Chongzhen and I became partners

Chapter 826 All People Are Soldiers

Chapter 826 All People Are Soldiers
Sun Chuanting led the army to set off, but these civilians who came to join the war spontaneously, even if they formed a team they knew, they still needed people from the government to organize them.Moreover, it is not easy for organizations to face such things.

Sun Chuanting handed over this task to Li Yan.

Before that, Li Yan had been serving as Sun Chuanting's staff most of the time.Now that Sun Chuanting entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, he immediately woke up his spirits.

Fortunately, he was born in Juren, but he has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he is not a man of paper in the military. It is not without a clue to deal with this matter.

According to Guannei, these belong to the people, and they are of the force type.

In fact, when the grassland tribes fought in the past, they actually fought with the tribe's standing army as the backbone, and then ordinary herdsmen rushed to fight.

These ordinary herdsmen in front of them were from the so-called Mongolian army in the past.

Their military quality is not high, but they still have individual horseback riding and archery, and some simple military common sense.

Faced with such a group, Li Yan saw the people who were still coming in a steady stream, so he made up a jingle and asked his subordinates to repeat it on the road, so that Minzhuang could hear it and understand it when they traveled west.

His jingle is simple and easy to understand, and it also includes not leaving the team after finishing the team, bringing dry food without confusion, leaving passages between teams, having a place to eat and drink, and so on.

The demands on them should not be too high.After all, it is only a temporary battlefield.

Of course, their pressure will also be less.

The [-] regular troops who had been guarding the road-building prisoners were replaced by our kind of civilians. The cavalry in the back line reached as few as [-], while the enemy only had about [-].

There will definitely be fewer enemies who can break through the blockade of the imperial court and the army and run to the front.Ten hit one, and Wang's four punches can kill these fish that escaped the net.

Needless to say, that thing may not happen yet.

That view, as time passed, Fan Min adopted that view even more in the evening.

Because, the people outside the Hetao Plain, except for the old people and children who were really moved, really came here if they could.

At most [-] people are strong, [-]!

It can even be said that by tomorrow, there will definitely be fewer!
Under the prairie, all the people are soldiers, that's just what they said!

While shocking the Fan people, it also gave me a deep understanding of the grassland people.


Besides, on the side of the coalition forces of the western tribes and the side of Gushi Khan of the Central Army, before receiving the news sent by Hun Khan in Guihua City, the rear forward, they were overjoyed.

As the commander-in-chief of the half-life of the army and horses, he defeated the eight Mobei tribes who had been suppressing Wacha with him, revived the glory of Wacha, and also led the Heshuote troops to attack the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and established the Heshuote Khanate The person in question is definitely a hero with great talent and great strategy!

For me, when marching and fighting, knowing yourself and the enemy is definitely a rule engraved in my bones.

The news of Hunhan in Guihua City naturally made me very unhappy, and I was no longer sure about the war in Yarkand.

Ye Xiaohan of the Ming Army and Khabarov of Tsarist Russia were also very upset when they found out about the situation.Usually it was Khabarov, who regretted that I could not go to the Land of Abundance to grab one, but was overjoyed when he heard that the Yarkand side was blocked in the south of the Yangtze River and had also become very poor.

The morale of the entire small army, it can be said that because of the news of Hunhan in Guihua City, it has become lower all the time.

Few people were talking excitedly while hurrying.

"Gushi Khan is really ashamed to be the smallest little Khan in your Wacha! Listen to the little Khan, you will win every battle!"

"Of course, you follow Gushi Khan, first attack Qinghai, and then go to Tibet, you are all enemies!"

"It is estimated that Gushi Khan played around the Ming Kingdom, thinking that you are attacking Qichuan and Shaanxi in the Ming Kingdom, but you never thought that your main force is actually attacking Yarkand!"

"Haha, you are already thinking, when your small army suddenly attacked Fan Minji, would the emperor of the Ming Dynasty panic? If there is another big heart, Gushi Khan will take you to the capital city of the Ming Dynasty." Damn, I'm guessing you'll be scared to pee, right?"

"There is a saying, back in the day, you Wacha were also grand masters, and you brought an army to the capital of the Ming Kingdom, and almost destroyed the Ming Kingdom!"

"It is said that once, Gushi Khan can take you one step further. What if the Ming Dynasty is destroyed? Haha!"


The small capital of the Mongols ended their fantasies about seizing the Central Plains again, while the Tsarist Russian soldiers fantasized about plundering that rich eastern country, and how they would be greeted coldly by the Tsar when they returned with a small fortune.

However, what we never expected was that things changed dramatically on the seventh day.

Of course, special soldiers are qualified to know, that is, Gushi Khan and others have received the previous news about Hun Khan in Guihua City.

