Chapter 828
Seeing the coalition forces of western tribes gathering outside the city, Sun Chuanting quickly changed his mind.

In the past, in order to prevent the enemy's cavalry from harming the south of the Yangtze River, his plan was to rely on the city and piers first, try to kill the enemy as much as possible, and generally focus on defense.

With this kind of tactics, once the enemy finds that the situation is not good, they are likely to turn their horses around and run away immediately.

With the terrain of the grassland, it is not easy to chase them down and keep them!

However, Sun Chuanting believes that it is worthwhile to adopt this conservative method in order not to damage the south of the Yangtze River.

But now, after he saw the strength of the coalition forces of the western tribes with his own eyes, the most important thing was that the people in Guihua City spontaneously participated in the war, with more than [-] people, which gave him confidence.

At this time, Sun Chuanting's key consideration was how to retain more enemies and reduce the pressure of counterattacking the west.

This is not to say that it will be difficult to counterattack the west in the future, but that the west is different from the central plains. It belongs to the kind of sparsely populated area. It is no problem to defeat the enemy, but it will be more difficult to destroy the enemy. If people avoid and do not fight, they are just playing hide and seek If it is a cat, it will consume a lot of manpower and material resources of the court.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting decided to take the initiative to launch an attack before the coalition forces of the western tribes discovered the strength of the imperial army.Although this will cause a greater loss than consuming the enemy first, it can keep more of the enemy.


The sound of the horn sounded on the endless grassland, and it lasted for a long time.

Whether it was the Zhungeer Department, the Heshuo Special Department, or the Tsarist Russian Army, they all started to mount their horses and drove towards the Ming Army.

According to Gushi Khan's arrangement, the whole army charged past those piers that were far away from the city of Ming Dynasty.In this way, even if the Ming army inside the pier would cause harm to them, they would not suffer much loss.

After the cavalry's hedging, they didn't stop, and continued to kill directly, disturbing the Ming army's rear, attracting the Ming army's return, and then the second wave of cavalry rushed over again, winning the battle under the attack of front and back.

If the Ming army does not come back to aid, then take advantage of the strength of the troops, and the cavalry rushing to destroy the Ming army's rear, disrupt the Ming army's morale, and kill a return carbine, which can also attack back and forth, at least destroy the Ming cavalry in the wild!
The first wave of offensive by the coalition forces of the western tribes was threatened by several large tribes, led by those small tribes.

There is no doubt that this first wave of offensive is to counter the Ming army, and the casualties are undoubtedly the largest.No matter which tribe, in fact, they don't want to be the first wave.

At this time, strength determines everything.

Those of weak and small tribes can only become cannon fodder!
In the second wave of offensives against the Ming army, the Zhungeer tribe and the Tsarist Russian army were about to attack.These two cavalry armies, the main force of the coalition forces, have the strength to organize the next battle after rushing over.

The rest of the army was dominated by the Heshuote Department of Gushri Khan and the army of the Yarkand Khanate, with about [-] horses, responsible for the rear and front and rear flanking attacks.

On the prairie, there are actually not so many means for a battle of this scale. When two armies meet, the brave often wins!

Facing the sea of ​​red in front of them, the soldiers of the small tribe all had sad faces, and many of them even had expressions of despair.

Before attacking, their fate can already be imagined.However, who made their tribe too weak to have a say at all!

On the grassland, only the strong say it!
Most of the soldiers of Jungar and Tsarist Russia were excited.Casualties on the battlefield are inevitable.However, the victory of the war can be expected.

After winning this battle, as the ones who contributed the most in the charge, they will also have more power to get more in terms of distribution of spoils after the war!
Except for the steam train that needs to be discussed after the war, other good things are their priority.

If you plug Jiangnan, you will definitely make a fortune!

The melodious sound of the horn echoed over the grassland again.

Gushi Khan, who was paying attention to the whole battle, suddenly discovered that the Ming army seemed to be reorganizing the army, as if to hedge?

Thinking about it, there are not many fortifications on the grassland that can be used for defense. When the two armies meet, they must either flee or hedge, and it depends on who can have the last laugh!
The Ming army obviously resented that the prosperity behind them was destroyed by the army. The so-called monks could not escape the temple, so they only had one battle?

Even though he thought so, Gushi Khan still had a serious expression on his face, without any carelessness.

There are too many factors that affect the outcome of the battle. Even if he has tried his best to increase the chances of winning, the final result of the battle still has to wait for the result to be considered a foregone conclusion.Before that, it must be dealt with with caution!


In the sound of the horn, countless war horses began to move forward slowly, and began to speed up slowly.

