Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 821 The Great Situation

Chapter 821 The Great Situation

In the territory of the Yarkand Khanate, the army gathered, and the main force of the Western Allied Forces was actually hiding here. The military reports from all over the country rushed here to send military information from various places.

"Report, our army has entered Songpanwei, Sichuan Province of the Ming Dynasty, and has captured the Ruoergai area. The forward is marching towards Fengdong Pass!"

"Report, our army entered the Sichuan Xingdu Division of the Ming Dynasty, captured Beishan Pass, and attacked Asbestos in the north!"

"Report, our army has entered the Lizhou Appeasement Department of the Ming Dynasty and attacked Hanyuan to the south. Once it goes south, it will attack Shimian and join forces with the South Route Army!"


The victory reports one by one, although the fast horses were exhausted, made the people of the Western Allies happy, excited and excited.

"Okay, as long as you work harder, you can enter the prosperous land of abundance in the Ming Dynasty, where the land is paved with gold, and you will get rich!"

"From the Land of Abundance, you can easily enter the hinterland of the Ming Kingdom, that would be great!"

"It's all good, it's all good, kill Ming people, grab Ming wealth, occupy Ming land, let's live a happy life together!"


Amidst the cheers, Gush Khan, the leader of the Western Allied Forces, was greatly praised.

"Khan is the most powerful, it really is a tiger father without a dog!"

"That's right, the army led by the ten sons of the Great Khan defeated the Ming army first and invaded the Ming country. It's really amazing!"

"It's no wonder Gushi Khan was able to invade Qinghai-Tibet, lay down such a large area of ​​land, and establish the Heshuote Khanate!"

"Before, I thought that our Yarkand Khan should be the leader of the alliance, but now I have accepted it. It is indeed the most correct that Gushhan Khan should be the leader of the alliance!"

"Me too. I originally thought that our Zhunge'er Department was not bad, and we are the founders of this alliance. It is not too much to be the leader of the alliance. However, Gushi Khan is really powerful. He was originally the leader of our Wacha, and now he will be the leader of this alliance." The lord, is also reasonable!"


However, Gushi Khan, one of the parties involved, was not very happy about these good news, but rather puzzled.

Because, according to his prediction, those who deserved the victory did not report the victory, and those who should not have the victory reported the victory, which was beyond his expectation!

Although they are all good things, for Gushi Khan, they are not to his liking.For him, the best thing is when things are under his control.

After he received the letter from his nephew Oqiertu, although he felt that some of the contents were a bit exaggerated, he also saw the strength of Ming from it.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ming was too domineering and would reform the country and return him to the natives, he would actually be happy to just pay tribute to Ming.

Gushi Khan's energy is more focused on ruling the Qinghai-Tibet region and managing his newly conquered one-acre three-point land.For this reason, he himself sat in the capital of Tibet, and then sent his ten sons to various places to sit in town, firmly controlling the map of Qinghai-Tibet.

However, Ming's overbearing made him unacceptable, so he agreed to the alliance request made by the Zhungeer Ministry and others.As for him, because he is the most powerful and the landlord, he became the leader of this alliance.

In his reply to Oziltu, he actually played a trick.

Based on the fact that Oqiertu had already surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, and even wrote a letter asking him to join him, Gushi Khan was on guard against Oqiertu.

Although he said that in the letter, this intention, in fact, it is best to let Oziltu be his internal support, which will help to some extent.

It doesn't matter if Oziltu is obsessed with obsession and refuses to help him.

One of Gushi Khan's plans is to show the strength of the Ming Dynasty through Oqiertu: Look, our western countries are not so easy to mess with, and they are powerful!

In this way, under the threat of the Liaodong Jianlu and the Japanese allied forces, the Ming Kingdom might consider giving up on reforming the west and returning the land to the natives. When the time comes to negotiate, maybe a good price can be negotiated.

In addition, in his letter to Oqiertu, although he stated the date of his attack on the Ming Kingdom, in fact, he did it in advance, which was also to prevent Oqiertu from telling the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, if he didn't tell the truth, it wouldn't hinder his plan.Anyway, if it hurts the Ming country, it will let the Ming country know how powerful the western countries are, and then sign a contract.

In the specific combat strategy, Gushi Khan's original plan was to bluff everywhere, but then the main force quietly assembled and did not show up, waiting for the reality to mature before giving the Ming army a severe blow.

In the past, the countries on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau actually had geographical advantages against the Central Plains dynasty.

However, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, after more than a hundred years of construction and the construction of the entire defense system of Jiayuguan, it is very difficult to threaten the area east of Jiayuguan.

This Jiayuguan, becoming the most powerful pass in the world, is definitely not bragging.

The Ming Kingdom was originally located west of Jiayuguan, and there was Hamiwei, but it was not directly under the jurisdiction, but was hereditary by tribal chieftains, but it was also Ming Kingdom in name.

