Chapter 824 Review

The guitar and the others rested for a while, and when they saw that the horse had slowed down, they hurried on again.

Thanks to the fact that they sneaked away early, no matter how hard Batur Hunhan's men chased after them, they could not catch up with them.

Earlier, what the guitar said to Batur Hunhan was true or false.

It is true that Guihua City has indeed become the largest gathering place on the grassland. Almost all tribes, including those captured by the imperial army's eastern expedition, have also migrated to the Hetao Plain where Guihua City is located.

In addition, a railway was indeed built in Guannei to Guihua City, and grain and grass materials were continuously transported from Guannei to Guihua City via the railway, which made Guihua City hoard a lot of grain and grass materials!
What he didn't tell Batur Hunhan was that such a large population was not only near Guihua City, but also all the way west to Baotou.And on the Baotou side, a city was also built with cement.The railway that has already reached Guihua City is still being built westward, and it is expected to reach Baotou this year.

Because according to the previous situation, the western side was not completely wiped out by the imperial army. Therefore, Baotou, the westernmost side, is not only a city in Baotou, but also has auxiliary buildings, such as piers and abutments, separated by tens of feet. Far away, there is probably one within the crossing range of muskets and artillery, which can prevent the western enemy cavalry from passing through Baotou to the hinterland on a large scale without hindrance.

In addition, the information that the guitar told Batur Hunhan was wrong. The imperial court army on the Guihua City side did not exceed [-] at all, but reached as many as [-].

The cavalry army that was originally assembled on the side of Guihua City had already reached as many as [-] cavalry troops that swept across the Mongolian ethnic groups in the east.After capturing the horses of the Mongolian tribe in the east, there were about [-] more cavalry troops.

For the grasslands, the increase of cavalry is as simple as the increase of infantry in the pass.As long as there are qualified war horses, there is no shortage of horseback riding and archery.

Originally, about [-] cavalry troops entered Liaodong and participated in the Liaodong war.Such as Li Guo, Gao Yigong and other ministries.

But I didn't expect that the imperial court's action to restore Liaodong was very fast, and it was restored just like that.After Oqiertu reported the situation in the west to Emperor Chongzhen, these cavalry troops were quickly transferred back to Guihua City.

Some of the food and supplies transported from the Guannei train to Guihua City were ordnance and armor, which were used to arm the newly formed cavalry army.

Sun Chuanting, the second assistant of the cabinet, had already left the capital and rushed to Guihua City.He was also accompanied by Li Yan and Hong Niangzi.

It is no problem for Sun Chuanting to sit in the capital to fight Liaodong and North Korea.

However, the west is too far away from the capital, and if the news is transmitted and delayed on the road for a long time, Emperor Chongzhen is afraid that the war opportunity will be delayed.

In addition, there are some local government affairs that cannot be handled by military generals, but also need to be done by civilian officials.And Sun Chuanting is well versed in both civil and military affairs, and his rank is high enough, so he was arranged to leave Beijing.

Of course, Ye Bushou, who spread to the west, could not understand these things.

At this time, Sun Chuanting, on the second day after arriving in Guihua City, ignored the rest and began to inspect the most important area outside the customs.

According to the imperial court's plan, the Hetao Plain will become a very important granary in the north of the Ming Dynasty.Cooperate with animal husbandry, build the largest meat supply place in the whole north, revitalize the economy of the whole north.

However, it was the army that Sun Chuanting inspected first.

Regarding the specific situation of the army, as the second assistant of the cabinet and in charge of the military, he naturally understands it.What needs to be done now is to check the information on the data and the actual situation.

On the prairie to the east of Guihua City, the [-] cavalry troops, except for the more than [-] cavalry on duty, were all inspected, densely packed, all of them were horses and soldiers wearing red shirts.

Surrounded by many general soldiers, Sun Chuanting looked at this scene, and was actually very emotional in his heart.

Although the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty was much larger than that of the Song Dynasty.However, in any case, compared with the Central Plains Dynasty, the cavalry is definitely a small and expensive unit.

Since he led the army to fight, the largest number of cavalry troops did not exceed [-].

But in front of them, there are densely packed cavalry, reaching as many as [-], and there is no infantry.

On this grassland, the cavalry seemed to be free of money.

In this situation, even if Sun Chuanting has led the army for many years and is the second assistant of the cabinet, he is still full of emotion.

If such a huge cavalry army can be used well, the previous sweep of eastern Mongolia is nothing at all. Just like in the era of Genghis Khan, it is very possible to sweep the west.

However, although Sun Chuanting was feeling emotional in his heart, he remained calm on the surface, still with his dead fish face.

After boarding the east wall of Guihua City, groups of cavalry troops began to march past the city wall.

