this time, the imperial court was already busy. Some troops and generals were dispatched to the west and east of Ming Dynasty. All the yamen were busy with this, including Emperor Chongzhen.

After receiving Du Yinxi's victory document and memorial, Emperor Chongzhen was also very happy: Liaodong and North Korea were all pacified!

At this time, the issue that has been discussed before has come to a decision.

This issue is the ownership of North Korea and the resettlement of North Koreans!

North Korea was originally a vassal state of Ming Dynasty, but later, North Korea betrayed Ming Dynasty and became a vassal state of Jianlu, and sent troops to assist Jianlu against Ming Dynasty.The first fall of Phi Island was due to the contribution of the North Korean Navy.

However, there are also people in North Korea who have a heart for Daming, and they have notified Daming all the time. Even Emperor Chongzhen knew through Liu Weichao that North Korea continued to use his Chongzhen year name until it was occupied by the Japanese kingdom.

To be honest, North Korea changed into a vassal state of Jianlu because Ming was not strong enough and North Korea was forced to do nothing.

Generally speaking, North Korea has always been a relatively obedient vassal state to Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, some officials in the DPRK and China believed that after the Ming Dynasty wiped out the Japanese army in North Korea, it still wanted to restore North Korea to the country.

But, unfortunately, the King of Korea and his subjects were chopped into meat paste by their people in Ningguta, and there was no blood left behind.

Therefore, one of the topics discussed in the DPRK and China recently is that if North Korea does not return to the country and becomes part of the territory of the Ming Dynasty, how will these North Koreans be dealt with?

There is a point of view that since North Korea is included in the territory, the Koreans are naturally also Ming people, and they should be treated equally.

However, another group of officials objected to this argument, saying that no matter what, the Koreans had sacrificed their lives for the Jianlu. If the North Koreans worked hard to open up wasteland and farm for Jianlu at the Ninggu Tower, Jianlu would not be able to support it for so long.

Therefore, they believe that the Koreans must not be equated with the people of Ming Dynasty. Anyway, Ming Dynasty labored for free, so they punished the Koreans as coolies and asked them to dig mines and build roads. At most, they were given a shorter time limit, such as Ten years, five years or something.

There are supporters for both of these viewpoints, and Emperor Chongzhen did not make a decision right away, so he asked the officials outside the frontier to express their opinions.

Emperor Chongzhen's idea was very simple. After the Ming Dynasty opened up territories, there would definitely be many captives who needed to be dealt with.Nayu DPRK officials, as well as the big officials from all over the country, discussed it to see what they thought, and then he made a decision.

As for Liu Weichao, Emperor Chongzhen actually asked about it, but Liu Weichao said that in terms of technology, major policies, or some difficult problems, he can give advice, but all of these, it is best to be in line with Ming Dynasty. The actual situation needs to be considered by Emperor Chongzhen himself.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen felt that regarding the prisoner, he had better come up with a countermeasure that he thought was satisfactory at least, and he could just ask Liu Weichao when he made a decision later.

Originally, Emperor Chongzhen was still hesitating, but until he saw Du Yinxi's memorial, he came to a conclusion, and said with emotion: "It's better that Du Qing knows more about the situation in North Korea. I am satisfied!"

Afterwards, Emperor Chongzhen held an imperial meeting to make Du Yinxi's plan public, and finally won the approval of most of his courtiers. This is how the plan for dealing with North Korea was decided.

Du Yinxi's plan is actually simple to say.

For the Ming Dynasty, the Koreans should not be treated the same as Jianlu and Japanese, but if they were treated the same as ordinary Ming people, it would be cheaper for them.

Therefore, except for those North Koreans who originally belonged to the Korean Rebel Army who can be transferred directly to the common people of Ming Dynasty, other Koreans must prove themselves;
And it is very simple for them to prove themselves, killing the enemy to prove it.

Now Jianlu has been wiped out, but there are still Japanese people who harmed North Korea, and they are on Kyushu Island.

Therefore, the imperial court will arm the North Koreans and send them to Honshu Island to avenge the Japanese, to prove that they are not cowards and qualified to be the people of the Ming Dynasty, and then they can become the people of the Ming Dynasty!
If you dare not even do this, then you are not qualified to become a commoner of the Ming Dynasty, and become a prisoner of the Ming Dynasty, and you can redeem yourself as a coolie.

Du Yinxi's plan is morally reasonable for Daming, so it's not easy to criticize; by the way, it can also help Daming consume the Japanese army in Kyushu Island and reduce the casualties of the imperial court. It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone .

For this plan, Liu Weichao did not object, so he promulgated and implemented it naturally.

To the surprise of Emperor Chongzhen, Du Yinxi and others, those Ming people who were born in the Korean rebel army also asked to participate in the attack on the Japanese mainland.

In this regard, they can only sigh with emotion, the Japanese pirates have committed too many crimes!
Naturally, it is impossible not to agree to this request!

The complete annihilation of the Liaodong and North Korean enemies allowed the imperial court to draw more troops from these two sides.

The main force of the cavalry of the imperial army was regrouped to the front line of Baotou and Guihua City; the generals and soldiers who had been in the southwest or were born in the southwest were also transferred to the southwest, and some of them were transferred to Guangdong and Guangxi .

All of a sudden, the territory of Daming was filled with troops passing by.

At the same time, the Navy and Denglai Navy of the Japanese Expeditionary Force also mobilized warships to assemble on the front line of Fujian.

On the eastern front of Ming Dynasty, there is only half of the Japanese country lingering, and it is enough to keep a part of the army.Most of Ming's military power began to tilt west and south.

Newspapers and other public opinion tools under the jurisdiction of the Department of Political Science and Communications also began to focus on the new enemies of the Ming Dynasty, namely the Annan rebels, the Dutch colonists, the Toungoo Dynasty in Dongwu, and the enemies on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Originally, these enemies, which were not well known to the common people of Ming Dynasty, appeared in front of them from many aspects and angles at once.

For these new enemies, some Ming people actually don't take it seriously. Similar to this, in the past, as long as they were obedient, they could pay tribute to the court, so why bother fighting!To say how big a threat they are is mostly alarmist talk!

At this time, Gushi Khan and other western coalition forces launched a war against the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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