Chapter 822 Mutiny
After discussing with Gushi Khan, Batur Hunkhan and others, they felt that it was in their best interest to attack Guihua City.

First, if the city of Guihua is captured, then the connection with the Eastern Qing Dynasty and the Wa Kingdom will be opened up. With the exchange of needs, the chances of winning the war against the Ming Kingdom will be greater.

Second, on the Guihua City side, there is no barrier like Jiayuguan. Under the flat ground, you can attack if you advance, and you can retreat if you fail to fight. It can be regarded as the kind that can advance and retreat freely, and is invincible.

Thirdly, most of the people in Guihua City are the original herdsmen. There are those from the Tumote tribe, and most of them are from the Mobei tribe. Shuote and some other small tribes.

No matter what their reasons for surrendering to the Ming Kingdom were, less than a year had passed, and they definitely couldn't integrate with the Han people of the Ming Kingdom.

If the Western Allied Forces kill them, whether they are relatives or not, a family will always abandon the dark and turn to the light, and surrender to the Western Allied Forces again.Just in this way, the chances of winning the Western Alliance can be greatly improved.

And once the war is won, no matter what the herdsmen thought before, they can all be converted into the strength of the Western Allied Forces.

The last one, I heard that Ming Guo is vigorously building Guihua City, and the Western Allied Forces can also reduce a lot of logistical pressure by taking over there.

At this time, Gushi Khan and others estimated that on the Ming side, the eastern front was held back by the Manchu and Japanese armies, and the western front was also held back by the phantom soldiers who had previously invaded the Ming country. It was time to attack Guihua City. up.

In the past, in order to avoid exposing the target of the battle, the Western Allied Forces did not send scouts to Guihua City at all.

Now that the army has begun to attack Guihua City, Tanma is naturally released.

Gushi Khan and others, leading a cavalry force of [-] main forces, marched eastward from the grassland in mighty force, which could also reduce the logistical pressure on their large cavalry army.Among them, Batur Hunkhan led the Zhungeer cavalry army, with about [-] cavalry as the forward, opening the way for the army.

The reason why the Geer tribe was chosen to open the way is because there are other tribes of Wacha in Guihua City. If they meet, it should be easier to instigate against the Wacha people they meet.

After the army left for a few days, suddenly, a group of knights in Ming army uniforms came over in front of Tanma.

Batur Hunkhan looked a little strange, because from a distance, the cavalrymen of the Ming Dynasty were not tied up, and seemed to be chatting and laughing with his scout horse.

At this time, a scout over there broke away from the team, and rushed to Batur Hun Khan one step ahead, and said: "Khan, we have encountered the Ming army that does not accept them at night. It is composed of people. After all, I heard that Gushi Khan is the leader of the alliance, and he is very happy to come back to serve!"

When Batur Hunkhan heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. This is a good sign!
At the same time, he was also slightly uncomfortable.

Batur Hunkhan thought that his ability was definitely very strong.However, in the eyes of other Wacha tribes, they are still inferior to Gushi Khan!

When he was thinking this way, he saw that Tan Ma had already brought the Ming army, a total of fifteen riders, to him.

Seeing that the leader of the Ming army would not accept him at night, he immediately saluted him with Wacha etiquette: "The villain is the guitar from Heshuo's special department. I heard that Gushi Khan has returned and is willing to serve the coalition army."

Gushi Khan was originally the great Khan of the Heshuote tribe, and also the leader of the entire Wacha. It was only later that he led the elite to fight against the religious enemies in the Qinghai-Tibet area, so that Eqiertu became the great Khan of the Heshuote tribe. .In other words, Gushi Khan's prestige in the Heshuo Special Department is very high.

No matter from which point of view, Batur Hunkhan felt reasonable when he heard his words.

At this time, after hearing this and that guitar, he began to introduce his companions again, either the Heshuo Te Department or the Duerbert Department, all of them were Wacha people.

These people greeted Batur Hun Khan, and all of them used the language of the Wacha tribe.No matter from which angle you look at it, there is no doubt that they are Wacha people.

So, while Batur Hunkhan was relieved, he became even more happy.He immediately asked with some curiosity: "What is the situation of the Ming army in Guihua City?"

Hearing this, the leader of the guitar quickly replied: "The tribes on our grassland, including our Wacha tribe and the Khalkha tribe, are all in Guihua City, and there are at least [-] tribes. People. The Ming army has at least [-] troops stationed in Guihua City, watching us!"

"But don't worry, Great Khan. Of the [-] troops in the Ming army, at least [-] are like us, and people from various tribes on the grassland are serving as soldiers. As long as Gushi Khan leads the army to fight there, at least [-] of us on the grassland People who are here will definitely follow Gushi Khan again!"

Hearing what he said, the other Ming soldiers also started chattering.

"Yes, that's right, we are Mongols, and Mongols want to help Mongols!"