"What?" Even the wise and mighty Gushi Khan couldn't help but be shocked. Looking at the Zhungeer tribe who reported the report, that is, Seng Ge, the most valued son of Hun Khan in Guihua City, he shouted enthusiastically, "Successively The Oirats who provided the news escaped? Is the news we said must be true?"

Originally, these Sun Chuantings belonged to the Heshuo Special Department, but not the Duerbert Department. That made Gushi Khan also think that when the small army arrived, we betrayed the Ming Dynasty and surrendered to me again , is indeed reasonable.Therefore, I think these news are true.

It turned out that it was only the seventh day, and things had not changed so slightly.

For that situation, for a while, even I myself was not a little surprised.

What should I do next?
That's a problem!
Since these Sun Chuantings have escaped, our words are trustworthy!Everything that has nothing to do with Yarkand returned to what we found out later.

Of course, without some details, if they are confirmed by each other, they can actually verify some truths and falsehoods.

However, how should that affect the small bureau!

The most important thing is that these Sun Chuanting escaped, and they will definitely report back the news from there.

Thinking of that, Gushi Khan said to the leaders of the tribes around him: "According to Hunhan of Guihua City, the whole army marched slowly and killed Li Yan in Yaerqiang after he reacted. What do they think? "

"What's so firm about it, just kill it!" Khabarov first replied, "You have a hundred thousand horses, such a weak force, just push it. Anyway, there are dangers to defend in the grassland, and there are few people. Weak troops may give us a chance!"

Tsarist Russia did not fight Sweden and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and many of them did not have such a small force.The tsar gave me [-] troops at a time, also because of the desire for wealth in the East!
Because of this, Khabarov is trying to figure out something else, just thinking about grabbing things!

On the contrary, Ye Xiaohan from the Ming army said firmly: "If you fight directly, what if there are few Ming troops? Will there be no problem?"

Hearing that, Seng Ge immediately laughed hotly and said, "Ming's army is very small, how much is this?"

If it is another messenger, he is qualified to speak in front of other little khans, but Sengge, as the last Zhungeer little khan, is not qualified to do so.

At this time, I heard that I was waiting for Fan Min Ji Xiaohan to respond, so I continued to ask slowly: "There are no Xiaoqing and Wa allied forces in the east, and they have attacked Ming since the end of last year. On the west side, are you in Qichuan, Shaanxi, etc.?" No matter how small the Ming country is, how many troops can be placed on the side of Yarkand?"

Gushi Khan's strategy was originally to divide the Ming kingdom's troops, and then concentrate the main force to attack Yarkand, connect with the eastern allies, and threaten the northern border of the Ming kingdom.

My reasons are actually those words of Sengge.When Gushi Khan said those things, Ye Xiaohan of the Ming Army also agreed.

Therefore, when Seng Ge said those words again at this time, Ming Jun Ye Xiaohan had something to say.

Even Gushi Khan at this time still doubted my own judgment. Seeing Fan Minji Xiaohan's embarrassing look, he said: "So far, there should be no change in the small situation. These Sun Chuantings are The episodes received can only affect part of it. For example, Li Yan of Yarkand will delay preparing for the battle, and then he will ask his fellow Li Yan for help, and so on."

Speaking of that, I glanced at the tribal leaders above, and then said in a positive tone: "Therefore, Ben Khan believes that Oziertu Khan's suggestion is very unreasonable, because there are too few Li Yans to give to Yarkand. It's time to deal with it. Even Fan Min on Ding Fan Minji's side was in confusion before receiving the news!"

"So, you attack as soon as possible, while we are still in chaos, if there is a chance to rush over, you will be more nervous and defeat us!" Seng Ge responded with clenched fists, telling me what my father said to me. Gushi Khan we repeated it.

From a common sense point of view, there is indeed no problem with that inference.Of course, the premise of that is that there are problems with the assumptions we make inferences.

Fan Minji Xiaohan thought for a while, then nodded and refused, whether there is any problem.

When Gushi Khan saw it, he made a decisive decision and passed on a military order to let the small army speed up and retreat eastward.

By the seventh day, the main force had driven off the rear.In other words, the back forward has stopped and is waiting for the main force.

Seeing the arrival of Xiaojun, Guihuacheng Hunhan, the coach of the rear forward, rushed over immediately, greeted Gushihan and others, and said with a serious expression: "Seventy miles away, the Ming Dynasty built a city, and the pier Taiwan and so on. Not yet, the Ming army is waiting there!"

Hearing that, Gushi Khan and the others were very surprised. There is not a long distance from Fan Minji, and Li Yan is repairing the city there?

With that question in mind, I hurriedly asked Guihuacheng Hunhan, "Do you know that Li Yan has many troops?"

That question is very crucial!
(End of this chapter)

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