Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 820 Expectation

Chapter 820 Expectation
The weather is sunny and sunny, and the waves are not too big.

Off the coast of Fuzhou, ten Fuzhou boats that have been pre-maintained have been lined up.Ironclad steamships are not, because they need more time to maintain.

In front of them was a small boat with no one on board.

On the warship, everyone looked at the flagship curiously.On the warships near the flagship, there were soldiers touching the Shenwei artillery assigned to their ships, and from time to time they reached out to look inside the barrel, with strange expressions on their faces.

"You said, this Shenwei cannon can really hit so far, can it still hit?"

"It's probably okay, otherwise, wouldn't the military situation be embarrassing?"

"This is not a matter of embarrassment in military battles. If it is exaggerated and deceitful, can it deceive the emperor? Can the emperor name it Shenwei Cannon?"

"This cannon is much smaller than the Hongyi cannon, but if it is even more powerful, it still feels incredible? Just because of this weirdness in the barrel? I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out!"

"If you can figure it out, you're not here, but in the military battle. Maybe you can go to the Royal Academy of Sciences to get the title!"

"Stop talking, it seems that the flagship has started, just watch!"


The other soldiers were still bickering, but when they heard the reminder, they all shut up and stared at the flagship, full of anticipation in their hearts.

If it can really hit the small boat in the distance, then the combat power of the Ming Navy will definitely be greatly improved, and it will be even more difficult to have an opponent!

On the flagship side, Yang Zhan, Zhang Tongchang and others, like their subordinates, were looking forward to seeing a miracle happen.

For them, it was definitely a miracle to be able to hit the boat from such a long distance!

The most skilled gunners in the army, under the guidance of the craftsmen of the military battle bureau, have already become familiar with the process of loading ammunition, and use auxiliary tools to measure the distance to the boat, and then select the appropriate amount of gunpowder according to the parameters specified in the manual, and then Adjust the elevation angle of the Kamui Cannon.

After everything was ready, they all turned to look at the chief soldier, waiting for the order.

"Fire!" Yang Zhan gave the order without thinking too much.

For him, witnessing the miracle earlier would give him peace of mind!
After the artilleryman received the order, he lit the fuse at the right time according to the angle of the ship's swing.

At this moment, the people on the flagship, from the commander in chief to the ordinary soldiers, all stared at the burning fuse, watching it burn out.

Suddenly, as a cannon, there was a sound: "Boom!"

At the moment when the gun mouth smoked, everyone immediately looked up and looked at the small boat in the distance.

I saw a splash of water, shooting up from a place less than two feet away from the boat.

Needless to say, the shell just hit the place where the water splashed.

Missed the boat!

However, the flagship and the soldiers on the other warships who were watching together cheered in unison.

"Ah, it's really accurate!"

"Yeah, almost hit it!"

"If this is a salvo, several shells will surely hit the boat!"

"As expected of the Shenwei Cannon! Such a long distance, if replaced by the Hongyi Cannon, I don't know where it will hit. It is absolutely impossible to hit it so accurately!"


Amidst the praise, some people also questioned, saying: "Could it be a coincidence that I just hit the side?"

He had just finished speaking when he heard another loud noise from the flagship: "Boom!"

When everyone heard the movement, they immediately looked up at the boat.

On the other side of the boat, at a distance of about three feet, there was another splash of water, which was very eye-catching.

Although still missed, the cheers of the soldiers of the Ming army rang out again, even louder and louder than the first time.

As naval officers and men, they naturally knew that the error of firing the artillery on the ship was a few feet away, which was completely acceptable.

Such a long distance can almost be said to be very accurate.

Regarding the range and accuracy of the Shenwei cannon, they all had an estimate in their hearts. Thinking that this cannon was indeed much more powerful than the Hongyi cannon, they were all happy.

At this moment, suddenly, the sound of continuous artillery fire from the flagship was heard.

"Boom boom boom..."

Almost at the moment when the artillery sounded, the small boat in the distance was hit by the shell.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the Ming army on the ten warships all cheered.

Although based on their experience, after seeing the accuracy of the previous two test runs, it is estimated that if the artillery salvo is fired, some shells will definitely hit the boat, but when they really hit the boat, their cheers are still louder than It was much hotter than the previous two times.

"Look, look, I'll tell you I can hit it!"

"It's useless to say, who doesn't know if you can hit it!"

"At such a long distance, one volley can hit it, haha, if they fight the Japanese army again, their boats will not be able to sail at all!"

