Chapter 827

"At least [-] or more!" Batur Hunkhan replied with a frown, "With the city and the piers as support, and the time is too short, it is impossible to confirm how many Ming troops are behind!"

The previous Ming army did not accept it at night, and the news to him also said that there were about [-], but this news is not true!
Gushi Khan frowned obviously dissatisfied when he heard his words.However, he suddenly asked a question that none of the people present had thought of: "Why did the Ming army build cities and piers so far away?"

Gushi Khan would of course know about the situation in Guihua City in advance, so although he had never been there, he also knew some news about Guihua City.According to his estimation, this place is at least three hundred miles away from Guihua City!
Hearing this, Batur Hun Khan first came back to his senses, and immediately said with a little surprise: "Could it be that after the Ming Kingdom built the city, it is all the territory that the Ming Kingdom wants to protect?"

After hearing this, Yarkand Khan asked a little puzzled, "What do you mean?"

After hearing this, Batur Hunkhan quickly turned his head to look at him, and explained to him: "It means that after the construction of the city in the Ming Dynasty, the city of Guihua is all where the Ming Kingdom opened up wasteland and farmed."

"So big?" Yarkand Khan was shocked when he heard this.

But he also understood, if it wasn't for this explanation, why did the Ming Dynasty go to a faraway place to build the city?At least this is not a good place to defend!

Khabarov was very happy to hear it, and immediately confirmed it: "That is to say, behind the Ming army, is the prosperous Fortress Jiangnan?"

Gushi Khan ignored him, but said while thinking: "The Ming army will resist the enemy, which is foreseeable. In addition, if I were the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, what would I do if I knew that a hundred thousand troops were coming to kill me?" What to do?"

Hearing this, Batur Hun Khan didn't know what he thought of, and was even more pleasantly surprised. He immediately replied to Gushi Khan and said, "If I were the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, I would definitely try to keep the enemy out. The best way , is to make the enemy retreat. To achieve this, bluffing and scaring the enemy away is the best strategy!"

Having said that, without waiting for others to answer, he went on to say: "Since those Ming soldiers didn't surrender in good faith, scaring us away must be what they wanted. At that time, they didn't I didn’t know that we had as many as [-] troops, so I thought it was my troops with more than [-] cavalry, so explaining to me that Guoshou Guihua City has [-] cavalry, this is intimidation!”

Speaking later, Batur Hunhan's eyes became brighter, as if he had discovered the truth: "That's why, after I led my troops over, the estimated military strength of the Ming Dynasty was at least [-], which is absolutely impossible. That guy is telling the truth! It's a bluff!"

When he said the last four words, his tone became more serious, obviously emphasizing the bluff of the Ming army!

After hearing this, Yarkand Khan asked suspiciously, "Is that so?"

Before Baturhui Khan answered, Gushi Khan took up the topic on the sidelines and reminded Yarkand Khan: "Don't forget, the Ming Kingdom is still at war with the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Allied Forces. If you don't know us When the main force will raid Guihua City, hoarding [-] cavalry here will obviously be too wasteful!"

At this point, he began to think differently, and he continued to say: "If I were the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, I would definitely dispatch the cavalry from Guihua City to attack from the grassland to the east. Not only would I be able to attack the vassals of the Qing Dynasty. , can also threaten the flanks of the Qing Dynasty, and effectively contain the military power of the Qing Dynasty and Japan!"

After listening to their words, Yarkand Khan looked at the two people in front of him, and couldn't help feeling in his heart: As expected of the two most powerful Khan kings in Wacha, it's no wonder that Wacha became more and more powerful under the leadership of the two of them. !The enemy's situation, which was originally a mystery, became clear under their unraveling.No matter how tricky the commander of the Ming army in front of him is, after making inferences fundamentally, there is nothing to hide!
At this moment, Yarkand Khan felt a little stressed.Because now he is still an ally with the Zhungeer tribe and the Heshuote Khanate; however, if one day they turn against each other, the Yarkand Khanate will be caught in the sphere of influence of the two of them, and the situation will definitely be very difficult.

Thinking of this, Yarkand Khan looked at Baturhui Khan and Gushir Khan, obviously a little afraid.

In fact, his worry is really right. If the original historical development is followed, although Baturhui Khan did not touch the Yarkand Khanate, Baturhui Khan's son, Geldan, took Yarkand Khan into consideration. The country is destroyed.

At this time, Gushi Khan nodded after listening to Batur Hunkhan's words, and said, "We think about the same. No matter what, we must have the advantage in terms of military strength!"

