Chapter 823
Guihua city, or the Ming army's defense situation in the entire Hetao area, including the situation of the herdsmen there, etc., all have a clear understanding.

Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy has already been achieved, and the next battle must be won!

Thinking of this, Batur Hun Khan quickly sorted out the news, and sent a fast horse to Gushi Khan, the main force behind the army.

He was also very satisfied with the fact that the Ming army did not take the guitar at night.As expected, he was originally a member of the Oach tribe, but in the end he still has his heart for the Oach tribe.It cannot be denied that if this battle is won, these people will have contributed a lot.

As night fell and the army set up camp, although Batur Hun Khan would not personally entertain these Ming troops who would not accept them at night anyway, he still gave them high-standard treatment. People entertained them.

However, one thing that made him uncomfortable was that he originally wanted to recruit these people into his subordinates.However, these Ming soldiers said that they thought of Gushi Khan's men.

Naturally, they also had an explanation for this. Najito said that he was originally a member of the Heshuote Ministry, and of course he wanted to return to the Heshuote Khanate established by Gush Khan.Among the others, there are those from Duerbert's department. They have a good relationship, so they also want to enter the Heshuote Khanate with that guitar.

This reason is indeed sufficient. Batur Hunhan is not easy to rob people, so he can only follow them.

With regard to the future war and the Ming army in Guihua City, they already had a clear understanding. Batur Hunkhan slept very soundly this time.He didn't wake up until the sky was bright, feeling full of energy and high spirits.

"Go, invite those guitar guys over, I want to have breakfast with them!"

The first thing Batur Hunkhan wanted to do was to order his subordinates to invite that guitar and others, and he did not neglect just because that guitar had already refused to join the Zhungeer Department.

It's true that the Zhungeer tribe has grown stronger from his hands. This kind of heart alone is beyond the reach of ordinary tribal leaders.

His son, Seng Ge commented on his father in his heart, and reminded himself that he must study hard, and he will also be a promising sweat in the future.

For this reason, he personally went to invite those who have made great contributions to "the Ming army will not accept them at night"!
Along the way, Seng Ge would take the initiative to greet the generals under his command, which is also like his father.

When dealing with these people under your command, you can't despise them just because of their high status. Why not do it if you can win more points with a casual sentence?
Moreover, the painstaking efforts of the father Khan and the behavior of the corporals must also be revealed, otherwise it would be a waste of trouble!
Sure enough, Seng Ge could tell from the expressions of those subordinates that all the feedback was within expectations, very good!

When he arrived in front of the yurts where the Ming army did not stay overnight, Seng Ge suddenly realized that something was wrong.

What about the war horses in the stables beside the yurt?Why not?
They went out?
It's impossible, right?
They had a full meal last night and were in the army again. Logically speaking, even if they woke up early, they should have stayed in the yurt?
By the way, what about the guard post at the gate?
Seng Ge found that more and more things were wrong, so he immediately took three steps and two steps, and rushed into the yurt to check the situation.

As soon as I entered, I saw that there were indeed people in the yurt, but they were bound people. There were four people in total, and their mouths were still gagged.

Sengge recognized these people, they were the sentries near this yurt, and they were from his Zhungeer tribe.

Immediately, he was taken aback, and quickly stepped forward, tore off the cloth from one of the people's mouths, and immediately asked, "What's going on? Where are the people? Where are those people?"

The person whose mouth was freed first replied with a bit of anger and panic: "Last night...they lured us in, tied us up, and then left the yurt."

"When?" Seng Ge was startled and angry, and hurriedly asked again.

Although he didn't know the specific situation yet, his intuition told him that something happened!Maybe these people from the Heshuo Special Department and the Duerbert Department are simply fooling them and not betraying the Ming Dynasty!
"About midnight!"

Hearing this, Seng Ge turned around and left, and at the same time ordered his subordinates: "Send people to chase immediately, and be sure to catch them back!"

Even though he said so, he ran away in the third watch, so it is probably difficult to recover.

Thinking of this, Sengge's face was very ugly, and he hurried to report to his father.

"What?" Batur Hunkhan's face became ugly when he heard it, and he confirmed, "Run away?"

"It ran away in the middle of the night last night. The boy has sent someone to chase after him, but... But I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up!" Seng Ge replied angrily, "This group of people who eat everything from inside to outside, eat a mouthful of Gushi Khan. Yes, but he still ran away and returned his mother's allegiance to the Ming Dynasty, what a piece of shit!"