"I saw it. It seems that ten cannons fired just now, and two shells hit the boat!"

"It's amazing, it really deserves to be a Shenwei cannon!"


Not only were they happy, but even their commander-in-chief Yang Zhan had a smile on his face, the kind that couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

How important artillery is to the navy cannot be overstated!
Now with this kind of mighty cannon, the range is much farther than that of the Hongyi cannon, and most importantly, it is more accurate.

In this way, when facing the enemy, whether it is a ship or a coastal defense artillery, the advantage is on the court's side.

Originally, Yang Zhan knew that he was going to lead these hundreds of warships to the coast of Annan to perform military affairs and threaten the rebels in Annan. To be honest, he was actually a little worried.

Because for a long time, the imperial navy faced the enemy, whether it was the Spaniards in Luzon or the navy of the Japanese state, basically they did not have an advantage in the number of warships, and they were almost the same.

However, if he was going to face the Annan rebels now, the warships of the two rebels in the north and the south would be combined, and there might be sailing warships from the Netherlands, so the number of warships would definitely be at a disadvantage.

Although he said he was not afraid, but worry is inevitable.

The steam ironclad warship is far less useful than imagined, and there are many restrictions, especially when the wind and waves are strong, it will not show the advantage of speed.The Dutch sailing warships are faster than Fuchuan, and they have a lot of artillery on board.At least in the past, the quality of the artillery was similar to that of the imperial navy.

In this way, there are Dutch sailing warships to restrain them, and the Annan rebels have a large number of warships. This mission is quite dangerous!
But unexpectedly, the imperial court only let him set off with a hundred or so warships, preparing him with weapons to defeat the enemy!
With this mighty cannon, although there are only a hundred of them, according to the results of the current test firing, a Fuchuan equipped with ten cannons can hit the enemy ship before the enemy fires.

In other words, there are ten warships that can effectively threaten the enemy.And this enemy refers to the sailing warships of the Netherlands, not the warships of the Annan rebels with worse warships and firearms.

Going a step further, the task that the imperial court asked Yang Zhan to perform was to intimidate the Annan rebels from staying on the coast.This task may have been difficult before, but now, with this mighty cannon, it has become easier!

The shore fire artillery of the Annan rebels was just for display, and the Ming navy could stay outside the enemy's range and fire.Unbelievable, the inland river on Annan's side can also be walked.

At this time, Yang Zhan naturally didn't know. If the original historical development was followed, in the late Qing Dynasty, the Eight-Power Allied Forces would still have the British and French Allied Forces. , because their artillery is much more powerful than that of the Qing Dynasty.

Just like what he thought now, Xiyi could hit the Manchu cannons, but the Manqing cannons couldn't hit Xiyi, and they couldn't fight back just by being beaten, and their morale would easily collapse, and they felt that Xiyi was invincible.

Of course, another very important factor is that the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and incompetent.

At this time, Yang Zhan, after being happy, let the other warships loaded with Shenwei artillery also start test firing, and it was not until the small boat was sunk that he returned with joy!

But this is not over yet, after they landed in Changle, they went to a remote place to test the power of the grenade.

Choose the strongest in the army, draw circles at different distances, place targets, and let the soldiers throw grenades.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom..."


The sound of explosions sounded from time to time, and no accident, all the soldiers were shocked by the power of the grenade that was damaged by the explosive lasing shrapnel.

Before again, they had only seen live ammunition and shot ammunition.

Needless to say, live ammunition is solid ammunition; shot ammunition, in fact, is the kind of various fragments placed in the barrel and shot out, which can only hit a scattered shape in front of the artillery, and the distance is very close.

But now this grenade can be thrown far away, and then it has the effect of a shotgun!
In this way, one can imagine how much damage this kind of grenade will do to the charging crowd!
All of a sudden, the soldiers of the Ming army admired the court for making such a powerful new weapon, and at the same time, they were full of confidence in the future war.

Moreover, they also believe that the court will definitely produce better weapons in the future, and will continue to produce better weapons!
Their confidence in the imperial court and their confidence in future wars made them look forward to the next battle and eager to gain more military exploits.

For Yang Zhan, of course, he also became very looking forward to the next battle, looking forward to surprising the enemy, including the Dutch, and beating the shit out of them!

However, the maintenance of the warship still takes time, but it shouldn't take long before it can go south to Annan to fight!

While Yang Zhan was looking forward to the Annan War, the Western Allied Forces felt the same way as him.

(End of this chapter)

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