The army united by several forces is a powerful force at any time!
Hearing his words, Batur Hunkhan still quickly reminded Gushi Khan: "However, the Ming army in front of you has excellent armor and armor, so you should not underestimate it. As far as what we have seen so far, the soldiers of the Ming army are all wearing A breastplate for protection, and they are all equipped with firearms!"

Hearing this, Gushi Khan couldn't help but frowned.

Although the army he led was said to be the main force of the tribes, at least half of the soldiers had no armor at all.Most of the other half are leather armor, and only a small number of people have various types of iron armor or chain armor.

According to current estimates, the strength of the Ming army in front of them is estimated to be only about [-], which is reasonable, and it should not exceed [-] at most.

However, if every soldier of the Ming army had armor and sharp weapons such as firearms, then the combat power would have to be assessed a little more.

If it was in the past, the Ming Dynasty definitely did not have the ability to equip all soldiers with such good armor and protective gear. However, according to the news in Eqier Tu's letter, the Ming Dynasty may indeed have this ability today.In this way, the enemy is expected to be lenient, as if all the Ming army were equipped with sophisticated armor.

It can be seen that Gushi Khan is still very cautious!

Thinking of this, he told all the tribal leaders in front of him what he thought of, and the face of Yarkand Khan was even more ugly when he heard it.

There is no other reason. The worst armored ordnance in the army is his soldier of the Yarkand Khanate.

Khabarov sounded a little jealous. Compared with these yellow-skinned monkeys in the Far East, the biggest advantage of the Tsarist Russian Empire was that the army was equipped with a lot of firearms.As long as the enemy is hit by a firearm, even if he is not dead, he will lose his combat effectiveness.

But now, he actually heard that the Ming army has more firearms than the Tsarist Russian army, and it also has excellent armor!
This is really rich!
They were thinking, but they heard a smile suddenly appeared on Gushi Khan's face. He spoke to them with confidence, "However, the Ming army has a fatal weakness. We can fight against its weakness. The odds are great!"

When Yeerqiang Khan heard this, he was overjoyed, and quickly asked, "What's the fatal weakness?"

If others say this, he may not believe it.However, the wise and mighty Gushi Khan said this, so he believed it, and he was naturally happy.

However, Gushi Khan did not immediately explain the fatal weakness of the army to them, but led them to continue eastward, saying that he wanted to see the situation of the Ming army with his own eyes before making a decision.

A journey of twenty miles does not take too long for the cavalry.

In less than an hour, Gushi Khan led the army and saw the castle built by the Ming army in the distance, as well as piers and so on.

Of course, he also saw that the Ming army was on top of those buildings, and the Ming army was all under and behind the buildings.

Even in the distance of sight, although they couldn't see clearly, they could be estimated that there were still many Ming troops with banners flying and people screaming.

As far as this posture is concerned, there are indeed at least [-] horses.

However, Gushi Khan was not frightened. As he analyzed before, he believed that those who could not see clearly from a distance could definitely be false troops.At least let him command, he has plenty of ways to do it.

At this time, his attention was not on the things in front of him, but he looked left and right, and finally said to the tribal leaders beside him: "Ben Khan said that the Ming army's fatal weakness is that they can't maneuver, so they can only stick to the road in front of them." Front line. As long as we contain the Ming army in front of us, and then divide our troops to circle around and attack the rear, it will inevitably cause the current Ming army to be at a loss, this is our chance!"

As expected of Gushi Khan, who is wise and powerful, after talking about the principle of total gain, he immediately began to deploy specific tactical details to achieve his tactical goals.He talked eloquently and logically, even Baharov, who looked down on Orientals, nodded frequently.

At the end, Gushi Khan said solemnly: "The key to breaking the situation in this battle is whether our army can break through and encircle the back of the Ming army in time. Take Guihua City before Ming reinforcements arrive!"

After hearing this, Batur Hunkhan and others nodded together. They still believed in Gushi Khan's ability.

As a result, these tribal leaders returned to their own troops to convey military orders, boost morale, eat food and feed horses, and make final preparations before the battle.


At the head of Baotou City, after the western tribal army arrived, Sun Chuanting checked the enemy's situation through the telescope, and put his heart back into his stomach.

People in the Wacha tribe who belonged to before said that the Baturhui Khan of the Zhungeer tribe and the Gushi Khan of the Heshuote tribe are all very powerful heroes, but what they see in front of them can only be haha up!

With regard to the army in front of him, Sun Chuanting would withdraw his previous comments on the army of Guihua City. It is not that there are only [-] elite troops, but [-] troops are all elite!

It can even be said that at least half of the enemies face to face can only be regarded as strong people on Daming's side!
Thinking of this, he turned around and looked at the distance behind him. According to Li Yan's report, there are more than [-] people waiting there!
(End of this chapter)

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