These Ming cavalry troops who were inspected naturally knew that the civil servant wearing the scarlet scarlet robe on the top of the city wall was the most knowledgeable civil servant in the court, the civil servant who fought in the South and the North, and the civil servant who put down the rebellion of the thieves...

In short, as long as he is an official of the imperial court, there is no one who does not know about Sun Chuanting's resume.Because of this, each of them is very serious, and they treat it with a [-]-point spirit.

However, in Sun Chuanting's eyes, after spending half a day reviewing the [-] cavalry, the comments he made in his heart were not very high.

In his eyes, only [-] cavalry can be regarded as elite, and the remaining [-] cavalry still need more training to meet the standard of elite cavalry in his mind.

But now there is no time for training. He came to Guihua City to prepare for a counterattack against the allied forces of the western tribes.These cavalry were further tempered in the battle!

Thinking about it this way, he also distributed the ordnance he brought from the Beijing Division's Military Battle Bureau to the cavalry.

Not to mention ordinary ordnance, the most important thing is rifled field guns and heartless guns.

The range and accuracy advantages of the rifled field gun make the weight of this gun much lighter than that of the same range, and it is easy to maneuver after adding wheels, which is suitable for distribution to cavalry troops.

The heartless cannon is actually the same. It is not heavy in itself, the main reason is that the bore of the cannon is large, and it runs like a wheel.

As long as it is not a cavalry charge, ordinary marching, these two guns are not a problem at all.

There is also a batch of new materials such as Shenwei rifles and grenades, and they will be distributed as usual.

For this matter, Sun Chuanting asked Li Yan and Li Dingguo to hand over the arrangement.And he himself began to inspect the Hetao Plain non-stop.

Because the coalition forces of the western tribes had already launched an attack on the western front of Ming Dynasty, there was not much time left for him.

It took a whole day for Sun Chuanting to inspect the place on horseback, watching the flowers on horseback, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

After several years of development, the Hetao Plain can hardly be seen as a grassland, and it is really plugged into the south of the Yangtze River.

In the endless line of sight, there are all neat fields, where there are grains, cotton and other crops, as well as potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., all of which can't be seen at a glance.

In the fields, there are roads and canals made of cement.Of course, there are also houses, all of which are made of cement, and there are villages every few miles.

Most of the people in these villages are Han Chinese who migrated from Guannei, and they mainly take care of these fields.

The houses of the herdsmen are all in Guihuacheng and Baotou, as well as several grazing areas.

What made Sun Chuanting very emotional was that the iron ox invented by the emperor made great contributions to such a large-scale land reclamation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to open up wasteland and farm on such a large scale with only manpower.

For this reason, Sun Chuanting also went to visit those who were stationed here at the Academy of Sciences and expressed condolences to them.

There are also people on the railway department's side. They mainly repair the railway and command the imperial army to guard and detain the prisoners of the eastern Mongolian tribes.

It was from last year that the addition of these captives has greatly increased the speed of railway construction outside the customs.When I saw Sun Chuanting, the manager of the Railway Department was an eunuch in the palace, and he asked Sun Chuanting for prisoners, urging him to fight quickly, saying that if the railway goes all the way to the west, the more prisoners the better!
Of course, Sun Chuanting's identity is placed here, which means that he does not have the guts to interfere in military and political affairs.

With Sun Chuanting's personality, he naturally wouldn't promise anything, and didn't even bother to talk about it. He just continued to inspect the Hetao Plain.

A day passed quickly, and Sun Chuanting was very satisfied.

In the past, it wasn't that the imperial court had never occupied Hetao, but because they couldn't make ends meet and the cost was too high, they finally gave up here and returned to the pass.

But now, with the blessing of Gewuxue, Sun Chuanting has predicted that the Hetao Plain will not only be self-sufficient in the near future, but also take care of neighboring provinces, such as Shaanxi and Shanxi.

Daming's future is really bright!
While Sun Chuanting was relieved, he decided to inspect the lower pastoral area the next day.

However, what he didn't expect was that the next day, before he set off, the guitar and his party rushed back and reported the military situation they had inquired about.

Sun Chuanting frowned when he heard that the main force of the western tribal alliance was targeting Guihua City, with a strength of up to [-].

In terms of military strength, the imperial army has more troops than the western tribal allied forces. In a real fight, Sun Chuanting is also confident of defeating them.

However, judging from the situation he has so far, the battlefield of this great war is likely to be on the Hetao Plain, which he is very unwilling to do.

The battlefield is here, no matter win or lose, this thriving piece of prosperity on the Hetao Plain will definitely be destroyed!

However, this place is no better than inside the pass, there are dangers to defend, and it can be blocked by terrain, but here is an endless prairie.

Even if some fortifications have been built in Baotou, the grassland is too big, how can we defend against [-] enemy cavalry?
(End of this chapter)

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