Chapter 819

Shenwei artillery?

When Yang Zhan heard the name, he couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Shenwei Cannon, as you can tell from the name, this should be a powerful cannon!

Thinking of this, he felt impatient, and wanted to see this new type of artillery called the Shenwei Cannon soon!

No matter what, the Shenwei Cannon sounds more powerful than the Hongyi Cannon, and it must be even more powerful!

So, he hurried to the Fuzhou Bingzhan Bureau. After a series of identity verification procedures, the Bingzhan Bureau took Yang Zhan and Zhang Tongchang to the warehouse, and at the same time introduced: "The construction period of Shenwei Artillery is shorter than Ordinary artillery is longer, so there are only a hundred of them at present, and the commander can configure them on your warship according to his own situation!"

With just one hundred cannons, if it is a Xiyi warship, not an armed merchant ship, but a real warship, it is estimated that there are only one or two warships equipped with artillery.

In the Ming Navy, although the number of artillery pieces is not so dense, because of the limitation of the Fuchuan structure, the number of these one hundred artillery pieces is still a little too small!
Under Yang Zhan's disappointment, he could still comfort himself.

Shenwei cannons are more powerful, better than Hongyi cannons, less cannons, if there are too many, even warships can't bear it!
With that in mind, the group of them went to the warehouse.

After opening the door of the warehouse, Yang Zhan followed the direction of the warden of the military bureau, and was immediately a little dumbfounded.

In his mind, since the Shenwei Cannon is more powerful than the Hongyi Cannon, it must be bigger and more cumbersome than the Hongyi Cannon.

Unexpectedly, the Shenwei Cannon he saw in front of him was not as big as the Hongyi Cannon. How could this power be stronger than the Hongyi Cannon?

To be honest, he has a feeling of being cheated!

From Yang Zhan's expression, the officer in charge of the Military Warfare Bureau probably guessed what he was thinking in his heart, so he said with a smile, "Don't underestimate this mighty cannon, Commander! This name is not chosen blindly!"

While talking, he took a booklet that was handed over from the side, took it, and then flipped through it. If he didn't find any problems, he handed it to Yang Zhan and said, "This is the parameter data of Shenwei Cannon and Commander can read the operation manual."

Seeing that Yang Zhan took the booklet, he continued: "After loading it on the ship, go overseas to try it out. I will send craftsmen with me. If you have any questions, you can ask them. By the way, the Shenwei Cannon is on the way." In terms of naval warfare, is there any room for improvement..."

Before he finished his words, he heard Yang Zhan exclaim in surprise, "Ah..."

Zhang Tongchang next to him was taken aback by him. The sudden "ah" sounded like he had seen a ghost. As for it?

Seeing that Yang Zhan lost his composure, his face was full of surprise and shock, he turned his head to look at the officer in charge of the military battle bureau, and hurriedly confirmed: "Is the effective range of this Shenwei artillery really so far?"

Speaking of this, he hastily added: "I mean, this Shenwei Cannon is much smaller than the Hongyi Cannon, but it can still be so much more powerful than the Hongyi Cannon?"

At least before the invention of rifled artillery or rifled guns, there was a common sense: the larger the artillery, the greater its power, and correspondingly, the heavier the weight!

And Yang Zhan has been leading the army to fight every day, especially in the past two years, especially in the country of Wa. Naturally, it is impossible for him to study physical science, and the understanding in his mind is still the same as before!

Seeing his shocked appearance, the officer in charge of the Military War Bureau immediately smiled slightly and said: "If you want to fake this, you will lose your head. In fact, the above parameters are actually conservative. What is the real situation, the commander turned around Just try it and you'll know."

Hearing this, Yang Zhan's eyes widened immediately, and he couldn't wait any longer. He turned around immediately and said to the group of subordinates following him: "Quick, count and take away!"

"Wait!" Unexpectedly, the officer in charge of the military battle bureau smiled and waved his hands, and then said to him, "There are still a thousand grenades over there, and the commander also counted and took them away. To use it, I specially allocated some from the army."

Yang Zhan was a little confused when he heard it, but his intuition told him that this must be a good thing!

So, he quickly asked, "What is this grenade? Is it powerful?"

At this moment, without the word "Shenwei", he couldn't be sure!
Seeing him like this, the warden of the Military War Bureau didn't answer immediately. He took him to the warehouse next door, ordered his subordinates to open them, and pointed to each box and said, "Here, this is it!"

While speaking, the people in the warehouse had already opened the lid of the box.The officer in charge of the military battle bureau directly took a grenade from inside and handed it to Yang Zhan.

Yang Zhan looked at the weapon in his hand, which looked like a large hammer, or a small hammer, and wondered in his heart: Is this grenade very powerful?How do you look at it, a bit unreliable!
He was watching, and the officer in charge of the Military Warfare Bureau introduced to him: "This kind of grenade must be used by the strongest in the army. Unscrew the wooden cover on the handle, ignite the fuse hidden inside and throw it out. Explosion, killing one, is a kind of small unscrupulous cannon."