The Ming army was also no exception. Under the banners fluttering in the wind, the soldiers of the Ming army also drove their horses and started to speed up slowly, rushing out of the protection range of the city and the piers.

At this time, the cavalry on both sides rushed forward wave after wave like waves.Whether the gray waves smash the red waves or the red waves smash the gray waves is the result of the battle.

At this time, in the charge array, no matter whether you are afraid or brave, you have no other choice but to charge forward.

"Rumble rumble..."

The sound of rolling horseshoes seemed to shake the entire grassland.

The cavalry forwards on both sides are getting closer, closer...

At this moment, Gushi Khan, as the coach, suddenly changed his face and became very ugly.

Because he discovered that during the wave after wave of cavalry charges of the Ming army, those who he thought were empty soldiers were also moving in formation, and followed behind in charge formation.

In other words, to put it simply, they were not empty soldiers at all, but soldiers of the Ming army who could also go to the battlefield!
That is to say, if these are not false soldiers, the strength of the Ming army will definitely not be less than that of the tribal coalition forces!Even more?
After reaching this conclusion, Gushi Khan was a little confused.

Here in Guihua City, where are there so many cavalry troops from the Ming Dynasty?

Did Ming know in advance that he would lead the main force of the tribal coalition forces to attack Guihua City, so he dispatched troops and generals to wait here long ago?
This is absolutely impossible!

Gushi Khan can be sure of this. The layout before the war absolutely concealed the intention of the main force to attack Guihua City. There is no reason for the Ming Dynasty to know this in advance!

That being the case, does that mean that the Ming Kingdom had just hoarded so many cavalry troops in Guihua City?

However, if this is the case, aren't these troops wasted?

On the battlefield of the Eastern Front of the Ming Dynasty, if so many cavalry troops were invested, it would definitely be a very critical force to affect the outcome of the war!
However, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not transfer the cavalry here, why?
Suddenly, Gushi Khan's face turned pale again.

Because he thought of a possibility, the reason why the emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not transfer so many cavalry troops was not because of the lack of transfer, but because it was unnecessary. On the eastern front, it is estimated that the Ming Dynasty had already defeated the coalition forces of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Kingdom , and even wiped out the Qing and Japanese coalition forces, so there is no need for it!
But how is this possible!
Isn't the Qing army very strong?They rose up in Liaodong, not only occupied the entire Liaodong, but even defeated Lin Danhan and commanded the entire grassland!

How many years have passed, even if the strength is not as strong as before, it will not be defeated so quickly!Not to mention, isn't there still hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops?
At this moment, Gushi Khan really couldn't figure out what was going on?

At this moment, the two armies clashed.

Without any accidents, the cavalry of the Ming army smashed the forward of the tribal coalition army into pieces, and the red wave continued to surge forward, hitting the second gray wave.


The loud shouts of killing resounded on the grassland amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes.

It was another assault formation of the tribal coalition army, which was smashed into pieces by the Ming cavalry army, and without much impact, it faced the next wave of enemies again, like overwhelming mountains and seas, unstoppable!

In just a short period of time, the small tribal cavalry army, which was the cannon fodder of the tribal coalition forces, was completely defeated, and the vanguard of the Ming cavalry army had already appeared in front of the Zhungeer army.

At this time, Batur Hun Khan was in the middle of the battle and could not see far away like Gushi Khan, but this did not prevent him from seeing the Ming cavalry in front of him. Charge him.And through the gap, I can see that there are waves of Ming cavalry behind.

Generally speaking, when the cavalry charged, under the hedge, the queue in front would become thinner, consuming one team after another.

But the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty in front of them did not fit this situation at all.

Just like what Zhungeer was facing, it was the Ming cavalry that had not been exhausted.Or in other words, the tribal alliance in front did not consume any Ming cavalry at all.

Needless to say, this is the reason why the difference in strength is too great.

At this moment, Batur Hun Khan couldn't help feeling very bitter in his heart. This kind of confrontation with the Ming army was definitely not what he wanted.Even if you can win, you will lose a lot.Not to mention, he saw the Ming cavalry in front of him, which seemed endless!
Can you win?
It is impossible to win!
However, no matter what he thinks, at this time, he has no other choice but to charge with despair!
This is true of Batur Hun Khan, and the same is true of the Tsarist Russian army led by Baharov.

When they saw that the Ming army in front of them broke through the front lines one after another, they didn't have much loss, and when waves of red rushed towards them, they were really dumbfounded.

They came all the way to the east, not to die, but to rob.If there were casualties during the robbery, but the robbery was successful in the end, then they didn't care.

However, if they are facing a certain death situation, this is definitely not the result they want.

(End of this chapter)

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