"Let us sacrifice our lives for the Han people, how is it possible!"

"The great Gushi Khan has returned, and we will be saved!"

"The Great Khan doesn't know that those Ming officials want us to farm. We are herdsmen. How could we know how to farm? We might as well kill us!"

"What's the matter, a lot of grain fields have been reclaimed in Guihua City, and a lot of people are needed to farm. There are not enough Han people, so we Mongols are required to farm too. It's really ridiculous!"


Logically speaking, it was a little rude for these people to talk so much in front of Batur Hunhan.

However, at this moment, Batur Hunkhan was smiling, and he was not unhappy at all, and he didn't even stop them, just let them talk there.

After going on for quite a while, seeing that the Ming army had almost said that they would not accept them at night, Batur Hun Khan's face suddenly became serious, and he shouted to them: "Are you lying to Ben Khan?"

Hearing this, the faces of many Ming soldiers who refused to accept at night changed.They never expected that this big Khan from the Zhungeer tribe would not believe what they said.

Among them, the leader of the Ming army who did not accept them at night, that is, the Heshuo special department named Naji, quickly replied to Baturhui Khan with aggrieved words: "Khan, we are telling the truth, how dare we lie to you, Khan! "

After hearing this, Batur Hun Khan just sneered and said, "Don't think that Ben Khan doesn't know. The reason why you two tribes surrendered to the Ming Kingdom was because the Ming Kingdom had herds and grain fields for you. Why didn't you guys mention it? ?”

When the Dulbert Department and the Heshuo Special Department returned to Daming, these were put forward as conditions, and almost everyone knew about them.Later, on the way to surrender, some members of the Heshuote Department escaped, and naturally this situation was also passed on to the Zhungeer Department.

Hearing this and that guitar, the leader hurriedly said to Batur Hunhan with a mournful face: "The Great Khan only knows one thing, not the other! After the people of the Ming Dynasty tricked us all over, that is, the people above got more points. There are herds, grain fields, and some people who are fawning on the Ming Dynasty, but most of them don’t have any at all. Even if we ask later, we dare not ask more. After all, if we annoy those Ming officials Maybe they will kill us to kill chickens and monkeys."

Hearing his words, the other Ming soldiers Yebushou all nodded their heads, echoing what the guitar said.

"That's right, that's right, we ordinary herdsmen don't get any at all."

"That's right, the Ming Kingdom doesn't have that many herds and grain fields to share!"

"No, they force us to be soldiers and work hard for them!"

"Khan must know that the Central Plains people are the most cunning people. They say one thing and do another, and I don't know how many people regret it!"


Hearing these words, Batur Hunkhan's face finally softened, and he smiled again, nodded and said: "That's right, the Central Plains people are the most treacherous, and you must not trust them."

When he said this, after a pause, he remembered something, and immediately asked for confirmation: "I heard that there is a kind of fire-burning cart in Mingguo, which is extremely powerful and can pull many things at once. Have you ever seen it?"

This was specifically mentioned in the letter written by Oqiertu to Gush Khan, because the matter was so strange that Gush Khan also mentioned it to other tribal leaders, and Batur Hun Khan remembered it in his heart.

Hearing this, that guitar immediately nodded and said: "Yes, there is, it's called a steam train, and now there is a Guihua City, which leads from Guannei to Guihua City, and it has just been repaired!"

"Is it really powerful?" Batur Hunkhan asked immediately after hearing this.

This time, it wasn't just the guitar, but all the Ming Jun Ye Bu Shou were nodding there, and at the same time, the aftertaste of shock appeared on their faces in unison.

Among them, the guitar also said to Batur Hunhan: "The Ming Dynasty also brought a lot of grain and grass materials to Guihua City from inside the pass through this steam train. There is no more piles in the city, even outside the city. All!"

Hearing this, Batur Hunkhan's face immediately showed a hint of greed, but he immediately remembered something, and immediately asked: "Isn't the Ming Kingdom at war with the Qing Dynasty and the Wa Kingdom? How can there be so many people?" The grain and grass materials are transported to Guihua City?"

Hearing this, this and that guitar couldn't help being taken aback.The other Ming soldiers also looked at him at night, but no one said anything.

Soon, this and that guitar came back to their senses, and quickly explained: "The villain doesn't know the situation in the east, or there are too many people in Guihua City, I'm afraid we will rebel when we are hungry, so luck A lot of food and supplies are coming!"

Hearing this, Batur Hunkhan felt that it made sense, so he no longer entangled in these issues, but asked the question he was most concerned about: "What about the specific deployment, military strength, and armament status of the Ming army in Guihua City?" ?”

After listening to the guitar, without any hesitation, he immediately answered Batur Hunkhan.

Anyway, Batur Hunkhan would answer whatever he asked.Of course, some of them couldn't answer, but Batur Hunkhan didn't care.

After asking, Batur Hunkhan was very satisfied!
(End of this chapter)

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