However, the Ming Kingdom didn't seem to care about Hamiwei, even if it was taken away by the Yarkand Khanate. In this way, the Ming Kingdom felt like it was shrunk in a tortoise shell and couldn't make a move.

It can't be like before. The army on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau can directly attack Gansu and Shaanxi in the Central Plains Dynasty. Gush Khan formulated a strategy and launched an attack on the border of the Ming Dynasty at the same time, so that the Ming army could send additional reinforcements to the front line.

According to the plan, Sichuan should be the most important place for the Ming Dynasty, and its defense should be the strongest.Unexpectedly, the phantom soldiers over there attacked in one fell swoop, even if it was only the remote borderlands of the Ming Kingdom, but if they attacked further down, they would be able to reach the prosperous places in Sichuan!
Jiayuguan is also a strategy of empty soldiers, but they didn't get in. It's really not easy to fight.

This battle situation always made Gushi Khan feel a little uneasy.

The leaders of other tribes naturally noticed his reaction, and many people were a little bit disapproving of Gushhan's feelings.

No, just listen to Batur Hunkhan from the Zhungeer Department: "The main force of the Ming army is probably fighting the coalition forces of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom. Except for hoarding heavy troops in Jiayuguan, the strength of other places is empty. It's easy to understand!"

Ye Erqiang Khan also nodded when he heard this, and said in agreement: "Are you afraid that your nephew has frightened you? He is soft-boned, can you believe what he says?"

Khabarov of Tsarist Russia, leading an army of [-], came all the way. He was already impatient, and continued to wait without gaining anything. He stayed, and said impatiently: "Now that we have united so many troops, what are we afraid of? Even if the Ming Dynasty has three heads and six arms, so be it, kill it!"

In fact, he has never commanded a large-scale war at all. At most, he has only a few hundred colonists under his command, and then bullies the natives of Siberia.

Now that I have tens of thousands of troops under my command, I feel a little invincible!
The leaders of the smaller forces, such as the Turghute Department, are not here, and they were sent as cannon fodder to serve as virtual soldiers, and went to attack the Ming border first.

At this time, Gushi Khan listened to what they were talking about, and after thinking about it, he felt that he was a little too worried.

Even if the Ming Dynasty is a big country, even if according to Oqiertu's statement, it is no longer the same as before, even if it has defeated the Qing army, but, after all, the east is the coalition army of the Qing Empire and the Japanese Empire, a decisive battle of hundreds of thousands of troops , starting from last year, it is impossible to tell the winner without fighting for a year and a half.

Even if the winner is decided, the battle will not end in a short while.

And such a big battle will definitely contain the main force of the Ming Dynasty, so why even the attack by the false soldiers can be successful, the reason should be here?

Gushi Khan himself assumed the position of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, imagined the situation in the east, and felt that he was really worrying too much!

Under such circumstances, even if there is something in the Ming Dynasty that I didn't think of, it probably won't have much impact on the overall situation.

No matter what, the most important thing is strength.

In the Western Alliance, there are as many as [-] troops, [-] of which are scattered around the border of the Ming Kingdom to attract the attention of the Ming Kingdom, while on my own side, the most elite [-] troops are concentrated to make a final decision. of.

With such a powerful army, what are you afraid of the Ming army doing?
After much deliberation, it seems that this is the truth!
In the end, Gushi Khan decided to follow the established strategy.If you hesitate any longer, these allied forces may go it alone!
Thinking of this, Gushi Khan looked at the people in front of him, and said solemnly: "From the military newspapers of various places, the Ming army will definitely be attracted, at least the Ming country will definitely not lose Sichuan!"

As soon as he said this, Khabarov interjected with a greedy look: "Since Sichuan has already been attacked, why don't we focus on Sichuan? I heard that it is the richest place. Let me start." Explain, I don’t want land or population, I just want wealth!”

During this period of time, he had already found out clearly that Sichuan, known as the land of abundance, was the most prosperous and prosperous. He came here for the purpose of robbery, so he was naturally attracted, and he wished he could break into Sichuan and grab it!
However, Gushi Khan shook his head and said after hearing his words: "Don't look at the fact that they won some wars over there and entered the Ming Kingdom. But the northern and southwestern parts of Sichuan, those places we invaded, went to the Ming Kingdom. In the Chengdu area, there are still many checkpoints, all of which are easy to defend and difficult to attack."

After a pause, he went on to say: "I reckon that the Ming army didn't expect to lose some places by being caught off guard, but when they come to their senses, the follow-up battle will definitely not be easy to fight, even if our main force passes by. It’s useless, there are high mountains and valleys over there, and the problem cannot be solved with more troops!”

Hearing this, Baharov was very sorry, curled his lips, annoyed that he could not eat fat.

Gushi Khan ignored him, and continued: "Then, according to the established plan, raid Guihua City, open up the connection with the Qing Dynasty in the east, threaten the entire north of the Ming Kingdom, and open up a great situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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