Batur Hunkhan didn't follow and scolded, but his face was stern, frowning tightly, feeling a little tricky!

Because of the betrayal of people like Ji Ji, no, they are from the Ming country, there is no such thing as betrayal at all, it's just a fake surrender.

In this way, what they said is true and which is false, or simply, everything they say is false, so it is impossible to tell!
Batur Hun Khan felt even more embarrassed when he remembered that he had sent all the news about the Ming army not accepting at night to Gushi Khan.

What should we do now?
This is a problem!
Also, after those Ming soldiers escaped at night, they probably figured out the details of the Western Allied Forces!
In this way, knowing oneself and the enemy has become the advantage of the Ming army!
At this moment, to be honest, Batur Hunhan was a little confused.

Those Ming soldiers who refused to accept them came here in a fake way. Don't they know that the risk of doing so is very high. If they are not careful and miss the details, they will not be able to go back alive?
In other words, if there are other accidents or something, it is very likely that they will not be able to go back, and the danger is just as great!

On what basis did they do such a risky thing?

After all, generally speaking, this kind of night is not accepted. If you encounter the enemy's prowling horse, you can hit it if you can, catch it if you can, and if you can't, go back and report it. Bar?

At this moment, Batur Hunkhan really couldn't figure it out!
The most important thing is that these people are really not Han Chinese, but people from the Heshuo Special Department and the Dulbert Department. Regarding this, he actually confirmed it repeatedly during the conversation.It was also true that he believed what they said, and everything else anyway.

Originally a Wacha person, why is he so devoted to the Ming Kingdom?

This problem also troubled Batur Hunkhan!

After thinking for a while, Batur Hunkhan gave up decisively, because he couldn't think of it just thinking about it.

Just listen to him categorically say to Sengge and other subordinates who are waiting for his order: "Immediately tell Gushi Khan that our details may be learned by the Ming army. Chaos, fast attack is the only feasible solution!"

After speaking, he also ordered the whole army to unite urgently, preparing to speed up the eastward advance.


Not to mention what happened to Zhungeer's side, let's just say that the Ming army headed by Guitar did not take them in at night, and they were rushing back at the fastest speed at this time.

Batur Hunkhan was right, they were just a fake surrender!At this time, he wanted to report back the details of the Western Allied Forces.

"Stop, let the horse rest for a while, eat something before going on the road!" The guitar suddenly spoke, and the group stopped.

While they were waiting on the war horse, someone asked the guitar: "Master Zongqi must have already reported it to Lord Hou, right?"

"I rushed back to report yesterday, Master Hou must have known about it!" The guitar nodded immediately after hearing this.

The Ming army's Ye Bu Shou team was composed of soldiers of various ethnic groups.Among them, of course, there are also Han Chinese.And generally speaking, the Han people are the leaders of Yebushou.

This is not because of the origin of the Han people, but Yebushou is the elite of the army. Whether it is military technology or coping ability, it must be the best choice.

In the cavalry army in Guihua City, most of the soldiers who came from grassland herdsmen were ordinary herdsmen in the past.The standing army on the grassland is basically the supporters of the Mongolian nobles, who belong to those who have been defeated.

Therefore, in the mixed cavalry army, the elite Han army often led recruits from various ethnic groups in the grassland.After all, the Han Chinese cavalry are elites who have fought wars for many years.

The same is true in Ye Bu Shou, with elite Han Chinese leading soldiers of other ethnic groups.

The team that Guitar was in didn't accept them at night. When they met the scouts from the Western Allies, they found that there were more people on the other side. It was not easy to arrest them.

After the guitar recognized that Tanma was from the Zhungeer tribe, he made a suggestion to the General Banner of the Han People.

He thinks that at this time, he can encounter the horses from the Zhungeer tribe heading east, which is probably a sign of a large-scale attack by the Western Allies. He asked the general flag to go back to warn first, and he took the soldiers from Wacha and pretended to surrender. Find out the details of the enemy.

These people, if they can be selected for the night, they are naturally shrewd people.Although it is dangerous, it is not afraid.

In addition, those who can stay overnight must be cultivated, and the imperial court also gives preferential treatment when placing their families.There are only a lot more herds, grain fields, and houses than other arms.

But these people, in the original tribe, were just low-level herdsmen.Belonging to Ming changed their fate, so how could they really surrender to the Western Allies.

In other words, those who can not accept them overnight, in the words of later generations, will have to go through political review.

The most important thing is that Da Ming's strength is the greatest confidence that can make them loyal to Da Ming!
(End of this chapter)

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