Yang Zhan was surprised when he heard it. He looked at the handle and found that there was indeed a rotating cover that could be unscrewed.

He was looking at it, and the officer in charge of the Military Warfare Bureau was still introducing him: "This grenade showed its talents in the battle to liberate Liaodong. According to the imperial court's intention, it was deployed in the navy. It is mainly used for enemy ships to approach and try to jump ship. In wartime, let us use it to kill the enemy."

Yang Zhan was very happy to hear it, and at the same time asked a little doubtfully: "This grenade is not very big, but the power of its explosion is really big?"

To be honest, he was a little skeptical.How powerful gunpowder is, as a general in the army, that is all too clear!

Hearing his words, the officer in charge of the Military War Bureau immediately smiled and said, "Don't underestimate it, Commander. This is filled with a new type of gunpowder, called white gunpowder, which is at least three times more powerful than black gunpowder!"

New style?New style again?Really like the new style!

Since the emergence of Gewuxue in Ming Dynasty, the current emperor has invented one good thing after another, but whatever is new, it is definitely a good thing!
No, the new type of artillery is called Shenwei artillery, and in terms of parameters, it is definitely a good thing!The new type of gunpowder, called white gunpowder, must be a good thing. This is the root of firearms!

Why is it not called Shenwei gunpowder, but white gunpowder, probably because of the color difference, don’t care about it, even if it is called white plus black gunpowder, it doesn’t matter, as long as it is a new type of gunpowder!
Thinking of this, he asked pleasantly: "Does that mean that our Daming's gunpowder will all be new-style gunpowder in the future, so the power of the firearms will definitely be even more powerful!"

However, to his surprise, the officer in charge of the Military War Bureau shook his head and said: "The production of this white gunpowder is not large, and only the capital can produce it at present. If the whole army wants to use it in the future, it is estimated that It will take some time. As for how much time? To be honest, I don’t know how the white powder came about, and I can’t say! But I do know one thing, the white powder and the black powder are two completely different things!”

After hearing this, Yang Zhan couldn't help feeling a little regretful.It is at least three times more powerful than black powder. If it can be used in the army earlier, it will definitely crush the enemy, including those Western Yis!

However, after regaining his senses, he thought about it carefully, isn't it common sense that good things are hard to make!
Thinking of this, Yang Zhan felt relieved!

But at this time, he really wanted to see these new weapons with his own eyes, so he was anxious to let his subordinates quickly hand over to the Bingzhan Bureau.

Then, he was still thinking about one thing, and seeing that the officer in charge of the Military War Bureau did not take him to another warehouse, he asked a little doubtfully, "No more?"

"No more!" The officer in charge of the Military War Bureau was amused by him, and said to him, "How many more good things do you want? Not enough?"

After hearing this, Yang Zhan was thick-skinned and unmoved, but continued to ask: "Didn't you just say that there is another one called a heartless gun?"

He remembered the name of this cannon very clearly. The officer in charge of the Military Bureau had mentioned it, but it never existed before. It must be a new type of cannon!

Hearing what he said, the officer in charge of the Bingzheng Bureau did not deny it, nodded and replied: "I have said that this is a heartless cannon, but I just mentioned it, and I didn't say that I would distribute it to you! "

There is really a new type of artillery!

When he came to this conclusion, Yang Zhan felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and immediately stared at the warden of the military bureau, condescendingly, looking down at the steward of the military bureau and said, "Why don't you deserve it for me?"

Although I don't know the specific situation, as long as it is a new type of artillery, it is definitely a good thing that has not escaped!

Then, good things, naturally, those who see them will have a share!

But who knows, looking at him who is tall and burly, Bingzhan Bureau just clapped his hands and said: "If I want to distribute it to you, I have to have it too!"

"Ah?" Yang Zhan was quite surprised when he heard it, and said with a bitter face, "So you don't have one either, haven't you created it yet?"

After hearing this, the officer in charge of the Bingzheng Bureau still shook his head and said, "That's not true! The unconscionable cannons showed their prowess in the battle to liberate Liaodong. How could they not be made? It's just because of the use of new gunpowder, the output is limited. It is only allocated to the army. The western war is even more urgent!"

At this time, Yang Zhan saw the military newspaper here in Fuzhou, and knew that the western barbarians had united to attack the western part of Ming Dynasty.On his side, however, inspections and deterrence are the main focus. In terms of importance, it is definitely not as important as that in the west.

Therefore, Yang Zhan was a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do.

But soon, he cheered up again, let's ignore the unconscionable guns, and hurry up to try the new weapon he got first!
(End of this chapter)

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